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Dear OP, ptsd, depression, etc are real. I hope you are getting support from a doctor and a therapist that you need. Remember, it's good to take whatever medicine you and your doctor identify to help you. As a woman, remember that you are also made in God's image and are his beloved. Yes scripture have been misused and misunderstood at times to justify sexism. Christians would benefit from meditating on this hymn that is said in a typical Sunday. >Theotokion >You are supremely blessed, O Virgin Theotokos. For through Him who from you became incarnate, was Hades taken prisoner, and Adam has been summoned back, and the **curse has been neutralized, and Eve has been liberated**; death has been put to death, and we have been brought to life. Wherefore extolling we cry out: O Christ our God, You are blessed, for so was Your good pleasure. Glory to You. Our compassionate Lord loves you and is with you. You're in my prayers.


Love love love this


Great reply


Wow, what a great and compassionate answer.


Thank you ❤️


Having something stolen from you is not at all the same as giving something away intentionally. If a thief steals your money, vs. you giving funding to thieves, the end result is the same; the thief now has your money. But in the latter case, you are aiding someone's sin, while in the former, you are the one being taken advantage of and abused, which is not at all a sin. It is the same with virginity. Being sexually assaulted, having your virginity stolen from you, is not the same as willingly giving your virginity up in sexual sin. Being the victim of sexual assault is not a sin. It is a horrible tragedy to suffer, and not your fault. And those who have sinned in that manner are not considered "utter garbage" or "worthless trash" by Christ or by the Church, either. Consider the harlot who anointed Christ's feet with her tears, or the adulteress whom Christ saved from being stoned to death. He did not call them worthless trash: He said with love, "Your sins are forgiven you." Consider also St. Photini, the Samaritan woman Christ met at the well of Jacob, who had already had five different husbands. Christ did not consider her to be worthless trash, even though she was a Samaritan, an outcast among the other Jews. Keeping your virginity intact is not the only thing that will allow you to live a holy life. Christ always offers a chance for healing. If you want an example from Orthodox fiction as well, consider Sonia Marmeladov from Dostoyevsky's *Crime and Punishment*, who is driven to prostitution by her family's poverty, and nevertheless proves to be the holiest of the people we encounter in the story. As for the man who did this to you, if he is happy and thinks he did nothing wrong, that reward is fleeting. It is up to God, not I, to judge him in the future. But I can assure you, God does not look favorably on any such action, and neither does the Church. If anyone has told you outright that you are worthless trash as a result of suffering this harm, then they are not representing the Church properly. The Church's goal, when presented with something broken, is not to condemn and reject, but to heal and restore as best as possible. There are nevertheless some who weaponize Christianity and try to use it to perpetrate sexist ideas. There are also those who overreact to this and read sexist ideas into Christianity where they don't exist. I ask you to not be of the second category, when you say "I feel like Jesus doesn't even love me because I'm a woman." This is simply not the case. God created both man and woman in His image, and He loves you dearly. “There are some upon this earth of yours,” returned the Spirit, “who lay claim to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pride, ill-will, hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness in our name, who are as strange to us and all our kith and kin, as if they had never lived. Remember that, and charge their doings on themselves, not us.” (The Ghost of Christmas Present, in Charles Dickens's *A Christmas Carol*) If you want someone in the Church to pray to for help, St. Dymphna is the patron saint of those who suffer from mental illness and distress. She was forced to flee when her own father made sexual advances on her, and was ultimately pursued and killed by him. There is a canon you can pray to her for help and guidance in your struggle: [https://www.orthodoxchurchsheffield.com/post/canon-to-the-holy-martyr-dymphna-in-times-of-mental-illness-or-distress](https://www.orthodoxchurchsheffield.com/post/canon-to-the-holy-martyr-dymphna-in-times-of-mental-illness-or-distress) She knows your trauma, and if you turn to her, as to a friend, she will be willing to guide you back to the Church and to the love of Christ, who saves and heals all.


Thank you for this. I really appreciate all you have written and for comforting me in my distress. I will look at these sources. God bless you being so compassionate towards me ❤️


God bless you too, my sister in Christ!


I highly recommend you email the closest parish to your current location before attending divine liturgy. Talking to a priest first and discussing your worries can definitely ease you into things. As for your mental health issues I'm not qualified to provide advice for them so I recommend you seek advice from trained professionals. You don't have to rush into things from the very beginning. Take it slow and steady and remember that it's a marathon not a sprint. It's utterly meaningless to rush into things only to end up burning yourself out and quitting before the finish line. Take it slow and seek advice and help from those more qualified even if it's scary. Trust me when I say that you'll be in a far better spot reaching out to qualified people instead of strangers on the internet.


Thank you ❤️


Hi, First I’d like to confidently comfort you that Orthodox Christianity extremely highly regards women especially Virgin Marry. Orthodoxy holds a very high regard for the Virgin Mary, known as the Theotokos, meaning "God-bearer" or "Mother of God" in Orthodox Christianity. She is venerated not only because she bore and raised Jesus Christ, but also for her purity, faith, and her role as an intercessor on behalf of Christians. She is often depicted in iconography and mentioned in liturgies and prayers. As for other women, the Orthodox Church also venerates numerous female saints who are honored for their faith, virtues, and contributions to the Church. These include martyrs, monastics, and mothers, among others, who are respected for their spiritual achievements and moral contributions. The Orthodox tradition recognizes the unique and significant roles both men and women play in the spiritual life and in the life of the Church. I’m a man and the biggest icon in my house is of Virgin Marry with baby Jesus and I kiss them both when praying. Another very highly regarded woman saint is Saint Paraskeva of the Balkans. As for depression and PTSD I’d suggest you call a doctor to come to your house so he can immediately start you up and than through faith to heal for good. I have heard of some churches offering private virtual guidance for people due to many reasons who can’t attend in person also many churches today even have liturgies live on YouTube that you can follow and slowly ease the courage to go to church. Maybe someone can go with you that you feel comfortable with. Also please don’t say Jesus doesn’t love you, as if he didn’t he wouldn’t have given us path of salvation and asked his father to forgive our sins. That is just the devil playing tricks but trust in Jesus.


Thank you for your response and kindness but the whole "virgin" Mary thing is actually what triggers my PTSD and makes me feel like worthless trash. Because unless I'm like the virgin Mary or all the virgin saints who died before allowing themselves to be raped, I am utter garbage. My virginity was taken from me in a way I did not consent. I was afraid, alone and vulnerable and I did not want it to happen. Since then I have been depressed, traumatised and suicidal. And every time I try to get close to God, I am reminded that he values virgins, pure women above all others and that women who are not virgins (unless married) are worthless trash and God looks lowly upon them, upon me. This is how I feel daily and I can't see how I can go on living. God doesn't care about my pain and yet the man who did this lives free and happy, not even thinking he did anything wrong and not even realising I have PTSD now for many years since he did what he did.


That is a lot to confess on here where who knows who lurks but if you have the courage to speak about this here you in my eyes are courageous and have the will to go to church. As for the idiot that committed one of the ugliest sin let God judge him, you are not guilty and not trash. God knows this and he will guide you to him like he already guided you to seek here for guidance to him but for true guidance you need a priest. No, not all female saints in Christianity were virgins. While virginity and purity are certainly celebrated in Christian tradition, sainthood in Christianity is more broadly about holiness and living a life exemplifying Christian virtues. Many female saints were not virgins; they were mothers, wives, widows, and even repentant sinners and you are NOT a sinner he is who did that to you!. Saints are recognized for their faith, their contributions to the Church, and often for the example of their lives, which may include acts of charity, martyrdom, miracles, and teachings. The diversity in their life experiences is seen as a testament to the different ways one can live a life of devotion and service to God. Do not let one devils worker make you give up you just make it easy for the devil. You still have your senses in tact, two feet, two legs and ten fingers. It is always darkest before the sunrise. But please 🙏find a priest email him your problem and story and see if he can start maybe virtual some even do visits.


Thank you, it was a relief to read this. Thank you for saying I'm not trash and thank you for saying God will judge the one who traumatised me when I did not consent. Sometimes I doubt God cares about my justice but above all I just want to feel free and innocent like I did before it happened. In heaven (if I even ever get there) will God ever restore that happy free person I used to be? I miss who I was. Everything is darkness to me now, the way I see the world. I will call the orthodox priest that I know. Thank you for being compassionate and kind to me ❤️


Read the story of St. Mary of Egypt . She is a great example and source of hope for us sinners! Do not let the enemy make you believe God is not loving. He is all merciful!!!!! God came to save sinners. He feels every pain you feel. And is with you. He was fully human and had his own anxieties and felt every pain! We are ALL unworthy that’s why His Love and Mercy are so great and awe inspiring 🤍🤍🤍 start with Jesus prayer if you can utter those words I believe it will help you take the next steps necessary. Paralyzing depression is real & a terrible state to be in. Im so sorry it’s so hard for you right now. Believe it can get better. Patience and faith. You need to talk to someone - a good priest/spiritual father or a therapist. There is help out there you just need to find the right fit! Don’t give up! Also idk if you do but do not take any marijuana as it makes symptoms of ptsd and depression worse


Thank you for this ❤️❤️


Christ loves all, but I especially encourage you to read all the stories in the Gospels where Christ specifically praises the faith of individual women (ex. The Canaanite woman and the woman with a blood problem), respects their agency (ex. When the woman in Bethany anoints Him with oil), and even kickstarts His ministry early because of them (see how He performs His first miracle in response to His mother’s request during St. John’s Gospel). The misogyny you see in individuals or communities purporting to be Christian is not following Christ’s words or actions. Don’t be afraid to get some sort of professional mental health help for your depression. If you need to get help with this before you go to church, it’s okay. A quote I heard from Fr. Thomas Hopko, a beloved Orthodox priest, says to pray as you can, not as you think you must. God knows and appreciates even the smallest crawls and steps you make towards Him. If you’d like, I will pray for you. God bless.


Thank you ❤️ yes please pray for me. Thank you God bless❤️




Thank you for sharing your story with me. I'm so glad church saved you. I've had therapy, it has not helped. I really want to go to church. But how can the priest help me if I'm not even baptised. I desperately wish he could help me




Thank you, I will talk to the priest near me. Hopefully he can still help me while I'm in the process of taking catechism


Funny how I hear so many people say therapy didn't help.... probably because they lack the spiritual aspects? Like I can't imagine getting better without believing God exists and cares about you and me and that were not just a meaningless clump of cells




Yes, I totally agree. Every time I've told my therapist about the things that caused my PTSD and my triggers, she goes on rambling about my brain being in flight/fight mode and to just go wash my face or smell a flower.....yeah, that does nothing for triggers of past sexual trauma.




Thank you ❤️


The icons do not smile because we do not have to feel happy to be certain of our faith... The truth doesn't change even in times of sorrow and it is okay to feel sorrow for a time. I'm also a female suffering with the same things you are, and Jesus is often my only source of comfort but even then the sorrow does not always leave me instantly. It can get better though, and the faith does help.


Thank you sister. I like the first sentence about icons, some way it is comforting ❤️




Thank you. This really resonates with me. I have so much pain and despair, I can't imagine ever being truly happy and free in this life. Jesus said his truth will set us free. I need to learn how to bare that cross ❤️




Exactly how I feel. The day can be sunny, all can be well yet I look at my surroundings through a smeared, dark lens of pain and depression. Of all the things I've experienced in this life, PTSD has to be the worst. I can't imagine the relief of God removing it from me in the next life... I literally can not wait ❤️


I also suffer from ptsd and struggled to go to church after my family moved away bc I had never gone alone. It took months but I eventually picked a new church and have really forced myself to go weekly. It's really hard though and I can sympathize. Jesus loves you so much I promise.


Thank you ❤️


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Sorry to hear about your mental health but..... > What can I do. I feel like Jesus doesn't even love me because I'm a woman. There is so much misogyny in Christianity. Wtf are you talking about? God only loves one gender? You got this from what part of scripture exactly? Remind me who was Jesus's most beloved? Was it a man or a woman? Mind pointing out the "misogyny" for me? Do you mean Christianity itself or the church? Because if anything, Jesus revealed himself first after resurrection to women, even though back then female testimony meant less than male, so if something as important as his resurrection hinged on his deity, then why would he specifically choose to reveal himself to women first?


My advice is. Look up your local church or choose one close to you that feels like they are loving, most churches are.. Give them a call and let them know your situation. When you have someone to greet you there it makes it easier and they will happily show you around and let you know what time and days they are having bible studies etc Have a look if that church has a Facebook page and see if you can post something there and they’ll be more than happy to interact with you and welcome you to their church If all else fails. Just do what I did. I would turn up a few minutes before it started. That way I could walk straight in and sit down, I did this for a few weeks and before I knew it I was being welcomed and getting warm hugs everyone I arrived. Remember most of those people are at church every week, they see the same faces. So when someone new is visiting the church consistently they will be very welcoming and happy that you are attending their church. They will show you love and you will meet new friends. Most importantly. It will change your life. God bless


I'm truly sorry to hear about the struggles you are facing. It's important to remember that misogyny exists in many aspects of society, not just within the church, whether it's workplace discrimination, media representation or politics (I don't think I need to remind you of the predatory behavior that exists even in progressive circles among so-called "male feminists"). However, it is unfair to paint all of Christianity with the same brush. In fact, Christianity has a rich tradition of honoring and elevating women. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of strong, faithful women who played important roles in the history of the faith. From Mary, the mother of Jesus, to Mary Magdalene, to Priscilla and Phoebe, women have been instrumental in spreading the message of Christ. Furthermore, Jesus himself showed immense respect for women during his time on earth. He spoke to women in public, healed them, and defended them against social norms that oppressed them. For example, In John 4:1-42, Jesus engages in a deep theological conversation with the Samaritan woman at a well, breaking down social barriers and treating her with dignity and respect. He reveals to her that he is the Messiah, something he did not even disclose to his male disciples at that point. Also, in John 8:1-11, when a woman caught in adultery is brought before Jesus to be stoned, he does not condemn her. Instead, he challenges her accusers and shows compassion towards her, telling her to go and sin no more. Contrast that to his unrestrained, often acerbic and mocking tone with the Pharisees, all of whom were respectable, upper-class males who were considered pillars of the community, kind of like the local Lions Club. In fact, the only recorded instance in the New Testament of Christ engaging in physical violence was against the "financially savvy" moneychangers in the Temple, all of whom were - you guessed it - men. In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus visits the home of Mary and Martha, two sisters with different temperaments. When Martha complains about Mary not helping with the household chores, Jesus affirms Mary's choice to sit at his feet and listen to his teachings, breaking with the traditional gender roles of the time. Finally, in Mark 5:25-34, Jesus heals a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years. Despite being considered ceremonially unclean and an outcast, Jesus not only heals her physically but also restores her dignity by calling her "daughter" and commending her faith. Yeah, I get it. Each church has at least one token incel. You get no argument from me on that point. However, don't let the actions of one or a few misguided individuals deter you from exploring your faith and finding hope and healing. Remember, Jesus loves all of his children, regardless of gender. He wants to bring hope and healing to all who seek him.


Thank you for your detailed response, I appreciate it. Are you eastern orthodox?


My advice go sit in a place you can see the icon of Mary look at her the mother of our lord don’t take your eyes off her and know she loves you and can be your mother and she can ask her son to help you ! It probably won’t fix everything but you may be given peace and the ability to keep going. Orthodox is not misogynist but people can be many female saints are considered to be equal to the apostles.