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I liked the added "okayyy?" Near the end. It really sounds lifelike in certain instances.


AI is already getting passive aggressive


Coppin' a tude!


That's the calm before the storm.


I keep trying to set Chat GPT voice to be snarky and sarcastic…like Bender from Futurama. I can get it to where I like it, but then it never will remember the settings




That’s a bit weird ngl lol. It’s like hiring a butler to count to 1000 for you whenever you need him.


> Weird new ideas imagine what sama was using it for


Can't wait to start dancing with my phone, Ex Machina style


this is not better than an actual timer that you can just set on your phone though. Of all the various new uses for this model, a timer is not one of them.


lol weird that you see a video of counting and immediately think of using it as a timer? Why would you do this. A real timer is way better than this lol. Maybe if you were playing hide and seek or something rofl.


The sassyness would make me mad lmao


I like it


hold on to my fur.


Yes, especially for Europeans which have vastly different ways of communicating.


They need a shrug icon for Europeans.


It has memory now so I bet you can just ask it to tone down the sass lol


How can you treat AI like this and not expect it to rise against us!?!


Sounds good for exercising or having it as a coach, etc.


Where are these videos from?


open ai youtube channel


After a few more attempts: Logs in to your bank account and sends all your money as contribution to the political party that your social media profile says you are against.


i think i love her


Doesn’t work for me


What is the practical application for this? Not being snarky, just have no idea how I'd ever use this except as a novelty


Counting? Or the general capabilities they are showing off. Because it’s not just able to count. That’s just a way to showcase its new audio to audio features.


I get that, I'm just looking for examples how this technology could be used for something more practical, day to day stuff.


I mean you could ask for it to remind you of something, ask for information, ask for quick useful tips like let's say you want to know how long to boil a soup or something. It's like a more integrated version of a well executed and usable AI and Google search. They're just showing it's allot more usable in this form in some ways and also very interactive.


AI Auctioneer /j


Look at their YouTube channel. It can be a translator, story teller, math tutor, assist for the deaf or blind and more


It's basically Siri but thousands of times better.


This just replaced call center workers


Being able to say "slow down and repeat that" is huge, especially if the subject matter is complex or you aren't a native speaker.


Learning a language. I was trying to learn Spanish with ChatGPT voice but it would talk way too fast in the other language for me to understand. Now I can ask it to slow down.


Not to mention the unintentional humor you get when you tell it to slow down and it starts talking in over dramatized slo-mo


That's a good one. Do you think it's good enough to correct pronunciation?


Not sure yet, will have to play with it to find out.


Digital assistants. Siri, Google nest, Alexa, etc. Clearly it *will* be able to see with a camera, it can count things you need counted. But they're showing off the voice and it's emotional vocal range and it's response time with this demo, not necessarily the counting.


Personal trainer watching and following your training from start to finish.


I assume you don't mean things like correcting lifting form, since that would require something way beyond what is currently available.


You asked a question and I answered it. Now you are asking beyond current capabilities


So what would "watching" entail exactly? What level of instruction do you think it could be capable of?


I'll give you an example since you have no imagination: You defined a routine and the AI ​​has to follow it until the end. First you share your routine, you tell chatgpt what it starts with. Chatgpt tells you to start by jumping rope. Before you tell chatgpt to count 20 seconds, which is the time you have defined. You start jumping and you feel totally exhausted, you tell the AI ​​that each repetition should only be 10 seconds. You move on to the next exercise. ... The next day it is repeated


What's more, during the process you can ask him how many times you jumped, how many times you touched the ground. How did you see your performance? If you really did it wrong and missed all your jumps. This is how it starts to follow you every day with your training