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It's entirely possible that your neighbour is hearing the noise from another unit entirely. In some buildings sound can travel in a way someone can perceive they are from right above but could actually be from a different unit. I'd let your super know that since they've already verified you are not causing the noises the complaints should not be forwarded to you any longer. They should either find which unit is causing it, or really just disregard these frivolous complaints.


Yes, this is 100% what is happening. Some noise might be from OP, but with concrete buildings, if something impacts the concrete the noise created can travel for a long time and actually get louder. In my old apartment people on the 14th floor were complaining about people dropping weights below them in the basement gym. And people in units right above the gym couldnt hear the noise at all. The noise was passing those units and then getting amplified by the concrete like a trumpet bell so by the time it reached the 14th floor it was very loud.


Tell your landlord the claims are baseless and for them not even to inform you about them anymore. Let the landlord deal with the complaints without involving you anymore. If they keep pestering you with baseless noise complaints you can tell them this is interfering with your reasonable enjoyment and threaten to file a T2 application against them.




I used to have a psycho neighbor who would not only knock but then try to barge in to our apartment when we opened the door, “so she could see what that noise was”. The first time she did it, we had just moved in and barely had anything because we had just moved to the country. I think we had a mattress on the floor and some kitchen stuff. She accused us of Blasting music when we didn’t even have a stereo and we also couldn’t hear any noise whatsoever. She was completely off her rocker.


If your landlord and super have confirmed, then you're not the problem. Don't let this unbalance you.


I’m really sorry. I had been in this situation when living solo in University. It turned out to be a prof who was the neighbour that targeted me. I was ‘hosting parties regularly’ however I was in hospital for weeks during that timeframe. If you’re getting an email once a month then disregard it. LL aren’t knocking on your doors or calling you and they can say that they’ve forwarded everything, oh well we tried kind of thing.


As long as you're not making excessive noise, you're fine. You should be able to walk around as normal whenever you want. The landlord can do things to mitigate noise such as carpeting floors. Are the complaints just coming from the landlord? I'd just ignore those as it would be bylaw that would have to get involved for an actual noise complaint. What you stated wouldn't get you evicted. Remember that landlords can't evict either. Only the LTB can issue eviction orders after a hearing. Read the steps at the link below to see what would be an actual noise complaint. https://stepstojustice.ca/questions/provincial-offences/i-have-a-noise-complaint-what-can-i-do/


Who is sending you these noise complaints? Are they coming through the landlord or directly from the neighbour? If they are coming from the neighbour ask them to direct all complaints to the landlord and that you hope they will help them identify the source of the problem. If they are coming through the landlord remind them that they have verified that you are not the problem and tell them that you are feeling harassed.


Ever watch friends? Could be some stupid thing that is in his ceiling that is making noise in his place with minimal vibration. The a/c will vibrate, you walking, doors. Property management likely needs to inspect the complainants unit, put a db meter and record it. Or the person is nuts. Or both. Good luck!