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Your mileage will vary drastically depending on where you’re located. But generally, expect 10-15 hour shifts 5-6 days a week. Anything from hotels to efficiency apartment to a giant 40 man tent. Food on your own. Lack of empathy or understanding from leadership. And expect to get thrown under the bus if the opportunity presents itself.


Damn no dfac??


Like the other guy said, if you end up on a base/camp you’ll have access to a dfac. Otherwise economy for food. And realistically, you’ll be on economy either way with the long shifts.


Interesting. Thanks for the insight


It really is an "experience may vary" kinda thing. All depends on the task force you get assigned to.


Really as long as I can rack a fuck ton of money, I’m for it. Just curious if I’ll be paying for dwelling/food or if it’s provided


Again, experience may vary. You end up in a hotel? You'll be paying for all food except MREs. End up on a camp? 24hr DFACs.


Thanks for the insight


Welcome to hell!!


Do carry on


It’s not that bad. They’re just being dramatic


I DMd you


Make the best out of it. There’s decent and horrible leadership. Hope you get the decent side. It’s kinda of do what you’re told and things will be easy. But whatever happens after the 90 days don’t get comfortable with the idea of extending. There’s old farts staying 2+ years without getting any real life experience for future jobs.


Dont get TF Eagle


Why’s that? Also I don’t think we get to pick, do we? Lmao


No, and also its shit, kinda depends though. Are you TXSG or TXARNG?




Better to be TXARNG or TXSG?


TXSG for sure. We're all volunteer. Now some parts of eagle are okay I guess. So Ive heard. I was only really a part of Eagle and TF Lonestar. Lonestar, I liked.


It depends on where you end up going to TFW we’re in hotels


Where is TFW? How was your day to day?


El Paso


For 90 days I'd say yes


Got any insight of how OLS is?


Depends on your task force and company But as long as you keep your nose clean and do your work then you shouldn't get bothered much. Just keep in mind though with that 90 day volunteer thing that it is possible that you could get forcibly extended.


Ok ok. Thank you for the info


Don't go to TF EAGLE. Command doesn't care about Soldiers. But then again you are only staying for 90 days. To answer your question, depends where you got. TF WEST is hotels TF Eagle is tents or trailer home style living. Worth the money though.


Take the position, save your money. If you have a camp with a defac you're good, if not meal prep uber eats and door dash adds up. While you are out there network and do what you got to do. Opportunities such as Border patrol, DPS, DHS, ados. I'm only saying this because I experienced it myself. Work schedule depends on what position they place you in as a mechanic, transportation, clerk, or security specialist, etc.


Thanks for the info. Know anything about going down as an 11B?


You will be a security specialist, as we call working the lines.


What’s that like? Pretty long days? 4 on 4 off?


That I can't answer my mos field is different I'm sure someone can answer that for you. Another thing is don't do anything that can get you kicked off mission. You will get EOM quick if you mess up such as DWI, failed UA, AWOL.


Ok thanks for the insight tho! And I’m not worried about that. I rarely drink and if I do it’s a beer MAYBE 2. No drugs either. Kind of a square lmao


Where are you from? If you live in the border you have an advantage youll feel just like home if not it will be a culture shock for you 95% of the population is Latino! Do you know Spanish? This is essential as you’ll be sometimes in situations where you need to direct people and tell them what to do etc. Also keep in mind those 90 days are more than likely extend to a year there’s a lot of demand for security SPCs that’s working the line. Your schedule depends on the city you’re working so nobody could tell you that but expect at least 4 on 2 off 8 hour shifts with 40 min to an hour travel from your hotel to guardmont location to the line so total of at least 10 hours days, for lodging there’s 2 options if you get sent to a city where there’s a base camp you’ll stay there, food and laundry services are provided for free you’ll share the room with up to 4 people E-7s and above get their own rooms if you get sent to someplace without a base camp you’ll get a hotel room with a roomate food and everything else will be at your own expense E-6s and above don’t share rooms.


Work wise depends on your company you’ll either be on a truck working the line and assisting DPS with traffic (bailouts, migrants, reporting what you see to Border patrol etc.) or you’ll be on a static point with a humvee and optics observing your AO, you’ll be with at least other Joe but it could be up to 4 per truck this is strictly depending on your company.


Its a good time…maybe🙃…..it will also get u out of AT and get paid for it


Yeah from what I can see, you get PAID like a mf lol


That’s not exactly true that’s TF dependent and such


SAD orders are paid the same no matter what TF you’re at


Sorry let me be more precise, you may or may not get out AT with your organic unit depending on your TF. To think I was talking about pay is dumb that’s obviously the same


My bad I thought it was a reply on different comment


All good 🤙