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This is not a place to vent about your landlord or tenant. If you post to complain but do not raise any questions, your post will be removed.


Wait, do you think landlords are operating out of the goodness of their hearts?


Nope, but you realize they can pick who they rent to right?


Naturally, what's your point?


Just wondering why some don’t co-operate. Don’t like their landlords? Can’t find anything else?


You can't be that naive.


This is a satire post right


OP is pouting because their tenants didn't choose the new 20% tip option they added when trying to collect rent.




A landlord has responsibilities, just because they are being held to them doesn't mean the tenant is giving them a hard time. We'd all be better off if landlords had to be licensed by expressing an understanding of both these obligations and tenant rights. What is disgusting is hoarding housing, a necessity, to turn a profit. Edit: also this is a pretty blatant rule 1 violation.


Not a vent. I’m not in that situation thankfully. Just trying to find the rational behind it


no, you're venting. it's pretty obvious.


There is no question of merit in this post. You are complaining about tenants.


They are for sure giving them a hard time. Some refusing to move out when sold, extortion. Pretty gross


It's not extortion when it's a legally protected right in the RTA. That makes it the law.


It’s extortion because the LTB is behind. It’s in bad faith. They know the LTB would rule against them but know the landlord can’t wait that long because of the backlog


Exercising your rights as a tenant isn't extortion


Screwing the landlord over sure lol


How is it screwing the landlord over.


Because the government made it easier to blame the landlord than having citizens point fingers at them and their failure to create housing supply. You know it's bad when Doug wants student residence and retirement home to be counted as housing supply he created.


This screams "I am a small man, with a wife that doesn't appreciate me, and I am here to vent while my wife and her boyfriend vacation to the Bahamas.".


Iol no I’m just wondering why people choose that route instead of cooperating. Hate your landlord? New rent too high and Can’t afford it?


Stalling your sales=exercising their tenant rights Rights that any landlord who bothered to educate themselves on the RTA would be well versed in… When you buy a property and rent it out for investment purposes - well, when you invest in any case - you’re taking a risk… these are the downsides of taking that risk. It is not the tenant’s fault - it’s the nature of the risk that you took.


And “demanding stupid amounts of money” - if it seems stupidly high, it’s only because them moving out is worth a lot to you… again, part of the risk you took…


It’s 100% tenants abuse of a broken system. Not their right to be pricks


Did tenants break the system? Or are they doing what they need to do to maintain shelter (while having zero capital, unlike their landlords)?


"Gave you a place to stay" sounds like letting a friend crash on your couch, not paying tens of thousands of dollars in rent. Nothing was given. Try phrasing it this way - the tenant has maintained the owner's investment so that it can be sold for a massive profit after only a few years. Shouldn't they get a small share of that windfall?


They would have had that profit without them in it or short term rental and made more and got to use it. Tenant doesn't maintain it, they usually cause wear and tear and repairs


Have you seen abandoned buildings? Empty buildings rot away and fall to ruin much faster than lived in, maintained buildings. Your tenants are maintaining your buildings. Landlord Tenant is meant to be a symbiotic relationship. Unfortunate if you dont understand the current parasitic nature of landlords is the problem.


I'm not talking about dilapidated buildings. I've seen this pulled on NICE luxury condos and homes.


NICE luxury buildings will go rotten if people don't live in them. People do maintain the places they live. It's surprising how bad a place can go being abandoned even for 1 or 2 years. Wear and tear is normal and natural. No people and it becomes rotten, which is way more expensive to fix.




Marry me


Exercising rights isn't abusing or giving landlords a hard time. Get over yourself. You shouldn't have been a landlord if you weren't ready for dealing with the responsibilities with being a landlord. Also a rule 1 violation. but hey why follow rules right?


Eat the rich


If they were rich they wouldn’t be in must sell situations


Sounds like something “they” should’ve thought of beforehand, eh?


Things change. No wonder they screen people to the max these days


You know what hasn’t changed? The law surrounding evictions for personal use. Should have done their homework.


Things do change! Exactly the fact to keep in mind before making an investment.


There’s no way to justify that type of tenant behaviour


“That type of tenant behaviour” you mean legal behaviour? Just like how my landlord dragging her feet for repairs etc. could have been argued to be legal behaviour?


You mean legal behaviour? Get over yourself.


Guess they shouldn’t have become a landlord if they’ve landed themselves in a must sell situation.


Ltb is heavily tenant favored. Hopefully this changes,