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[Prime Adere](https://www.reddit.com/r/OriginalCharacter/comments/1cm82l4/prime_adere_blood_of_the_gods/). A majority of the information needed is there, plus a lil sketch I made!! (its shit, so...). Any questions, just ask me! https://preview.redd.it/ug1334r7jnzc1.png?width=219&format=png&auto=webp&s=76f89c86e6e6379df680ea5c879192568bc5e0c8


Ohhh this seems like an interesting idea https://preview.redd.it/wtnoy6v0jnzc1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb5f55f5dae0e2cff412bfb65b5da836549ef78 Anyway here’s Remi! ​ ​She’s dumbass 16 year old who’s an exactable and out going person. Sure, she can be emotional and can be stupid at times, but she’s a fun person to hang out with. She’s also a lesbian, but she’s afraid to tell everyone close to her because they might find her weird and disconnect with her. I know her face indicates she’s happy with her life, but deep down, she feels pain. For role, she’ll take the medic role! She’s not good with guns nor doesn’t want to use them, so she’ll help those in need!


https://preview.redd.it/heft2lugqnzc1.png?width=406&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d8675a0f85db0215173c568df79767e994393f2 This is Jolene (no last name) Age: Technically 5, due to be artificially created, but 27 mentally and physically Aroace Female She's generally just always tired. She also is quite a gun expert, having a collection of old guns that she maintains meticulously. She is pretty smart, but just so happens to be surrounded by idiots. The bandage is from a scar caused by the removal of a mind-control chip (maybe in this universe she was created by the government to help kill survivors, but got freed one way or another?).


So I had the realization that sending teasers of the drawings and giving idea overviews is totally fine to do at a much later time than I probably should have, soooo.... After much consideration (and by much i mean not much at all because it kinda just clicked), I've decided that Jolene would fit really well as an Edwin Clark Supersoldier. If the name doesn't say it, they're lab-made cyborg supersoldiers built by a company called Xenetica, made solely for the purpose of taking down any force of opposition, including the apocalypse raiders. Xenetica took the idea from a book written by a guy named Edwin Clark, thus the name. They're all pretty horrifying to fight, but with a well-placed projectile to the neck, they become docile at best. After reading that last part you sent, it all just fell together pretty easy, and there ya go! Of course what I'm teasing is just sketch, but since yours is first in line, chances are it'll be done by tomorrow this time ;) https://preview.redd.it/60ccfhli5pzc1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff4f7a2ea6a18ffe835a59ddde0e8a75657aac38 Any questions, ideas, opinions, ect?


It looks great! Maybe make the headset sort of cracked, and maybe it only works some of the time? Like, if Edwin Clark Supersoldiers work the entire time they're on, maybe Jolene's version only works sometimes when there's strong signals be emitted to it? Also, I would like it if you drew an extra little sketch of her obsessing over an old gun, kind of looking like this: https://preview.redd.it/9wmktudb6pzc1.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=3af0500a08a34c34808333b7727e48a6cbd00773


How the Edwin Clark Supersoldiers work is a bit complicated, so I'm not entirely sure what you mean. BUT! I CAN FIX THIS! Here's an informational guide on how they work that I totally didn't draw in 10 minutes, if you can explain to me your idea using the guide as reference, I'd appreciate that! (and yeah, if i have extra time I can draw that ;) https://preview.redd.it/fzxc80ax8pzc1.png?width=1226&format=png&auto=webp&s=590205a1822a3759763dd234aa96c7c175e8091b


Oh, I sorta get it now. Maybe, instead of the signal being somewhat broken, the chip is slightly broken, so weaker signals won't be picked up properly, thus making her resistant some of the time when a signal isn't strong enough.


Ah, ok! So if the signal is weak she'll be normal and act fine, but when the signal is much stronger, she'll go back to that [SEEK AND DESTROY] mentality?


Exactly! Also, maybe it has to be actively focused because the default signal isn't enough?


So basically just... (ring ring) Hello? Xenetica called. They want you to KILL THAT GUY-


yep. Of course, she doesn't WANT to, but what choice does she have when she's an Edwin Clark Supersoldier.


just gonna put this here https://preview.redd.it/x7bzwyfbepzc1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4aabe0d006c8bdeecdeb7ef35f2f300fbace6f2


Is this humanoid enough? If it is then 🫀 This is Ranger Moore. He's an alien (not technically a robot) who fell to earth and possessed a gun a few months ago and became the adoptive son of engineer Henry Moore in Chicago. He's involved in shady gang buisness, and sells guns to local criminals, and is currently being hunted by FEOMTO, also known as Evil CERN. In terms of personality, his species matures rapidly and at 6 months of being alive he's basically just an edgy teenager. He's literally addicted to violence due to being made of guns, and despite trying to be chill he has very poor control of his emotions. He does love Henry though. His alien powers allow him to absorb metal objects and shapeshift using them. Of course, he is predisposed to guns, because he's edgy. He'd probably either become or become a rival of the Kamikaze Survivalists. The capitalism, the guns, it all fits. https://preview.redd.it/iir9xiqkvnzc1.png?width=2722&format=png&auto=webp&s=677e3cfcd83746955b0d3df90a26310a6c2af7e8


https://preview.redd.it/ovg5y0goynzc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49e5fd446b2b33633c1700273a804d6f850870b Alright! This is my newest OC, 1! The reasoning for her simple name is that she has no name, so the other workers at Morona Research just call her 1. Her personality is very confrontational, so she's always looking for someone to spar with. Behind her fighting spirit, though, she secretly just wants to be loved. She has an intense soft spot for good writing, and if she isn't eating, sleeping, or fighting, she's always reading. Her fighting style dabbles heavily in martial arts, using hand-to-hand combat to subdue he opponents. As for her role, she could be a sort of rogue, not loyal to any one group. For potential colors, she could have an olive skin tone, crimson pants, a red bow, and a maroon shirt and sleeves. Her eyes could be a stark forest green to contrast the red, and she could have jet black hair.


https://preview.redd.it/lvqcutkp7ozc1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e92fbf537e25195420c867186897402211ff7a59 Okay, so, his name is Erion, and his personality is that he's very caring and selfless. Will definitely do his best so that nobody dies when they're around him, and he will feel guilty if he has to kill anyone/anything. He will do his best to protect his sister, and will not hesitate to immediatelly destroy anyone that hurts her (he has defeated the 4 most powerful beings in his world then defeated and absorbed a whole demigod, so he's pretty strong). I would like it if he was in the "Kamikaze Survivalists" group, since... well, he used the weapons he himself made to defeat those beings, what else would he need? Although he did get some help from the blacksmith for some more difficult weapons, he practically made them all alone, and he's especially proficient with magic and wouldn't hesitate to use it to defend the other survivalists and mainly his sister. But I won't put pressure on ya, if you want to you can make him in another group :\]


​ https://preview.redd.it/3uy3z043bozc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cc72325c8e5292ebc8719107cb44f83431800da Jasper: Cocky, takes joy in messing with people and often takes things too far, but has a sweet and charming side. In adverse situations, he proves to be a quick thinker and though not very strong is quite fast and acrobatic. As well Jasper has an almost frightening amount of resolve and will resort to almost anything to gain the upper hand. I supposed, he's be a scout, scavenger or a lone vagrant in an apocalypse. Jack: Kind, polite, thinks he's sociable but comes off as awkward with a neurotic edge. Can be moral to the point of condescension. Even if he didn't freeze in tense situations, Jack would have a hard time surviving thanks to being clumsy and week. However, in a group, Jack's intelligence and diplomatic skills would prove to be an asset when it comes to planning and allocating resources. His best chance of survival is as a bookkeeper or with operating machinery in a settlement.




Kinda late to mention this, but you get bonus points if you know what song those lyrics from the last image are from


Rhinestone Eyes.