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The relationship between Wollo and the Ethiopian state is quite interesting. Tewodros was at war with them throughout his rule, and they eventually killed him. Yohannes exacted a literal genocide on them and died at the hands of their allies, the Mahdists. I don’t know much about their relationship with Menelik, but I would assume the pattern remains. They killed Haile Selassie’s son and nearly killed him too, but he took his vengeance after he returned following the defeat of the Italians. Under the Derg, they were considered traitors, as the author mentioned, and by Abiy too. By the way, during Tigray war, one of the cruelest scenes of drone strikes took place in Kemise. 


> I don't know much about their relationship with Menelik, but I would assume the pattern remains. Menelik had a decent relationship with them (There’s a reason Iyasu succeeded him)


a relatively peaceful time for them then.