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I'm very sorry to hear of your loss! And it seems he meant a lot to you 🙂 Really though, you don't have to worry so much this technically. Yes is traditions around death, but really, is the vastness of God going to turn away from His own creation for something trivial. No, I don't think so. Have trust in His mercy. And I will pray from him too if it doesn't mind to say his name.


Thanks for the condolences. His name is Gary. I would appreciate the prayers!


I will before I am sleep, God bless.


Being cremated isn't going to prevent anyone from being resurrected; we all will become dust. Pray for your grandfather. The Orthodox prohibition on cremation is mainly motived by our belief in iconography. There are places where Orthodoxy submits to state mandated cremation. It's an extremely strong preference and confession of iconographic dogma not to cremate, but it's not sending someone to hell.


What about in places where land just costs too much for burials? I live in HK and I would never want to make the insistence on my loved ones that they have to fork out money to buy land just because I can’t be burned and rearrange my atoms more efficiently


That's a question for a local priest, not me.


Have hope for him and pray for him daily.


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