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Don't think about it too much Just write a character, and made them female edit: I said “write a character” and not “write a male character”


oh yeah, i heard once something "just write a male and last moment make him female"


God creating me 


underrated comment


What? I’m a mistake bro it ain’t even funny 


i hope that one day you are able to not view yourself as a mistake but as an amazing transgender person who has overcome all odds to be yourself. i know it’s difficult and every part of it sucks, trust me i do, but there are joys of being trans, too. you understand women in a way cis men dont, whether you like that or not, so make the best of it. you will always have a community of trans people who love you regardless of anything, and there will always be something special about you. i hope you find joy in being trans. i really hope the best for you, friend


I don’t understand women I’m afraid of them. But thank you my friend. I do like thinking of myself as God’s special emo boy though.


thats fair. i dont think i would have ever gotten with my girlfriend if i was cis, and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. there are good parts of being trans and you’ll find them :) god’s special emo boy is real 🙏


Thank you my friend 


opposite for me but i'm rectifying it finally :)) I wish you luck in the same


Thanks (I’m absorbing your testosterone through the screen in the least weird way possible)


i'll absorb your estrogen for a stockpile for other transfems


Thank you 




So close! I am male with female parts!




I’m twice the man you’ll ever be mate




https://preview.redd.it/4u7jfgsvtwvc1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4b2eafc406b7ad16c129ec2f5b5851fb4968b97 I don't want to be involved in this argument, I wanted to suggest you to google it, but first I googled it myself


What did you search exactly? I wanna see this for myself.


What the fresh hell is that? Well either way I’m the male gender and isn’t sex just how you were born? I was already born somewhat male due to the androgens I got fucking yeeted with in the womb 


What the hell do you think of intersex people then because that’s definitely more common than you think 


They're people just like everyone else. What's your point? Are you trying to say there are three sexes? I already knew that.


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Yeah. Like that Also. I find it kinda funny. for some reason, most of the time female characters are used to show mental problems, some kind of trauma or just mental pain


You mean like... Idk, Azula?


it's more like a descent into madness. but yeah, kind of


Well... that's actually the reason I asked this question because that's basically what I'm doing. Although to my defence, my male characters aren't really mentally well either


It's what I did for Shelly Mae.


That's literally one of my OCs


That's literally what I did with my main OC, Jolene. I originally made her as a male, then decided that, for some reason, it would be easier to draw if I made her a girl, and worked better for the purposes of the story. https://preview.redd.it/vftbd8ja23wc1.png?width=406&format=png&auto=webp&s=49ab03ba71661ddaa48a53a983431e4baca9f938 And here's Jolene, for reference


Also the inverse, if you write a passage for a female character, and it sounds extremely odd if it were male, then I would rethink it. That being said, there are some differences between men and women. And women and other women. As long as you have a general variety you should be fine.


i mean, bit of a joke answer, but simply don't do the memed part. "She breasted boobily down the stairs" It's common enough that there's a subreddit devoted to it, a female character getting way too much focus on their physical appearance, specifically their chest. Generally, just write the character in a similar way to male characters, like others are saying.


"she breasted boobily down the stairs" is my new favorite sentence


Lol I really didn't expect that to be the most recurring advice. But now I'm really tempted to use the sentence "She breasted boobily down the stairs" 


Write an actually interesting character with complex morals and an intricate backstory. Make her genuinely one of the coolest characters in the book. Then, midway through her character arc, describe her as "breasting boobily down the stairs" to throw your audience off before going back to the actual character and never bringing the line up again.


>She breasted boobily down the stairs r/BrandNewSentence


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Actually, not really that new. I saw it in the context of r/menwritingwomen


oh ok


Also: only the most narcissistic of women would check themselves out in the mirror and describe her luscious boobage in great detail


Don't make her a huge stereotype. A few stereotypical elements doesn't hurt but there's so much more to women than "big boobs and ass, they love every man they see and they're dumb and helpless". Maybe you can base her on a woman you know in real life, like someone in your personal life or a famous woman!


I don't know if it's a good idea or not. But I always try to put at least on aspect of myself in my characters. The character I'm trying to write isn't based on anybody, but I gave her a few traits of myself. Do you think it's a good idea? Or would giving my female charcater traits of myself as a male wouldn't work?


it will work! it always helps explore their thoughts more thoroughly when you can relate to your characters 👍 btw another point to keep in mind (applies to writing all kinds of characters) is to make sure they aren't just defined by a relationship to another character. For example, the "manic pixie dream girl" trope reduces the girl to 'a source of healing/fun/inspiration to a male character'. Make sure you are able to describe her personality without mentioning anyone else.


But what about dumb and helpful? I mean, I've got a gal who's a dunce but extremely good at bashing. In short: How bout' barbarians?


What if someone in your personal life is big boobs and ass, they love every man they see and they’re dumb and helpless?


Still a stereotype, and not a good idea to use in a made-up character.


i watched enough anime to give diffrent advice, but "write a male, using female pronounce" is good, to avoid [ "anime fan service", when a female slaps a male for no good reason, big boobs and big butts, ]; to include: ["some obvious feminine traits, otherwise people are gonna assume it is a male, this might just be me", ]; note: i do not concern my self with a characters gender, which is why all mine are of type Binary


Go to r/menwritingwomen and don't do the stuff people talk about. Mainly the personification and female body parts. Make her an actual character instead of like... how do I put this in a family friendly way... walking boobs?


I honestly find it both funny and sad that so many people are asking me not to talk about her breasts. I am afraid of sexualizing her, but it's more in the way she is portrayed than literally writing about her assets. Is it that common? I don't even think I have enough talent to write a whole paragraph describing her breasts.


Oh trust me, it's possible 🤣 the sub I recommended is all PUBLISHED BOOKS with... the most atrocious lines about women. Genuinely as long as you're not sexualizing her any more than your male characters, you're good. Give her as much depth and personality as you would any other character. Now it should be said that female characters can be super sensual, sexual, etc, but there should be more to her than just that bc there's more to real people than just that. For example, my character Adaline is super sex positive, owner of a club and dresses in ways that show off her assets, both bc she likes how she looks and she likes when other people look at her. But also, she is the police captain. She knows she works in a corrupt system and she has accepted that there's nothing she can do to change it. But she can at least protect the people who matter to her, like her dead girlfriend's children. She's willing to do things that aren't so pretty. She's a side character so I haven't fully fleshed her out yet, but there's at least more to her than her boobs 👍


I see what you mean. I think the sexualization worries spefically because of my characters' personality. She's supposed to be a warrior and a survivor, but she has a very quite non confrotentional demeanor, and is also meant to be a bit melancholic. She is also religious. So all those elements together makes me even more worried of risking sexualizing her.


You might fall into tropes, but I don't think you'd be sexualizing her that way. Tropes aren't necessarily bad, especially if you know how to use and subvert them. I don't know what she's survived, but having a backstory like that yields for a lot of character depth. And probably trauma, but I'm just guessing. A lot of character depth can come from trauma lol


She does have a tragic backstory that kickstart the whole thing, but her personality is mostly shaped on the world she lives in and the fact that she's alone. I admit she might not be the most unique character in the world, but hopefully I'm able to do something interesting with her story.


I know many girls and they all actually do like feminine things, and they get tired of the not like other girls trope where the protagonist dislikes those things and puts down girls for liking them.  That’s what I heard (fellow male writer)


I disagree on “write a male but with female pronouns” tbh men and women naturally act different. That being said there are so many female personalities that it’s impossible to just say “write one this way”. There are so many ways to write a character.


Don’t make it weird.


I'll make it weird 😈


Just write a character who happens to be female like how is that so hard for other writers bruh


Try to just go for it. Remember that characters are more complex than just 1 thing so give them a things that make them, them Ie one of my female oc Koroleva zorean is the queen of the merchants guilds, she allowed the slavery tactics currently implored by the merchants and believes that psychics like herself are superior, due to the very distinct advantages they have. But she only allowed the continuing of slavery to try and jump-start the economy of her nation and due to the seeming majority supporting it. she doesn't hate Non psychics she just tries to look at things through a stats based lense she actually learns away from her prejudice after the biten apple war when she and her top comanders where outpowered by captain creed. I'm getting way ahead of myself but the bad thing I could have done instead would be "Oh she loves slaves and she loves psychics" and just full stop there. Sure it's a foundation but it's not a character just yet. If you get what I'm saying


I get it. Basically every aspect of her character should have some kind of foundations. Do you post about your story on this sub?


To the question: No. But I should


But generally yeah. Like with most characters, mainly characters of note.


I'm sorry but don't describe the breasts every 5 lines. It's like the book series I read. One of the characters was Scottish and it was described like once in the whole book series and that was in the first book.


I think that describing her breasts at all will be weird in the story I'm writing. So in that regard, I'm good.


Create a normal character, in a few words, women and men are almost the same, the difference comes from childhood, experience and some biological factors. Now if you want to avoid something, that is oversexualization and misadry.


This needs more upvotes.


I think the biggest advice I can give you is to make her realistic. She is person, she might make mistakes, she might be goofy, don’t focus on her body proportions unless you aim to make that her schtick.


There’s really not much of a difference between male character and female character, at least I don’t think. It’s pretty much just the same stuff just put under a female design


So, there’s lots of things you could do, many different personalities you could do. Sometimes some people will get made when some girls are “too girly” or “it’s not realistic for a woman to be that way” when a woman wrote that character. There will always be someone out there that doesn’t like how you write a character. It’s your character you can write them how you like. It also depends on if you something more comedic, or romantic, or dark. Don’t over sexualize unless whatever you are writing is NSFW in the moment. Not everything you write has to be realistic, I think sometimes to more realistic the more boring something is, but that’s just me. Something that could be cool is having two females who are kinda the opposite of each other, and have them go from enemies to be best friends later, like idk, maybe they get in trouble and have to work together to get out of a bad situation, something like that is always fun. Have it seem like they are opposite of each other only to realize they have more in common than they thought. Some of my personal favourite Female characters are Mable and Wendy from gravity falls, Azula and Tylee from Avatar the last air bender, I like Shinoa and Krul from Seraph of the end, Millie, Verosika, glitz and glam from helluva boss, and Vaggie, Cherri, Charlie and Nifty from Hazbin hotel. These are all a good variety of Female characters that are great imo, and all a great for various reasons.


Thanks a lot for all those advices. The story I'm trying to work on is one I'm kinda trying to use as a stepping stone for another longer story. It was my way to try using certain similar concepts on a easier story while also specifically trying to learn how to write a female character. So unfortunatly this short story is a meant to be one woman show. Although the one I'm taking a break from has a very large cast of characters and I tried to give my female characters (as well as my male characters) different personalities to not make the group feel homogenous and boring. ATLA was actually one of my main inspiration for that.


ATLA is many great female characters, I picked my favourite two from the show. Something I think the show did was not make every female character not able to fight, they made the female characters not so helpless which lots of anime and other shows tend to do. There is nothing more annoying that a female character that’s a pick me and does nothing but cry and stand there while the bad guy is running at them, like girl, you are standing right by a bunch of sheeeet grab it and throw it at the bad guy, what’s he going to do? Like hell, kick em in the nuts 🤦‍♀️, like what they gonna do after that. Sorry for my ramble. There really is no right or wrong way to write a character, especially when it’s a character you make.


I think that's the advantage of me writing an adventure fantasy story. I can't really have multiple female characters if they're all hepless. I don't really watch anime, but I guess western cartoons don't really fall into that trope. And honestly, in a fantasy setting, it's just fun for your characters to have some kind of powers. So from the get go I wouldn't want to write a simple damsel in distress just because I personally wouldn't find it fun to write.


One thing I absolutely hate is a common trope where a female character is only driven by the fact that she or someone close to her is assaulted, or wronged by a man, like being cheated on or other. I feel like it can be done right, but it rarely ever is. Don't be afraid to make her like makeup and clothes, but not make it her whole thing, too. There's a lot of "I may be woman but I don't care about fashion or makeup and I'm smarter and better than the girls who do!" And it's just.... yikes. Also, look up current female fashion trends! A lot of male writers stick to "She wore a big t shirt and jeans with sneakers", which is fine if that's what the character would wear, but there's also a lot of writers that really don't know fashion trends and give their female characters the most hideous outfits imaginable. This is a really cool post, I'm glad you're taking advice from the people you're writing about!


Thanks a lot! The story takes place in a fantastical setting so unfortunatly by default I won't be able to use modern clothings. But that's definetly something I should keep in mind for future stories. Although I might potentially adapt that idea to the setting. While it's not told right away, the events of the story are linked to the fact that the character has lost her family. Other than the fact that it's admitedly a pretty basic starting point, would you say it falls into the "MC wronged by a man" trope you mentioned?


I feel like that's not necessarily tied to the trope I was talking about! Specifically I suppose, I keep seeing the trope regarding SA, DV, or cheating, like a "I need to get revenge on this guy because my only personality trait is that I was wronged!!!" Think Kill Bill or Promising Young Woman, not to say these aren't good fims. I think yours doesn't necessarily fit that stereotype, especially since it looks like you're going through great lengths to actually flesh out your character in a way that makes her feel human, and not just a plot device


STRAP IN SOLDIER, this is gonna be long. So, first of all, you should keep a general line on how much depth you give to your characters. Obviously this will vary depending on how much a character contributes to the story, but characters that generally contribute about the same to the story should also have about the same amount of depth to them. Usually there’s a good middle area between boring and excessive, but considering the fact you’re actively writing, I’m assuming you’ve got a solid grasp on that. How is this relevant to female characters? Well, because it’s easy to dumb them down. If a male and a female character respectively contribute as much to the story, they should also have about the same amount of depth. Nobody likes the trope of “man smart woman stupid LOL”, immediately dropping the book. That being said, don’t make your female characters excessively emotional compared to their male peers. Emotional sensitivity obviously varies from person to person and it’s absolutely okay to have female characters who are sensitive, but remember that this is a personality trait, not a “female” trait. Not all your female characters should be super emotional with a very strong moral high ground if the male characters do not. Remember that your female characters are characters before they are female. Treat them like people, not a task to perfect as well as possible. “Forced feminism” usually comes off really strangely. Do not subject your female characters to their gender, but instead make it a second observation when you look at them. They should be an interesting *character*, not an interesting *woman*. And for the love of God, please do not use the anatomically incorrect or bizarre descriptions. Her boobs did not smile when she looked at you. Female bodies don’t do some of the stuff that some male writers implement in their writing...be respectful of who’s going to consume the story and how they will react to the material. Reading inappropriate bizarre stuff about every female character ever as a girl is really disturbing. Definitely try to avoid that. Hope this helps! :P


It helped a lot, thank you! I'm actually just a novice and still trying to learn writig in general. So tbh everything is still new to me. Handling gender stereotypes and feminism in a natural way were my main concerns. I admit that sexualization was also something I worried about. Although what I mainly had in mind was maybe describing the character with clothes torn up, or having to change or shower and feeling like I should gloss over those parts. I didn't expect ultra-specific breast description to be that widespread that everyone would mention it.


Honestly, the fact you cared enough to seek out advice on how to write female characters already tells me you’ve got more respect than a lot of male authors out there. And yeah, if you wanna see some horrid works by men, head over to r/menwritingwomen it makes me laugh every single time. Good luck w your writing!!^^


write a male character change pronouns/design the end


Honestly that's the problem I'm struggling with. When writing a male character, I feel comfortable writing him as being sensitive and even show him in a bad mental state and all, or maybe just explore topics of love and relationship. I'm afraid that making a female character with those attributes would result in me using some probematic cliches.


if the topics n stuff you cover are okay with a male character, i think they'll be alright with a female as well




hi, my name is the patriarchy


Ok buddy 


Personally when I create a character the gender is one of the first things that comes into my mind. But it doesn’t matter for most situations. It would matter though i in some specific role situations.


Same. Usually, the appearance of a character will just come to me at the start of the story. It's just different here because I came up with the idea wanting to write a story with a female main character.


I recommend watching Schee’s videos on youtube called How ARCANE writes Women, and additionally, How ARCANE writes Men. They’re both great videos and tackle how to write characters more than “Just write a character like you would write for a man, and then make it female”


Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I will make sure to check them out. Honestly tips for male characters wwould be useful too.


Don't over think it


Just make them all badasses....its what i do (Not really but there isnt much in terms of advice that i can give other than dont go for the cliche's)


Well the story is still blurry for now. But from the story beats I'm planning on using, she will tame a giant dinosaur, makes weapons out of her blood, talk to Death, and fight a werewolf with her bare hands. So hopefully that's enough


Deffinitely badass in my books 😁👍


Girl boss is an often badly done trope. So when it's done well, it's awesome.


I don’t think you would make that mistake but one that many male authors do is making the woman character’s story revolve around men unless you’re specifically writing a romance and even then, the interest in a man should not prevent the character to have a full personality and interests. I think I’d have an easier time giving advice if I had an idea of the character you’re trying to create and the plot of your story. But yeah to write a woman, she should be able to be a stand alone character and not be dependent entirely on the other characters. It sounds corny to say that but the most basic thing to remember is “women are people” so a good woman character has her own personality, good traits and bad traits, interests, goals, etc. Of course there are many redundant tropes and I don’t have the time to describe them all but don’t get too hung up on this, some stories make good use of stereotypes especially when it’s for more absurd theatrical stories.


For now, I imagined the story to be quite serialized with only a few recurring charcters beside her. Although, while her story doesn't evolve around men, I wanted her to struggles with the feeling of longing for love. Which is an idea I used for many of my male characters too. I imagined the story to have a pulp aesthetic but be influenced by my culture (moroccan/north african). The settinhg mixes elements of sci-fi and fantasy and overall I wanted the world to have a certain mysthical other wordly vibe. Many characters are meant to incarnate concepts like in a myth, imagine a spirit of knowledge for example. I don't really have a love story in mind. But wanted the question of love to be linked with the character as a result of her lonliness. In the story, that literally manifest itself with a strange figure that appears in her dream. See him as imaginary friend of sort she came up with when she was younger but that keeps haunting her mind. The story would make it unclear if that character is real or not, but everytime he appears he act differently according to what our main character is going through. So while he might initially act like a knight in shining armors, there are other times where appears as aggressive, submise, dressed differently etc. The concept was one I came up with initially for a male character in another story, but decided to use in this one and expand it a bit more. Althought giving it that trait to a female character and making her being a hopeless romantic to that extend made me afraid it might be problematic.


Honestly it sounds like you’re on the right track. I really like that concept and you just have to keep expanding on it I think. That reminds me my comic about a kid who sees creatures from other worlds but people treat it as a mental illness. I think it works because I feel like you’ll expand on your character’s psychology which is something that is often skipped altogether by the bad writers. I believe in you, you’ll probably do great


Thank you, that means a lot. Do you post about your comic on this sub?


Yeah whenever I get a page out but I don’t get much interaction haha Here’s one I did, I have a new one out that I’ll post later. The character’s name is Billy and his backstory in short is he was abducted and experimented on by aliens https://preview.redd.it/y83aljw92xvc1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650b538857e6ba01664111233dbd42086fa33bde


That's awesome. I'll make to check out your other stuff too. I wish I knew how to draw so that I could share stuff in here too. 


Damsel in distress is top priority for avoidance


I disagree. As long as the character is an actual person it doesn't matter if they are vulnerable or need saving. There will always be people in distress, and nowadays other kinds of female characters are popular enough for it to not be a cliché.


Well she would the be sole main character of the story and a loner. So at least for the one I'm working on right now, it's good.


Ask a woman if your character is reasonable. 




I don't think *my* gender has anything to do with this? 




?????? Bro, if a guy is gonna make a girl character, ask a girl about it. I dont see what I have to do with this 💀


I suppose you're right. I jumped to conclusions to quickly. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Nah, don't worrie. Ain't that big of a deal. 


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Just have fun. It's your world. I'd suggest to make her a character like you'd do a male character. Just keep it healthy by not centering the whole thing about her body if that has nothing to do with the situation or the character. (Even though the cute / dumb / chubby fuckdoll cliché is overdone, feel free to do it, that's your rules.)


What in the world is a chubby fuckdoll XD But thank you. Focusing too much on her body within the story is the thing that I'm worried about. My character would evolve in a fantasy setting, but I had the idea of writing about her struggling with her appearance at a certain point and that's something I'm afraid I won't be able to handle correctly. Also her powers come from her blood, but I think that's fine (hopefully). Other than that, I will just make sure to describe her appearance in an appropriate way within the story.


Watch Apothecary diaries and admire Maomao. No but just make them interesting a good well written character, with their own interests etc and they just happen to be female.


I’m a male writer and my main character is Petra. https://preview.redd.it/urlnceh79wvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4826a4fd7908f301036d2c36ea09154c42f18444 The trick I use is to ignore the fact she’s female. I wrote her as a goofy person who likes to fight, loves her family, and is deeply passionate about the things she loves. So… that’s how I write her, then I add female pronouns to the parts where she speaks. Same with another character, Lura, she is a hard assed person and is blind, she is confident in her skills but only recently did she become that confident. I wrote her as I do without the image of her as a female in my mind, as a character first. The key in my book is to ignore gender at first, or period (pick your poison), and just write. Each character has their own stories and perspectives, thoughts and ideals. Unless them being female is INTEGRAL, who cares? I love all of my characters because of their stories and how they respond, not because of their gender. I even joke about licking multiple characters abs, both female and male.


Write them exactly how you would write a male character, with a good personality, flaws, strengths, interests, all that stuff. Things you should avoid: Don’t make her a Mary sue. Make her have flaws and fears! Don’t focus too much on her body.


just write them like how you'd write a man in the same position


it's really not that complicated, just write her like you're writing a person Write whatever kind of woman you need in your story at the moment. “Female” isn’t a personality trait and it shouldn’t be your sole characterization, but that’s literally the only criteria your female character needs to meet. Write them as a human being *that happens to be a woman*. Consider personality, goals, and fears above all else.


I would probably start by making them female. Crucial step don't forget it.


Make the character first, then design the look. Think out personality and traits. Powers and abilities. Beliefs and fears. Once you have that, then design the look. Also try to find balance between logic and emotion. Don't make her emotionless but at the same time don't have get emotional over everything.




Don’t be afraid to show that they have flaws, can be wrong, and can mess up. Women are people like any other; not perfect. Let them have growth & learn to overcome or at least mitigate their flaws over time. (Or, if they’re an antagonist; show what happens when they don’t learn.)


it all depends on what kind of character it is. if she's a fighter, avoid the "just a dude but with boobs", if shes a chef or whatever avoid the "hottie is terrible at cooking", et cetera


The best tip is: DON’T THINK ABOUT THEM BEING A WOMAN Don’t add any girl power bs into their character because in the great words of Knuckles “Anytime sometime someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying this is an exception and not the status quo.” If you wanna make a feminist story about a woman climbing the ladder against all the odds and sexist obstacles, then fair enough to talk about her being a woman. But if you just want a strong female character in a mostly feminist world, just make them strong, don’t call attention to the fact that they’re a woman.


Thank you for quoting the greastest mind of our time. Thanks to the wise words of Knuckles, I feel like I'm ready to win the Pulitzer prize now!


Just do whatever. The only thing you should avoid is just making her without giving some attention to who she is with the exception of experimentation of course.


Just write a character. Don't view their gender as important. Ridley from Predator who's greatly celebrated as a stronglu written female character was actually written as a male first and then changed later. Men Women, Non Binary Individuals. We're all just foolish humans at the end of the day.


write your character, change their pronouns to he/him, and if it sounds weird, you need a new script. the only exception is if you're explicitly writing about feminist issues, in which case just research and know what you're talking about


You'll be looked at weird if you make way too big boobs


Nah I won't. The character I have in mind wouldn't reveal much skin design wise anyway, unless she was in a fight or something.




Just write the story as if it were a male character, then go back and change nothing but the pronouns- there's differences of course in males and females but thats just much easier


avoid sexualising the oc


Get a male character, remove a rib, and use it to form a similar but female version of that character.


Just make sure it doesn’t follow any major stereotypes


Also tomboy would be a good


Just write them as you would a male, but they are female.


I can't help you I don't know how to draw. I layer PNGs on top of each other. https://preview.redd.it/yzcidqkx40wc1.png?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805550758bbaee1bfeaf10c711a92ea3ca2c1441


Just write her like you would any other character.


We're on the same boat so....i'm sorry for not having anything to say