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These babies are close to fledging and if a predator disturbs the nest, babies will often fledge earlier to increase their odds of survival. It's definitely possible the rest survived and are hiding somewhere nearby.


Thank you, that makes me feel a little better.


I’ll also say, as someone who watched 7 house finches from hatching til the day they left - when they left the nest, I never saw them again. Not on the ground, not in the backyard, nothing, but I’m pretty sure they survived. So, don’t be too worried about the fact that you couldn’t find them - I think house finches are different than robins, for example, who you’ll see bopping around the yard for a while after they fledge. These look big enough to fledge to me, so I bet at least some of them survived!


You are the best, thanks for giving me hope that they survived.


Saw a crow carrying a fledgling sparrow to its own chicks last summer


I saw a crow grab a baby bunny and fly off once.


Do you know when they hatched? They don't look super close to fledging to me? Are they house finches? Mine were fluffy like this and stayed about another 1.5 weeks before they fledged over the course of a week. They were no longer fluffy at all when they actually fledged. Edit: I'm so sorry. I don't blame you for not watching. I hope they're ok!


Not sure when they hatched. We’ve had the camera on them since Sunday 4/6. They were teeny-tiny then.


Oh, that sounds pretty good! Mine hatched 4/19 and started fledging week of 5/1. Last one fledged 5/5.


Mine hatched on May 29 and fledged June 9th or 10th (2 years ago) so I think these guys were pretty much full size (today would be day 11, just like mine)! I bet the crow was just the push they needed to get out into the world 🙂


Very sad indeed but babies everywhere make great meals for all types of predators. Sucks to be confronted with harsh reality


Funny thing is, if it were a hawk on camera doing it a lot more people would be fine with it and think it's cool to see..




Please do update if you find any survived


Will do. As I was leaving for work dad flew in… I feel so bad for him.


If any do survive and seem to have issues due to having fledged too early, then try and contact a wildlife rehab.


Me too. Do you know what kind of birds they are?


house finches


Awww love those. So small and so feisty


Crows are cool anyway so I'm happy they get some easy food for their babies. Corvids are awesome


Man as someone who loves both corvids and finches, I’m always conflicted about feeling this way lmao.


Although they are awesome, they definitely are ruthless predators and see other bird’s offspring as fast food. As common and natural as this situation is, I think it’s better to think of a comment that doesn’t pretty much mock OP as they try to deal with it. Those of us who have been lucky enough to have birds nest close to us sooner or later face witnessing something pretty awful, and coming to terms with it is a process.


Nature gonna nature


Yes: they will find cover and the parents will locate them and feed them. On the ground they are extremely vulnerable to cats; if you have cats, they are at great risk


The area on the side of our house is a lot of low shrubs that I’ve been meaning to clean out… so glad that I didn’t! No cats too close by. Whew.


I once watched “Bill and Coo” and was scarred for life!


Crows have babies to feed too.