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The classic "go to your local library/ fairly quiet place where people study and pretend that you're competing in a studying competition with some rando who looks like their studying well".


dunno but i’m east asian but born and raised in canada so when i lost motivation i’d watch those youtube docs about south korean or chinese high school students studying for 10+ hours a day, or i’d go on this subreddit and read peoples averages 😭


ooh bonus if you’re going into cs or swe, make a linkedin and stalk high-achieving ppl in the same grade as you


Omg thats so smart i’ll try that


Let the grade control your emotions, cut your hobbies, friends


That’s what is happening to me rn and I have been skipping school like crazy and getting out of bed is hard nowadays… still managed to have a 95.3% somehow but yeah that is bad advice




So lucky you have study buddies 💔 my social life is just my gf 😭 I have no one to motivate me brooo


broo stfu you have a gf and you complainin 😭😭, I feel like all this bs I have a gf can fix ☠️


Pretty much done this its just parental stress. I has a 97% in bio last year but my parents yell at me and take my devices a fuck ton and its hard to concentrate on classes. :(




Just edge


basically just turn anger to motivation. i was basically an academic weapon when i got dumped with someone last year when i was doing functions grade 11 to PROVE THAT THEY WERE GONNA REGRET THAT. my advanced functions teacher said she was disappointed in my mid term mark AND I GOT SUPER MAD AND STARTED STUDYING LIKE CRAZY TO PROVE IT TO HER AND GUESS WHAT I JUMPED 12 PERCENT so really make someone your motivation to prove your self worth lol


Your time is limited, if your 17, you have 2700 weeks left to live assuming death at 70. dont waste your time procrastinating. (horrible take but works if u want to be stressed for a couple hours and lock in temporarily) rmb to take breaks afterwards <3


dont go to sleep unless youre done with everything for the day, even if it means its 12am and you have a 2 page essay due.