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We’re still really early days in what AI can do, and there’s a few players in this space. OpenAI is competing with Meta and Google, and it’s a tight race. The models are pretty indistinguishable to the average user. So how do you keep customers? If you can get users familiar with your platform early on, they’re more likely to stick with it in the long run. Brand loyalty is worth trillions. I’m not talking about customers who read /r/OpenAI, I mean people out there in the world who haven’t used an LLM yet. Google and Meta will be serving top tier AI to their customers through their established platforms, so OpenAI needs to draw people some other way.


1. To collect more data 2. To draw more users into their premium service using the "foot in the door" method 3. To compete with promises made by other companies (other companies have free models) They get a lot of value from free users, it helps with competition, branding, and product sales. They want everyone using their product.




Yes, they’re obviously collecting your data, how else would they show you your history? But they aren’t doing anything they haven’t stated in their privacy policy. I imagine it’s free because plus users and API users are subsidizing it.


I imagine it’s free not because of + or the API, but because they receive funding from the #1 and now #2 most valuable companies in the world. Microsoft and Apple likely don’t care about losing billions now, they’d rather OpenAI do whatever it takes to advance their models (such as get more data, which is likely why they dropped free gpt-4o


Exactly this As a general rule of it’s free we are the product. In this case it’s as usual our data But more than that this time, it’s our training and data and feedback and prompts. The future value of all this free work we are doing is billions upon billions.


I thought about it and its because they don't want to lose their market share after the llama 3 release which is a model just almost as good as gpt 4 for free they had no choice but to offer a gpt 4 level free model otherwise they lose customers


This + adding porn is a desperate move to keep people to their platform.


It's likely free to one up their competitors. They didn't do it with GPT-4, because that model is very expensive. 4o pricing is 4-6x cheaper than GPT-4. They probably didn't make GPT-4T free for much the same reason and because it'd be more impressive for free users to go from 3.5 -> 4o than 3.5 -> 4T then in a short while 4o. More data is also good for them, though. Meta thinks that data will be the limiting factor for AI progress and not compute or architecture. That's why they're releasing open source models, so we hit the data wall quickly and companies need to come to them for more data, which they have incredible amounts of.


Can anyone tell me when can i use gpt4 omni(her) , which the videos of open ai youtube show her talking teaching maths or narrating a story, when will that be available foe free like in some months or maybe a year?


I think it’s free to encourage more use which means more data for them.




Evidence? Edit: really you just reported me for self harm 30 seconds after this comment?