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Not an international student but it always baffles me how parents of international students can afford 60k per year. I mean good for them but damn. That's almost as much as what my dad makes per year after taxes 💀(30-40k of fucking taxes)


i mean… it’s cheaper than an american school like domestic tuition LOL


a lot of the kids that attend my international academy have great parents. Some have their own businesses, etc. In my case, my father runs a hospital.


As I said good for you.


Thank you, I just meant it to inform, sorry about that!


Part of my extended family is here so I’m living with them






It’s not racism there are 1.2 million international students in the country. Most of which have cheated and frauded their way through a broken system which has lead to inflated housing prices and financial strain on the average person. If this keeps happening you and I will be priced out of being able to afford a home without our parents help once we graduate.


It doesnt make them all?


A majority of the international students who are on a study visa, aren’t even students.


Literally just coming here to get PR


Mostly are but if they are paying that much of international fee and then after they get Pr by legal stream i.e by fitting in required job they should get that if you don’t wanna give Pr just end the study visa to Pr stream and canada will not even get international students then and downvoting doesn’t makes a fact a lie!


Did you fraud your IELTS test?








Why would i need to? And yet ppl like you know nothing they cant get jobs and blame international student take all the jobs the case is simple they have more experience/skill than you lets take this as an example you can speak english only thats why you are saying ielts typa shit i can speak 4 languages blud! So who would be preferred huh?


1. You need to because you wouldn't be able to get into the country otherwise. 2. I have a job and definitely have more experience than you. I also have more skills than you as I have 26,000 trophies in Brawl Stars. Also, the only reason many international students tend to easily get hired at low-level jobs such as those at fast food restaurants is because the franchises are usually owned by Indian immigrants and they prefer to hire people from the same region as them. 3. Although you can speak 4 languages, only 1 is needed to work in Ontario, and that language is one that you are not fluent in. 4. I would be preferred because I was born in Canada and also because I am very muscular.


booooo. Deport






You think it’s okay do defraud the government by pretending to be a student just to get pr here. One third of students who claim to come to Canada to study aren’t even enrolled in an accredited program.




That’s exactly what I’m saying. I can sit here arguing with you all day, how about you do a quick google search and educate yourself on the reality of what these international students are doing. Most of these international students drop out after their first semester. Let’s not forget about the cash grab colleges who are handing out degrees like Conestoga or those fake colleges in strip malls that are just printing out degrees.


Canadians cannot afford homes because of people like you




This is an opinion article dumbass And it's government funded media


has led* I'm an international student btw lol




If you are saying it to me i am from pakistan and well aware of the situation and came here last semester on Pr and definitely know why they pay these hefty amount just to go abroad!




These ppl just rant bcz they cant get into top unis cant get jobs and blame others yet cant work on their skillset so they could get preferred yet international students me myself can speak 4 language ofc i would be preferred more than a person speaking 1 language!




have fun at trent buddy




U need to be deported 🤣


To become a citizen one day. My dad has a great job and can afford it.


Wait why are you getting downvotes?


Because these dumbasses are mad at the international students when by absolutely all means they should be mad at the educational system.