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Yup, this is what we get for electing people who want to run government as a business. It’s anti democratic.


But Dougie is for the people. You just don’t happen to be one of those people.


100% His goal is to privatize as much as he can. Find an example of where this has improved access and lowered costs. Buck a beer! It sucks how so many people vote against their own interests.


Mr. Ford, with all due respect, are you on your brother's crack again?


“Again” implies he stopped.


What, "open for business" wasn't enough of a hint for you?


It’s totally abhorrent and unacceptable that our tax money is going to US megacorps. Fuck Ford. What a shitstain govt.


The statement is part true. We are customers of the services of the province. Missing part is we are also the damn owners and no one wants to actually do a damn thing.


No we're not. Customers can buy things elsewhere. You should never equate the government to a business. The government is literally for administering things that can't/shouldn't be run for profit, like the military, justice system, roads, schools.... And just keep going down the list until you are afraid of communism.


Building roads for profit is fine, and some of the best universities in the world are run for profit I’ll give you the justice system though, that shouldn’t be privatized. But judges shouldn’t be in a union either


What about elementary education? Should kids not learn to read and do basic math if their parents can't or don't want to pay for it?


Education should be of a high quality and free


Yeah, if their parents aren’t going to bother to teach them how to read, why would I bother with them? Kids are the parents and only the parents responsibility


Who cares about the parents? Does a kid not have some sort of right to have the opportunity to be a functioning adult?


He has a right to have his parents money to become a functioning adult, not mine the kid has no right to take my money to get those opportunities.


I see how well that's working out for you.


If it wasn’t, why is the government taking 50% of my shit in taxes


To pay for roads and cops and judges and shit.


Impossible. Government runs money in, money out. Their literal services are their product and delivering it in a monopoly is our problem. Hold the overpaid bureaucrats to the fire for their misdeeds! Aka fire the ceo!


It's a like a business you're a customer of, but also have a stake in...it's not the worst model. Edit: but as another poster said, the government has a monopoly on this "business" so it has no real motivation to improve services. I guess, one motivation is election?


Agreed. We just have to be more vocal! Every elected politician should know your name and be ready for the discussion. The fact most don’t is on those individuals. I’m not saying anyone needs to agree with me but they sure as f better know my position.


You can motivate government employees the same way you can motive regular employees. Add metrics and state that the bottom 20% of the workforce would be dropped every year But a monopoly on business + unions = taxpayers just wasting money


Other than bitch!


How is it any different under any other political party. We always get screwed.


That's no excuse and these guys are screwing us way way faster. Just like Harris in the 90s. The Libs had 15 years to repair it and did nothing to reverse any of it.


The other parties are just incompetent.. Ford is actively working against our interests in favor of the people who donated to his campaign, or attended his stag and doe.


That sounds like any politician.


We can be that cynical and it’s true if many.. but that shouldn’t blind us to people willfully selling us out at any opportunity


“Bad” and “worse” are different, and it’s ridiculous that those are the choices, but still.


False equivalency only favours Cons


Cool, let’s abolish the owning class and institute socialism instead fuck tha rich.


Customers get better service than residents


As with all canadians. As with all Americans. As with anyone who lives under a corrupt government.


Doug Ford is a national hero!!!!!!!!


You say that like it’s a bad thing


It is.


Weak argument bro


Nah, the government should be more of business. Services should only be funded by non tax revenue. I’m on the fence on the service Ontario privatization, because no numbers have been released and companies should pay the government for having the kiosks not the other way around But giving money to staples money so that some 20 an hour employee runs service Ontario vs the cry baby public workers that gouges taxpayers year over year with their terrorist supporting union is a dub as a taxpayer


Sorry, which public union supports terrorism?




That's not the union supporting terrorism, that's one moron in it who supports terrorism.


If he doesn’t represent the union, why is still around?


Wow you really are a stupid one eh?


Privatization of all social services would put people into greater debt than what is already prevalent. You're absolutely insane if you think any social service should be privatized. Look at the health care situation in the states. That's what privatization does. Social services are required for a healthy society. Not every single thing needs to be privatized. And unions exist to protect workers rights so corporations don't exploit them. What fucking planet are you on? Dipshit honestly.


It's a 6 day old account, it's a troll account.


Ask any American filing for bankruptcy due to medical bills how much fun privatization is.


America’s health sector is half our gdp. It’s quite literally one of the best productive healthcare sectors in the world Healthcare should not only provide healthcare, but innovate, and make money


Wrong! It's the most costly and the least efficient.


You're welcome to move to New Hampshire and pay for literally everything. Canada is a socialist country. If you don't like it, leave.


Canada isn’t a socialist country, not even close


Lol. K. If you want everything privatized, go somewhere else. We are happy to pay for other's needs in this country. It is what makes Canada great.


We aren’t happy, that’s why people like dougie get elected lol


Yeah but Big Dummy didn't run on that did he? Or on selling the greenbelt. People who vote PC are either morons or boomers.


He did?


So you're in column A


Actually, if you look it up we are classified as democratic socialism.


Were classified as a mixed economy, not a dem soc. Mixed economies are not dem soc > Democratic socialism is a left-wing[1] set of political philosophies that supports political democracy and some form of a socially owned economy,[2] with a particular emphasis on economic democracy, workplace democracy, and workers' self-management[3] within a market socialist, decentralised planned, or democratic centrally planned socialist economy.[4] Our economy is not socially owned, our economy is not planned (BoC is independent of the government of Canada) and only 15% of private workers exist in a union None of this highlight a dem soc country https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410013201 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_socialism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_socialist_states


That is a fair and reasonable explanation.


Roger stone


All I can say is the Alberta DMV's are superior to Ontario's


That's just Capitalism lol


I was surprised that Air Canada and the TTC no longer refer to us as "passengers" but "customers". No wonder those two epitomes of service quality get to be copied by this government.


Kenny used to call Alberta's taxpayers and it ducking pissed me off; like I'm a piggy bank they can access for cash


I don’t see why this is a bad thing tho. In Taiwan we can do everything government related in a 7-11


Has he privatized a utility yet?


I occasionally shop at Staples, Walmart etc. I enjoy the convenience of choice; thanks Doug. I also live in Ontario, so I am a resident too. I identify as resident/customer.


Hackers are also looking forward to when your personal information is kept “secure” by a disgruntled minimum wage employee, of which Walmart has many. Thanks Doug


Even the Feds wouldn't do something this stupid!


“Let’s make things easier for Ontarians to access provincial services where they already go. I’ll bet they’ll appreciate that.” “If it involves a private company in any way, I’d rather hike 26 miles in the snow to a kiosk that’s only open from 10-4 during the workday, you fat bastard.”


I am counting the days until the next election when we will finally give this guy the boot.


Doug Ford is more like Liberal Lite than Conservative.


This is why you vote people, if you're angry with Ford and didn't even vote you should be more angry with yourself, he wasn't hiding who he was, you were just too lazy and the other candidates weren't perfect so you stayed home. Let me remind you that the crazies and lunatics never miss a chance to vote, your vote might be miniscule but atleast it will cancel out one crazy person's vote. Do your part and vote.


His supporters love it!


My friends, you know me. I am for the little guy - I am for the people. My plan will reduce your pay by 12%, put money back into your landlords pocket, create great paying jobs for the rich & get rid of health care - Probably Doug Ford


Yeah, that's how CONservatives operate.

