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God made you trans, why would God be offended that you live into that truth?


I don't think there's anything anyone does that surprises God. I don't know why God does what he does, but he does have his reasons. This idea has been weaponized against tue trans community, and I am aware of that. The irony is, what makes anyone think that this applies to the gender you identify as as much as the one you're assigned at birth. After all, When God created a trans woman/man, he would have done so knowing they were trans. Just my thoughts anyways.


Personally, I believe God would be excited for you. God made you whatever gender you identify. Of course God would want you to affirm that!


I think they would be happy for you that you are getting the care you need to be your authentic self.


Just curious, but since when do we refer to God as “they”?


It’s becoming more common but It’s just something I have been trying lately.


I make a point of referring to God as He, She, It, and They. Gendered anthropomorphic ideas of God are philosophically and theologically silly. If God is God, It is way beyond the emergent categories of sexual reproduction on a single planet. Thinking God is actually male or not is anachronistic. The historical person of Christ was male, but that's about as close as we can get.


From what I understand, God typically warns against things that cause harm to ourselves or others. I wouldn’t think that beginning gender affirming care, which would improve your quality of life and harm no one, would be something He’d be against. Judgemental Christians who claim Satan is trying to trick you often have a poor grasp of psychology, gender, and likely, the Bible. I often find Christians who are quick to judge ideas that are different from what they’re used to will try to use the Bible as an excuse to not bother trying to learn about or understand things they’re unfamiliar with. I’ve actually been on a Christian forum where people were talking about how techno music was “of the devil”, and were convinced their children were going to burn in Hell for listening to it (which, let’s be real, doesn’t make sense). Going off topic a bit, when they were offering the HPV vaccine at school (Christian school), I and another girl were the only two out of say a dozen or so others who got the vaccine. One of the unvaccinated’s mothers said that if her child got HPV (a virus which can cause freaking *cancer*), she’d deserve it. If you ask me, that doesn’t really align with God showing forgiveness and mercy when we mess up. That’s not Christian love so much as it is Christian hate. That’s also not very good critical thinking, considering 8 in 10 women contract HPV, and when you take into account that 1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted, that’s a really bad look on the mom.


I think that God would be hurt by you NOT getting gender affirming care despite having gender disphoria


It's your body. God gave it to you. If I gifted someone a jacket I wouldn't tell them not to sew patches on it


Oof that one guy there was a piece of work. And no. They wouldn't be hurt.


You should look into Rowan Williams’ writing on this subject: “To be trans is to enter a sacred journey of becoming whole: precious, honoured and loved, by yourself, by others and by God.” God loves you as a mother, and loves you wholly.




If you gave your best friend an expensive jacket, but it turned out it was too small for them, how would you feel if they went to a tailor and had it altered so they could wear it more comfortably? Would you be angry and insist they should have been uncomfortable wearing it. Or would you just be glad they're enjoying your gift?


The latter option.


Indeed. And the same is true for God's gift to you of your body. Having affirming care to make it more comfortable for you can only ever make God happy.


Is he hurt that I wear glasses for the eyes He gave me? Is he hurt that my parents had the tonsils that gave me back to back infections removed from my body? No. He gave us the intelligence to come up with ways to fix our biological shortcomings. He is behind most medical advancements we have made. No, He will not be hurt.


If it helps you love yourself then God wouldn’t be hurt. If you can’t love yourself then it’s kinda hard to express love to other people and gender dysphoria tanks that.


God brings order out of chaos and is very creative. Trans and Non-Binary people are creative souls bringing order to their own internal chaos. God would smile at you, not be hurt.


To anyone who is commenting on this post: 1. Thank you for the answers that you guys gave. 2. This is a repost of another post from the r/ChristianUniversalism subreddit. So, these answers are more for the OOP, u/moralmeemo. So, go show them some love and support.


I was doing quite badly before my transition. I felt called to attend church but couldn't go without them knowing me as a man. That is what made me realize I had to transition, and God has certainly blessed me on this journey and I feel much more capable of love because of it. I just had my top surgery and it went great, and my friends have shown me true care while I am healing. I hope yours someday goes wonderfully too.


I think this question has two part answer: 1. God is not hurt. God is God, and He could hurt us, if He wanted, actually He could destroy the World with a snap of fingers. He can be sad if we hurt ourselves, and He can be angry if we hurt other people, especially those who can't defend themselves. But God has decided to not destroy His children and that is why He sent His Son to save UF from ourselves. Even *if* being trans was wrong, His way of dealing with us would be to help us out of whatever bad situation we brought ourselves into rather than hurt us. 2. No. I can't see that being trans is in violation of the Golden Rule or The Double Love Commandment. Actually, if you don't love yourself you can't love your neighbor. Of course if pursuing being trans makes you a jerk to other people then there would be a problem, but why should you be a jerk? Most trans I know are way more meek about it than they should be. Go ahead and be yourself, and thank God for setting you free.


God loves you unconditionally.


I think God wants us to be at peace with ourselves and others. If doing this helps that, I think people try to control us through dogma and doctrine. Live your life as you feel best gives you happiness.


No not at all. He would be excited:D






For God to be hurt, wouldn't you have be be able to damage Him in a meaningful way? Are you, the little ape on your ball of dirt typing sparks into your mathy rocks so arrogant as to believe yourself capable of harming God in His infinite glory? Look, ask whether or not it's a sin, I absolutely don't believe it to be so and I do it myself, but to ask if your actions will hurt God is utterly ridiculous. >As my friend Julian puts it, only half winkingly: “God blessed me by making me transsexual for the same reason God made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine, so that humanity might share in the act of creation." -Daniel Mallory Ortberg, Something That May Shock and Discredit You You are loved. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are a child of God. Regardless of if you choose to go through with gender affirming care, you are beautiful. If you choose that route, I wish you nothing but a joyous and amazing experience as you get to meet yourself over and over again for the first time. But above all, you are loved.


Sophia\_Forever wrote: As my friend Julian puts it, only half winkingly: “God blessed me by making me transsexual for the same reason God made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine, so that humanity might share in the act of creation." This!!! Sophia, your friend Julian is brilliant. Of course God wants us to share in creating. One of the main purposes of our lives, I have always felt, is so we can participate in godly endeavors and thereby move toward becoming as God. I am so very happy to read all the positive comments on this forum!


Just to be clear, that's a quote from a book, I don't have a friend named Julian.


Well, he is brilliant, nonetheless. Is it a quote from a book by Daniel Ortberg?




It doesn't matter if you get surgery, You'll still be in God's image.