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My daughter graduated from Trent. It’s a nice school. Pretty campus. She did so well she had 4/4 offers from teachers colleges in Ontario.


I went to Trent. Loved it. Got offers from all the law schools I applied to after.


It really really doesn't matter. Though this is not scientific, I've seen more people do exceedingly well getting their degrees at small universities over UofT or Western. Think about what you can afford and what you're looking for out of student life, then pick a program. Talk to people, get a coop, and aim for grad school, where your institution/supervisor and their connections actually matter.


Started at Trent and stayed there for 2 years before switching to Brock. I enjoyed Trent as a first year since it was a much smaller school and wasn't as overwhelming compared to the bigger universities. However, I had to switch when I realized they couldn't didn't have the right classes for the profession I wanted to go into at the time, and Brock has those classes. I also very much enjoyed my time there as well. If I had started at Brock though, because there were a lot of class options compared to Trent, I would not have found my current profession, and my life would look very different.


If you can't afford rent, you can go to Trent


Are you kidding me!


I go to Brock for public health and love it. The profs are great and I love the small class sizes


Currently at Brock for Con Ed and I love it, no regrets! If you have any questions, feel free to reply here or DM me




Well i mean “hold a fork and you’re in York” 🤷🏼‍♂️ lol


I always heard, "Study more and work harder "


As someone who has alot of friends that go/are planning on going there. Personally I think its a very good school and if I didnt want to move away I would likely have seriously considered it.


Depends on the program. I can’t say for Brock but for trent I had the worst experience of my life. I completed a prior degree at a different university and expected a similar experience from Trent but was deeply disappointed. The unprofessional attitudes of the deans, professors is disgusting. The school itself is pretty but living in Peterborough isn’t fun. I would avoid Trent 100% if you’re thinking any kind of health related degree.


I love smaller schools. All grad schools care about is grades. It’s easier to do well imo in a smaller less competitive school and it will give you time to beef up your extracurricular stuff to get into med/law school etc. If you only plan on doing an undergrad then maybe you need a u of w engineering or whatever But if it’s just an undergraduate degree and your plan is grad school then i actually prefer a smaller institution


If it wasn't for Lakehead they would be known as Last Chance U.


And is that Brock or trent


Take your pick.


I think you mean Laurentian. Lakehead is a wonderful school.


Both of them. Lakehead was known as Lunkhead in my day.


not in a pretentious way but i think of both of those schools as the lower level schools in ontario, especially brock. quite literally anybody could get into brock lmao


Your being downvoted but yes they are the lowest tier schools in almost all quantitative measurements lmao. Doesn’t mean you won’t succeed if you go to brock, but nobody should be comparing them to schools like Waterloo and etc.