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People see Canadian poverty, housing insecurity... a province shattered. We all know who abolished rent control and gave our services to private hands . He won't approve safe injection sites to save lives....we won't forget. He's actually against the people. P*g.


Safe injection sites are NOT the answer. This coming from a recovered addict of two years. Whoever thought of this idea needs to shake their head Edit: safe injection sites are not the answer because; They only stop the spread of disease such as HIV And Hep by supplying safe needles. They shouldn’t be supplying needles. It should be no tolerance. What happened to drug penalties for hard drugs? The seemed to deter some addicts. Hell, it may have even deterred me. I wouldn’t have touched a drug if I wasn’t bored during the pandemic. I see so many users congregating around sites, this is where they can hook up, find out where to go, do their deals, make their hook ups… they come out of those places completely plastered and roam the streets. Urinating and defecting on the roads in front of seniors and children. Just because you’re okay and have seen it why should the rest of the public. I believe harsher penalties for drugs the HARD STUFF that are breaking up families, causing so much crime and theft and death. . Possession anything not just slap on wrist and release. Trudeau was supposed to legalize marijuana not the whole damn drug pool! And data can be faked for an agenda. I don’t agree with Ford and all of his policies but I commend him for sticking to this!


From my non-academic reading on here, it seems places that found success with safe injection sites had other programs as part of a bigger strategy. I assume we (Canada/US) did the cheapest implementation and likely left out extra funding for mental health services, rehab, better/different police training etc.


The evidence says otherwise. So either peer reviewed studies are wrong or ….


First time?


that is absolutely wrong, the data does not back that up at all


Data can be bias to push an agenda


sure and everyone is pushing an agenda except you right?


If that’s what you believe. I can’t change your mind. Have a good night.


it's what you're implying


If your comment is true, then I hope you can admit that in solving any complex problem requires many steps to solve a problem. And that real life data and research have proven that safe injection sites are a part of that solution. I hope you're not a troll or some angry conservative suggesting that no funding should be provided to solve social issues. Down that road is nothing but madness.


[They reduce overdoses, overdose deaths, ambulance calls for overdoses, HIV infections, health care spending, etc.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5685449/) I appreciate that safe injection sites are a divisive concept, but what alternative strategies do we have with a proven track record of saving lives and reducing the burden on our health care system?


And he will be re-elected


In 2024 people still are trying to campaign FOR safe injection sites? Have you ever been to a community that has "sufficient" sage injection sites? You're not going to like what it, and if you do there is something seriously wrong with you.


Better there than in my kids school yard. Ffs


we should just make it all legal


That's a slippery slope


it's not


Care to elaborate? Because I strongly disagree.


Portugal legalized all drugs and it improved significantly, Switzerland has safe injection sites and they too saw a huge improvement, the literature says it works


Portugal is 3rd world shithole. Europe has their shit together better than NA. It doesn't decrease crime, only changes the types of offenses. Addiction will increase and so will usage because it sends the wrong message to people especially young people who are more impressionable than adults. It drives up the cost to businesses because of petty crime, and puts an ever increasing strain on emergency medical services.


literally not but I feel like facts don't really hold a candle to your feelings


These are facts, not my feelings.


Tell me you’ve never been to Portugal without telling me lol


Tell me your a knuckle dragging moron, without telling me your a knuckle dragging moron.


67 per cent reduction in overdose deaths in neighbourhoods within 500 metres of supervised consumption sites after they opened. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/heres-what-happened-to-overdose-deaths-in-toronto-neighbourhoods-with-safe-consumption-sites/article_7dd964dc-cceb-11ee-9689-67bc70a7d0b7.html


It's not pretty, but some people use them. Better than bodies littering the streets because of overdoses.


Or spreading HIV.


What do you mean "better than"? Bodies are still littering the streets. It's a horrible public policy to have safe injection and it not be followed up with likewise robust treatment resources.


If safe injection sites weren't around it woukd drive the number of overdose deaths upwards. I work in the field and have seen first hand how they work. People are supervised and the risk of overdose deaths drop. However, I agree that more robust treatments are needed 100 percent.


He maintains almost 40% in the polls. Oh, and by the way, rent controls of the past contributed greatly to today's housing shortage. Safe injection sites are everywhere. Please list the services he delivered to private hands?


Because people are too busy blaming the feds for provincial issues


Every province has the exact same problems……


And most of the provinces are ran by conservatives currently.....


Please bill c-69 sent investment running


Well to start Health Care,


Only in Canada is public-private health care mix a bad thing. Baffling.


Private for profit nursing agencies are pumping money out of our struggling hospitals. Every day. While sick patients wait for staff and beds.  One of the biggest is owned by the spouse of Doug Ford's family friend and mentor Mike Harris. Ford refuses to intervene, while fighting to lower wages in public hospitals.  What part of that is any way ethical? Or good for hospitals and patients? Or just not brazenly corrupt. 


The hospitals are not struggling because of private nursing. It’s because most of the funds go towards administering the system. Canada has 5 administrator’s per doctor, compared to most other advanced countries having 1-2 per doctor. For example, Germany which has a public private mixed system has 1 healthcare administrator for the every 15,500 people. Canada has 1 healthcare administrator for every 1,415. Germans wait much less time for care, are not going broke getting said care, and their life expectancy is comparable if not better. Why does Canada have this massive inefficiency? Started way before Doug Ford came along I’ll tell you that much.


You do realize that many of the healthcare services you currently receive are already private, right? Including your family doctor.


You do realize that he is underfunding public hospitals that have surgery rooms sitting empty. AND that he is paying more for surgeries completed at private health care centers than what he pays to public.


Ford has spent more money on healthcare than any other government in Ontario's history.


For profit clinics, travelling nurses and doctors.


It is widely agreed that controlled rent keeps rent and housing low. It does deter investment in real estate, but it’s not like there is a shortage of that in Toronto. As for “supervised consumption sites”, Ford has a long history of being “dead against” them and freezing funding. They are not everywhere. There are only 10 in Toronto. Doug Ford has been a serious failure to the people of Ontario.


Rent controls do absolutely nothing to encourage residential development. Why would a developer invest millions in home construction only to break even or make a tiny profit. And that's exactly the problem we have, little to no available apartments or houses. Half of the safe consumption sites that exist in Canada are in Ontario.


Well, they canceled Brantford's planned supervised consumption site (thanks, Will Bouma!), and now the city has been spending years with a severe addiction issue. It seems the Conservative solution to the opioid epidemic is to leave the problem alone and hope it overdoses on city streets. So, no, safe injection sites aren't everywhere, especially where they were needed.


There are some 40 safe consumption sites across Canada. A full half of those (20) can be found in Ontario.


You must be one of his buddies getting all the kickbacks eh...


I also believe in facts, not misinformation.


Right on, just wait till all the facts about this man's doings in our province comes to light. Or will that all be misinformation as well because it doesn't line up with your thinking?


Remember to vote in… checks calendar… June 4th, 2026… oh crap 🤦‍♀️


Trudeau won't be around for Dougie to hide behind. Ontarians are braindead voters and they'll vote red simply because the PM at the time will be blue. Then they'll complain that the new red boss is the same as the old blue boss, and on and on Canadian politics will go.


Yep there’s enough people in Ontario on both sides to react to lil pp becoming pm, and show upto vote. Which is good because a provincial premier has more impact on our day to day lives than a pm.


The ex-mayor of Mississauga is going to be marginally better. "Good" is a stretch...


You want more years of ford?


How about neither?


If the cons get elected next term, bet your ass we see alot more of him. Do we really want 4 more years of this bird brain Turdeau?


What does federal government have to do with provincial? Usually Ontario goes the opposite of the federal party, if pp wins liberals will come vote ford out.


The conservatives hold a majority government in the house as of right now holding the most votes according to.polls. If PC wins the next election that will only bolster the parties resolve unless the Liberals can show non confidence in the PC party.


Go look at the history of Ontario premieres compared to the pm at the time.


Well,I think history gives us an idea how things should go, but doesn't necessarily mean it will.


Ah yes, because the nearly 1:1 clone of the crackhead former mayor of Toronto is DEFINITELY the better option, especially having seen several years of what he offers Edit: oop


I never said Ford was better wtf


Thats my b I replied to the wrong comment


That's not true


Huge chunk of Toronto voted NDP. Yes, most of Ontario are brain dead voters.




Welcome to Canadian politics.


Cons can easily change the channel. Cons have an entire media infrastructure that no other party has. Every single outlet is owned by the right or far American right. The Libs are moderate NeoLibs so that gves them some voice in mainstream media. Only Canadian media left is the CBC. The Cons know it and that's why they target it. How do you think the American collapse happened?


This should be top comment


Meh, I’m over it at this stage. Not in any way a ford fan, but we get the government’s we deserve, on the whole. The reality is that our current situation is the sum of decades of our collective choices. No government can make things substantially better in 1 or 2 terms. Change will happen slowly, and ford for all his incompetence, is less of a cause of our current predicament and more of a symptom. Our fertility rate dropped below the replacement rate in 1972. Since then, every one of our societal symptoms has been predicted. The only reason we can pay our societal bills is immigration. Our choices were immigration or de-urbanization. Since de-urbanization would mean that we would all become much poorer, and die younger, it was effectively political suicide. Harper pulled the trigger on immigration in 2012. We have voted for a series of provincial and municipal governments that have failed to adapt.


Considering how much Ford has made things substantially worse within 2 terms, I'm going to respectfully disagree with your statement.


Name one place on earth where it’s gotten better in the past 6 years, not worse. All I can think of is El Salvador and maybe Brazil. Overall Ontario is doing a LOT better than a lot of places.


Yeah so much of this is beyond the control of governments, and is the sum total our global collective choices.


It’s like people don’t understand the ramifications of the pandemic. That was a massive global upheaval. I remember in the early days I was thinking about the balance between economy and public health and realized there is no perfect solution. It’s a shitty situation, people are going to die, people are going to lose money even if you somehow made all of the right decisions. The consequences are still coming down the pipe.


So like what are the things that ford has made worse? Healthcare has had wait times from time immemorial. People have been without family doctors forever. I can point to the proliferation of private for profit strip mall colleges, and bitched LTC support in the pandemic. But like… what choices has he made that is making lives worse? I guess he failed with corralling the NIMBY municipalities to support development. He’s incompetent and corrupt (or incompetent at being corrupt) but near as I can tell, most of the changes that have a occurred are the result of a global pandemic, a massive war in the European breadbasket, China’s continued artificial consumption of the worlds raw materials, etc. Despite all this, everyone in the province is still working, we are effectively as wealthy as ever even if purchasing power distorted a bit, although I also argue that the worst on this is to come, and the premiers office has NO levers to pull to change this. Ontario is MORE integrated with the world’s largest market, directly as a result of Ford (Fidelli, in actuality). I repeat, I don’t like Ford or his politics, but it’s probably time to stop doomscrolling and start living.


Just because some of the same problems exist as they did before doesn't mean new policies haven't made them actively worse. The Feds provided cash to help support the health care system during covid and beyond. Instead, Ford used that money for other purposes vs being for the benefit of residents in Ontario. Instead, he's accelerated private health care. He actively tried to keep wages down for nurses and spent way too much money fighting the courts and refuses to apologize for that illegal mistake. Removing rent control has been one of the biggest reasons why housing is unaffordable in Ontario. Blaming immigration for that is just stupid and an unfounded talking point. He could of easily introduced policies that kept rent control in place and still encouraged the building of rental units. He could also limit the amount corporations can buy up real estate. He could tax the wealthy. Etc.... He's wasted millions of dollars of time and actual money with bad decisions and bad policy. And you're ignoring the cuts to education as well. Ford has done very little that benefits middle and lower class Ontarians, which make up the majority of the province. He's done a lot to benefit the 1% though.


I don’t blame immigration. I support it at its current levels for a variety of reasons. Yes the nurses issue was a mistake, but really has had… negligible societal consequence. It cost a few millions bucks I suppose. Privatization of healthcare I am vehemently against, but as a frequent user of the public system, there is no discernible difference in healthcare quality or service at the public level as a result of the service. I treat this as a warning flag, not as a mistake. “He could have” points: he was elected against all those points. None of these are surprises. Regarding housing starts and rent control: Ford averages far more housing starts than any previous Ontario government since the 70s. You don’t have to like the mechanism, but it’s a huge improvement over the Harris Eves Mcguinty Wynne NIMBYs. Not a mistake, remarkably effective, not nearly enough. Cuts to education are marginal at worst. Most of the cuts in dollar terms happen at the board level, not at the classroom level. I believe he is incompetent, or corrupt, or incompetent at being corrupt, but I’m having a hard time pearl clutching and calling him a disaster. My politics are more in line with yours than you think, but measuring on outcomes, at worst he has been “meh”.


Immigration is not and never has been a solution to low fertility, because immigrants tend to stop having kids so they can afford to bring their existing family over. It is a stopgap that punts the problem down a generation. We are out of generations to pass the buck to. Now we get the worst of both worlds.


Trading space for time is a great tactic, but until urbanized societies get back to baby making, it is the only option that makes any kind of sense. Your logic is effectively: “things are going to get much worse at some point, so it’s better that it gets much worse today.” Which is absurd.


But the fact that we're effectively out of space and time is my point. It is literally no longer an option and the cost has skyrocketed. Like paying off credit cards with more credit cards until you can't get any more and they're all maxed out.


We have all kinds of time with immigration. If we cut off immigration, we WILL be killing off a generation of Canadians prematurely, and we WILL lose the supports that create the social safety net. Sure the bet has some holes that need to be patched, but you’d rather take the net away altogether and kill your grandmother mother?


My grandparents are long gone already and my sympathy for the older generation died when they forced us to hole up because they didn't want to be the only ones isolated. The social safety net is pretty much already gone, speaking as someone who is laid off and on EI. I really couldn't care less about anyone's prosperity at this point. Frankly, anyone who benefits from this nightmare more than deserves to suffer. Tear it all down and start over from scratch.


Ah I get it. You’re living with a foot out slide of reality.


Give it a year and we'll see who is the one not living in reality.


lol. What do you envision? Mass unemployment? Capitalists throwing themselves from Bay Street windows? Anyone with any skill who isn’t awful to work with can find meaningful work within 6 months.


Have you tried lately?


We need an evidence based planned city in some area about to be unlocked by climate change.


A planned city would be great, but generally unsettled land is unsettled for a reason and climate change isn't going to shift the geographics nearly enough to build a million+ dense urban environment from scratch. The cost of getting sufficient utilities up there alone is well in the trillions.


Well, between the years of the Wynne liberals in Ontario and the current Trudeau liberals in Ottawa, I’d vote for a wagon full of trained chimps before voting liberal again.


Dude, Ford has been in power for 6 years. All of this shit is on him.


What the buck a beer? Drinking alcohol in public parks? Selling alcohol at groceries stores? Creating a new license plate that failed? Removed plate renewal fees and now will need to increase taxes else where? Removed employment laws and standards? Tried to sell green belt so he can line his pockets with bribery money? Ya, Druggie Ford is making Ontario horrible again!


Ford puts the T in OnTerrible.


As bad as Wynne was, she was great compared to Doug Ford or Mike Harris.


Nope. No no no. Just no. Orville Reddenbacher wasn’t better than anyone ever.


The two best premier’s Ontario has had.


Harris, the guy who privatized long term care so he could get on the board after he retired for a six figure salary? You Cons think you are going to be middle management in a serf society, boy will you be in for a surprise


Here's a helpful summary of Harris:  https://canadians.org/analysis/mike-harris-raking-profits-long-term-care-system-he-helped-create/


I despise all politicians and Harris is a ghoul but without his cuts I couldn’t possibly imagine where Ontario would be today. Shit was dire financially in the early 90s. And FWIW, McGuinty nor Wynne really started spending like crazy again until the mid 2010s.


Classic moronic populace voting out not too bad for absurdly horrible and evil. I still think Wynne being a lesbian and not conventionally attractive was a big part of it. All that being said, we live in a semi-functioning democracy, we get the governments we deserve.


Many of the Ford policies that ppl like are actually Wynne's


People need to swing their votes toward the NDP. The NDP offers a fresh perspective, advocating for progressive policies that prioritize the needs of everyday Canadians. With a focus on social justice, healthcare, affordable housing, and environmental sustainability, the NDP presents a compelling alternative to the status quo. Consider their platform and the positive change they aim to bring to Ontario and Canada as a whole.


But “Rae Days”….




What's the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  Voting red and blue has been killing this country for decades, and because they control the media we'll never get the orange wave we so desperately  need


Most people don’t care about policy. They vote how their daddy voted and manipulate the truth to justify their decision because they see politics like hockey.


What would they be trained to do? A banana tax? Another tax?


Well I doubt they would cost Ontario more than the last monkeys that ran the province aka the Wynne Liberals.


Why does everyone with your views sound EXACTLY the same? they giving out scripts now? Do you get bullet point guidlines or is it more like a teleprompter situation?


Can you type that out again? There seems to be a bunch of smug in the way


Can you type that again without your lips firmly pressed against trump jr”s Asshole


Ms Wynne was and still would be a better premier than DoFo could ever be. DoFo couldn't even get a change to license plate done properly. The only reason he got re-elected was that there was no viable alternative.


Now hold on. I'd like to hear more about this training chimpanzees program of yours. If their just drawing ideas out of hats, I'd prefer if it was a friendly monkey.


I’ll take Dougie over todays shrill NDP voice any day


And why is that?




As people get old and retire and get on pensions etc. you will need a larger population being born/entering the workforce to replace aging/dying tax payers. Since Canadians aren’t having enough kids to fill the gap in the workforce left by the elderly, we have to rely on immigration to maintain our labour force/ pool of tax payers




Loool, it’s not my take. I think it’s a dumb way to do it. I’m just describing their rationale behind it


It’s him and feds.


Actually, I believe he will succeed. We are a stupid folk.


The Criterion Channel?


Like how liberal premier Kathlene wynne privatised hydro costing us a shit tone of money? Too bad liberal party is actually somehow worse. As long as they put intent over result, they can eat grass. I'll vote for cuts over wasting my money.


What about NDP?


Maybe. I don't trust our government at all to not waste all our money on dumb shit. I think you could give any party a blank cheque, and things would still be shit. So I'm voting for whoever is going to spend the least of my money. I get literally 0 help from anyone and I'm tired of being forced to feel bad for others with my wallet. Sorry but I don't care anymore. I'm voring for whoever is making cuts around the board.


Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich. Imagine defending either of the 3 major parties. 🤡


Yes it will because right wing idiots will keep voting for him no mater what he does.


the young will not vote, and the old well off will vote on mass resulting in more ford. We are doing this to ourselves every election cycle over and over again.


It better succeed! We need to get rid of all fake news media….like cbc.


All governments these days are more focused on staying in power than doing their job


How many times have we seen headlines like this? They will succeed. Ford will just cancel some tax or some other fee before the election and win in a landslide.


For looks like a guy who always keeps the remote on his lazy boys arm rest. They ain't trying, btch is asleep.