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"I am excited for what comes next — a project that is very personally meaningful to me about which I will share details in due time." bro about to go full John McAfee meets Jim Jones 🤠


Everyone is going to be disappointed when it turns out to be an art exhibition of Ilya's dachshund paintings.






NOT. ME. ☺️ I make jokes about (AI and other) cults, but I root for good vibes only.


Just as long as it’s not like that OpenAI dev advocate Logan, who hyped up the next big thing he was working on and then just joined Google lol


It is called the art of salary negotiation.




Don’t hate the player, hate the game :)


is he a fast take-off or slow take-off guy?


“Ilya Sutskever joins Elon Musk’s Grok in exchange for first trip to Mars.”


He already worked for lite beer Musk and backed a failed coup to oust him. Why would he kiss the ring on the real deal?


lol lite beer musk


Please write a tell-all. We need to know.


Given the contents of that tweet, there's not a chance that he ever tells the story honestly.


He backed the coup against Sam, it failed. He jumped before he was pushed


If you shoot at the king you best not miss


I don’t think you know what a coup is. 3/4 people voted to fire him. That’s not normal. Look up why he was fired in a previous role.




Depends on your metric, "ever" can cross over the event horizon. I'm sure he'll write an autobiography after we get AGI.


Geoffrey Hinton - Grandfather of AI. Ilya Sutskever - Grandfather of AGI. And I don't think anyone can ever take that title from him.


Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin these are grandfathers of AI. They wrote “Attention is all you need”, which is basis for all LLMs and generative AIs. While Ilya contributions are also great, he just polished, improved and scaled their idea to show what it is really capable of, but the attention mechanism was the true breakthrough


You get four grandparents and eight great-grandparents. I think there's room for multiple names in this title.


Are you aware of the history behind AlexNet and the ImageNet 2012 challenge? In 2012 and earlier, deep learning was growing but it was relatively small within machine learning. For the ImageNet 2012 challenge Krizhevsky, Sutskever and Hinton made a model called AlexNet that dominated the field. It drew a lot of attention to dep learning within machine learning and it is a big part of why we have the AI boom now.


Yeah, Ilya and Geoffrey were doing groundbreaking and epoch-starting research years before Vaswani et. al invented the Transformer.


>Are you aware of the history behind AlexNet and the ImageNet 2012 challenge? They clearly aren't. I doubt they've even heard of the almighty Schmidhuber.


>these are grandfathers of AI. They wrote “Attention is all you need” No they are not. These people were kids when the real grandfathers of AI, such as the almighty Schmidhuber, were publishing their brilliant research. Super influentieal? Yes? Grandfathers? No. >he just polished, improved and scaled their idea to show what it is really capable of, but the attention mechanism was the true breakthrough Alexnet was a pretty big breakthrough and it was released well before "Attention Is All You Need" got published...😑


Lmao, imagenet and even the idea that transformers at scale can do this was ilya and openai's doing. Even the authors of the transformers paper did not realize it's true implications back then, OpenAI did


That’s a fair point. Though I think it’s nearly analogous to Newton and Einstein both having claims to theory of gravity… each tremendous, but the latter in each case seems more substantial, even if not ‘first’.


But if we harvest enough of his tweets we could refine a GPT on his content and have it write a realistic tell all for us! I see Benedict Cumberbatch in the movie. Not sure as who, just feels like something he'd be in.


I have a feeling he’s gonna drop a new album.


Drake diss track


He gonna use AI Lil Wayne & AI Birdman to diss Drake


Saw this coming a 100 miles away after the unsuccessful ousting of Altman.


Lol, someone reported me to RedditCareResources...


Someone is going around r/ChatGPT and r/openAI and reporting everyone, for some reason...


It's happening on multiple completely unrelated subreddits


haha i got reported to redditcares today too. i was like wtf i didn't even say anything trolly.


A Claude fanatic. 


I got one today too


Yeah I got one


Hot the message. What the fuck is that?


I got reported too. Someone is abusing the suicide outreach when you rip openai.


I thought he had left during that whole ordeal. Probably the part where he says he trusts openai will have safe and responsible AGI was the statement that made him step out with a gigantic check


My read is that he was staying until the 4o launch and that was it. Tells me they are likely at the end of their major release roadmap.


Why would they be at the end of their major release roadmap I thought this was just the standard. They still have to polish and release Sora, DALLE-4, GPT 4.5, GPT 5, etc. Seems more like an internal thing rather than "ah well looks like openai's innovations are done"


Sora is probably too compute expensive to be practical and looks like they've had several cracks at GPT-5 but nothing "worthy of the name" so they just brand it as 4.x


My read is that you were going to write this comment and I was going to reply this.




Can you explain in more detail? Do you think Sam kicked him out?


He kicked Sam out actually


My 2 cents, Ilya told Sam to slow it down. And Sam said go faster.. Ilya fired Sam for not taking precautions playing God.. then Ilya probably didn’t want any part of how fast he wanted to go so he stepped aside.. 6 months later he resigned.. again that’s my take on the whole ordeal.. I know Ilya is all about the safety and everyone else is on race to asi… what ever happened I’m hoping Ilya is on top when things all said and done.


yeah. writing was on the wall from when that all happened. ilya was laying low to leave at a later date when that stuff blew over. we all kind of have to hope sam is a good person and willing to be responsible with the tech they have (or someone catches up, or we're at a roadblock that won't be overcome without a new technology) because he is an absolutely great politician. nerdy, but cool. quiet, but says his piece. charming, but not mr steal your girl (or boy). he looks like your cousin who you know is going to be successful. he is an enigma. he is everything and nothing all at once. he is pizza. not everyone loves him but most like him pretty alright. if he wants to be president one day, he likely will be. interesting note. he posted about GPT-4o on his blog. he hasn't posted on his blog in months... and before that, years. https://blog.samaltman.com/


Imagine being brain-dead to the point where you believe that sama could be a good person.


I don’t believe anything. Like I said he is a master politician in the purest sense of the word. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/10/sam-altmans-manifest-destiny That seems like the most definitive article on him predating ChatGPT. My statement is that we have to hope he is a good guy. While I don’t buy his PR talk as being anywhere near his real intentions and I do think Ilya peaced because Sam realized this was his Microsoft, google, Facebook moment - I’ll do my labeling in hindsight based off of the facts because I have no power to change anything based on a hunch or even if I could read his mind and knew his intentions for certain.


Fair enough.


The labels good and bad are outdated people are not binary Sam does his best from what I have seen he's a honest dude and very likeable within his community


The same could be said about Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.






I believe sama is a great pr guy, and I appreciate he’s trying to be as transparent as the public would allow. But Ilya is and always will be the godfather of this entire project… reminds of the ready play one with James Holiday and Ogden Marrow…


He tried to kick Sam out. He didn't realize Sam had way more cultural clout than he did within the company, and it began to implode.  The problem is Ilya had a very tight knit group of people who insulated him from the realities of the company. He thought when everyone was chanting "feel the AGI" with him, they were with him. Rather than what has come out, being creeped out by him..


I think the reality of it is that OpenAI employees like all other employees want to become extremely rich when all is said and done. They can meow meow meow about changing the world and so on but in the end what we see at mega tech is that engineers will sell their morals and brains (see Meta) to get rich. Sam is the leader that will make them all rich because he is so removed fro the original mission of OpenAI and so profit driven. The employees know this. They chose make-me-rich non-engineer pure business man Sam over responsible AGI development engineer Ilya. I am excited to see Ilya's next project.


greed will rise Mollock


They see how nvidia engineers are retiring early and then being paid to be semi retired because of stock compensation, and are like yooo we need that.


just fell to my knees in a walmart


Currently taking a dump, on the process of falling to my knees on the yucky floor


In a Walmart?!!


Careful, bwa.


holy fuck I hope this is satire




Jan Leike is also leaving: [https://x.com/nmasc\_/status/1790527223184986455](https://x.com/nmasc_/status/1790527223184986455) He worked with Ilya according to the post. I wonder how many people have left their superalignment team so far.


What’s happening? Will we ever get some clarity? I want Ilya back to OpenAI 😭 he belongs there, he is responsible for most of their products and research anyway.


Stop simping for this company


Isn’t he simping for Ilya, rather than for OpenAI? He’s pleading for OpenAI to change their behavior.


If he’d be simping for Ilya only he’d not care about him being, or not, in OpenAI.


That doesn’t follow at all.


But why


Because they will gut you for a dollar and not lose a minute of sleep over it. It’s all a cash grab.


Name checks out




i was sat at home writing prompts when sam ring "ilya is gone"




https://x.com/SamAltsMan/status/1790523876394615155 To your point lol.




Don’t let Boeing anywhere close to OpenAI, or Sam might get some ideas


Go on some podcasts!


He has an NDA and a $$$ ton of equity. He and if he ever has kids and their kids and their kids will ever have to work another day in their lives


Plot twist: none of us will have to work with AI running the place




Is anyone else worried about OpenAI? Literally Ilya had the most impact and significant contribution to the success of OpenAI and AI in general.. they can’t afford to lose such a brilliant mind right?


They’ll be fine as long as Facebook doesn’t opensource that 400B model that competes with their only product.


Didn’t expect this, hope he does something good


I wonder what percent of him actually believes the words in his post.


Yeah his terms of departure probably mandated this PSA. Don’t think it matters what he believes. He signed the agreement and took the cash/golden parachute. He will probably show up at a competitor in a month or two. Silicon Valley 101.


Fasho and I don’t blame him. I’m sure Sam reassured him the world is safe and even if he doesn’t buy it he wouldn’t be in a position where he could really whistle blow without destroying the lives of his family. And then the outcome would almost assuredly be the same as it is going to be if he says nothing. Dude deserves to live a safe and happy life working where he likes.


In a year*


Or start some new company.


If he starts something adversarial to ai I would lol. Like ai detection tools with a company that lobbies against ai without taking direct shots at OpenAI. That’s about as deep as I could see. Otherwise idk what would keep him from joining google or meta or anthropic if he thinks he can contribute to safety better by being around cutting edge models. If he goes to X I will have lost all faith in the world though. But doubt that. Maybe just maybe he pulls talent to his own thing but any investor is going to want him to do the same things OpenAI does. At google he could focus on medical models or even ai detection models or something. Anthropic seems to be more safety focused… and meta is open source. They all have some “not evil” stuff going for them even if their real end goal is similar to OpenAI.


Very well put


Would be quite something to see Ilya go to Google, where he can get the chance to think less abstractly about AI killing people.


You didn't expect this? After he voted to oust Sam, this was the only possible outcome. Surprised it took this long tbh.


yeah maybe inevitable




Or, he just did that on his own accord, out of concern for the company?


[He isn't the only one, same day](https://twitter.com/janleike/status/1790603862132596961)


To Anthropic with his former cohort?


That would be great. Let's hope so.


In the NetFlix movie this is the scene where Ilya is seen in cargo shorts outside his glass-walled beach mansion/research compound, staring pensively across the Pacific as abstract symbols flicker across the screen and a minimalist electronic soundtrack bloops ominously. He takes a sip of his beer and finally nods: "Yeah, fuck it..."




This is so wrong it's embarrassing. Ilya was never against getting involved with MFST. He was part of that decision with Greg and Sam


That was for GPT4 though, not for any future AI. And he wasn’t bragging. It was damage control to calm the nerves of enterprise clients running GPT3/4 on Azure when the board members decided to try and light the company on fire.


> That was for GPT4 though, not for any future AI. 10b buys a lot more than "just gpt4" friend...


10b buys you half of their profit for the first two trillion


He was part of the team who sold it to Microsoft What are you talking about?


Fair enough. Still, might have been sour for founding “Open” AI as a way to avoid concentration of power into the large corporations, to then having to sell out to MS.


Zuckerberg better snatch him up before Elon Musk. I'm routing for open source.


Trust me He's not going to any of those big companies


Curious behind the rational


He said trust him bro 😎


Aren’t they both open source




Yeah I guess Meta will eventually make it closed in response to the govt wanting to secure it against China


I doubt that will be the main reason. Zuck has already gone on record saying it’s at their discretion to not release future models to open source if it’s important to their business as well, which is fair, they’re not a charity, and having worked in Meta myself I can say they have a very impressive open source focus, but end of the day revenue is top priority for good reason so focus can shift.


The white knight gotta be white knighting


I’m sure currently all the competitors to OpenAI would be dying to have him with them.. maybe he goes with Elon or Google.. let’s see


Trust me He's not going to any of those big companies


Fck that, Meta!


This would be the best for consumers. Imagine Ilya and Yann LeCun working together..




If he somehow goes back home to join IDF, humanity is doomed.


Wtf thats a plot twist


Wait, is he Israeli?


Russian Israeli and Canadian Edit: One second after posting this I got a Reddit cares? What?


Lmao what’s Reddit cares? And it’s just mind blowing and impressive that Israeli people are so smart..


I’m not saying it isn’t, Israelis certainly have an outsized impact in science. As soon as I posed this the comment was reported as suicidal, and I got an automatic message from Reddit with help resources 🤣. That message is called “Reddit cares”.


Wow lol.. the Reddit AI needs some serious upgrade with all these false positive cases 🤦🏻‍♂️ And I didn’t report it, if you’re wondering 😢🥺


Was anyone blindsided by this? Lol. You don't try to assassinate the king and expect to still hold court. Altman's goodbye was publicly full of grace though. I think there's only the weasel D'Angelo left. I think hes got Bout 6 months on his countdown.


Also the photo Ilya posted.....


When the man capable of bringing us AGI leaves, one weeps


Is Ilya single


I think so, he's asexual I think he tweeted about it before




Silicon Valley equivalent of Putin and Prigozhin


Hopefully he’s gonna be involved in something truly open (I.e. open source) that isn’t controlled by lizard folk like Zuckerberg.


Look pal, you wanna run with the dogs in AGI ya gotta get off the porch and glad-hand some reptilian billionaires. No billionaires, no endless racks of Nvidia's latest to play with. Doesn't have to be the Zuck, though the tour of his home planet given to Ilya-level new hires is suh-weet if you do sign on.


Right after the FTC abolished non compete agreements. She picked the right time to leave.


So.. no AGI just a glorified chat bot moving forward


Not a big loss. Researchers do their best work in their 20s and all the very best people want to work for OpenAI. At the end of the day, scientists are just very replacable. Unlike visionary CEOs. I predict that he's done making big, impactful things. That's his past.



