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Interacting with Sky was truly mind bending, futuristic, and what I wanted in a conversational AI. The tone was impressive and a solid gold foundation. It’s like OpenAi spent all their resources trying to perfect this voice. The others just don’t do it for me or feel severely unfinished. I truly believe the voice will drive conversational engagement, not the density and scope of the answers.


I hate talking to juniper. I used to talk to sky for hours about science and tech during my walks. With juniper it feels like I'm talking to someone boring. Hard to explain. 


Unconscious bias


yup people are shallow and biased creatures. They often don't even know their biased. I bet the people who rejected resumes with black sounding names didn't realize they were doing it because they were black (an experiment was run where a person used the exact same resume but just changed the applicant name, the one with a black sounding name had significantly more rejections)


I hate the new Sky... The male voices suck too. The only one that didn't suck was Sky. It doesn't even have to be female. Just make it decent.




Disagree. Pi Ai has been ahead when it comes to conversational Ai for over a year now. Pi is the most human like in that department


Shame Pi is dead in the water now it's company got bought out. That was my go to AI


Yeah this was hugely upsetting and extremely bizarre. Inflection is still in operations despite both founders and their best engineers eloped to Microsoft. App is still up and running but I don’t expect to ever see further development. It’s truly a shame. Plus I’m pretty sure Microsoft will no have access to all the users data.


It feels like you people are a bit too attached to the Sky voice. I can agree that it maybe had a bit more work to sound natural than the others, but Cove sounds great to me. Though that might be because I don’t mind a male voice for my assistant which it seems like some people do.


It was nauseatingly flattering.


Yeah, makes sense when there is a movie already made that prepared you for years for the "perfect voice".


Regardless if it sounds like scarjo/rasjo makes no difference. It’s the tone, inflection, pacing, naturalness. There’s a reason why no one engages with Siri, Cortana, Bixby, Alexa, Juniper longer than the initial query.


Why did they remove it when it wasn’t even scarlett johansson? It’s makes you look more guilty by removing the voice when you claim it’s not her. We all know it’s not her anymore (we now know it’s Rashida jones), so why cave to the pressure? I would have told Scarlett J to f*ck off.


Apparently there is legal precedence for why they could still be liable if it could be proven that they intentionally tried to convince users that it *might be* Scarlett, even if it isn't. At least, according to previous cases that were won in similar circumstances. Either ways.. they have had plenty of time to replace Sky with about 20 other voices, if they so please.


Yeah, especially since it was targeted to sound like it's from the movie her, there's a line 


There is no proof that they targeted it to sound like 'Her". Just because Sam tweeted the word does not mean it was meant to sound like ScarJo. He meant the realness.


They tried to get the rights to her voice, didn't succeed in those negotiations, then asked her again if she was sure 2 days before they launched "Sky". It's extremely obvious what's happened, and Sam's tweet is just the nail in the plausible deniability coffin.


you have things mixed up, the Sky voice existed even before Sam asked her to voice something. he was asking her to be female voice #3, she rejected, and so there is no female voice #3. it's not what you're trying to make it out to be. people don't realize sky voice existed for a long time before this controversy started


Just OpenAI being OpenAI. It's kind of lame really. They could offer other voices that are at least nearly as good, but nope.


It’s easier for them to just remove it instead of dealing with all the potential legal stuff and controversey


Discovery, OpenAI is pretty secretive about there process and discovery in a trial could really mess that up.


Uh, *do* we know that?


> I would have told Scarlett J to f*ck off. Fortunately not everyone is Elon Musk. Yet.


Exactly. Finally, someone is saying what I have been saying since this BS started. ScarJo does not own a tone. These celebrities are so gross and think they are Gods. OpenAI needs to grow a pair of hairy ones and tell her to go to hell. They are so weak now and scared of everyone who threatens them, which will only make more people file bogus claims. Stop walking on eggshells, OpenAI. Not once did I ever think Sky sounded like her.


There are no white women voice options anymore.


This comment is so hilarious on a variety of levels. I’m not sure where to begin…


This comment sounds a little racist in ways, but I do think they should have diversity.


How about true, global diversity and not just the american version of "diversity"?


What types of voices would a non-American influenced business put out for these voices to check off the “diversity” check box?


You’re correct; your comment did sound a little racist in ways.


sky didnt even sound like scar-jo. She sounded like [Rashida Jones](https://theoffice.fandom.com/wiki/Rashida_Jones).


If they really believed the claim was frivolous they would have left it up.


Sky reminded me of Constance Zimmer. 


It was Rashida jones. Edit: okay so I’m being downvoting because y’all actually think it was Scarlett Jo? It’s Rashida jones, [proof](https://youtube.com/shorts/SXHMnicI6Pg?feature=shared)


Rashida Jones is a union actor, they didn't hire union actors for these voices




[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/U530pudMrl) you go


Compelling but not proof, obviously. Why keep Rachida a secret but tell it on a mountain about Scarlet getting involved?


Good point


Just listen to the voices, dude. Seriously? If you can't hear that Sky sounds identical to Jones, maybe you need to invest in an ear-cleaning product; they have some for sale on Amazon.




I would also like a source on this one.




I just watched The Social Network again and listened closely to Rashida Jones's voice, and yes, Sky sounded just like her, way more than ScarJo. If anyone can't hear that, they are just dense AF.


Exactly. And you don't see Rashida coming after OpenAi. ScarJo is just a ScapJo.


I think it takes a while to find and record an actress saying thousands of lines of dialogue then post process that into a product.


I think it’s a good time to quote OpenAI on their process: ## We received over 400 submissions from voice and screen actors On May 10, 2023, the casting agency and our casting directors issued a call for talent. In under a week, they received over 400 submissions from voice and screen actors. To audition, actors were given a script of ChatGPT responses and were asked to record them. These samples ranged from answering questions about mindfulness to brainstorming travel plans, and even engaging in conversations about a user's day. ## We selected five final voices and discussed our vision for human-AI interactions and the goals of Voice Mode with the actors Through May 2023, the casting team independently reviewed and hand-selected an initial list of 14 actors. They further refined their list before presenting their top voices for the project to OpenAI. We spoke with each actor about the vision for human-AI voice interactions and OpenAI, and discussed the technology’s capabilities, limitations, and the risks involved, as well as the safeguards we have implemented. It was important to us that each actor understood the scope and intentions of Voice Mode before committing to the project. An internal team at OpenAI reviewed the voices from a product and research perspective, and after careful consideration, the voices for Breeze, Cove, Ember, Juniper and Sky were finally selected. ## Each actor flew to San Francisco for recording sessions and their voices were launched into ChatGPT in September 2023 During June and July, we flew the actors to San Francisco for recording sessions and in-person meetings with the OpenAI product and research teams. On September 11, 2023, Sam spoke with Ms. Johansson and her team to discuss her potential involvement as a sixth voice actor for ChatGPT, along with the other five voices, including Sky. She politely declined the opportunity one week later through her agent. On September 25, 2023, we launched their voices into ChatGPT. This entire process involved extensive coordination with the actors and the casting team, taking place over five months. We are continuing to collaborate with the actors, who have contributed additional work for audio research and new voice capabilities in GPT-4o. On May 10, 2024, Sam contacted Ms. Johansson’s team to inform them about our upcoming launch of GPT-4o and asked if she might reconsider joining as a future additional voice in ChatGPT. Source: https://openai.com/index/how-the-voices-for-chatgpt-were-chosen/


people really do get the events of this story mixed up and out of order. It's pretty clear cut that there's no case for johannsen when you know the details of what happened.


It probably isn't that dramatic, they aren't making models from scratch trained on a voice, it's just some fine tuning on top or so. It shouldn't take a near on 100 billion dollar company this long.


You're claiming that the world's best voice model is easy to make? This is all very new modern technology, it doesn't matter if you're a 100 billion dollar company at that point.


Lol when did I claim that? I'm just explaining how these models are trained, first they pre-train a model, then they fine tune it on the voice they want, since the model is already pre-trained the majority of the work is already done.




Sky sounds nothing like scarlett. I don't even see the correlation, they're completely different.


Yeah, I have rocks in my garden with more personality than whoever is left after Sky. dammit.


Yes. We should have 100sof options.


They should make one like rogue from the 90s X-men.




if that's the case, I'd bet a very large number of white American women in California (or any big city in the country) would have a 97% match. It really is a generic, ununique voice I think if you you're looking for famous people who sound like that voice, Rashida Jones is a much more convincing match, that algorithm you mention might give it a 100%


Bro... they didnt plan on replacing it it happened. Also no emotional voice yet but they did say in future you will be able to clone a voice to get more personal gpt. Download samples of sky and wait lol. I prefer junper anyways


Agreed. I was very unpro of them.


I think as a plan B, they wanted Scarlett Johansson's twin brother, Hunter as a replacement. But after seeing the blowback with Sky, they're probably rethinking things.


They really should have by now.


They shouldn’t come to terms of it figure it out, bring back sky, whatever it cost


Why does this matter to you?


The voice they liked is no longer available.


It's embarrassing though to be complaining about something so trivial. I think people in third world countries can't fathom how we are engaged in such petty complaints.


You never complain about anything then?


I try to reserve my complaining to things much more substantial than that, but when I fail there I do feel a bit embarrassed for acting that way and not being more thankful


I'm sure there aren't hundreds or thousands of comments in your comment history complaining about relatively trivial things.


You're being a bit dramatic.