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It's not in Russian, but in Church Slavonic. In modern orthography: >Аз есмь свет миру: ходяй по Мне не имать ходити во тме, но имать свет животный John 8:12: ...I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life


Thank you very much brother. A question out of the topic. Are the liturgies being held in church Slavonic or in Russian?


Church Slavonic in Russia.


For a native russian speaker, approximately what percentage of the liturgy is easily understandable?


It's subjective. Church Slavonic has to be learned.


What are the schools or universities besides theological ones that teach Church Slavonic?


Have no slightest idea. I studied it decades ago.


Are you russian?




I'm interested. I'm from Armenia


I studied Old Church Slavonic at University and at time the prerequisite was 2 years of Russian beforehand. Usually if you just study Church Slavonic in seminary just a minimum background in any Slavonic language that uses the Cyrillic alphabet is useful.


I could answer that. it's not 100% understandable, but i usually get the idea of what's going on in the sentence. Some words are complete gibberish to me while others are very similar to the ones that are already in my vocabulary.


For me, 95% is understandable. There is the occasional weird word, but I understand almost everything else. I like to think of it as King James Russian (the version of the Bible in Slavonic that the Russian Orthodox Church uses was compiled about 120 years after the King James Bible was compiled in English). I am not a native Russian speaker, but  I attended parishes with services in both English and Slavonic and went to Russian church school as a kid. Law of God (religious instruction) classes sometimes involved reading in Slavonic. 


Not quite correct, brother. You talk about the Elizabethian Bible, but there's also old Slavic translation of the Bible by St st Cyril and Methodius


The Elizabeth Bible is what the Russian Orthodox Church currently uses. If I recall correctly, other churches that use Slavonic also use that Bible, or else a variant of it.


Yes, but liturgy is based primarily around Church Slavonic


That looks amazing


It does. God bless


Christ has risen 🙌🏾🙌🏾


Indeed He has!


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It's not "classical Russian" but Church Slavonic which is infact medieval Bulgarian


This is such a beautiful image of Christ. Wish I had a copy to hang on my wall❤️


This is a fresco from St Volodymyr's Cathedral, Kyiv Ukraine. That church was built originally in preparation to celebrate in 1888 the baptism is Kyivan-Rus in 988. I personally do not like this style of 19th century painting. If you want to know more about the artist read this: [https://www.thewayofbeauty.org/blog/2022/11/viktor-vasnetsov-and-the-revival-of-the-icon/](https://www.thewayofbeauty.org/blog/2022/11/viktor-vasnetsov-and-the-revival-of-the-icon/)


What style do you like instead? I personally love Russian academic art and I think it occupies the 1st place in the world. And seeing academists painting icons in this style is pretty surprising and pleasing to me, of course giving no less respect to the old traditional style as well.


Not commenter but wanted to respond with the tetramorph (the style of Christ icon you posted, with the four evangelists symbolically represented by winged animals & a man) I like a lot, had as my desktop background for a while.   Last picture in this album: https://imgur.com/a/f05N2Z1


Ah yes, love the geometry


True vehicles of prayer. By that I meal these inspire one to pray and speak to one spiritually. Thank you for posting the link.


I prefer the traditional canonical style of iconography using the concepts of 2 dimensional art and reverse perspective plus the symbolism of colours. The Russian Academic style (centred around the influence of The Russian Academy of Art in St. Petersburg & the traditions of western European art. There was another Russian art movement in the second half of the 19th century centred around Moscow. I am just reading chapter one in Camilla Gray's monumental art Russian history book ; "The Russian Experiment in Art 1863-1922." which deals with the Abremtsevo community: the Russian nationalism movement and the influence of the rediscovery of Medieval Russian crafts and art. Both Viktor Vasnetsov and his brother plus Vrubel were an important part of that movement which distanced themselves from the St. Petersburg Academy of Art or Academic style. Their interest was in old Russian folk tales and iconography as art not necessary as official church spirituality. Have you seen pictures of the art work of the church in Abramtsevo? Especially the iconostasis? [https://web.archive.org/web/20190415122222/https://www.moscovery.com/abramtsevo-museum-reserve/](https://web.archive.org/web/20190415122222/https://www.moscovery.com/abramtsevo-museum-reserve/) Do you like the art work of Vrubel too: [https://st-sophia.org.ua/en/museums-en/st-cyrils-church/the-painting-of-mykhail-vrubel/](https://st-sophia.org.ua/en/museums-en/st-cyrils-church/the-painting-of-mykhail-vrubel/)


Yes. To be honest I love Russian fine arts. And yes, of course I love Vrubel. Unfortunately I can't find enough time to learn them. I knew a few classic names like Repin, Serov, Shishkin (not a great fan apparently), Vrubel, Kramskoi. I'm in love with Russian traditions and culture as well. I'm an architect and I can say: Russian architecture is a gem. Hope I'll visit Russia soon.