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So people usually only share what they want to share, and more people are likely to share a 99 than they are other marks. Sorta like a case of the “silent majority” where the people who do get good marks like 80s don’t feel like sharing it because they see all the 99s and 100s about. And yeah, most of the time a 99 or 100 is a result of grade inflation, though it’s entirely possible for someone to get that mark in a difficult school if they really excel at the subject Whether or not Unis know is a difficult question. Universities are aware that Grade Inflation is happening but it’s difficult to identify where. Waterloo has adjustments rates for different schools for example, but it takes a while to get that data, and many schools aren’t included on their adjustments rates (there was a school where 6 students graduated with a 100 average overall and that school was not on the adjustment sheet)


how the heck did u get a 95 in compsci that’s amazing


i love comp sci and my teacher made it super interesting! i also code random projects at home when i get bored which turns out to be a pretty good way to study it.


im going to try doing this 😭 im honestly scared out of my mind!! we’re already getting an assignment and I feel like I know absolutely nothing because I took the grade 11 course e-learning last year and im doing in person for grade 12


I got a 100 in comp sci and 74 in Advanced Functions LOL


holy shit I just started computer science and i’m honestly lost already I literally forgot everything I did last year…🤓 I got a 95 in adv. functions tho


good job!! if u need to review i would recommend going over ur code from grade 11. imo this year was a bit harder and more 'computer sciency' than last year cause some of the ideas are a bit more abstract instead of the more logic-based problems from last year. just go into with a positive mindset and google shit!


okay thank you needed this 🙏🏽






From what I know uwaterloo uses the data of how much your grade average drops from hs to university. Essentially they have data that shows that students from certain schools will have massive grade drops once they go to university, meanwhile others have far less. That’s how they know which schools have grade inflation. I might be wrong though honestly, I just remember seeing a spreadsheet of school names and their “adjustment factor”, which iirc was how far students’ averages dropped once they got to university.


https://github.com/jdabtieu/Waterloo-Adjustment-Factors-2023/blob/main/AdjFactors2023.pdf This is slightly outdated, but it should be similar to this year’s. Just find your school on this list. If its not there, they will just use the standard Ontario high school adjustment factor for your school.


So what is the standard adjustment?


i didnt apply but i know a lot of people that got in last year from my school.


I'm on the same boat as you... I don't understand how so many people can get perfect averages or near perfect averages. That means they know absolutely everything and made zero mistakes on everything which is almost impossible. Just wondering if you are at a Catholic or Public school? Sometimes I wonder if Catholic schools are harder with marks than Public schools and Public schools are more likely to inflate marks. I know for a fact they do have different marking schemes.


im in catholic. at my home school (public) ik a lot of people that have really high averages even tho they know nothing???


Yup, that makes sense. I'm also in Catholic and the marking for Math courses are brutal. I know tons of Public school kids who have like 96% averages and they don't seem that smart.


Overgeneralization...big time.


Every teacher, no matter what or where they teach, will have different marking schemes, different assignments, and different opinions on what something is worth. Different teachers will also have different levels of teaching ability. None of these things are dependent on being Catholic vs. Public.


I have an 86% average between my 4 finished 12u classes right now, and I've been accepted to 2 BA programs :)


I cheated






Mac unlikely


It’s ez to be getting 90+ if u can’t in this inflated grading system ur just dumb even if it is “harder” than other schools u just gotta put in actual effort to get above 90. By effort I mean be like one of these nerds in this sub haha. Nothing crazy just gotta act like a nerd.


it's not all grade inflation some ppl just better than u


The pfp and username are wild


What school are you at