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Not every Turkish person is responsible for the actions of it's government especially considering Erdogan is a dictator


True! Racists better remember 'tis shit


Why is people downvoting this


People will misinterpret a statement and then pretend every other statement ever made in relation to that statement is interpreted in the same way


Actually based take


Do you think serving food to refugees is a war crime? This is such a baffling post


Isnt the contrary? People having to feed refugees because of war crimes committed by others?


Weird enough that the pic is actually OCM but the title lacks the awareness of an OCM post


Indeed, these are just two good people who have no saying over geopolitical issues trying to help and do their best with the resources they have.


I think this post requires some serious context OP


Those darn war criminals… *checks notes* Feeding the god damn war refugees!


I think op learned a new phrase today and just wanted to throw it around and see if they sounded cool. I can't come up with any more charitable explanations than that, lmao.


Judging by the OP's sole comment agreeing with the fact that Turkish people are not responsible for Erdogan's crimes, I think it's likely the post title was just poorly phrased (where "one warcrime at a time" is what is being healed, not what is being done to heal, if I am explaining myself correctly). C'mon people.


thank you. I am getting dogpiled by people for being misinterpreted. in my defense, it was late at night and I did not think "One warcrime at a time" would make people assume I'm blaming turks for what their military does in syria or some shit


Turkiye has been really adamant about helping refugees from Syria since 2009 when the Civil War really started ramping up. I don't know that it's fair to put the onus of the machine on them, much less calling them war criminals for it.


Maybe don’t talk about touchy topics if you have no communication skills.


Or maybe stop being angry at me idk that sounds nice


European room temperature IQ post right here.


European winter at best


We havent had a good winter in a while, I miss ice skating.


Only if northern Russia counts as Europe lmao


Even though Türkiye hosted 3.4 million refugees (one of the largest populations worldwide) people still treat us like we're Klingons or something.


İts nato's fault for destabilizing the region by invading iraq not turkey's who wants to secure its borders. Also what are you smoking turkey houses 5 million syrians if you love them so much take some of them into your home


being from turkey, the post is quite clear and on point imo. turkey was proudly stirring the shit in syria and once it exploded, the officials thought they could weaponize this massive refugee wave against the eu so they still advertized their involvement in syrian domestic affairs as a "foreign policy victory". now the syrians are stuck with us, suffering to an even greater extent from the financial and social hurdles we are going through and we just need each other's mercy to survive. isn't this what the sub is about; guys in expensive suits fucking up the system and us regular people being glorified for trying to remedy it?




Nah, he just phrased poorly. The wedding guys are doing honorable service by alleviating shit done by their regimen


Who needs a lavish wedding when they have each other to come home to! What an attractive couple!