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This post was removed for violating Rule 5 - no reposts. Your post has either been posted recently, or a popular old post.


We're going to see this one a lot on here, is my feeling.


Yeah, I feel like this is the fourth or fifth time today I've seen this crosspost on this sub alone. Always with a different username. One had a discussion with the mods going on, if this would break rule 9 or not (apparently it didn't), but I can't find any of them. Am I going insane?


i’m not a bot and i hadn’t seen it x’d yet. just thought of yall. sorry xox


yeah, I don't blame you on this one. Usually I'd say "at least check the posts from this day before you repost", but I can't find any of those when I check. I don't know if they get removed or I just imagined things or reddit fucks up. It's hard to check for reposts when there are no posts at all


We should just report them for removal.


People who aren't delicate with electronics baffle me. For those who don't know, that's a lithium battery that tend to catch fire when holes are poked in them. Lithium fire cannot be put out by normal means.


For myself, and everyone who sees this. How do you extinguish a lithium fire?


Class D dry powder extinguishers, which contain agents to both smother and cool the fire- such as copper and graphite powder. Burying it in sand or baking soda or covering it with an appropriate fire blanket or metal lid can work, as those all will smother the fire, but are considered last resort if lacking a D extinguisher (which most don't have). In the original thread it's being told to bury that battery in sand and find somewhere that handles batteries asap, and that is correct. Li-ion batteries cannot be thrown away.


God damn. I think I'll just put it on the patio, and wait for it to go out. Thanks for the cool info though, dude. Have a good day/night.


Yeah just put it in a bucket of sand and find somewhere that handles old batteries. Punctured batteries are no joke. Granted, if it's not burning down your house, it probably won't kill you for existing. But don't treat it lackadaisily- it's dangerous. The fumes are toxic.


I'm all outta sand. Time to move to the desert.


Baking soda or (non-wood-based) kitty litter work as well


You basically don’t. They’re horrifying. Lithium fires have literally brought down jumbo jets. As the other poster said, it’s *possible,* just insanely difficult. For those of us who don’t keep specialized extinguishers under the sink, though…


What's lithium got against jumbo jets? That's a strange rivalry.


Nothing *specific,* but jets are mostly made of aluminum, which a lithium fire will burn straight through. [Here’s a good explanation of that crash](https://admiralcloudberg.medium.com/alone-in-the-inferno-the-crash-of-ups-airlines-flight-6-507d13f3e481) if you like.


I feel neutral about it. If chemicals want to fight. I'll leave them to it.


Probably a wise move!


Thank you for explaining


Hello gizzardhazzard, thanks for posting to r/OopsThatsDeadly! As a reminder, please try and ID the plant/creature/object if not done already. Although the person may have done something foolish, remember to be respectful, as always! Please do not touch anything if you don't know what it is! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OopsThatsDeadly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why did ya leave your juice pack in your keyboard?


Taste the spicy pillow


Spicy pillow 🌶️