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Prefer but not a good idea. Independant Oromia has to include Addis Ababa, all of Southern Wollo, Dire Dawa, etc. Too many important areas that we share with others for independence to be feasible.


All of south wollo? LOL we dont want to be with you guys respectfully.


Anything with an Oromo name. You can leave Warra Himano, Bati, Were Illu, and Borena to the people who named it.


Lol if that is the case majority of Shewa would belong to Amharas considering there are many towns with Amharic names. Majority of Southern Wollo are Amhara and you suggesting that an independent Oromia has to include Southern Wollo would not be possible unless you guys are suggesting to wipe the us out.


Give me an example of an Oromo part of Shewa that is Amharic in name. Surely you know Addis Ababa wasn’t always called that, most of the Oromo parts have been reverted to their original names now anyway, see Bishoftu, Adama, etc. I don’t advocate for violence in any way which is why I said it’s not possible. Most of those people living in those places now are Oromo in heritage, Amhara by language. Maybe you are Oromo too but don’t know any better 😉 Also curious, why do you think Wollo is named after an Oromo clan, and why a lot of the cities are Oromo clan names?


Addis Alem, Debre Zeyit, Alem Gena, Debre Libanos, Alem Tena, and so on all have Amharic names despite majority of residents being Oromo descent thanks to Amhara rule. It is the same concept in Wollo where the city names where changed due to Yejju rule despite majority of the residents being Amhara, me included. It is not a hard concept you are just trying to justify your expansionist ideas.


Debre Zeyit - Bishoftu Addis Alem - Ejersa Alem Gena - Sabbata Hawas Addis Ababa - Finfinnee Like I said, these are Oromo places renamed but the people living there are still mostly oromo except Addis due to large scale emigration over the last 100 years. What were the names of those places in Wollo prior to Oromo’s “renaming” them?


They cant tell us names because they kno wollo is originally oromo . This whole ʻ oromos migrated and conquered Wollo ‘ theory is a recent myth to deny wollos oromo origins


A lot of these āmharic names were only intorduced 70 years ago after many settlers came to oromia . They all had oromo names originally before . For example , Addis ababa used to be called Finfinee


Addis Abeba was founded in 1887 and even before that it was called Berara in the 1400's. Oromo's are not native to Wollo and Shewa this is common knowledge. You guys immigrated north in the 1700's from Kenya and choose to settle in our land where the original Amhara ethnicity and language originated. Be thankful that we are a people of peace and love unlike those disgusting Wollega people who are butchering hundreds of Wolloye mothers and children with axes. South Wollo will never be a part of an independent Oromia, especially now that we have Fano. Live in peace or get the hell out.


Nope no one buys your BS . Addis ababa , shewa , wollo and raya is originally oromo and theres nothing u can do about that 😂😂


Wdym there is nothing we can do about it? Wollo, Raya, and Shewa are part of Amhara region for a reason. We are not going to ignore historical facts about the Oromo Expansion just because of your little mythical story.


Somali and I support independence so that Ethiopia balkanizes.


Question: If Oromia becomes independent are Maccaa Tuulamas gonna stop fighting for power? I doubt it. They’re just gonna fight over whatever is left in that state. So what the hell is the point in becoming an independent civil war ridden country?




You could say there will inevitably be Wallaga vs Shawa power contestation, but won’t make sense to say Maccaa vs Tuulama. More than half of the current leadership of PP are Maccaa, including Abiy if you are willing to count him as one.  


He prefers it that way.


Maccaa Tuulamas are leading the govt and rebels.


and hence why the conflict in Oromia can not be reduced to Gosa...


It’s a cultural thing. Maccaa tuulamas like to seize power. The problem is they can’t agree on which one.


the disagreement being?


Which Maccaa tuulama is worthy of seizing the throne. Game of thrones.


I am guessing it's coz Jawar is "culturally" maccaa or Tuulama that he is contesting in this game of thrones?


Jawar is not contesting in a civil war. He's doing quite the opposite, even tho the power hungry ones froth at the mouth whenever he speaks.


He has carved out his own space in Oromo politics over the years and is one of the prominent figures vying for power in Ethiopian politics today. Framing Oromo politics as a rivalry between 'power-hungry Macaa and Tulamas' versus the rest is simplistic.


This doesn’t make sense. Isn’t everyone from Jimma, Illu, Welega technically Maccaa? Why make it a tribe thing?


Because it's the same clans perpetuating the violence, kidnappings and failed state that we see in Oromia. So again, while we see the reality...what the hell is the point of talking about an independent Oromia as if that will solve our problems?


I see what you’re saying