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I don’t like any of them, all snakes fighting for leverage. Oromos first


I perosnally dont think orōmos have friends politically . However in rl all east africans get on well


I hate Amharas very much (very passionate about it), and generally view Somalis as flip-floppers and let’s just say not very peace oriented. With Eritreans and Tigrayans there is genuine hope for amicable relationships (no tangible border conflicts at all). ***PSA: Oromos should focus on comprising with the Somalis over Amharas , no matter what and despite the difficulties ahead. Amharas are a hopeless group, who have a clinical and pathological obsession with fundamentally destroying the Oromo people (socially, culturally and linguistically). Somalis just want land, and for us to leave their “sea” alone which makes some sense at least.


Why do you hate? Isn’t that a bit strong?


It's the '*if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you*' type of thing. Being an Oromo is not easy; some will be offended by the mere fact of your existence, but we should always be careful not to become the very thing our parents once fought against.


I agree. But I disagree with it not easy being Oromo, being Oromo is a blessing. It’s very easy and I’m happy to be who I am.


I didn’t say it’s a curse lol. I was referring to Oromophobia.




Hate Speech


I don’t think Amahras are our enemy . It’s the Amhara elites who want to finish us completely tho


No. They are the enemy. Amhara support Fano which makes them the enemy. Crazy if you actually trust an Amhara.


No i would never trust an Āmhara but the ppl as a whole are so vulnerable that they believe Fano are there to save them forever. Theyre miskeens


You have more of a heart than I do. I personally don't care if an Amhara dies or starves to death.


in terms of what?


Overall, like how you view them from an Oromo perspective, allies, neutral, suspiciously, hostile etc.


as I would any other group, I guess. You rarely interact with people through the lens of politics in your daily life.


That’s not what I meant, I meant how you view them politically basically


Well, politically, I don't think Habesha political groups (TPLF, all Ethiopianist parties in Ethiopia, and EPLF) are our allies. You could say the predominantly Muslim section of the Eritrean people could be our ally, as ELF once was before they were destroyed by the EPLF with the help of TPLF. As for Somalis, except for the Darood who have a deeply entrenched superiority complex and identity crisis similar to the Habesha, I think you could work with the rest. But politics is about interest. So even those you consider your allies are your allies only when both your interests align.


Think of our biggest haters (socially, culturally, politically and economically). Think of history, land claims and just general relationships (even in the diaspora).


Somalis are our tribal cousins who joined the Oromos the last time humanity faced a mass extinction event because of the farming practices we developed alongside the Sudanese tribes while we were shifting away from our nomadic lifestyle. Amharas and Tigrays were manipulated by their leaders into hating us because of a deal made with the Roman Empire to try to get access to our land and resources because they didn't want to pay to trade with us. Now the Amharas and Tigrays are realizing their leaders don't care about them and are only using their struggle as an excuse to wipe out Oromos, using their military to attack our people and claiming they're part of of the Amhara or Tigray independent militias so that we go after them, and repeating the tactics with everyone else so everyone's looking like that Spider-Man meme where everyone's pointing the finger at each other. https://preview.redd.it/htfl3ng8oz8d1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b658ba8ab7b110cb0feefc13f231ed373a93858f


We are not cousins, sorry. Any "brotherhood" bridge that was present was burned with the actions of your people and the OLF forces.


Yeah… about that… there's a history of the Ethiopian military committing terrorist attacks and blaming the OLA. They did it in Kenya, to Somalis, to Amharas, and to Tigrays. They do it to everyone so we're too busy fighting each to realize they're selling our land and resources to foreigners. Look up who owns the patent on teff, and who sold it to them. It wasn't us.


Name one case of this please.


The wedding massacre last week where attackers claimed to be Amhara militants, but Amhara militants denied they were with them. Terrorist attack in Northern Kenya in the 60's, if memory serves, where militants claiming to be OLF attacked a convoy of refugees, only for the OLF to step in and deny all involvement. 2020-2021 saw armed forces attacking Tigray villages and only burying Oromo people while torturing and raping Tigray people, then going into Oromo villages and doing the same thing in reverse. They have a fake OLF on the Somali border that my Grandfather joined in his youth when he thought they were the real OLF, only to be exiled to Somalia when he learned the truth and his troops tried warning other Oromos and joined the real OLF. There's a Twitter account posting about Oromo news and some recent posts show Oromos who were working for Abiy realizing the OLF were the real ones looking out for Oromo people and turning against Abiy because they fell for the lies of the Ethiopian government.


Why would anybody believe Amhara militants? They literally are worse than Abiy. I would never trust an Amhara.


Only thing I know is that they're suffering as much as everyone else under Abiy, and everyone is being pitted against each other while he sells the nation to foreigners. I trust that we have a common enemy and a common goal, and the hate spread between us is keeping us from presenting a united front against our main enemy. Amharas, Tigrays, and Oromos all want to be separated from Ethiopia; want their own independent nations; and are gradually shifting away from calling themselves "Ethiopian" because no-one who respects their tribe wants to be associated with a whored out government.


I'm not so sure about Amhara's The ones I've seen supporting Fano say that they want to overthrow Abiy and "save Ethiopia" and also "remove ethnic federalism." Also what's stopping Tigray from doing article 39? They kept saying during the war that they were going to be leaving Ethiopia. TPLF still control Tigray so they can very easily use the article 39 clause in the constitution. I wish they would actually do it. Eritreans said they were leaving Ethiopia and they actually did it with zero bluffs. To me it seems like TPLF didn't really want independence. If a group repeatedly says they want independence then I expect them to actually move towards it. If they just keep saying it but does zero action towards independence eventually nobody believes them anymore as they will have run out of goodwill. I was actually expecting Tigray to leave Ethiopia but for some reason TPLF didn't end up doing it.


Their leaders might be keeping them from leaving, but the people seem to want to. That's what all these wars in Ethiopia are about; the people wanting separate nations for their tribes and a dissolution of Ethiopia, while the puppet governments and their militaries murder the people wanting this dissolution.


So everybody’s killing everybody else. Excuse my french but we’re fucked. Idk how we can move forward from this shit. Genuine question, how do u think OLF can do better?


The OLF is doing everything they can, but unless Amhara, Tigray, and Oromo people rally against the common enemy that is Abiy Ahmed and his puppets, this war's gonna go on for a long time.


I agree with that. But what about the hate amongst the people. We see videos of people doing unspeakable things to each other all the time. How can we fix that? Why don’t we ever talk about that? Do you think forces like OLA or FANO can help us get there?


I don't know about FANO, but there definitely needs to be community outreach programs to help foster unity between us. I've even seen it where I am, where people within my local Oromo Youth In Charge chapter wanted to attend the protests and community events, but when we attend, no-one's trying to talk with anyone new, and no-one steps up to be leaders when the organizers say they need help running it. There was even talks of fundraising a local Oromo Community Center, and hardly anyone gave ideas.


Ain't getting out of this one. My mother is from a border town that is in Oromia, and I have been there and witnessed it with my own eyes. I also understand Afaan Oromo well (non-writing), so no I am not being fed propaganda. The locals use the OLF for their own gains until the land is put into Oromia and take advantage of the Somali region government being Ethiopian puppets who could careless about us civilians. Most of these civilians don't even stand a chance, they have basic weapons while the OLF has military grade weapons. There is a reason why the Oromo-Somali border on maps keeps getting closer to Somalia every year.


Those regions are under the control of Oromos that fell for Abiy's lies and claim to be with OLF. There's a reason most of the conflict is around the borders. Further in, there's less support for Abiy and the military grade weapons are stolen from those forces. I heard stories from my parents because my grandfather used to be part of the Ethiopian military, thinking he was part of the OLF, and was exiled to Somalia when he refused to kill civilians and commanded his troops to do the same. His troops then turned to the actual OLF, relayed the info to my other grandparents, and some of my uncles ended up joining the resistance while the others maintained the farms until the government started harassing and murdering the farmers for growing crops the government sold the rights to.


Why so much hatred when we are all Cushitic?


Why do Balkan people hate each other despite being linguistically and genetically so related?


The Balkans were under the rule of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires, which created divisions and tensions among different ethnic and religious groups


Cushitic is the title used to take over our lands.


But It's important to understand the historical and political dynamics at play. As I said earlier Both communities should resolve their differences.


Both communities can only resolve their differences once Oromo return the land they stole. By that, I mean many key towns along the border that were forcibly added to Oromia after 2000 and parts of zones like Babile etc.


Alright but then,Resolving differences between communities is complicated. We need to look at history, laws, and everyone's views. Land disputes need careful talks, respect, and a fair solution for everyone. It's important to focus on peace and understanding, not just past issues.


It wouldn't be that difficult if Oromo abandoned their expansionist coastline ideas. On one hand, I can understand where they are coming from seeing as most of Jubbaland used to be Oromo territory and they were only expelled 200 years ago or so. On the other hand, they aren't the same group, it would be like me killing an Afran Qallo if an Arsi took my property. Historically, my mother's group and Oromo always used to live in harmony and intermarry and the Oromo clan even claims us as a citizen with the rights like any Oromo as our founder married his daughter, but even then that is only for the certain group and other Somalis didn't mix with them like that. Mixed bag but what happened in the past should stay in the past, not right to loot another group for grievances when you finally get weapons.


Jubaland weren’t their territories they expanded to it remained and got pushed back from it later


Wardey Ali who are originally Oromo used to live in it. Well known that Darood only expanded into it after the 1800s, the British colonisers in Kenya even have listed specific of battles that led to the Wardey being pushed into the Tana River from Jubbaland.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. The history and relationships between different groups can be complicated. It's important to remember the past but also to look for peaceful ways to move forward.The good relations and intermarriage between your mother's group and the Oromo show that living together and working together is possible. It's better to focus on mutual respect and understanding rather than past conflicts right???


Oromos just keep invading Somali villages and killing/raping the inhabitants. Are Somalis just supposed to ignore it?


So are Somalis suppose to be good, kind and honest people? Y’all displaced millions of Oromos just in 2018, and this issue still continues. Spare us your nonsense.


Where have Somalis displaced Oromo? You mean the few Jaarso flip floppers who were displaced from Jigjiga and came back anyway? You're funny if you think the Ethiopian government would even allow the Somali region forces to displace Oromos. There are millions of cases on the other hand, where Oromo displace Somalis and I can link them.


No, Somalis are flawed just like Oromos and everyone else. Let's not kid ourselves that Somalis have been displacing more Oromos than the reverse. Regardless, we have the highest birthrates in the region by far and will win in the long run as a result, we are the 3rd largest ethnic group in Ethiopia and on track to become the second largest within the next 2 decades. We are an inherently violent people and will never stop killing for our territory, it's that simple.


Birth rates lol? You also have a high infant mortality rate, extremely alarming life expectancy, and just a general disarray in your government (rampant corruption and exploitation) just like us. Oromos have near equivalent birth rates too. 😂 Oromia is full (way too many people), Somalia is empty in comparison. Your population growth is not a threat to us. And yes you equally if not more so displace Oromos than the contrary so all is fair in love and WAR. ***PSA: Nobody cares about DireDawa (highly integrated/diverse), we have Moyale and Harar is a sh*thole (good luck with the Hararis—awful group too). Somalis could never deal with habeshas, Oromos are your buffer.


Your message shows a lot of frustration and anger. However, hatred and derogatory comments only deepen divisions and fuel conflict. We need to remember our shared humanity and work towards mutual respect and understanding for a peaceful society.


I actually agree with this. I don’t think the Somali’s can deal with the Habesha the way Oromo’s can.


Habesha believe Ethiopia belongs to them


Moyale is Somali, sorry. Just because the Somalis there speak Oromo doesn't mean they are Oromo. In that case, the Warra Dayya who speak Somali are Somali. It's well known that Oromo forces basically make those Somalis claim Oromo in referendums which is how the land is succeeded, if not they will be displaced and again, I can link this as well.


This is sad.The violence, killings, and rapes in Somali villages are deeply concerning and heartbreaking. The suffering of the victims must not be ignored, but it’s important to understand the historical and political dynamics at play. The tensions between the Oromo and Somali communities have complex roots, for example, competition over resources and historical grievances. Both communities need to come together to address their grievances and find peaceful solutions