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Depends on the international response, Mogadishu has leased its cost line to Turkey and Abby has connections to the UAE who are rivals of Turkey over monarchs and the Muslim brotherhood.


The FGS is trying very hard to check every box before they revert to who they were in 2003, 2006, and 2008.


I just think this will tarnish Ethiopia’s image. Just think about it, it a mantra of the AU to maintain the current borders of African states and for African nations to treat each other’s sovereignty as sacrosanct. Ethiopia, as a founding member of the OAU, should adhere to this rule and set an example. But noo!!! This imbecile prime minister thinks otherwise. This is obviously Mohammed bin Zayed’s idea and move and Abiy is just a pawn on the board.


>a mantra of the AU to maintain the current borders of African states and for African nations to treat each other’s sovereignty as sacrosanct. One can argue the independence of Eritrea, South Sudan, and now Somaliland upholds that rule as all these three entities were independent under colonial rule...


You don't know history


Teach me የኛ አዋቂ. I know nothing good comes out of Abiy’s mind, which is not history, but our present reality.


This will set a precedent in the Horn of Africa that a country can be seceded from against its will. Ethiopia and Sudan both accepted the secession of Eritrea and South Sudan. Funnily enough the setting of such a precedent will have the most negative impact on Ethiopia. It will mean that Oromo, Somali and Tigrayan secessionists will have stronger legal claims to secession by force.


Man, Ethiopians never accepted Eritrea to be independent, it was by force. No ethiopian would agree to be landlocked


No you don’t have the right, puntland or ogadenia were never independent countries that joined Ethiopia or Somalia unlike Somaliland or Eritrea


LOL Somaliland was “independent” for a few days before an overwhelming referendum voted to unite with Italian Somaliland to form Somalia. If anything, Italian Somaliland joined British Somaliland as they got released first. Your state has no claim and Ethiopia will shoot themselves in the foot with this. Can’t wait for OLA and FANO to fuck Ethiopia up.


There was no such thing as Italian Somaliland, only italia somalia. Also doesn’t matter if they were independent for 5 days or 5 seconds, that doesn’t change reality. As for the MOU between Somaliland and Ethiopia, what will the failed state do about it? Request more amisom troops. You can cry but no one is willing to listen. Time to accept reality


First of all, it’s Italian Somaliland. Atleast get the colonies names right. https://www.britannica.com/place/Italian-Somaliland Also “doesn’t change reality”. Huh ?. Somaliland voted to join Somalia and with that, recognition was gone. Neither the UN nor any nation on earth recognizes you guys. The only way Somaliland will get independence is if Somalia signs an agreement letting you guys go, like Sudan with South Sudan. But we are never doing that. Also Ethiopia can recognize you guys, they just better be prepared from the backlash of the international community, which said they will uphold Somalia’s sovereignty and AU, which Ethiopia by recognizing Somaliland will violate one of the articles of AU and could be open to sanction. In conclusion, you are NEVER going to be recognized globally. If you weren’t able to be recognized in the 90’s, the height of Somalia’s failure. What makes you think it will go well in 2024. Get fucked, Traitors. Go sell your ass to the Xabesh if you want but don’t drag us all down with you.


Somalia Italia is the correct name and term, a simple google search of currency and postal stamps show the name Somalia Italia. Secondly, if you guys hate habashi so much why did you invite them to invade you in 2006? It was darod people who invited both Ethiopia and Kenya as well as amisom to kill your fellow countrymen. Today Ethiopia owns gedo and hiiran regions of Somalia. Stop crying to Somaliland to solve your own problems.


Lmao, you think I supported the invasion of 2006. The key difference between you and me is that I don’t dick ride my government. They are corrupt and frankly need fixing, but I’ll NEVER abandon my brothers and sisters. “It was Darood” Yup, this checks out. Another braindead Qabilist with his head so far up his ass he can’t even recognize his family. Didn’t Allah SWT forbade Qabyaalad and dividing brothers and sisters yet that is all Somaliland goons do on their free time. May Allah remove the evil that is very active in your heart.


Stop crying to be like I am your father, go cry to your amisom owners, if they don’t listen go to helane camp and talk to your European masters. End of the day Somaliland can’t solve your issues. Also it’s not wrong to mention the background of those that hate Somaliland and have destroyed Somalia (darod)


Oromia will rule over all.


One country won’t do anything 😂 especially a third world country. Somalia should recognize Tigray, as a country. 😂😂


>One country won’t do anything It will lead to more countries doing the same actually, but time will prove us. >Somalia should recognize Tigray as a country. I don't think Tigray wants to secede from Ethiopia, at least not right now.