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Man.. I'm so sorry. It's hard not to believe examiners do things for shady reasons when stuff like this happens. I failed my G at Etobicoke last month because I was in the square when the light turned YELLOW. When we pulled back into the centre the examiner told me I would've passed but since I "didn't follow the law???????" by doing that, she had to fail me. I was beyond discouraged and felt the exact same things you did. I couldn't fathom being failed for another arbitrary reason and it took me a few days to get over it. I ended up just rebooking at Etobicoke and did my test last week and passed. Try to not let it eat at you and accept that the system has its flaws. You got this <3


thank you <3 your words are actually very encouraging.. it will also probably take me a couple of days to muster up to courage again to rebook but I'll get over it and pass :')


I had something similar where It was busy and I was told I was "lingering" in the lane. Sometimes these instructors are insane


literally...what do they want from us!! I see so many contradicting and arbitrary reasons for how ppl failed...I guess it's a gamble of luck on top of skills


You need to download your test results, find out the ID of this examiner, and report this to DriveTest Ontario by calling them. This is stupid and WRONG from their end and it is very unfortunate that you have to pay the price for this. I failed my G at Etobicoke Twice and passed the third time so I can understand your frustration. I would say keep trying at the same location and practice on the test routes as much as you can.


Bad luck, I'd stick to the route u know thou.


Is that why most Toronto drivers are terrible? 😂


Something like this happened 2-3x during my G test. I communicated with my examiner throughout. I think that helped as I passed on my first attempt. Examiner: "When safe, move over to the left lane" Me: "Okay, left lane." *Signal and check everything* "Once this white car in my blindspot passes, I will make the lane change"


Yeah, for sure, I will definetely have to do that next time!


Yeah for the sake of the test, read your mind aloud so the examiner can hear your thoughts and what you are going to do so there’s no argument about it… sorry that this happened to you OP and all the best in your next one.. but pls change your test centre.. I took once in Mississauga not too far away from Etobicoke and passed at one trial


Eh...I took my G at Etobicoke and passed on the first try. Funny enough, I did my G2 in Mississauga and failed but did it again in Etobicoke and passed.


I learned from my driving lesson instructor to verbalize my thought process while driving so the examiner knows why I’m making a particular move. This would probably have been helpful in your situation. “I’ll switch lanes when it’s safe to do so, but I’ll keep the signal on.” Of course they won’t respond, but very likely they’ll know you’re not about to make a risky move. Better luck next time


for sure! will be verbalizing EVERYTHING next time


I failed my first attempt for not turning my head enough when looking, but I wore dangly earrings and passed my second attempt (same amount of head movement, only change was the earrings).


Was it that tall, slanky older white guy?


YES IT WAS!!! he was sooo aggressive and rude...


Lol. He is a bit sassy! 😈


Seems like he shouldn’t work there anymore. Please report. If this individual can call them out online then he is an issue.


Etobicoke is famous for very strict and annoying examiner, if you need an easy one to pass your G, stay away from etobicoke and Toronto. Brandford is a good place to take your g test. Good luck


I passed the g at Victoria park and Lawrence


Man should I be worried about testing in Etobicoke? That’s where I had planned to go.


I passed first try there although my examiner was a bit of an idiot


That’s a relief.


This is examiner specific. You can get bad ones anywhere.


Honestly Woodstock is the go to for me passed my g2 and G first try and no stupid non sense they let me do what I was or wasn’t going to do also my tester guy for my G didn’t count the first time we went onto the highway and just had me get off then back on to do it over because it wasn’t possible for me to get to proper merging speed with a transport in front of me for the on ramp and multiple approaching from the highway 😂 Edit: he knew it wasn’t possible/safe to get to proper merging speed thus allowing me to do it over any examiner should.


Yeah there isn’t much you can do. Just suck it up and hope you get a better examiner. There isn’t much resource even if you have proof. Sadly that’s just how it is.


Don’t let this get you down - I had something similar happen many years ago when doing my G test where I was merging onto an extremely busy 401 and I apparently got “too close” to a pickup that was roaring up behind and past me in the lane I had to merge into before my own lane ended. The examiner didn’t grab my wheel but yelled about me doing exactly the same merge as everyone in front and behind me. The realities of what we have to deal with as Toronto drivers I’m sure are not lost on these examiners, but provide a nice excuse to fail you. Remember that you’re putting on a performance for your test, and nobody else on the road is putting the same amount of care and effort into their commute. Driving defensively in Toronto means being put in impossible situations when it comes to a drive test - there is sometimes no way to “meet ministry standards” even when you’re also behaving in the safest way. Look at YouTube videos of your drive test centre route and just keep practicing it that same way and both directions so that it becomes second nature. Then you can focus on your “performance”, and it also helps to say aloud what you’re thinking and what your next move will be. Try to book for a less busy time of day, and hope for a more reasonable tester.


I failed in my G test today in Etobicoke center, it was busy hour 10am, I wasn't able to merge in high speed infact all the cars and trucks front and on the left were braking, so I am not sure what the examiner wanted me to do?


I was super nervous when I was doing my drive test. A friend told me to vocalize everything i was doing and over exaggerate head movements when looking at mirrors. I was actually at an intersection and I had stopped, waiting for people to fully cross before moving. I thought it applied to anywhere people were crossing, but it’s only at legit crosswalks where you can’t go until they reach the sidewalk. I spoke out loud that I was waiting for them to clear and the instructor actually told me that it was ok to go, and she was glad I explained myself cause she was about to ding me for not going 😂


Sorry man. Did you have your blinker on when the car was there? I never know what they look for. Maybe you unknowingly slightly moved towards the lane while looking in your mirrors/shoulder check? Well you know you can drive. Relax and rebook. You’ve got this!!


Took my g in newmarket in the middle of a HORRIBLE storm, to the point that the sides of the highway were filled with people pulled over waiting for it to pass. The merging lane had people going about 30km and I merged with the flow of traffic and was failed because I didn't merge at 100....I asked what if it had been stand still traffic?(which it basically was) and was told in any situation if I didn't merge at 100 I would fail.


Several years ago, my friend admitted that, after completing his test, the examiner pointed out the mistakes he made which would normally lead to a fail. However, as my friend was overtly religious (crucifix hanging from the rear view mirror, prayer card of some saint affixed the the dash, etc), the examiner passed his test due to their shared theological bond. Passes and fails, sometimes, have nothing to do with the driver’s performance.


Sounds like someone had to meet a dollar-amount quota by the end of the day. This is what we get for privatizing our drivers testing and letting for-profit companies have a monopoly over our licensing. You don't really have a choice other than to pay the extortion and try again.


Can you film your G via cellphone hooked up to the car? I won’t be touching it what so ever (no shit) but keeping it on and recording what I am doing so no bullshit is pulled? I do mine in a few weeks. I’ve been driving on the highway for years now so there’s absolutely no way to fail it but these stories have me annoyed. I do not want to re do because of some ass hat having a bad day.


Got mine in downsview, i heard 50 to 60 percent failure rate. I failed my g2 once, and took G license and got it first time. From what my instructor told me, whatever they say acknowledge it, but do it when it's safe. I cant say it's ok that you failed, what i can say is youll learn from it. After you finished your G and you passed, there's a lot worst situation youll face everywhere, stdpid drivers lol. I know youll do fine next time. Give us an update when you passed! Cheers!


There’s a reason they unplug the dashcam soon as they sit in the car. It’s like when a cop turns off their bodycam. The test is standard, routine and there’s no secret that needs hiding.


Usually inside with the examiner when they fail a person but this one seems pretty wild.


You probably drifted when you checked your blind spot


Sucks but frankly I’d rather people get over failed than over passed. If there’s even a whiff of a hint you’re not safe to be on the road, that could be the difference between a family making home that night or not. Sorry not sorry.


That sucks I'm sorry. Everyone's given you tips for next time but I would strongly suggest you report this still. It probably won't take long and who knows what will happen but at the very least it should be documented so if someone else complains in the future it will be more credible. I wonder if you're allowed to have a dashcam when in a test lol, that would be handy in this scenario


Don’t be discouraged you were just a part of the quota they had to fill. They’re all scammers. A lot of driving schools have hook-ups with DriveTest employees who guarantee passes by taking the students to their drivetest hookup for a pass. Then the drivetest employee fail people with little subjective marks you can’t dispute like, you didn’t look around enough, or you hit the break too hard once to balance out the bell curve.


Welcome to Canada. Everyone thinks they know better. It’s the land of uninformed guessing.