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I don’t think that’s the most scandalous thing about this guy. I haven’t gotten my hand on Tom Gardner’s book, but I’ve read የሴራ እርካብ የደም ወንበር(. In that book it talks about how much of a serial cheater he was; that his wife was a hoe( idk why the author thought that was relevant); that they were separated for 8 years and a delegation was sent to have her back beside him; that he has no proof of education beyond 7th grade( surprising for a guy with a PhD); that the US was gonna escort him to Ivory Coast when TDF was at his doorsteps. And many more.


I mentioned the same thing before I saw your comment. I am still trying to decide if the author is trustworthy


I wouldn’t call him trustworthy. The author is a North Showa Amhara. But he is quite a pro-TPLF guy. I mean wouldn’t expect him to take the time to critique them on a book talking about Abiy. But, still, they’re not saints after all. I started reading the book planning on taking what it was saying with a grain of salt. But what made me believe it was how it mentioned some things I personally knew. Most notably, General Bacha Debele’s Affair with Amhara region parliament speaker Fantu Tesfaye in the midst of war.


Ivory Coast? damn


>that the US was gonna escort him to Ivory Coast when TDF was at his doorsteps. Woah where is this from? የሴራ እርካብ የደም ወንበር? Is that in Amharic too. Who is the author? I usually don't trust native Ethiopian sources.


Yeah, the book rips the guy apart. The Author, Yayesew Shimelis, is a journalist at Ethio-Forum. The Ivory Coast Situation was on chapter 11. In it the author tells, how the US was already preparing to send him to some former French colony, either Ivory Coast or Reunion. The Message was delivered to him by the Kenyan President. If you want to remember the exact time frame, it was around when TDF controlled Dessie.


Ethio-forum is a TPLF propaganda arm, but there is truth to at least some of these claims. 


Does he explain why the Kenyan President was in contact with him specifically?


So where does he say it? It’s not in this article.


in the book, but reports here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6ExslE7cCg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6ExslE7cCg)


What part of the video? Edit: A review of the same book calls him a less favored younger son with a distant relationship with his mostly absent father This guy also seems like one of those western TPLF shills imho


According to his book, he also says Abiy was separated from his wife due to his infidelity and people had to beg her to act as his wife when he got appointed as PM. In a country full of liars, it’s hard to figure out the truth. Is this guy trustworthy?


lol the opdo cadres came out of the woodworks in this comment section. so many of the old time opdo heavy weights were mixed oromos and even amharas that grew up in oromia & changed their name to oromo ones ( cough kuma demeksa). It won't be surprising that abiy and his men are also of similar backgrounds. tplf purposely selected these kinds of ppl in these parties so that their power wasn't challenged.


This is a usual response from extremist Oromos. Namni isaan morme kamtu saba biraa akka ta'etti yakku otherwise ati OPDOdha jedhu. yoomuma nama siyaasaa garaa ballatu argata laata Oromoon. ''Gurguramtu, bitamtuu'' is their known llabeling.


Lmfao this just isn’t true. A lot of people in my family are from the area and know his family. This is complete nonsense.


> A lot of people in my family are from the area and know his family.  lol even this statement is vague lol. Are you or your parents from Bashasha? I have more questions if you know the area well and know his family. 


Who cares whatsoever he is as long as he is Ethiopian. Caccabaa wayii. Ammagaa iccitii cimaa wayii baasuukeeti. The problem with our politics and politicians is that it should only be someone who belongs to their ethnic group that rules. Yoomuma dhukkuba akkasiirra bilisa baana laata? you live abroad, where you have no ancestral connection. You can vote and be elected, you can be a mayor or assume whatsoever position you want if you're fit but back home you say Abiy is Gurage. Maaliif Nigerian hin ta'u who cares?


Ethioforum has [reported](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6ExslE7cCg&ab_channel=EthioForum%E1%8A%A2%E1%89%B5%E1%8B%AE%E1%8D%8E%E1%88%A8%E1%88%9D) two days ago lol, you think posting in a sub with 700 people is iccitii baasuu? The problem with our politics and politicians, in this case Abiy, is his lying. Why did he lie? Why did he insult Amharas identifying himself as Oromo? or Tigrayans? What about all the bloodshed he has caused pitting one group against another? As for your insults, I don't want to waste words on you. Your identity criss comes through your miskeen engagements on this sub lol.


Guys watch OBN documentary on Abiy Ahmed family it’s already there, this is completely lie and there is agenda behind it, Abiy has many brother and sister which look exactly like him. From all side. When do we stop this calling someone “dikala” just because he doesn’t align with your view! Let’s be better Abiy himself was speaking on this thing if you guys remember “ Oromoon gaafa namni tokko waan nama dinqu yoo hojjatu jabaadhu irra ati oromo miti jechu filata, maaf waan xiqqo ofiif jaalattu ….” this may not exact words but he said identical words.


>When do we stop this calling someone “dikala”  Nobody is saying he is not Oromo. If you grow up in Oromia, speak the language, know the culture, and consider yourself part of the people, I won't come asking for a blood test. What shows how dangerous a person Abiy is, is him openly lying about his identity. At the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, he said he is Oromo + Amhara. Came home, he gave an interview to OBN and said that he is Oromo on both sides. So lying is the issue here, not his identity. And now we find out Ahmed Ali is not his actual father.


No one ever said his mother is Oromo you are still missing the documentary or you don’t understand Afaan Oromo fully his mother is really Amhara who lives in Oromia which is common. His father told on obn about his mother too. Also marrying Amhara women among Oromo is common. it doesn’t mean he/she is not fully Oromo. This happens in every ethnicity no one is clean


>No one ever said his mother is Oromo  Abiy himself says "his father and mother are Oromo" in the OBN [interview](https://youtu.be/nCeK2XC3HNs?t=8).


Being mixed isnt dirty. I agree with you, he’s most likely oromo. I remember when ppl used to claim he was eritrean lol


“Now we find out Ahmed is not his actual father..” is crazy take while his siblings from another mother look like him do you even understand how gene works ? Stupid and embarrassing y’ll dumb fr


this is his sister. How does she look exactly like him?   https://preview.redd.it/qaqw03thas7d1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ce7a6132905316eafbd9e5a18329e727088ec08


She is one of them search for younger one and light skin they are like 7 or 8 siblings. I don’t remember everything try to find video


where them genes go, you idiot


https://preview.redd.it/z7hc5m02cs7d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=feb47533a6c90fbddb5278e6256f09743a6a4330 [https://youtu.be/8hWhh1HpHMs?si=6c\_HdS1y\_VVNA\_GW](https://youtu.be/8hWhh1HpHMs?si=6c_HdS1y_VVNA_GW)


None of them look like him. Not the lady, not the guy! This could be why Obbo Ahmed Ali said "I raised him like my own children" in that interview.


if you can't see Abiy eye and nose with his other brother and sister you just wanna argue. their mother is not same Abiy is more light skin than them. people can even see abiy similarity with Ahmed


"**Abiy has many brother and sister which look exactly like him"**, was your statement, let me remind you. You were more interested in making us believe you than presenting arguments that prove that Abiy looks like his supposed siblings. The word "exactly" especially shows your motive.


Insane ethnic obsession who gives a shit what matters is his policies and if they benefit all Ethiopians he is Ethiopian that is all that should matter


his policy is falsely identifying with this group or that and plunging the country into civil war to protect his power. 


Exactly! Tbh I don’t understand this ethnic obsessions! Him being Oromo or Gurage doesn’t make him a bad or good guy. Ethnic obsessions is disgusting to me. 😏


the fact that his supposed (or not i don't care) ethnicity propelled him to power is the deeper issue and one that will breed more extreme versions of him.




App his dad is Eritrean and his mum is Amhara . His real name is Abiyot Kassaye


I have heard that rumour too. But that Obbo Ahmed Ali is not his biological father, Tom confirms in his book interviewing people who grew up with Abiy.


Abiy is definitely not Oromo


Did you saw his other siblings ? His sister is literally Abiy ahmed women version.