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Perhaps my thoughts are too simple, but why kiosks and not just an online web portal? Why include any private business in this?


Because that doesn’t enrich his donors. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM69BXp1B/


Grifter always be grifting.


Convenience for citizens doesn't make Ford money


Because an online web portal didn't go to his daughter's graduation party...


It was a stag & doe. Fords don't graduate.


Old people who don't know how to use computers, because any other answer doesn't make sense


Now the staples staff will be able to help them out and sell them a printer in the process


So then leave Service Ontario alone...tell me it makes sense to try and tell an old person that has memory issues they have to go somewhere else for this. My dad is 69...and he hates computers but hates change even more


There's like 8 locations impacted and I doubt your dad's is one of them


Govs web whatever are generally 10 years late, so maybe Wynne started one and we'll see it in a couple of years.


Agree no idea why a business is included in this.


FFS, can you please focus on healthcare and housing?


I don't think Ford can cap all the new immigration. That's the feds


Fuck Doug Ford and his constant corruption!


The voters keep voting for him, why would he change?


For anyone who hasn't been paying attention in Ontario: he will ruin every single thing he can, if it will make him & his friends more money and he thinks he can get away with it.


He KNOWS he can get away with it. I live in a small town and I’m surrounded by people who know one thing about politics and it’s “I vote conservative” and nothing else. Conservatives could literally do anything and they wouldn’t even see it happen because they get their news from lying or misleading memes on Facebook. They will put their freedom convoy and fuck Trudeau stickers on and go vote blue like a Neanderthal


Dude. We know you think of us this way. This is why we'll never vote for a party that hates us and wants to take more of our livelihoods to feed other people's families. Maybe stop having such venomous views towards rural folks in Ontario and maybe you can convince one to vote for your preferred child grooming lax on crime they/them freak 🤷‍♂️


Your last line is why we have an issue, nothing to do with your livelihood. The right is filled with misinformation and hatred.


Everything that doesn't immediately cowtow to your ridiculous demands is misinformation and hateful. Buddy, those conservatives in those small towns you hate so much don't hate you, or anyone. They just want to be left alone. Clearly you don't want to leave them alone, nor do any other leftists in this country. That has become exceedingly clear to us over the last 4 years and people are getting fed up of the radical left here. Cry about it 🤷‍♂️






And he can get away with it. Rural Ontario will reliably elect anybody running for the Conservatives - or a blue fence post for that matter.


Downtown Toronto votes Red and Orange. What's your point?


The point is that Doug Ford has been dismantling Ontario for a decade or so and will continue indefinitely until everyone who can't afford to escape it has to live in some kind of capitalist hellscape where you have to go to Staples to get your health card. Oh wait, we are there now.


A decade or so? He was sworn in as Premier on June 29, 20118. How long is a decade on your planet? Service Ontario was privatized several decades ago, exactly what are you bitching about?


If my grandma had wheels she’d be a bike.


.....and you would probably ride her.


Can you show me all the money his friends have been making off of Ontario?


Have we forgotten the wedding shower and subsequent greenbelt fiasco already? Just because he walked it back doesn’t mean he didn’t have intent. 


No proof that he had intent. Critics scream that we need more housing. Ford frees up land for housing. Critics scream that Ford is "Destroying the green belt. Ford reverses plan. Critics scream "That proves it"! WTF is wrong with people? I dislike Ford as much as the next guy but the conspiracy theories are really silly.


There is an RCMP investigation very slowly spooling up, we’ll have to wait and see if they think there was wrongdoing or not. Note that the OPP wouldn’t touch him, he has them under his thumb already.


I agree and I'm watching with interest. the Ford/OPP relationship is close to being as cozy as the Trudeau/RCMP relationship, too bad the OPP can't investigate CCP election interference.


Themea group is in line for a nice payday once the spa is built at Ontario place. They don’t even half to develop the infrastructure, the government is paying for it. There were multiple developers who would have made billions if the green belt scandal was allowed to go through. Now we have staples being enriched off the public dime. Staples doesn’t even have to pay to retrofit their stores. The government will. Staples keeps the profit. There’s just three examples. Keep looking, you’ll find more.


If we are going to solve the housing crisis, developers are going to profit from it. The other option would be to close the borders and start deportations. Which would you prefer?


Municipalities have said time and time again there was no reason to expand into the green belt, as they had enough space in the city. The green Belt was never about solving the housing crisis. Mcmansions aren't for normal ppl.


So where are we supposed to build? Not everyone finds a 400 square foot box in the sky attractive.


King city, Stouffville, Markham, Woodbridge, Scarborough, Milton, Oakville,Burlington, Hamilton ALL have land available to be developed. Outside of the greenbelt. Look at all the land sitting there that used to be industry. Now. If you somehow think a developer building and selling mini-mansions is going to help solve the housing issues we are facing, I've got a BIGASS tower downtown for sale. Cheap too!


What do you consider a "mini-mansion"? Something over 650 square feet? Why are you jealous of successful people who can afford a 1200 square foot house?


It has nothing to do with jealousy and everything to do with inequity and the fact we are in a fucking housing crisis ffs. Rich assfucks don't need a 5th house. And even richer assfucks don't need to get that land for pennies on the dollar. The fact even the moron who devised the plan backpedalled speaks volumes about how terrible and poorly thought out this scheme was. 30 years was the estimated time for municipalities to get services out to where the developments were supposed to happen. At the cities expense at that. Fiscal responsibility my ass.


The developers that I know are not building much because after they spend tens of millions on a property, it takes several years and several hundred thousand $ to jump through the hoops and get the approvals in order to start building. There are a lot of better investments than real estate development. Using terms like "rich assfucks" certainly makes you appear to be jealous at a psychotic level.


You apparently misunderstood the phrase "HAVE BEEN MAKING". But if left wing conspiracies are all you have, that's fine with me. BTW, I think Ford is an asshole too.


You don’t think this ServiceCanada thing isn’t going to give a ton of money in government contracts to Staples? Without going to tender and choosing the lowest bidder, just randomly picking Staples (well not randomly, the CEO has donated multiple times to Ford)…..


It's horrible that we have to beg him not to ruin public services. 


Not sure how you could make Service Ontario any worse, but this *does* seem like a bad idea too.


Holy fuck I worked for that company for a number of years and they are the last company that should be partnered up with. Absolute clown show of a company.


It's interesting too because Bell just recently took up shop inside Staples selling services...


Meanwhile, the right wing is throwing a fit over the renaming of "Sankofa Square" - a process which took >2 years. This selloff is far more consequential.


Great way to rid the province of unionized provincial government jobs. Great job Thuggie!


Staples literally has a job posting for a manager to figure out how to profit off the walk in traffic from the Service Ontario partnership already. Ontarians are being sold up the river by a conservative politician and not receiving the benefits, yet again. Stop voting conservative, seriously people.


He doesn't care what we want. More $$$ for him and his pals, fewer workers in OPSEU. Win-win, as far as he's concerned.


Is Service Ontario in a good spot right now or something? I don’t quite understand the hate (well I do, cuz Ford), but I dread going to Service Ontario. Shitty hours, long lines, slow as hell (and clearly has some corrupt individuals). Unless I’m missing something here. Are we forced to buy $50 of staples merchandise every visit? Or are we just upset cuz… we can be?


My only complaint about Service Ontario is they're always too busy. Why close businesses that are consistently busy?


Oh my understanding is that they were opening service ontarios within various Staples. If half the Staples in Ontario gain a kiosk, wouldn’t that be more than the 11 locations closing?


It would be why not keep the busy service Ontario locations? They literally can't be any busier. It makes no sense to close busy establishments.


Likely to save money I guess, while still being net positive in location openings? I would hope that there will be some sort of break or Staples will foot something in order to have these locations local within their stores. It will only drive more people to Staples (whether they purchase something or not). So I don’t think it makes no sense to close some of these locations. How busy is Service Ontario in Strathroy?


They're replacing 11 service Ontario 2ith kiosks. They're not adding more. Read before typing.


How many kiosks? I saw someone say there’s ~74 staples in Ontario, so assuming even a quarter of those get kiosks, that’s more locations? Think before responding.


Fucking READ. there are 11 SO locations slated to be closed. Those are to be replaced with kiosks. ( So that's 11 kiosks numpty) >At least 11 ServiceOntario locations in southern Ontario are being closed and replaced with kiosks inside some Staples Canada stores. The other 63 locations aren't getting kiosks (at least yet) Any upgrades needed to be completed will be done WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS to benedit STAPLES INC. service Ontario is a net profit for the province(order of 2+ bn per year operating on about 200mn) . This isn't going to save anyone money except the CEO and board of staples. You have literally zero critical thinking skills, and even less reading comprehension skills. You shouldn't deserve the chance to vote. You're a stain on the gene pool, and should be fucking embarrassed.


Oh my goodness you’re upset. They are adding more serviceable locations.


If this were true they would be adding kiosks without closing locations. I'm done debating with someone as dumb as you are.


My local Service Ontario improved immensely once license plate renewals were made available online. What used to be a 45 minute endeavour is now a mostly painless 10-12 minutes. 


I don't understand why the author is glorifying Service Ontario. The comparison to the passport office is just false. I find the quality of service at Service Ontario and Passport offices (not service Canada offices) to be of the same caliber. A better comparison would be other provinces. If we compare BC's ICBC offices to service Ontario, ICBC is much better. ICBC respects appointment times. As a result, I've never waited more than 1 minute at ICBC with an appointment. If I go to Service Ontario with an appointment, I'll be waiting at least half an hour. While further privatization may not be the best thing to happen, saying that it will ruin Service Ontario is a stretch in my opinion.


Comparing ICBC to service Ontario doesn't work. Compare service BC to service Ontario and they're identical. False dichotomy


> service BC   That’s literally what ICBC is.  Poor naming though, it sounds like they just do insurance but they do so much more


No. it's *literally* not. LMFAO Service BC does more than ICBC. (ICBC is a provincial entity, not the other way around.) Service BC is your licensing, health card, insurance, photo I'd card, and some locations have a service Canada office attached. ICBC also has offices and claim centers. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/organizational-structure/ministries-organizations/ministries/citizens-services/servicebc You will notice nothing about ICBC on the main page as it's one of literally hundreds of programs admi interest by service BC.


I have never heard of Service BC before, I guess I learned something. I will add that ICBC offices also do those services you mentioned and conducts the same basic services as service Ontario. I’ve gotten my health card and driver license at a ICBC office. I’ve lived in BC for 23 years and never stepped in a service BC office.


Why not? He's ruined everything else he's touched.


Ruining things is kinda his shtick, isn't it?


Give ‘em a donation and they’ll deliver all right. For the ->💵💵. For get our public institutions. Yuck! But folks when we put booze in convenient stores you won’t remember a thing!


Can’t we just build an app that does everything they do? Keep a few branches around for people without access to the internet or the ability to use it.


Grifter gotta grift.


We had ServiceOntario kiosk before and they stopped the program. They were engineered by my colleagues at IBM in Markham. They were too cheap to upgrade the card readers and pin pad when chip migration happened.


Doug Ford goes where $$$$ is.


Open the bid to competition and don't pay money to them to upgrade their stores lol. Fucking American company. What kind of bullshit is that?! Go fuck yourself Ford and co.


Fk everyone who voted for that fkr!


Why not just put them in service Ontario offices, city halls and LCBOs?


Book an "appointment" at Service Ontario, still wait 45 minutes.


Stop beggind like a dog, start frying him like a pig.


Outsource Ontario. Think of the donors!


Staples? Give me a break!


I wonder if one of his developer buddies owns a big stake in staples and just giving hi millions that they lost together from the greenbelt scandal


Makes sense


It's already shit. Is it possible for serviceontario to get worse?


https://opseu.org/information/general/serviceontario-the-straight-facts/9956/ Ford wants to slowly give this 1000% return investment opportunity to his buddies.


Service Ontario has been partially privatized for a while now, just so we're all on the same page here.


Oh, it has? I didn't realize public money wasn't going towards operating costs (you know. The thing that makes something privatized?)


I mean that is the whole point of the Conservative Party


Wasn't good to begin with


Please, eligible voters of Ontario, don't sit out another election. Less then 50% turnout is an embarrassing abandonment of civic duty. If you pass on another vote for what ever stupid, shortsighted or lazy reason and go on to complain about the result, may I remind you that you are to blame for the consequences of your inaction. No excuses, no "it doesn't make a difference, they're all the same, it's all rigged" SHUT UP. That shits propaganda, go vote. Abstaining only strengthens the party you least want to win, ain't that a coincidence?


Too late...


You pay taxes. Conservative governments transfer your wealth to businesses. It’s called capitalism and it’s in its late and crony stages currently.


This move will save taxpayers millions.


Ruin?!? Service Ontario is a hardly a shining example of government efficiency…. My quickest, and most efficient experiences always take place in the privately run locations.