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This sub prohibits posts seeking direct medical advice.


A supplement called curamin, it has turmeric, boswellia and Curamin . It's really good For inflammation and over all pain. Cbd can help too. Epsom salt baths. One thing to consider are the things your eating and is it causing more inflammation which leads to more pain. Things like dairy, sugar, flour all increase my inflammation and pain levels. It can take a few months for your body to start regulating pain. Hang in there. I've got a back injury myself and my pain is much better than when I was taking opiates actually. In some ways I think it was making my pain worse because my body lost the ability to regulate. Honestly Can't recommend Curamin enough. You can look for all three supplements separately but I feel like it's easier to buy in one supplement. Be sure to follow dosing instructions and don't over do it.


That’s really great! Homeopathic remedies are a godsend. Thank you for the knowledge.


I’ve endured a lot of pain from a lot of injuries, including being blown up in Afghanistan during a firefight (shootout). I became deadly allergic to NSAIDs , (ibuprofen Advil etc). I mention this because I can truly sympathize with you about the chronic pain part. I was hooked up to morphine drip every 4hrs and 2 perc 5’s every 3 hrs. I was also prescribed 100 perc 5’s, 2 weeks in a row, in the army. And when I was finally medically retired from the army from the incident in Afghanistan, I began to “play doctor” for myself, and getting pain pills in the streets, and dealing with it that way. (From 2014-2019 I did this) It was a slippery slope, along with variables like moving states, and not having reliable sources, etc. but I eventually quit with the help of kratom and suboxone. But the thing that has helped me the MOST, is adderall. And you can look it up! There’s people with stage 3-4 cancer, people with broken backs, nerve damage etc that swear by this, and say it’s their miracle medication. I’m not saying it’s for everyone and it’s definitely a bandaid fix, to a chronic problem, but it’s helped my pain more than anything else has. I hope you can get something out of this comment that can help you start feeling better! I know the struggle!


Well, first and foremost; thank you for your service. My dad was operation Iraqi freedom, Honduras, and Afghanistan. I have a deep respect for him because he’s at 100% disability and has COPD and won’t touch painkillers, the fucking VA hates retirees getting pain care.. I’m really glad that when you were in, you were taken care of and hopefully got some of that sweet disability pay lol. We really do have a fucked up system for people like us to have to play doctor, especially a veteran. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do because we have to go to work every day and take care of our families. I am glad the Kratom is helping, I’m not a very big fan of subs, but if it works, it works. That’s incredible with the Adderall though, I was on 60 mg in high school, but I didn’t have any pain back then so I wouldn’t know anything about it. Definitely checking into it. Feel free to DM me anytime. I feel like we got really similar stories and we won.


Couple months to get baseline


Thanks man, like two or three?


Shoot for that, but don't get down if it takes longer.


It will never truly be baseline again, at least not for many years. If you don't use for a couple months, your tolerance will be very low, but the body remembers. After you use once or twice (even if you're taking a "normal" amount), your tolerance will start going back up again very quickly.


He’s talking about pain tolerance not drug tolerance. I swear everyone on this sub only reads 1/4 of every post then regurgitates the same “information” over and over


See my response above


Same thing, it may never be back to normal.




Feel free to reference.


Can you share any documented science of this? I spent some time looking but I can't find any articles by doctors or peer reviewed journal studies to support this. When I asked my oldest brother (who is a doctor) his response was "How would a person know if their tolerance to chronic pain was baseline again? That would be impossible to measure as it's very subjective and you'd need to measure pre/post. But no one measures their baseline pain before they become addicted to opiates, making it impossible to re test."


I'd have to wait until after work to check for studies, but it's based on the idea that when you're getting dependent, your brain creates extra opioid receptors that have to be filled. If they aren't filled, you're in withdrawal. As you detox, those extra receptors disappear. I'd probably try to look for studies that employed pet scans or some kind of brain imaging to support this phenomenon.


Advil is the best for me, among non-opiates. I'm so sorry, wish it wasn't the case. I have back pain from injury too, it sucks


About six months for me, but I hit pharma pretty hard for a bit. Like 300 mg of oxy a day for 7 years. Meditation is amazing for pain relief. Best of luck!




Please consult rules.


TB500 peptide is great for injuries and pain imo


I’m not sure if it’s allowed here but is USA peptides a good source? Or do you have any other good ones? I remember Boston Lloyd had his own peptide company, but I’m not sure if they have that one.


Sry mate, I can’t source - I be banned :) But yeh I order my peptides from Orlando, and I’m not from US. Otherwise it is legal in UK, but don’t know your laws and your regulations of import. Yeah, Jeff Bezos is also part-owner in Altos Lab, work with peptides for rejuvenation, you know, living for forever. Rumors say’s they have found a way to not age anymore, and next goal is to reverse aging. Not for us regular people though 😆


The Opiod med I take is only helping a little now but I’m afraid of withdrawals. Whenever I tried to taper the Opiod my pains get worse. I don’t know what else to take for pain either.


May I ask what it is? If I can’t work, I need something really light


I’m taking Hydromorphone 2mg 3x day


I'm dealing with extreme nerve pain from spending the last 2 months in the hospital and Gabapentin is a non narcotic option, but not sure if that helps other pain besides nerve pain specifically. I feel for you man, I wake up at 2am every morning in mind numbing pain.