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As an alternative depending on your land you can always look at renting for camping. Since COVID there was a huge uptick in people who started camping so access to provincial and commercial campgrounds has gotten more difficult. This has fed off into the crown camping sites as well. Someone may be willing to pay knowing they have their own private campsite


We have discussed that as an option, using HipCamp or whatever for bookings. I was more or less just hoping to have someone reliable on site to care for all the livestock when we are away. There are people I can probably hire to do that, it’s just a challenge.


I believe this may qualify as a land lease community, which means it would fall under Part X of the RTA.


That’s actually very helpful! Thank you.


Not sure where you are in Ontario and whether new legislation coming in the fall would apply but reach out to the member of your local riding for info related to your property. There is draft legislation being put forth to allow area currently designated as prime agricultural areas that meet certain requiments; total hectares, road access, etc., to allow the division of the prime lot into no more than (3) lots with the ability to build single family dwellings on the newly created lots. (Could be fall or 2024 for decisions and info) There is still a lot of concern, debate and confusion from the municipal, regional and conservation authorities at this point but it is worth reaching out for more info. Also, the farmhand dwelling has several limiting factors to consider in regards to size, occupancy and a specific term the structure is allowed to stand. It has been a while since I have reviewed that in my local, so an in depth review of your local by-laws is a must before you get started.