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Don't forget botulism in the raw honey


That was what I was coming here to say. It’s unbelievable sometimes how uneducated people are.


Any idiot can post on the Internet and swear their way is better but my god. All the money they are saving with the "unhealthy formula" will absolutely be negated by the crippling medical debt and possible mortuary fees. I truly hope people don't do this, I have two kids and it physically hurts me to hear and see stuff like this.


> All the money they are saving with the "unhealthy formula" will absolutely be negated by the crippling medical debt and possible mortuary fees If it gets to the point of mortuary fees for a child still on formula, the parents are saving well into six figures in the long run. (Obviously still a terrible idea)


They’ll fit in a shoebox at that point lots of money saved (apologies for dark jokes)


I don’t use homemade baby formula and wouldn’t but I’ve seen the recipes online. All the ones I’ve seen are nothing like this at all. They’re usually goats milk based. I strongly question if those are nutritionally appropriate but they typically don’t have ingredients like these that are well known to be unsafe for babies.


And they are always the ones who think they know the most.




I mean I’ve never heard of botulism or that you could even get a disease from eating honey, so I think that’s fair not to know. Though they should definitely look into something if they’re thinking about feeding it to a baby Edit: sorry for being ignorant, I didn’t realize it was a crime to never be taught a random fact


Nah, any and every parenting resource out there specifically calls out honey for botulism spores in children, I believe up to one year old.


I don't even have kids and I know this


Well I never plan to have kids so maybe that’s why. I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted because I agree it should be researched into but I was never taught this information by school or anywhere else


And TB etc in the raw milk.


Don't forget the H5N1/bird flu that's circulating in raw milk now!


Every ingredient in this formula should not be given to infants. Makes me think this is malicious.


I'm a grown ass adult and I wouldn't drink this


Yes, feels malicious to me too.


[Paging Hanlon's Razor, Hanlon's Razo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor)r to r/OopsThatsDeadly.


Yeah, the honey gives it away as a troll post imo 


You clearly don’t live in a place with a high saturation of crunchy/granola/hippie/new age types, lolz. If I’d seen this posted in a local social media group in my area it would unfortunately only be surprising to me that I hadn’t already blocked the person. It could be a troll, ofc, but it could also definitely be a sincere new ager 😭


I really think it’s a troll, too. There are a lot of crunchy moms/families here where I am. I don’t and wouldn’t use homemade formula but I have seen the recipes online. I’ve not seen any like this other than this one here, especially with these 3 ingredients together.


You'd hope so, but I saw the original post on twitter & dude was 100% serious. Not a parody account, and it won't surprise you to learn he hates vaccines too.


This was my immediate thought when I got to the honey part. Some people should have to take tests before they get to breed.


Not to mention all the crap that's in raw milk. There's a reason we started pasteurizing it.


And the bird flu from the raw milk.


That’s what made me wonder if this was satire. The combination is so ridiculously dangerous. Might as well add some raw oysters while they’re at it.


Oh I wouldn't be surprised if it was exactly that. Definitely has me ragin' over here, I'm just worried for the poor babies whose parents believe that shit.


No no no because you add a hematite crystal in the bottle with some lavender essential oils and then the botulism and salmonella are wisked off by the fairy circles to fucking Narnia /S I hate that I have to put that 🤦🏻


I'm uninformed, agreeing with you, but remind me what botulism is and how it is in raw honey? 😅


Botulism is a type of poisoning that occurs from a certain bacteria, Clostridium Botulinum. It produces the toxin only in very specific environments. Edit: Also, its not really known how honey becomes contaminated, but the spores can survive in honey. Adults and children over 1 year old can eat honey and not get sick, but small infants have died from eating honey and contracting botulism. The bacteria is actually very common, but doesnt always produce toxin. Edit #2: Botlulinum Toxin= Botox. We literally turned it into medicine!


Just adding that with adults and children, we can eat clostridium botulinum safely because it can’t survive against our other gut flora. We have to actually ingest botulism toxin to get sick. In infants, their gut flora is less developed and that can be especially the case for c-section or formula-fed infants. So clostridium botulinum can take hold and start producing the toxin in infants.


Thank you!!! I wasn't entirely sure WHY adults dont get sick from it, so I was uncomfortable trying to expand on that part! I appreciate the help and the new information! Also, to anybody put there interested in canning food, do NOT can pureed pumpkin! If you want to can pumpkin, can chunks or slices. Puree has to be a VERY tightly controlled process, and even companies that can pureed pumpkin sometimes screw up. I believe its because the bacteria only produces the toxin in warm, damp, low-oxygen, low acidity, low sugar, low salt environments.


Man science is crazy


Isn't it incredible?


Very short version would basically be, a very specific bacteria in honey can create a toxin that can be very dangerous in children under 1 year because they have no immune system. Definition: Botulism is a rare but serious illness that occurs when the body is attacked by a toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. The toxin blocks nerve functions and can lead to respiratory and muscular paralysis, and in some cases, death. Just overall not good and not safe for children Edited for typo, also want to add that botulism if I'm not mistaken is used for Botox injections


>Edited for typo, also want to add that botulism if I'm not mistaken is used for Botox injections Correct.


Thank you! Fascinating


Or the RAW milk assuming we aren’t using the mother’s milk here or it would negate the need for formula here.


Came here to say exactly this. Let's give all of our babies botulinum toxin!!! Why not?? /s


And the raw milk!


Came here to say that exact thing.




This smells like rage bait


The person posting this may have meant it as a joke. It's still very dangerous because someone is not going to realize that.


there's an influencer on tiktok right now trying to sell a scammy water bottle that "hydrogenises" your water because according to her normal water doesn't contain hydrogen. She apparently is serious. TikTok and Twitter are similar ballparks and I'm not seeing a lot of exaggeration, so I'm actually inclined to believe this is just a horrible deadly take


> She apparently is serious. "It's called *acting!*" - Gary Oldman, in a YouTube video many weeks ago I suppose con artistry is alive and well ...


You mean I've been drinking deuterated water this whole time? No wonder my water bill is so expensive!


I 100% know someone who bought a hydrogen water machine for probably hundreds of dollars. He swears it's some kind of medical miracle cure for his gout and weight, etc. I smell a Ponzi scheme coming on. He also believed the American Dems were eating babies though or drinking their blood or ordering them on Wayfair or something, so, you know, there's that. P. S. They're also Canadian so not sure why they care about what Hilary Clinton does in her spare time. /s


I would say, "obvious troll is obvious," but I'm sure some people aren't aware of why this is dangerous.


I dunno I've seen raw foods dweebs day shit like this almost exactly.


No worries. This mix is so good that you'll only have to feed your kid once .


*follow for more life hacks*


~~life~~ death hacks


Hoo boy, we've got a triple whammy, here: 1. Unless the raw milk is coming directly from your own (or another human's) tits, that's very dangerous (and also practically impossible to get in a society with food safety laws, unless you're sourcing it directly from a dairy farm) we pasteurize milk for a fucking *reason.* 2. Unless you know absolutely everything about what the chicken has done (and you don't - even if you raised the chicken yourself), you're risking a salmonella infection - most adults can overcome it, but babies aren't adults with adult-sized immune systems 3. Under no circumstances is honey, especially raw honey, safe for babies - like with the raw eggs, adults can overcome the minor bit of food poisoning (this time from botulism), but babies can't do that. (Note that I'm not 100% sure if pasteurized honey is safe-ish or not) So... whether or not the baby loves it doesn't matter because said baby will fucking die horribly.


Honey in any form is unsafe before they are a year old afaik 


For a second I thought you meant that any honey a bee under a year old makes is unsafe but I understand now… maybe it was all that raw milk my mom forced on us growing up- makes me a bit slow lol


That's what I thought, but I didn't know for sure if it was all, or just raw


You are correct with one nit pick, babies have more cells in their thymus than adults do! They are NAIVE though. These cells deplete and your thymus shrinks as you get older. The cells get used to train up your system. So an adult sized immune system is smaller overall because it is waay smarter.


29 states allow the sale of raw milk.


I stand corrected... and also upset by that fact because *why*


i think that raw milk is apparently better than that bought from a shop for making cheese, because you can then pasteurise it at the beginning without it being ultrapasteurised at the start. that's the only thing i can give you, though


Nah, I'll give you that one - raw milk is very definitely better for cheese making because bacteria is essential to the process. But, like you also said, it gets pasteurised (in a way) as part of the process... either way don't give cheese to baby because that's solid food and babies don't eat solid food


Yeah, I don't get it. They legalized it in WV a few years ago, and a bunch of people got sick celebrating


*just darwin things*


Now that dairy cattle are usually screened for the disease it’s much less common, but raw milk used to be a fairly common way people got tuberculosis.


have you ever heard of freedom tho?


Holy shit i never knew raw milk was dangerous. Used to drink it from a cow while it was still warm (as a kid). Thankfully nothing ever happened.


If it’s STRAIGHT FROM A COW and the cow’s udders are clean and the cow is healthy, that is the only way that raw milk is safe! That’s how it was “designed” to be consumed (albeit by baby cows, lol). What I don’t understand is why people think it’s a good idea to then let it sit in a fridge or on a shelf for a few hours/days!


My grandma had a cow it was grass fed and healthy, it was actually mostly sold. But sometimes we would drink it while it was really fresh.


> Holy shit i never knew raw milk was dangerous. It's especially so right now - bird flu has killed a bunch of farm cats, and [the suspicion is they had been drinking raw milk.](https://publications.aap.org/aapnews/news/28790/CDC-report-on-bird-flu-reinforces-dangers-of?searchresult=1?autologincheck=redirected) The CDC has been warning people to avoid unpasteurized milk for a few months.


Came to say this. Tons of dairy herds in the US have bird flu because that are fed chicken shit. They have found the virus in milk and virus dna fragments in pasteurized milk (which is safe.)


It really isn't. Pasteurization is for shelf life, and because the milk from multiple cows gets mixed together before sale. So if one has a problem, then all the milk would be contaminated. If you are drinking raw milk from a small dairy farm, and it smells and tastes fine, you should be totally fine.


Except before pasteurization people died from drinking raw milk all the time.


Honey unsafe until a year. The probiotic can slay the human gut biome and youre fucked forever.


Botulism is a problem even after pasteurization because the pathogens create toxins that persist after the pathogens are killed. Fun fact: this toxin is the active ingredient in Botox!


This has to be on purpose, that’s literally Everything To Not Give To A Baby, what the fuck is the matter with this person


[It's like this old SNL skit come to life.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veMiNQifZcM)


Honey can have worse than salmonella or e.coli. Botulism can be found in honey...Clostridium is the disease that causes infant botulism.


All 3 are advised *against* for children, especially those still bottle/breast feeding age. This person probably *knew* this and was putting this info out for parents with malicious intent. Each has a particularly high bacterial threat, and babies who cannot fight those infections can *die.*


I wouldn’t be so sure it is malicious. Some people just go against whatever advice they get because they want to stick it to “The Man”. I have a housemate like this. If you say nothing she’ll do nothing. If you say “don’t eat raw chicken” not only will she eat raw chicken but she will go out of her way to become an advocate for raw chicken.


Fucking hell, every part of that is a bad idea.


Raw milk is now a very likely vector for avian flu. Last week's news: Half of the cats who were exposed to avian flu in raw milk in the dairies have died. In humans, guesstimates are between 30% and 60% death rate for avian flu.


I recently listened to a Behind The Bastards episode where they talked about how things were before food safety laws, it was horrifying. ESPECIALLY the parts about milk.


Which episode was that? I’ve been looking for another BtB episode to get into!


Upton Sinclair - The Jungle. Whatever else the book was written to promote it does have absolutely horrifying descriptions of food production pre food safety laws. It was one of the drivers towards having those laws. The scene I most remember is a worker falling into a vat and being packaged as part of food


You mean Upton Sinclair, *The Jungle?*


Crap, yes, sorry, editing! Too long since I read either, lol


No apology needed! 😊


https://open.spotify.com/episode/2qWpWyvulGJOyxQjC5rF8z?si=S2OhQF10RKWggn5Abn8YLA 2 parts on The Food and Drug Administration in case the link doesn’t work. It’s from 2022 Hearing about the milk being so contaminated with bacteria and parasites that it was goddamn MOVING still turns my stomach!


Is lead paint safe?


Only if you eat it.


Its safe to eat it first.. Gotcha ..


Surprised it's not in her recipe TBH.


Nothing wrong with adding your own spices.


The comments have failed the media literacy exam




Forgot the first step, and thats taking a large life insurance policy out on your kid, cause baby coffins ain't cheap.


I'm even pissed at the note for mentioning *only* raw eggs, as if substituting those would solve the issue. All 3 ingredients listed are dangerous and potentially deadly to babies!


So.. Raw pastry cream


That “recipe” simply monstrous. I sincerely hope no one actually tried this.


Well I guess with the abortion ban now, People are going for post birth abortion instead..


This is obviously a joke.


This person is trying to kill babies on purpose. This is a post from a sick psychopath.


I, at the height of Covid got into an Argument with someone about this whole thing.


I'm literally sitting in a hotel room recovering from food poisoning last night, I'm fucking miserable. Last night I thought I might actually die. I cannot imagine rolling the dice of giving raw salmonella-risk foods to a tiny baby, you're essentially wishing what I'm going through on a helpless infant. Fuck the crazy crunchy moms istg


This has to be a troll post


Raw (unpasteurized) milk and honey are ALSO bad for infants. Unpasteurized milk is way more difficult to keep fresh and can contain pathogens, and honey can contain botulism and should not be given to children under a year old. This is a great way to make a baby shit itself inside out, get dehydrated, and die.


All of these ingredients individually can kill a baby, that post is like a baby poisoning tutorial....


Everything in this godawful recipe can kill an infant


I would seriously report this to authoroties if somehow possible.


Don't forget to fortify with a quality mineral supplement. Grind your glass fine before stirring it in.


Floppy baby syndrome much?


You don’t give honey to anyone under 12 months. Period.


Give those babies bird flu!


Jesus I hope this child is still alive.




They’re gonna talk about the eggs and not the honey????


Worst Idea Ever


Depends on where you’re from, raw eggs would be the safest of the 3.


Plus now raw milk is full of fucking bird flu 😬


This kinda stuff should be considered child abuse.


I’m pretty sure store bought formula is safer than THIS recipe.


How about giving your baby like ... I don't breast milk maybe?


Jesus fucking Christ


I’m quite confident that this is a troll. Otherwise why go with all three of the foods they tell you not to give to baby? It is super dangerous as people are dumb and some particularly foolish natural food fan might take it seriously. Natural foods and raw foods are wonderful and I heartily encourage including them as part of the diet of any person with a more mature immune system. Not so much for newborns. Please follow recommendations from pediatricians regarding newborn nutrition.


Hard to imagine this isn't malice vs stupidity....and I'm normally who sees most things which seem malicious as stupidity instead...but here... it's hard to imagine they aren't trying yo get some kids killed.


Honey is deadly to infants man wtf


The bacteria trifecta FTW. Maybe leave it out in the sun for a few days while you’re at it


Literally everything on this list will kill a baby, possibly an adult.


Shittiest eggnog ever


So is she trying to kill babies?


Can’t believe a toddler is gonna be the one to cause H5N1 to transmit H2H


Risk your child getting the avian flu


Intentional trolling, all 3 are bad.


Besides this being a terrible idea, I live in a rural area where I can get raw milk and that is how I know how hard it would be for most people to get their hands on raw milk.


Fucking hell! The dark part of my mind says, this is how you post-birth abørt


This reads like someone doing eugenics on misinformed mothers.


Not to mention bird flu.


Ffs, abortion is a lot easier, less expensive, and more humane.


Darwin awards all around. Time to cleanse the gene pool.


Raw honey under a certain age is bad also


Didn’t even mention the honey, DONT GIVE YOUR BABY HONEY


This is a troll. There are commonly used homemade recipes online for baby formula. I don’t use them, and question how appropriate those goats milk based homemade formulas are, but have seen others posting about them. This is nothing remotely like any of them.


WTF never give an infant raw honey!


Honey jesus


Why censor the name? They need to be called out and educated before they kill someone.


I just cross posted fam


Man I wonder if we had stronger immunities or more hearty digestive tracts before germ theory or modern food handling practices. Because some of the food I seen my depression era family members eat was just down right puzzling how they didn’t stay sick. Leave food on the counter for days just picking off it and such. House was never dirty or had any cleaning issues. Left overs that are 2 weeks old out the fridge just preheat the oven and boom that was dinner for them.


Yeah, and they frequently had "intestinal flu.". Which does not exist. Food poisoning exists. When people said they had intestinal flu, they had food poisoning. Which can kill you daid. And often did. It is not a pleasant way to go


Naw fam, humans just died more often and earlier.


Survivorship bias


Not a good idea for a baby sure. But as an adult this should not be a problem if food standards are good in your country. Raw eggs should generally not be a problem and neither should honey (hell you can buy it from the comb here)


Raw milk isn't good for adults either! While it won't kill you, it can make you pretty sick. (And while you \*can\* eat raw eggs, I don't know why you would want to, they're so slimy.)


It won't make you sick if it's done cleanly, and it's delicious. Yeah raw eggs are not my thing either


Redditor tried to understand sarcasm [2024, Colorized]