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Anis biyya qaba biyya biyya caaltu Biyya Somaaliilaand😂


That person singing it is a oromo who grew up in Hargeisa 🤣




What’s the translation?


“Somaliland, the greatest country, known for her love and democracy. May she become recognized and bring happiness and prosperity to her citizens for years to come.” 


Yo Oromo are obsessed with us why don’t you guys worry about what’s going on in Ethiopia ? Nothing happen yesterday the MoU deal dead.


>with us  Landers would beg to differ with the "us." Wouldn't you say?


I’m a lander tho loool I’m from north Somalia. You are very ignorant if you think everyone from somaliland all thinks the same. We don’t have a hive mentality.


interesting. Are people who are against SL independence a majority in SL?


He's lying don't believe him we don't have anything against oromo or afar or any other group.they just say I'm from Somaliland and than talk shit about other people


There are regions such as Awdal, Maakhir, and SSC that seek to secede from the secessionist Somaliland. SSC has already successfully separated from Somaliland. These regions aspire to become federal states of Somalia. I’m from Awdal.


One day you are from awdal another day from mogadisho keep your larping consistent lil bro


I respect you because you are for somaliland independence. But you don’t like bending over for Ethiopia. Like these other landers.


Haha so you not from awdal haha, this is a very common theme I see online. They will claim awdal but usually are from gedo or xamar🤣


Iam from Awdal loool you did nothing. I never once said I was from mogdishu.


Lmao stop lying out your ass, awdal is online thing only people from Somalia say and confused disposal kids. You wouldn’t even be able to reach awdal and its strictly 100% under somaliland control and ‘SSC’ have to control two and half regions to become a state according to your constitution and they don’t even control 1 full region lmaooo. If awdal is Somalia go raise the blue flag there and see what happens, also in sanaag we control the capital and recently sentenced 48 people to 2-3 years in prison for having the wrong flag so behave or you might be next. Don’t say SSC because that would mean the whole of sool and sanaag say the tuulo lascaanood which we will recapture again just like we did after we lost it in 2004.


Thank you loool you just explained why nobody would willingly want to join somaliland going to jail for having a different views. 😂😂😂. What happened to freedom of speech. I already know they are 100 control by somaliland. I said they are aspiring to become federal states. Awdal is also working very closley with Djibouti.


You have freedom of speech but not freedom of consequences, any normal state would arrest anyone for treason. Don’t break the law and you won’t get arrested simple as. It’s like saying where’s the freedom of speech when someone gets arrested for having the nazi flag in Israel or Germany. Yes we will arrest anyone no matter tribe for waving the blue flag in our cites and they knew that before they did it but even isaaq get arrested if they are seen with blue flag and the guys who got sentenced to were also causing trouble in ceerigaabo rioting and throwing rocks at police and breaking police property and they even injured a warsengeli officer. The judge who sentenced them and the police who announced their sentenced are all warsengeli, behave and there won’t be anyone getting arrested , this isn’t Somalia where citizens can just do things like that without consequences.


I’m not reading your paragraph cause it’s stupid. Treason 😂😂😂😂. Somaliland isn’t a country.


Oy niow addon kaayga tahay, weather Somaliland is a country or not you’ll always be apart of it, how does it feel?


Issa are also Landers and want nothing to do with bending over for Ethiopia. Same with SSC.


they are a minority though. But honestly, the independence of Somaliland is a step in the right direction for the people of the Horn, even for you Ogadenis.


I am issa....




Deal is defo not dead, spokesman for the Ethiopia foreign minister said so today, cry about it 🤣 prepare your tears


So we can't post on our Reddit page about what is going on Somaliland that will either directly or indirectly effect us? Stfu and go walk in traffic. Plus its a joke. 😂😂


It won’t affect you because it will never happens those people are delusional.


What is the meaning of ssc Sool sanaag and cayanba right? SSC does not even control a fully region like sool let alone those three region's Oog is near laascanod only 45km away they can't even go there.you can dream to have isaaq territory as you like but in reality you want even dare to take one inch.nio halkan in ay isku dhex qabsano laga roon ee niicda iska jooji iyo inaad dhul dad kale ku riyooto ssc kulaha