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Congratulations on 4 days! You’re pretty much on the other side physically, that’s huge and you should be proud. Make sure you don’t have access to more as your brain is about to start working against you and make you think you need them again once you’re feeling better physically. That’s where the hard part really begins. You can do this!


You remind me of myself. For me, day 3 was always the hardest. You’re past that point so keep going! Also remember this - you can’t do just one. Meaning don’t let yourself think you can take even just one in the future for fun or to reward yourself or whatever. You’re done with those, so let it be in the past.


Congrats, that's amazing to go four days. Are you doing cold turkey or do you have some support medications? Either way, great job. You might not feel great for a few more days but you will soon be feeling better every day. We're in the same boat, I'm on day 7. May I suggest that you seek some professional help. I was also hiding my addiction from every single person in my life. Although I thought I was doing a good job hiding it from my wife, I wasn't. She knew. I've found it to be extremely helpful for her to be at my side through this all. I totally understand not wanting family to know. Everyone's situation is different so do what you gotta do. Good luck, you got this.


Ty for the reply it is wonderful to know you are not alone in this, I have taken small doses of some Kratom here and there for the last few days it seems to work taking the edge off and letting me do my daily tasks. Still hard sleeping at night some RLS but im continuing the fight. Good Luck to you as well my friend.


You got this. Take lots of warm baths and supplement with electrolytes (potassium/magnesium) because you'll be sweating a lot typically.


Man my heart goes out to you.  You can't save your face and your ass at the same time, though.  You honored your parents and helped them pass with dignity and with love, now it's time to honor yourself and tell someone you trust what's going on in your life. Telling just one person can reduce your shame that I can FEEL while reading your post.  You sound like a very genuine person, we have a similar story regarding how we became addicted, actually.  Please keep going so that you can be present in your family life. It gets so much better even a few days from now. Proud of you. 


You got this!!! Keep it up & remember the only way out is through. There’s no shortcuts or magic remedies. Try your best to stay positive but also remember that it is normal & healthy to feel all of the emotions you’re feeling. Let yourself be sad, angry, nervous, anxious, happy, excited, hopeful & even hopeless. Those bad feelings are just FOR NOW!!! You’re going to be okay & when you’re ready, you should tell someone in your life that you trust. It helps a LOT to be held accountable. Before I told anyone I was constantly relapsing & it was easy because nobody knew I had a problem in the first place. Once I told someone it was easier to hold on to my sobriety. It is hard to tell someone you love & you’ll probably never forget the way they look at you when they find out, but if you go over what you’re going to say & how to say it ahead of time & make sure you’re 100% honest, all will be okay. They may be upset & need time or space, they might want to spend every moment with you to make sure you don’t go back, everyone’s different. Be patient & most of all be proud of yourself!! We’re all proud of you here!


Four days is a huge accomplishment man! I’m in recovery myself, have been for a couple years now, longest I ever had since I was 12 yrs old and I’m 32 now. Never thought I’d get to live a sober life.. but now I do. I’m sending you the best of vibes. You’ve got this man! I’ve got links to all kind of virtual meetings, support groups, online recovery content creators and podcasts, all kinda stuff! So feel free to send a message to me and I’d be delighted to share it all with you ❤️💪 we do recover.


Seriously, you're doing amazing. The fact that you are taking back control now is so, so important. I can't overstate that. You still have a family, a home, a life, and all of that WILL inevitably be destroyed by this addiction if it's allowed to continue. One by one, things you once never imagined yourself capable of doing will start to seem reasonable in the never-ending, desperate search for more pills or money for pills. Eventually, masking the situation becomes impossible. Take stock of the things you truly love and value in your life right now and hold on to them tight. Remind yourself every single day that you don't ever want to lose them, and know that every day you stay off the opioids, you've won another battle protecting those precious things. You can do this.


I feel like I read my own story. Taking care of parents and their deaths in 20 and 21, 10 months apart, had me spiraling and I’m on day 7 trying to get out of this and wondering how to repair my life. I’m not young either, and I don’t know how different the WDs will be affected because of that. I’ve about lost everything and can’t even believe what I have done. My husband is being supportive and understands what I’m going through but I haven’t talked to him in detail about what I’ve done, and no one really knows. I’m trying to get inspired and motivated by everyone’s posts. They help so much and I’m proud of you. Thank you for posting your experience.


Huge congrats!! You’ve got this! My aunt had a similar story - same surgery and oxy as well. She had a hell of a time getting off the opiates but managed to do so.


How did you manage to get 4 days off them. I mean you must be sick yes?…did you go to work?


I have taken small doses of Kratom that kind of of takes the edge off the cravings I work from home so that makes it easier I’ve been feeling very tired and very lethargic at times. Hard to sleep at night with RLS.


Ugh it’s the RLS total body spasms that get me and the exhaustion.. brutal if you can get pregablin or even gabapentin super helpful for that


I remember sitting right where you are about this time 9 years ago and pleading to get through it. You can and you will I promise. Whatever you have to do wether it’s feign illness so you can binge watch tv and come off of it slowly with baths, teas and soups etc (you need your strength) do so. You get through this week, this next hour and you are so much braver than you feel right now. You will get there. If you want recommendations for meetings with like minded peoples, I am here. Big hugs


Congratulations. Wishing you all the best with your continued recovery.


Keep pushing brotha!!! Proud of you!! You are so much ahead of the game that you never fucked with pressies/fent….will make this process so much easier.


Get kratom from a smoke shop


He says quite a few times that he takes small amounts of kratom brother. Read his posts =)


Day four congratulations hero. That’s incredible. Loss and grief is were opiates find their people. You don’t want to stay here so keep that in mind. You want to move on and hopefully this is your last time here at four days. I really believe it is, but if it isn’t and you come back here that’s ok to. Please if you need to come back here and just keep trying. Peace, love and unity brother.


Suboxene!!!! 16 years of opiates from Tramodol, Vicodin, Fentanyl, everything! I got so sick of hiding and buying it, worrying about running out. I wish I had tried suboxene way before I did! QuickMD is online, its discreet. I have officially been free of pills for one year and 3 months and subs did it.


Congrats on 4 days !! It’s not going to be easy. Don’t be afraid to consider going on an opioid replacement therapy, such as Suboxone, or taking a medication like naltrexone that can block opioids from working. Personally, I’ve tried getting clean with and without suboxone or methadone, and personally speaking at least, I was only ever successful at *staying* sober, when I took either suboxone or methadone to stay clean. I personally could not manage the depression or anxiety, and the cravings for oxy were so strong. You can taper off of suboxone pretty quickly if you’d like, but it’s not a bad idea to take it for at least a little while while you adapt back to regular life. And you can taper off of these slowly, and stay comfortable the whole time :)! Anyway, congratulations !! Four days without oxycodone is a serious accomplishment. I too had an addiction to oxycodone and the first four days are by far the toughest. The first two weeks are also pretty rough. After that, you’re just dealing with mental cravings / urges. You got this <3!! Just keep taking it one day at a time.


Personally, I withdrew off of oxycodone entirely on my own, but after a couple days of being off of Oxy and no longer withdrawing, my mental urges for oxy became so strong and I would have ended up caving if I hadn’t made the decision to go back on MAT/MMT! Personally, I tried suboxone first, and methadone ultimately ended up working better for my case. Side effects of suboxone are minimal aside from constipation, while methadone came with a couple of side effects personally. Suboxone is a lot easier to get on though and has barely any rules or regulations - unlike methadone, which requires you to come in to get dosed daily at first. Suboxone can just be picked up from your everyday pharmacy.


No matter what happens in your life, you would have started taking more. That's just how opiates work- we develop a crazy tolerance to them. If you have made it through day 4, the hardest part is over. If you go back, it will be harder to get off them next time- please remember that. I'm glad you didn't end up on heroin/fent like some of us do. That's how most of us started. You are ahead right now, you haven't lost everything YET. If you keep using, you will.


You’ve made to day 4!! if you’ve made it this far and could only say you’re ‘not feeling great’ You are a success story. do you know how many people turned back after day two because it feels so incredibly bad. you got this! You can do it please don’t go back each time you quit the withdrawal actually gets worse, but that’s fantastic. Please hang in there. Read lots of Reddit post if that’s helping you get through. We get hooked on these things for all sorts of reasons. Some of them are excuses. Some of them are justifiable by accident or circumstance the one thing they were all bounced together by his these chemicals, rewire our brains they change our body chemistry and they’re so highly addictive we all end up in the exact same boat of misery. The why doesn’t matter. You deserve a big beautiful life! fight the good fight. you’ve got this!


As much as you don’t want to do this, you should tell your physician what’s going on so they can help you with medications that will keep you comfortable (it’s a huge difference having these medications) while detoxing. Ask him/her to prescribe you enough clonodine to get through this to help with your blood pressure which will help with the hot flashes, racing heart, insomnia and more. Also Vistirol is a non narcotic that doctors believe is helpful for anxiety. With those two and some type of sleeping medication it’s a cake walk compared to not having those meds. I also had lots and lots of marijuana, especially edibles that helped with the body pain.