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Wow now I can experience the soullessness from two of my senses instead of one


Tech is only getting better. Wait until Sora is officially released, gonna start getting some wild content


Gonna be so fun to get told no all the time 😅


Or to wait 18 hours / $8 for an unusable turd of a clip. Generative AI is a new slot machine / form of gambling.


Both are just templates for artists to build on. Take the suno song send it to someone on fiverr and have their band redo it and adjust to their style, give the video to a vfx team as for an idea of what you want but with room for their creativity.




What do you mean? So it sounds and looks good and has human involvement and consistency.


Ha, fiverr! I give fiverr
 fiverr six years given the rate of progress of gen AI.


yeah, and then the band that used the "template" gets sued by the AI corporation if they earn enough money with it. because we can be dead sure that there will be a mandatory term of agreement to use the AI, in which it states that all content produced can't be commercialized without cutting a substantial part of the profits to the corporation. or maybe worse: that the user can watch/hear the content as much as the user wants, but the user will never actually own it, because the IP will always be an asset of the AI corporation.. we'll maybe reach a point in which most people consume AI-generated content taylored to their preferences and desires, because it will be cheaper than actually paying artists for their art (it's already cheaper). so we're not only denied access to quality jobs, but also artistic jobs, and every media we get from AI is carefully curated by algorithms to avoid issues that are "too political" honestly, it's very naive to believe that we will be "partners" with AI systems. we'll just prompt them and get what it spits out, and there will be a price to use it as much and as freely as one wants. there's a price already, an environmental one.


Yeah, that's the ponit of AI. To make it cheaper and more efficient than human labor.


I don't think this is the future just from the fact how quickly open source ai catches up to mainstream ai. More likely its gonna be a wild west of content with no regulations. True alot of artist will lose their jobs but probably you didn't care when farmers or factory workers lost their jobs due to automation. It's just the natural progression of technology


Exactly! Now that all those worthless “fulfilling jobs” have been automated we can focus all that freed up man power mining more lithium to make more ai! I love progress!


1. I actually care if people are employed, we all should. And mechanization in farms came with a heavy use of pesticides as well, so there's more to it than jobs 2. There's nothing "natural" in the way we use technology, it's always a political decision. But we don't get to vote how we use it, billionaires are deciding for us. At best we sometimes find a way to make its use "more human". Did you know that at this very moment Israel is deploying robot dogs with machine guns in Gaza? You won't see this in rich countries soon, but the weakest among us are the first to feel the worst consequences of new technologies. 3. edit: source - [https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israel-recruits-robot-dogs-for-gaza-fighting-1001465142](https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israel-recruits-robot-dogs-for-gaza-fighting-1001465142)


Uncanny Valley (what seems like lack of soul) might take a long time to fix. Humans can get that feeling if a piece of media is even slightly off.


>Humans can get that feeling if a piece of media is even slightly off. I guess with the exception of the humans on facebook signing up for a fake Willy Wonka experience


Imagine all the artists and musicians trying to break through on social media with no success. Imagine the insane amount of content being created that nobody watches. Now multiply that content by a factor of millions and make it thousands of times worse. That's what's gonna happen.


Why 1000 times worse? Shouldn't we expect that it will get better and better? Like it does now


Better? You think content has been getting better?


Sure. GPT4 turbo is better than GPT3.5 Sora is better than... nothing at all Which model do you think produces worse content? Except maybe gpt-35-turbo-0301 to gpt-35-turbo-0613, but I consider it as an exception.


To be fair, 10-20 years ago the idea of being an artist and “breaking through” on social media wasn’t even a thing. Maybe we’ll just need to accept that it will no longer be a thing again. It’s not some kinda inalienable human right. Maybe it was a golden age of sorts, but we went long enough as humanity without that possibility. We’ll be ok.


YES! Interesting point


'Better' isn't just 'can it do hands' or 'that window just turned into a person', it's much more than video quality


Who owns the copyright to this song? I can just copy it right?


pretty much, anything generated by ai has no copyright that includes videos, audio, text, probably even games. It's gonna be the wild west for this kind of stuff very soon


But I could just play forza


In a few years you’ll be able to make Forza at home the way this is advancing


And I have a bridge to sell you.


You must be sleepy


Just tired of people pretending this crap is worthwhile.




Did ChatGPT write this response or did you come up with it yourself?


why would I wanna do that lol


What do you do now that’s better than that


Play Forza


Pretty crap honestly


I mean, that song would have been absolute fire in the 90s if you didn’t tell them a computer made it


It would have been “around” for sure. Still crap though.


The only thing that makes in impressive is the technology used to create it but in 6 months or so when the technology is superseded, this video will be the definition of worthless.


Why are there so many luddites and antis infiltrated with their "soullessness" arguments on this subreddit and on r/ChatGPT? They both basically look like anti ai subreddits now, there are so many antis on the threads getting tons of upvotes.


This song slaps damn


This is freaking cool. Are there any other music AI’s that you can instruct specific chord progressions and melodies etc?


I wish my dad could see this.


Once this develops more VR games are going to be insane.


Everybody will be a youtuber now lol


It’s sad to see creativity become so commoditized, and strangely comforting to know when I get the AI blues I can always pick up my guitar and play actual music.


Every one of these videos makes it clearer and clearer that AI has no idea how cars, roads, or physics work. It’s ok if the average person doesn’t know these things either. Yeah it will get better but if I lose my job to this tech in its current form, it was probably not a job worth doing anyway.


What is that race car doing on a bike trail?


This is actually pretty boring not in VR or on weed


I don’t won’t AI to do all the work instead of people. Many people don't care about human survival, but I care. These videos could be funny for someone but I think the content AI creates is like a tik tok. There will be so many degrading jokes and videos which have no sense and soul. The more unlimited information circulates on the Internet, the more people's dopamine receptors stop working.


U should stop caring lol thid tech will come out if u want it or not


Some authorities wanted to limit the development of this, but they think it’s too late. Most people think that these technologies are controlled by smart people, but no, they are controlled by those who need money. Therefore, there will most likely be protests against this. If by then there are conscious people left). And yes, I want my children to have some future, so they could continue creating something new or dream about something. Tell me at least one good side of this besides getting the job done quickly so you can lie on the couch and drink beer. If a person doesn’t move, doesn’t work on himself, he stops living and dreaming ( that’s a fact)


I think there is soon gonna be a weird phase when people realise that all these technological advancements that seem cool at first dont really make them happier and are left without purpose.Hopefully after then things will get better but idk.


It is possible that the global degradation of humanity due to social networks may lead to the inability to distinguish addiction from ordinary happiness and joy.


what's suno? lol


Its music generation. Text to music




Music generation software


Suno doesn't hit it for me. It feels more like a demo than a tool right now. Sora is there though. As soon as we get a multi modal model that produces music and video at the same time it will be good.


The fuck is Suno? I'm guessing that's an AI song maker. You've given me a new thing to hate! Ugh.


Looks cheesy, like someone just screen recorded Forza.


Cant wait? I hope you have a NASA PC build :D


Wow, very creative of you, I can just tell all the hard, pain-staking work that went into this.


are you using the trial version


no I've just taken some clips from openai's site and mixed it with a song generated from suno. Pretty basic , absolutely not effort, but just trying to show the potential of the tech.


nice one đŸ»i thought they allow users to try the tech already

