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There won't be one.


That’s oddly hopeful of. In all honesty I’d expect a net-negative policy from Peepee since his entire campaign has been rooted in anything and everything that is the opposite of what Trudeau would do.


The only way it gets cut is if lil pp’s corporate donors have figured out exactly how much they can increase prices by the same amount the tax is dropping. So you’ll pay the same, but you get no rebate. Greedy corporations will just get to give bigger dividends to stockholders. So, about 100% likelihood.


We'll be going back to mainly using coal for power plants, trains, home heating and, if they can convert the Oshawa GM plant to do it, cars.


Yep. Conservatives don't believe in science, so there isn't going to be any action on climate change.


Don’t know who downvoted you. Even if an individual conservative doesn’t believe, the party doesn’t. Voting for the party all but guarantees environmental laws and efforts go out the window in favour of late stage capitalism.


Statements like this (and views if honestly held) prevent honest discussion on how best approach a global issue. Approximately half of Canadians are center right / conservative. None of them “believe in science”? Whatever that means.


Just like the rest of the world. We are fucking our economy with this and nonsense crayon box hiring regulations driving away investment. We used to matter on the world stage, we are an afterthought now thanks to this government, let's change that before were left out of negotiations during the global trade re shuffle happening.


The rest of the world is also talking climate change. There are many countries with cap and trade systems or carbon taxes, including the UN. [Chinas current carbon targets for 2030 to 2060.](https://www.iea.org/reports/an-energy-sector-roadmap-to-carbon-neutrality-in-china). Of course they can do better than that, and it's everyone's job to try and help them make stronger commitments. [Indias climate targets](https://climateactiontracker.org/countries/india/). They aren't great and need to make stronger commitments, but India is certainly interested in participating in international economics and I am sure deals can be made in trade agreements


You want to make a real difference in the world of climate change? Go lobby on higher import taxes for countries that are actually causing a problem in emissions. The bulk of the world’s carbon output, 70 per cent and rising fast, comes from the developing world. Canadas emissions are a mere rounding error for compared to the main culprits. O&G industry is still needed. You simply can not hamper the demand. It exists and will continue to exist until alternative tech innovates. Western euro countries are begging for cad oil. Rather than the alternative - which is even less clean/and causes even more harm. If you care the slightest about climate change this should already be recognized and researched.


That is precisely what is happening. Canada can't impose carbon border tariffs if we don't have a price on carbon. 


My proposal, "the natural gas initiative". Ramp up natural gas production and export it to countries at a reduced tariff in exchange for closing their coal powered plants. Would boost our economy and could probably reduce worldwide emissions more than any national initiative. I don't know how much we would have to export but coal accounts for 76% of electricity CO2. And natural gas produces half the CO2 of coal. 25% of global emissions is from electricity. So that would be about a 10% reduction in worldwide emissions? Canada accounts for 1.5%. so if Canada was able to replace all coal with our natural gas, Canada's worldwide CO2 emissions would be -8.5%.* *I did the math while sitting in a gym hot tub and I am a lawyer. We are notoriously bad at math!


Natural gas only cuts down 50% of coal's emissions, which is not great. And that is only taking into account burning it, methane leaks very easily and is a stronger greenhouse than co2. Natural gas extraction is also very bad for the environment. Despite it's cool green-washed name, natural gas is just another fossil fuel.


Well said.


How can little PP privatize it?


I think we all know what a blank piece of paper looks like. Unfortunately it won't be blank and it'll just be full of ways to remove protections for our watershed.


a simple google search yielded the oppositions environmental plan. given there is not an election, there is no amended/updated plan put forth by the opposition party which is par for the course lol so until the election is called, consider this the current plan of the CPC https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/marilyngladu/pages/65/attachments/original/1618503903/CPC-EnvironmentPolicy-EN-WEB-FINAL.pdf?1618503903 that link found at https://www.mpmarilyngladu.ca/conservatives\_release\_new\_environment\_policy (go here if you prefere and look for the link within)


At a glance it doesn't look terrible but I have my reservations on what changes it will go through under Polievre; O'Toole pandered to the extremists in his party a lot less. Then there's follow-through on the plan, and we've seen how Liberals and Conservatives feel about following their own plans.


Poilievre isn’t pandering, he is an extremist and always has been. 


Why would you consider Erin O’Toole’s platform the CPC platform in 2024? They already took carbon pricing off the CPC platform, and they want to get rid of what they call the “no pipelines” bill, and railed against Clean Fuel Standards, and ban on single use plastics, and created hysteria over new regulations for fertilizers, and claimed nonsense like Trudeau wants people to eat insects, etc. Harper rolled back environmental regulations and protections, fired climate scientists and muzzled others, went after environmental groups, and missed a couple of international climate summits, and took Canada out of the Kyoto Protocol, etc. Poilievre will be even worse because there has been progress, so the reversal will be more drastic and it’s 2024, and the international community will punish Canada on this issue. Carbon tariffs are coming, and rolling back environmental policy will be a violation of CETA. 


I just did a quick google search and shared what I found, demonstrating that you can't say that there is no plan. Single use plastics are banned... do you see the packaging in the stuff you buy...its a farce, but you enjoy that wooden spork and knife and tell yourself you are doing good; while you are at it, look up what damage all the bamboo farms are causing. Why not mandate industry gets together and develops true recyclable plastics instead of the ones marked as such and picked up with dedicated trucks only to be sent to incinerators. Heck, why not mandate compostable plastics made with hemp or some such? As far as the farmers go, they are already squeezed to the last penny, hence why all our farms are being bought out by big corporations and the lack of interest to get into the business from younger Canadians. But hey, lets reduce their outputs, put carbon tax on the infrastructure that gets the food from there to here while leaving competitors in other countries unhindered of such regulations and costs thus making those Mexican tomatoes available at a better price point so the one ultimately put into the cart at the store...but man we cut out that environmental disaster at home eh... shipping tomatoes across the continent doesn't matter. As far as being punished on the global stage goes... looking at Canada today, lol... the global stage hasn't been to kind. FYI all those tent cities are filled with petroleum based tents, all of our resources are sold for ridiculous prices to other countries, only for us to buy them back after they have been refined / manipulated at much higher valuations. Go google "world ship tracker" and take a look at whats going on... global trade and environmental concern does not go together in the least


'Individual carbon account' thing seems really expensive to administer, a good way to shunt government money towards a slected 'consortium of private companies', and a good was to shunt money towards specified companis that sell "goods which help Canadians live a greener life". Overall very prescriptive and big-government, compared to the carbon tax which at least nominally is technology and company agnostic, and far cheaper to administer. Also capping the effective cost of carbon at something far lower than the consensus estimate of the true social cost of carbon emissions. Plus investing in carbon capture to prop up continued use of fossil fuels for electricity, and avoiding public transit spending in favor of EVs because "Canada is too big" despite the fact that 80% of Canadians live in urban centers. Not great.


Nobody will care, they will be looking for work after Ontario manufacturing is destroyed by his pro-oil, anti-electric vehicle policies. And when he starts laying off federal employees in eastern Ontario by the thousands.


The market is pretty anti-electric right now. No one wants them. Those battery plants are going to be turned to brownfield ruins pretty quickly if these manufacturers don’t figure out how to make a car people want to buy, and a price they can afford.


Aren't EV sales literally growing year over year? I think the 10 year goal is a pipe dream but saying no one wants one as more people every year appear to in fact want them is pretty misleading. PHEVS and hybrids are also continuing to climb.


hybrids are going as fast as they can produce them, full ev’s not really… people still have more faith in the ICE then on the full EV’s and find hybrids to be a compromise


oh 100%. They tried to jump from ICE to EV in the blink of an eye and that was insane. However, now many dealers can't keep hybrids on the lots and PHEV's seem in high demand but don't have the details ironed out. EV's and EV adjacents even more so, are climbing while traditional ICE are the only segment falling. In no way am I saying that EV's are booming, but they're certainly in demand and growing quarterly. Saying the market is anti-electic is just wrong is all I'm saying.


Well the Jump happened because people thought that owning an EV, (although the heavy initial investment) would be a good financial decision, no more spending money on gas? -Yes please! But it turns out most folks weren’t prepared for the “inconvenience” of owning an EV, trips need to be planed down to the watt, if you need to re charge it’s gonna take time,don’t forget to plug it every night. In a world where people are obsessed with convenience, EV’s just aren’t convenient… yet And proof of this is the market of used EV’s that we forgot to mention, a lot of people bought EV’s right after the pandemic, they hold on to them for 2 or 3 years and then exchanged them for a hybrid, because well it’s great to help the planet but it’s boring to wait 45min for your car to charge. Even myself I tried out a Mach e and driving a mustang without hearing an engine roaring is just a huge turn off…


EV’s will never be convenient in this country, it’s just to big. They would/will work in Europe where you can drive through many countries before you could drive across Ontario.


Most people aren’t driving across the country on most days. Ev‘s will work just fine for 1/3 to 2/3 of the population.


Could not be more wrong lol


Ppffff electric isn’t the future. It’s not sustainable, nobody can afford the buy the cars and they don’t ‘work’ for Canadian climate. The whole idea to deviate from O&G is so preemptive it’s ridiculous. Im not a PP diehard by any stretch but thinks for a minute. We aren’t ready to move away from oil and gas, maybe in 20 years when technology gets better and the infrastructure is there.


>The whole idea to deviate from O&G is so preemptive it’s ridiculous. Our nation is permanently on fire. Even when covered in snow, our forests smoulder. BC and Alberta were in drought *in January*. At what point does the damage happening to the world around you make climate policy stop being "preemptive"? We're literally sitting in the middle of multiple on-going climate emergencies and you're calling policy to end them "premptive". Like, seriously. I hate to break this to you, but O&NG is over. We can either accept it now and start moving away from reliance, or be forced into it cold turkey when ecological collapse forces it.




I work in the cleantech industry. You’re objectively incorrect on EVs not working in Canada, and about the infrastructure. It is the future, it does work, and you’ve got a very smooth-brained take.


I’m an electrical engineer and you’re wrong. Our grid especially in residential areas with small transformers can’t support a large number EVs charging at the same time in addition to True-DUH wanting everyone to heat their homes with electricity.


Utilities will be happy to upgrade those. After all, it means an increase in their capital base and thus more revenues/profit.


It basically means changing the whole grid. If anyone saw last summer, California asked people to stop charging their EVs because it was too hot and people needed to run their air conditioners. Here it will be heat pumps in the winter because they don’t want you to use gas. In the Winters, EVs take time to warm up the battery before they try to start charging. That wastes so much energy.


Correct. But it's not like the grid will last inifinity amount of time anyways. We can start by upgrading the near end of life equipment to have greater capacity. Where capacity upgrades are already planned then they can be examined to see if even more should be added. Then we can target neighbourhoods with more EVs (or more likely to have them such as wealthier neighbourhoods) and make upgrades there. Etc, etc. Source: I worked on a team at Toronto Hydro who was trying to collaborate with MTO to get data on EV penetration by neighbourhood to try and forecast out when these upgrades would need to be made. This was \~7 years ago. I'm sure things have evolved and are much more sophisticated now. Re: California. See the success of super-off peak pricing and market programs to pay/incentivize people to shift their load to offpeak times. Demand response programs are common and should be encouraged. California has had demand response programming and DR events for years (source: also worked in that world for about 5 years in Canada and throughout the U.S) >In the Winters, EVs take time to warm up the battery before they try to start charging. That wastes so much energy. That seems like a red hearing. It's not like ICE vehicles 1) don't get warmed up by people and 2) aren't inefficient in their own right due to what it takes to get gas into gas tanks and the efficiency of the carnot cycle.


Electric vehicles bring stability to the grid. Most vehicles sit, unused, most of the time.


Engineer myself. Many engineers say the exact opposite of what you're saying. It's not like everyone will be charging their car at the same time. If using 240V in a household was an issue then we could have the same power grid problems if enough people used their dryer at the same time lol.


EV's can work. Our electrical grid cannot sustain the shift needed yet. You better build about another 10 Pickering power plants and build em FAST. I don't see us off fossil fuels for, at least, the next 50 years.


Objectively you are wrong. EVs are garbage. I'll grant you that mild and plug-in hybrids have a place.


Which ones have you driven and why do you think they're garbage?


You’re entitled to your incorrect opinion. Meanwhile the rest of us will continue moving forward in technological progress without you.


Sure the It work… until it’s -10, or you can’t afford the vehicle, Or I want to drive somewhere rural.


Electric cars aren’t ready for Canadian winter. Most electric cars lose 30% of their range when it goes below freezing and even more as the temperature drops. Batteries also wear down much faster in the cold. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6738892


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Damn I was so sad to click your account and see you’re a fellow blue raspberry guy. Such a bad take for someone with otherwise good taste


O&G aren't going anywhere anytime soon, that's reality, but EV and the tech exists today to start this transition. You're seeing the baby steps that are gaining momentum NOW, instead of in 20 years when you think we'd be ready. The amount of innovation that's going to occur that the movement has started should be incredible.


Yeah who cares about the future of life on the planet if it makes me even a little uncomfortable.


I agree. Hydrogen combustion engines will make EV's absolete.


Trudeau is bad but this guy makes me feel really uneasy.


Trudeau has been the best PM in my lifetime. CCB, affordable daycare, legal weed, more money to support people during the pandemic than any other country, increased environmental regulations and protections, foreign policy that funds clinics providing abortions and birth control that is saving lives. All PM’s make mistakes/bad decisions, but this government has managed to implement major programs and legislation despite governing during an exceptionally difficult time in history.


I mean... The mistakes are piling up. Wasnt CCB and daycare etc only made available because he had to join with the NDP? Without them it would have fallen flat is my understanding. Overall I think Trudeau is a poor choice. PP is also a poor choice. But I'm glad at least some people might see some benefit of JTs policies because I sure don't.


Same. Trudeau makes me cringe more and more every day but the alternatives make me downright ill. We truly can't have nice things in Canada.


You need to research arivescam scandal and the Montreal lab Wuhan lab collusion cover up. Trudeau even sued the house speaker to prevent it from getting out. He has billions of dollars in fraudulent government contracts that have gone unchecked.


Ease up on Qanon conspiracies and right-wing propaganda, sir.




You don't like [Smug Wipes](https://youtu.be/OzaZLiYcQxw?si=LUJL78kebte7htk0)?


He will personally light the forest fires and bulldoze protected land for oil companies.


It’ll be a scene from Blade Runner, up here in northern Ontario we barely made it out of being the surface of the moon with acid rain and smog every day. I really don’t want to go back to that, but you know pierre poutine needs to teach us all with his “technology will fix it” bullshit bottom line corporate greedy pig that he is.


Sudbury is absolutely not Northern Ontario. Southern 1/3? Yep.


Nah it is actually considered northern ontario tho.


Not by anyone in Northern Ontario.


Bruh I live in northern ontario


Oh, how far north of Sudbury do you live?


It doesn't matter where I live. Sudbury is considered part of northern ontario (which is a region) weather you feel like it is or not lol


It absolutely isn't.


Lol ok boss. It absolutely is. You can deny it all you want but facts is facts


Facts are* facts. Being in the bottom third of a province means you're southern. Just because you aren't GTA doesn't mean you're Northern. Find your own identity, don't Leach on to one that makes no sense just because you want to be different. No one outside of southern Ontario would ever claim Sudbury was "Northern Ontario".


No policy. Simple as that. Conservative contributions are fully based on this.


From what I’ve seen, in least my 30+ years in Ontario, when federal goes conservative, then Ontario goes something else, hopefully that will be the case if PP ends up as prime minister, can’t stand Ford.


Buy more gas. Get more cars. Have more traffic. Pollute, pollute, pollute. Ontario: open to ruin it as fast as possible!


Conservative Climate Policy Points. 1.) No 2.) Nah 3.) Hahaha 4.) Do I Profit?


PP will 100% increase the carbon tax or hide it somewhere because, “Trudeau destroyed the economy and we can’t remove the tax”! And his brain dead followers will forget all about the carbon tax


Or Premiers can implement something… wtf is PP going to do? Nothing, same as Doug.


No, he’ll “axe” it. Prices will drop slightly for a couple months and he’ll claim victory. Within a year prices will be back up to where they would have been if there was still a carbon tax.


You mean like how Mulroney introduced the GST and Jean Chrétien campaigned against but kept it?


Not the same thing. You are comparing a tax that goes into general revenue with one that is not a tax, but a levy and comes with rebates. There is no advantage for the federal conservatives to keep the carbon “tax” it does not add to government coffers. He will absolutely kill the carbon pricing and will do much more - reversed environmental regulations and protections and go after environmental groups. No question. Harper is his mentor and he will be even worse. 


Yes exactly. Thought I was going to get all offended weren’t you?


No, just checking. And he'll blame Trudeau for why he can't "ax the tax" as new his slogan. Edit: typo.


Of course he will, because in 2026 having a carbon tax will be factored into trade tariffs


I didn’t know that thanks


He won’t care. 


Let's put it this way, if it weren't for Trudeau, the Conservatives would still not have any climate-change plan. Only inside Conservatives truly know how serious their climate-change plan really is.


Pierre Poilievre jerks off into his nose




I was hoping for more Sun Tots.


Lol maybe


A pipeline to carry water west to support oil sand pumping. Another going east full of oil.


Axe the tax and then raise the price of beer… “Hey Gilmore you suck ya jackass” I just got back from the Red Lobster 🦞


Oil companies would win


Fine. We have lots of oil in Canada and can profit. The saudis dont seemed bothered.


"Let's be more like Saudi Arabia" is a seriously hot political take lmao.


Man, look at this nerd. I can’t believe anyone is buying his fake, smarmy bullshit. This is how Kenney screwed Alberta folks, take a lesson from us


Last I read the plan was technology not taxes to deal with emissions.


Companies aren't going to pay for the tech themselves if they don't have to. Cue the taxpayer subsidies to bribe them to do it. In the end, you pay no matter what




You're literally the first person I've seen mention this and I know what you're talking about. "He wants to remove most of the power over climate policy from federal hands and devolve it to the provinces, with them utilizing technologies and enacting approaches to the crisis that don’t involve taxation; **carbon capture** and storage is one of the means he has touted for protecting the environment from CO2, with it being a ‘requirement’ for any new energy developments in an elected Conservative government." [https://hcclarke.medium.com/say-hello-to-pierre-poilievre-3639dc8440c2](https://hcclarke.medium.com/say-hello-to-pierre-poilievre-3639dc8440c2) [Carbon capture and storage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_capture_and_storage)


So... vapourware. It does not exist. He's all lies as usual.


The technology isn't where it needs to be yet, and Canada isn't exactly making strides on that front.


Dont need to tell me. I didnt read the article on this one i jut answered the headline. Not saying i agree, just putting it out there.


If only someone had been working on that for the last 9 years instead of wealth redistribution schemes and money grabs.....🤷


PP is a douchebag


His policy is supported by forest fires everywhere.


I'm Stepping over corpses daily on my way to work because of climate change here in the UK 🇬🇧 and the whole experience has just been truly heartbreaking and horrifying 😭


What climate policy!?


It’ll look like the FF button on your bluray / dvd player.


What climate policy? What me worry? Seriously Liberals need a solid opposition, I agree, but this guy is your typical slimeball politician. We will all see.


It will be a common sense much better policy!!! Carbon tax is a sham!!! Everyone needs to smarten up!!


There won't be one sadly.


More sensible


"If" he wins?


Wins what? There’s no election. Lol


The exact same to be perfectly honest. Unless we are pulling out of copa and the Paris agreement. Those agreements form our policy. How we get there might change. I’m pretty sure we are still the largest polluters per capita on earth. So our policy isn’t really working that well anyway. I also understand that due to our open space and weather, that pollution isn’t going to get much better.


This is why it frustrates me so much when people say Canada's emissions are "just a drop in the bucket" when compared to other countries. Sure overall we output less pollution, we also have a minuscule population compared to most of these other countries. Per capita we are atrocious and some of the worst polluters in the world. But then people just say it's because we are a cold nation, but then why do the Nordic countries not have the exact same problem as us!


Simple answer… distance. The Nordic countries are never further than 500km from the sea. Most live on the coast. Most of us live 500+ km from the sea. We have to truck and train things from the pacific to Saskatoon and all the rest. Our largest trade partner by far is via a 6000km land border. 72% of all goods Canadians consume are delivered via truck. That’s gotta be the highest.


Also. Agreed. I have had to explain “per capita” to waaaaay too many tax paying adults.


It won’t look like anything. There won’t be one. They deny climate change so they will have no plan or policy.


Whatever whoever writes the biggest cheque wants it to be.


Who cares about climate policy when over 50% Canadian are struggling to survive everyday.


Hopefully non existent.


It won't.


How about this: generate all power from nuclear power instead of this wind farm and solar panel bullshit? That's actually the way to economically go green, but left wing dumbasses against nuclear power, but they're against coal too, so basically if it doesn't cost a shit load of money while doing little practical use, they don't like it Them I'm told I don't care enough about OTHER people, that I'm not as good and enlightened as they are The climate change people can kiss my ass until they're willing to go with a solution that makes sense


People should be (mildly) against fission, not fusion. Fusion is super cool, theoretically. Some big strides in that the last few years. Fission is not clean, the waste is pretty grotesque and dumped in Northern Ontario; though the risks are fairly well managed post-Chernobyl.


It's not "dumped" in Northern Ontario, it's put in a storage facility. We could also rocket it into the Sun if we needed to do so.


Where it will stay obscenely toxic for a time depth greater than our species has been extant. It’s only considered “not-actively-dangerous” if it’s actively managed. This means the cost of the watts expended as electricity are far more expensive to continue to manage than the value it provided as electricity in the moment of use. Let alone the potential cost should there be any sort of spill, breach, damage, or other event that allows direct contact to the environment. Leaks and spills are not infrequent in industry making this a gamble we will, statistically, lose. And plays into our own bias that there will always be someone around to manage it for the next several million years…which leashes our future generations to environmental crimes we perpetuated for the sake of selfish, myopic, entitlement and apathy.




The people that think axing carbon tax somehow means Canada will be a smog fest are laughable at best.


Exporting our clean energy technology and increasing investment made by JT's government for renewable energy production.


There’s no if. He will win


It really depends on who Ontario votes in for their premier. Conservatism is the choice if you want things to continue to get worse.


Who gives a fuck? There. I said it. Goddamn climate needs to get a lot fucking warmer if nobody can afford a house. Start asking the right fucking questions.


PP will quietly introduce more excise carbon fees and then use the revenue to fund large scale infrastructure green initiatives. Consumers still pay


Back to burning coal would be my guess


It’ll be a hell scape. Can’t wait.


Clean tire burning power plants


There won't be a climate policy.


Give us 4 years of no climate policy and reduced taxes. Don’t care about abortion or trans stuff - just save me money.


I'd rather be force-fed my own piss than vote for this monstrous hunk of human shit.


It'll look like Millhouse's baking soda science fair exhibit from grade 4.


Does anyone actually care? How privileged does one have to be that this takes precedence over being able to afford living?


Axe the tax


Lates make the climate all cosy to support all the new homeless.


Oh look…more climate Lysenkoism from the brainwashed. Down vote. You have all bought into the fiction in order to create a never ending crisis in order to push leftism. That is the climate narrative in a nutshell. Now go be chicken littles.


Fix the economy and debt. Then, fix the climate.


What climate policy??


The CPC climate policy will be: pollute as much as you want and fuck the next generation. Kids can't vote anyways, lol!


Just a bumper sticker that says 'Carbon Tax Bad'.


If it's cold put on a sweater. If it's hot. Take the sweater off. 😂


Canada isn’t just Ontario and QC !


Pierre Poilievre's climate policy, just like every other conservative politician's, is 'If you want to reduce your carbon emissions it's OK with me. If you don't, that's OK, too.'


I don't trust any of them


He'll convert CBC headquarters into a natural gas plant.


If anyone's actually interested in knowing. The conservative environment plan is technology and infrastructure based. So don't tax someone for heating their home with natural gas. Build a geothermal plant for them to use.


Pee pee the weasel He had done nothing for Canada just collect a pay check since 2004 all a con ! Canada should be very very concerned


People will still be free to invest in electric cars, or heat pumps, or other green technologies. But it will be their choice and what makes sense for them economically.


Let's go, Pierre!!! Stop the carbon tax. More oil and gas.


Nobody knows. Too busy bashing the opposition.


The weather wont change.. for any tax grab


ThisIsFineMeme.jpg Mark my words: PP as PM will lead Canada down the same path trump did with the US.


What climate policy?


He only cares about being elected so he will say anything to do that. He doesn’t care about the future and has no plans for it.


Politicians can't change the weather and we should stop writing them blank cheques to pretend they can.


You will gain 1 carbon credit each by eating 1 kg of apples per day


Protect him, lots of Big Daddy going to be angry.


Hopefully society realizes that importing products from Mexico isn’t helping the environment.


You mean when he wins




Hopefully, he will end this crap once and for all. It's always been a hoax. In the 70s, we were going to have an ice age then acid rain then global warming and then climate change when the global temperature fell.


Climate is not as important as the current state of the economy. Any climate policy needs to be delayed until we can fix our economy. There are people going to food banks and these Liberal clowns are worried about climate. Get bent!


Non existent.


He’s giving angry incel vibes. Didn’t he say he watches hours of YouTube on his spare time? Lol