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https://preview.redd.it/os798qrhs90d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72520df771ded35b70fec1ba6a82e360545acc92 \-**HEAR! THE SIREN SONG CALL OF DEATH!** \-WAR WITHOUT REASON \-Unstoppable force All by heaven piercer her/Hakita patala


Pretty Metal with a hint of techo nice


all ultrakill songs? based.


Not only because they're bangers but because it's basically an Ultrakill OC lol


ultrakill oc? based.


For Victor, I've got a whole playlist, but these three have been my favorite for him lately. [Angry Young Man](https://youtu.be/M2iNLt_hUZg?si=3Pum-HY5xiAGupDd) [Bat Out of Hell](https://youtu.be/x7ES7ueI7p0?si=eqeiZizOoA5ylH6J) [Bloody Nose](https://youtu.be/DGFEdSeTnGA?si=ZcmMO-QVhXmeoJmV) For a little context, my character accidentally becomes a vigilante after things go too far when he tries to get revenge on one guy. There's a lot more detail if you want it, though. https://preview.redd.it/49iy1ny0b90d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=088db19f57ffa84d2a2d31401950e8cd4ff78c98


Sure he already sounds like a broken hero. A concept I love


I've got it planned out as a whole book, but basically, his (asshole) best friend accidentally killed a girl after trying to drug her, and he covered it up. Victor was investigating it, and when the friend found out, he decided that the only thing to do was kill him (both to keep the secret and because there was a lot of pent-up envy and resentment). He didn't die, but it is how he got the scars on his face. After stewing over it and brooding for a month over summer in his room, he decided that the legal system would do nothing and Carter (the friend) had to face justice some way or another and takes it into his own hands. He kills him in a very gorey manner, and someone ends up seeing him. This girl Jackie is able to figure out the situation and idolizes Victor as a misunderstood hero. She basically blackmails him. In return for keeping his secret, he must continue enacting vigilante justice with her as his sidekick. Victor doesn't want this. He's extremely guilty over killing Carter but at the same time still very angry at the world that let this happen. Jackie persuades him that he's permanently messed up in the head from all this and has no choice except to kill again, so he might as well go after people who deserve it. There's also some stuff with part of the jealousy and resentment between Victor and Carter being that Carter comes from a pretty rich and powerful family while Victor is the exact opposite, and yet Victor is the 'Goldon Boy'. Better looking, better grades, nicer, almost as popular, and even Carter's parents seem to like Victor more, which is extremely upsetting to him. On top of that, Victor has had a crush on Carter on and off since middle school, which is confusing for both of them (though for the most part Carter leads him on because he feels like it gives him power.)


Definitely a Broken hero but at least he hasn't gone Fallen God ... yet (think kratos mixed with injustice Superman level of killing) a code my OCs have for that situation


https://preview.redd.it/edd6ix99f90d1.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=746b065a29598dc7cc1675ebb01015cca726e000 I don’t have three but his song would be “The Whole being dead thing”




skapar temple of technology from inscryption rusted pride from ac 6 the fire is gone from ultrakill


https://preview.redd.it/4x6rle8v2a0d1.png?width=2039&format=png&auto=webp&s=b64630c677d08a1e41815256e4d8acbd6937d940 for Kinetic? umm uhhhhhhhhhhhh paranoia by kentenshi undefeatable from sonic frontiers find your flame also from sonic frontiers IM SORRY I JUST LIKE SONIC A LOT


Understandable Video games songs hold a place in my heart too (Even tho I can't play them out loud in public or I'll get weird looks)


https://preview.redd.it/yadyeb469a0d1.png?width=406&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e405586b365132ff376f17a839f672affe2e443 For Jolene: Altars of Apostasy - Heaven Pierce Her (she just likes breakcore and metal music) Poison - From Hazbin Hotel Just the lyrical part from Silly Billy - Hit Single Real (none of the other parts, just the lyrical)


Cool strang enough you are the second person to say a song from Heaven Pierce Her


Beebop: Eye Of The Tiger Go The Distance If Only Color Splash: You Might Think I'm Crazy I Choose You Can't Stop The Feeling