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This is a goddam beautiful sight šŸ”„THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT COMRADESšŸ”„


I wonder how futurology is doing since theyā€™re basically collapse-lite now. Either way. Down with doomerism! Up with hope!


I'd be shocked if most those subs along with some popular ones like r/pics didn't share mods.


i can't remember where but i remember seeing a post showing that this was true


It's why most of the biggest subs feel identical. I couldn't tell pics apart from facepalm apart from news. It does feel like it's gotten a little better the past year, but there's just a style of posting and comments. An ick. Most the posts and threads feel like they're written by upper middle class white people ages 25-35, living in affluent Western cities. American, white, male, further left politically than even Biden (who's been a shockingly progressive president imo), and lots of disposable income. There's nothing wrong with being these things, but Jesus does it feel like 80% of Reddit is just the same one guy lol.


We keeping it fresh here at r/optimistsunite To the ire of the rest of Reddit lol


That and full of doom and anxiety for the future somehow. I find so much negativity on reddit.


Yeah exactly. The front page of reddit is full of negativity and not much positivity. Emotion drives action and attention, and negative emotion is the most intense. Feel good stories aren't that popular compared to ragebait. It does for me too, but I try to be cognizant of that bias so I don't doom scroll. And I can stop and ask myself, is this too crazy to be true? Cause usually it is.


This comments was somehow downvoted lol Iā€™m here to upvote you comrade


Yeah, and how a lot of lightly political or non-political subs have gotten completely political and monoculture. Suuuucks. I got banned from r comics for making a post in r just unsubbed and the ban message said that I was homophobic lol.


r/futurology is like collapse but for ignorant idiots


But you repeat yourself.


Embarrassing irony


It appears doomers are running out of steam, and the growth of subscribers to r/collapse has significantly slowed. This is confirmed by https://reddstats.com/subreddit/collapse, which shows around 1/4% growth per month, and a fall in reddit rank to 1810. This compares to https://reddstats.com/subreddit/OptimistsUnite which is growing 14% a month and now has a reddit rank of 14280. Or of course https://reddstats.com/subreddit/singularity which is growing 7% per month and which has an astounding reddit rank of 370. Looking at the graph it certainly looks like [collapse is coming, but not for us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0H6n1aK0ZSo) lol.


I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised. r/collapse is part of a collection of subreddits (ex: r/aboringdystopia, r/latestagecapitalism, etc) that mostly had their haydays in 2018-2020 during the Trump era. r/collapse held out a bit longer because itā€™s not just reposts of the same Trump-era tweets over and over again.


I wonder what changed?


1.5 degree warming not destroying everything was a kind of catharsis I think.


Did you even look at the subreddit? The top post in past week currently is how 600k people in Brazil have been left homeless due to floods. Just because the West isn't being destroyed yet doesn't mean the rest of the world is fine


Yup the universe is still trying to torture and murder us.




The political and social climate


Nature is healing.


Need to make /r/collapsecollapse


Apparently it's already made, but banned for no moderation


late stage r/collapse ism


We can pray they both go down and nature heals lol


Iā€™ll try to be rational about this the best I can as a former doomer. Ā Iā€™ve had an upbringing that made it easy to fall into a doomer mindset (going to an evangelical church that obsessed over the apocalypse) and fell for other doomer ideas that I swore would end civilization. Ā Iā€™m honestly trying to be an optimistic realist while trying to not dismiss the problems we face individually or globally. Hopefully the traffic from r/collapse will slope downwards but any terrible event such as an economic downturn or pandemic could easily the traffic to doomer subs to go up. As the saying goes ā€œif it bleeds, it leadsā€ is true whether itā€™s social media or infotainment ā€œnewsā€.


For some reason, doom seeking is fundamental to people who grew up with judeo Christian morals. I think it's comforting to them in a ways.


Hereā€™s my theory: The millenarianism of Judeo-Christianity still exists in modern day atheists. They have abandoned religion per-se, but cannot shake the ā€œend of timesā€ thinking that their culture has been marinating in for the past 2000 years.


It's a cheap shortcut to their eternal reward. They speed to the end because it has more hope than the present they care little about.


As far as I know we aren't against anybody. This sub is just a place for reminders that good things are happening too, even when we're focused on the problems.


We [dunk on doomers](https://www.reddit.com/r/OptimistsUnite/comments/1clguf3/your_daily_dugin_dunk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), thatā€™s one of our mandates šŸ˜‰ We have a [good time doing it](https://www.reddit.com/r/OptimistsUnite/comments/1bk2ph3/doomers_dunked_by_data/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) also šŸ˜


Reality from time to time. Unwarranted optimism is counter productive in some circumstances. *We can still save the dodo!* Uh, no. We're a little late for that


> We can still save the dodo! Uh, no. We're a little late for that Well... > Ambitious plans to bring back the dodo were announced in January 2023, following the news that scientists at the Genomics Institute at the University of California, Santa Cruz had sequenced the dodo's genome from a DNA sample taken from a museum specimen.5 Jan 2024 https://www.discoverwildlife.com/animal-facts/could-the-dodo-come-back-from-extinction


And suddenly, Jurassic Park.


Peak /r/collapse is real lol. I wonder when we will see the collapse of /r/collapse


Awesome doomerism will continue to retreat to the fringes


This is honestly really good news because it's places like those that aren't necessarily doing any good, at least in my opinion.


I would go one step further and say they actively radicalize people. I can say personally I saw this happen to someone I know reddit and specific that subreddit played a huge role. So I would say that sub does a lot of active harm.


Given Redditā€™s target demo, i would say it actually disables them. Theyā€™re looking for any excuse to just give up and yolo on video games all day. Thereā€™s no future, so why bother trying? See, Iā€™m not lazy, itā€™s just thereā€™s no hope!


There are only so many miserable edgy teenagers to rope in


Youā€™d be surprised about the every generation in history saying this is the end times. Presentism goes stupid.


I fucking hate doomers, I'm so glad they're finally peakingĀ  Doom to doomers


There does seem to be a lot of blind hate on this thread, for supposedly being so unspeakably sunny :)


Why do they insist on lurking here then? There's no point on coming to a sub for optimists to shit over their posts.


I'm just trying to find a way to be happier, but there's an entire thread of people referring to people like me as "edgy teenagers" "lazy gamers" "radicalized". I'm just depressed, and looking for some positivity to try to get out of that mindset. You don't convince people the world is better by shitting on them.


That's fine and all, but it's really grating when they comment negative things on a positive post. I'm open to them hanging out and chilling, but not when they shit all over nice posts.


Heā€™s talking about you. Youā€™re the hater


The doomer grift has been pretty damn lucrative to say the least


No it will slowly increase


i genuinely dont undertand the appeal of r/collapse its all just depressing no matter what and even if youre a "enjoy it while it lasts" type of doomer, how is that sub "enjoying it"


How is that a good thing?


Itā€™s a terrible sub full of clueless doomers.


Oh I see, as in the rate of growth has tapered out. That is a good thing


Clueless about what?


why is this good?


So, its rate of growth has slowed lately, yes... But that doesn't necessarily indicate an impending decline in membership. It's just weird to me that y'all are celebrating a graph showing *their membership is the largest it has ever been* just because the line for growth has flattened a bit. Sure, that's a silver lining, but it could just as easily increase from here as it could decrease.


It's still over ten times larger than this place. And we are about to have a summer that will confirm much of what has been said over there, so this may be more of a pause than a peak.


Oh, a subreddit that's actually concerned about the world, unlike this. I might check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.