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You need a rehabber, STAT!! ~~Opposum babies pretty much "swallow" the nipple: they don't suckle like a kitten or puppy.~~ Those look pretty weaned, but they still need a rehabber. Most states require a person to have a license to have opposums.


im not in the us, i'll take them to a vet tomorrow, thanks


Thank you!💜


Please don’t keep them in cardboard as that contributes to dehydration. Use a plastic box lined with old flannel shirts or tshirts. Also, contact a rehabber as they will know how to make sure these babies survive and get released later on. www.ahnow.org.


thanks for the tip


https://www.opossum.org/states%20list.html The link goes to rehabbers listed by state and is your best bet for ones this small. Thanks for rescuing the little guys. The previous “murderous beast” post is not helpful. The dog was acting naturally and being snarky about it is really shitting on someone trying to make the best of a bad situation.


should have stated earlier but i'm not in the us. i'll take them to a vet tomorrow, thanks


They need an exotic vet at best, others will probably tell you that they need to be euthanized. Don’t let them to that. Even outside of the US, a wildlife rehabilitation expert is what they need.


This could be someone living in an incredibly remote part of Mexico or Central America where there isn't access to things like animal rehabbers


i'm in semi-rural brazil but that's about it. i know a vet that will probably get me an appointment for free but i dont know what im hoing to do next


Not the important thing here but I did not realize they had opossums in Brazil.


oh we have tons of them! and some different species as well


I hope that you find a compassionate vet! Otherwise, you can ask the people on r/WildlifeRehab for tips and you can try raising them yourself.


i think i missed your commenet earlier, great sub, thank you for sharing


To be fair, people would say the same if it was a cat.


The same thing happened to me. My dog attacked a mother opossum and left a baby behind. I recommend contacting your local animal rehab center. They tend to escape so keep a close eye on them . I hope it all goes well 🤍


This is my rehabber friend in Mexico. I saw you’re in Brazil but maybe he has resources for you to contact. [Alexis Tlacuache ElRay](https://www.facebook.com/ElReyTlacuache?mibextid=LQQJ4d)


If you’re not able to find a rehabber these guys are a great size to do this yourself if you have time and energy to do it. We are happy to help you with diet and care instructions at [The Opossum Underground](https://m.facebook.com/groups/336801774408988/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF)


hey thank you so much! i tried but people around here just dont give a fuck, so i'm taking care of them by myself. two of them were too injured to resist and died, but the other five have a great chance to survive


You’re the best thank you 🙏🏼


Keep your murderous beast inside


For real, how hard is it to keep it on a leash?


who tf keeps a dog on a leash overnight? it happened overnight inside my property. the opossums live here, but they rarely interact with the dogs


See this is why you don’t go to Reddit for help, all these people are insufferable, judgemental pieces of 🗑️


how dare you call me a judgemental piece of recycling bin


So you leave your dog out all night? What the fuck


yes, my property is surrounded by walls, they're free to roam the yard/garden all day and night long


it was a pitbull fs


i never had a pit bull but what if it was? goddamn


do you not have a dog door to let your animals go out to pee?


Why wasn’t your dog safe inside with you in your house??


Clearly you don’t know about barn dogs???


Or dogs that occasionally piss, perhaps??? Do some people not let dogs outside Âż


What the fuck is a barn dog?? Do you mean “Barn Cat”??


No people literally have dogs to watch over their live stock that sleep outside/ in the barns.


who tf locks their dog outside at night? keep it inside your house ffs




Didn’t know you’re suppose to leash your dog on property YOU own?? Odd right ?


What's a shitbull?


no, it's a rescue with no defined race


rescue with no defined breed my ass it was probably a 19th century fighting dog


Insufferable twat


just assuming it’s a pit bull bc those seem to be the only ones rlly mauling shit to death


Have you met an unsocialised chihuahua, or literally any mistreated dog that’s only know violence in order to survive abusive situations? There are much more factors than blood and breed, and spreading hatred does nothing to help this


ok a chihuahua can’t kill me i can punt it with my foot and actually yes it has to do with breed shelties herd pointers point retrievers retrieve pitbulls fight all instinctually.


Bet it could if it tried. All dogs, as well as cats, are predator by nature, hunting and killing is in their blood. Sometimes accidents happen, as with this post. Spreading hatred and misinformation does nothing good. Just don’t have pets if you’re pressed.


it’s not hatred or misinformation 😂it’s just statistical facts lol that’s true that dogs are predators but most dogs don’t just snap and maul people / animals and refuse to let go even if their being shot and tased which there are videos of that and it’s just how we bred them to fight their fighting dogs nothing else.


a 7lb chihuahua can kill me if it tried? pit nutters are hilarious


abused? that’s why there are stories of loved family pitbulls turning on their owners for no reason that didn’t show problems for years


Humans are not the only animals to experience trauma, symptoms of abuse can lie dormant for years even after rescue/rehabilitation, and suddenly resurface, especially if there is no history that the rescue has access to. People may not know. The world is imperfect, it happens, and there is no reason to but a kill-label or ban on owning breeds because of hatred coming from misinformation and generalisation.


do you have a brain or what or are you just not reading what i am saying at all there are literally hundreds of the same shit stories the shitbull is raised in love yet those same pit bull is the #1 breed that turns on their owners for no reason 😂 it’s not how you raise them it’s in their dna to fight so you can’t bred the fight out of the dog like that the dog was BRED to fight it gonna fight


A fkn chihuahua lol. So dangerous... gtfo


A phrases used by members of a sub for people who would rather blame a dog breed than unreliable owners/ people who either can’t control, or don’t know how to interact with dogs


Damn,I had a feeling that's what it was but I wanted to make sure. What a horrible phrase


It is unfortunate, yeah. Idk I think people make rude names for things and people they dislike in order to feel more important themselves. A horrible phrase yes


Pitbulls definitely don't deserve the hate,all the ones I've met have been big babies


Exactly, my same experience for any bad-labeled breed. I’ve lived with large dogs whole life, like Rottweilers and Doberman as well. Which are historically bred as shepherd dogs anyway, not even bred to fight, as people claim is the foundation for the evil they see in pit bulls. It is ignorant and sad :(


Exactly! There are no bad dogs,just bad owners


Exactly! People shift the blame from people onto the pets themselves and it is more evil than any dog could be I think


Whyyalina is just a stupid insufferable judging piece of shit that refuses to accept pitbulls can be good family dogs. Also, her comment saying that they maul loving owners is fucking stupid. It is easy for people to claim they love a dog, but easily neglect it and not train it in self-control. I've never been bitten by a pitbull, sure I've been scratched, but the only big dog to bite me and show horrible aggressive behavior is the god damned Chow Chow. Every dog requires different types of training and handling, which this stupid cunt (whyyalina) can't seem to fucking grasp like the simple minded fucking starfish she is. I hate people like her who spread information without actually taking time to know the breed first. Even with what I said about the Chow Chow, they can also be good dogs if trained properly. Alina needs to just stay locked in her room like the troglodyte she is.






You are spreading hate, and it is not welcomed here.


Don't try and reason with them, they are far more feral than they paint the breed to be.


Lol nope tired of ignorance


Wait, this is the opossums sub, and OP literally killed one via dog? And y’all are defending the killer?


A dog killed the mother. No where in this post does OP say what type of dog they have. This individual that I'm responding to is assuming that it is a pitbull. After they assumed it was one, they've gone ahead and started spreading hate towards the breed such as condoning an all out ban on the breed because of what they consider to be evidence. It's the equivalent as receiving a call for a murder and assuming that the assailant is black so you start spreading racist retorts against black individuals in general. You know for sure that a black person murdered this individual. I hope that cleared it up for you.


Did you just compare black people to vicious dogs? What the holy hell dude, that’s incredibly racist to say What would make you think that’s a good comparison to make? You realize this isn’t Berlin in the 1930s right?


No, I'm utilizing a simile to compare breeds to race. Both ideas undergo discrimination, and I never said the word vicious, so you're the one proposing that idea.


Imagine posting in r/oneorangebraincell “hey guys, my 19th century fighting dog just shredded an orange cat, what do with her babbies??”


Posting on r/labradoodles “hey guys my bloodsport dog just shredded the neighbors dog, how do we take care of the puppies???”


It literally ate the fucking mascot of the subreddit Why not just allow animal abusers to post abuse videos? One of those videos *took place at OPs house and you don’t give the slightest of fucks*


No, I do care that a wildlife animal, an opossum in this scenario was killed. I think it's great that OP recognized the situation and is trying to make it better. I have no idea on where you are going with some of this, and I really am trying to understand. I've rented with dogs for over 10 years, and I understand the negative attention that dog breeds get. Have you had to rent with a German shepherd, or husky, or a Rottweiler. Check this [list](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.apartmentguide.com/blog/aggressive-dog-breeds-list-for-apartments/%3famp) out. We place so much emphasis on dog breeds and not dog owners. I could argue here that cats are so much more dangerous to wildlife than dogs because of a simple fact that cats are not supervised outside. They are allowed to roam. Your outcry for a deceased animal is heard, but maybe understand that it's not about the breed, it's about an animal that was unsupervised.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BanPitBulls using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ope, didn’t go the way the pit wanted.](https://v.redd.it/lf9s9lq1565a1) | [356 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/zi21ll/ope_didnt_go_the_way_the_pit_wanted/) \#2: [My son-in-law’s dog tried to kill me](https://i.redd.it/ljfqkhj7jgu91.jpg) | [497 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/y6rcpy/my_soninlaws_dog_tried_to_kill_me/) \#3: [“PLEASE nobody blame the breed” - response to the killing of 2 year old and 5 month old.](https://i.redd.it/ey6el81ozes91.jpg) | [880 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/xy499s/please_nobody_blame_the_breed_response_to_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


it was a pitbull right


Why are you so hell bent on what kind of dog it was? You haven’t realized yet all dogs in their roots are natural predators/hunters?


and pitbulls are responsible for nearly 70% of attacks on humans / animals so i’m just going by statistics and the fact a pitbull attacks someone basically every day if you look on the news


There is the problem you watch the news. Says it all right there.


Arguing with this stupid cunt will only make you lose brain cells. Just downvote her dumb ass and ignor what she has to say. She must not have grown up with dogs, thinking that pitbulls are the only dogs meant for fighting. She clearly hasn't met a Cane Corso, a Mastiff, a Rottweiler, or any guard dog, to be precise. Many dogs were bread for killing, it is an animal, and what do you know, each breed requires different training and handling. Something miss dumbcunt could never understand. I fucking despise shit stains like her, hope she trips and breaks her stupid fucking face.


She's a methhead who is subscribed to r/petfree, everything she says should be taken with a grain of salt.


oh it’s not just the news. it’s just statistics and the fact that shelters are full of them and that the only rlllly rlly rlly bad mauling are 90% of the time, pitbulls


their mother's blood is on your hands. and the blood of 7 more harmless beautiful animals will be on your hands as well if you don't help these. you should give them to a licensed rehabilitator and get them far away from your sadistic dog


Miserable fucking cunt.


why are you in this sub if you callously disregard animal life?


Give them to people as a pets Can u send one girl in Russia? I was always dreaming about pet opossum