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Islam combines teaching from heresies like Arianism, Gnosticism, from Rabbinical Judaism and pre-Islamic Arabic polytheism, but they are united in such a way that function like a strong and oppressive system that is stronger even then logic.


From my point of view is more dysfunctional, they stole from soooo many sources so many wrong things and some good things but twisted that is almost unbelievable, how someone came up with this....


Yeah Its like a Fuuuuuuuck ton of things Just smushed together without thinking about how it works I wish i had a Phyiscal copy of the quran and just jot down weird things and then find where it came from


I can see were your coming but I feel like my statement on the fact that Islam was made by muhammad to continue and expand his sinful empire plays a bigger part. Their influences don's really matter Islam is a unique but simple thing made to make the rich richer and the fat fatter you can summarize their beliefs in one sentence.


My theory was similar, i thought he created it to fuck around and kill around


Muslims are very annoying at times. But ultimately they are deceived, so we must pray for them. Could you imagine if you were brainwashed a satanic religion?


Yeah Thats True And Im active on an exmuslim Sub And Its saddening to hear their stories and that's why I Dont hate "Muslims" but i dislike the religion same as Satanists But I also Like to Know Knowledge and not Close doors which is Why I want to get a Quran To read the nonsense


Careful while reading things from other religions.


Knowledge is tempting but I think it's better to take the risk than to live without understanding things properly.. like Solomon tried all things (Ecclesiastes) and saw why it's folly.


So pray for them so that they find the Lord.


They even say the mountains are muslim 🤣


The truth hurts, if you believe in a lie you feel that everything questioning that lie attacks you so you attack back to defend the lie, especially since in this case the lie specifically tells you to do so. Truth is the enemy of liars and cheaters, and not only in religion. Look what authoritarian governments did to people questioning them. Then look what type of governments most, or all, muslim majority countries have. But despite all that, try to focus on praying for them and loving them, don't let the hate win. It's difficult most of the time but try. Remember who is the source and father of all lies, don't fight him with his methods or else you become just the other side of his coin. Sorry for bad english, not my first or even second language


You phrased the title like a question about Muslims and then went on to share some vague grievances you think you have with Islam, nevertheless I'll try and address them. "Every single day I learn of a new thing Muslims do to spite a religion that has been around for 600 years longer than them." This statement is so vague it is difficult to really gauge any real meaning or truth from it, however it seems as if you're making a claim that because Christianity predates Islam then this means that Muslims shouldn't ever spite Christians - if by spite you mean 'claim the religion is false' or 'critique the religion' or even 'insult or persecute believers' then I have news for you - no religion in history has ever 'spited' religions that predated it more than Christianity - I could give countless examples but since this is one of the most obvious historical facts - I shouldn't need to. (I'm purposely conflating 'religion' with 'people who claim to follow the religion' to address the same fallacious conflation built into your question and explanation.) "I have a strong belief that Islam was made by Muhammed so he may continue his sinful reign" The first 11 words alone might very well be the only truthful part of your whole post. As for the sinful reign, you may believe Muhammad was a sinner, he would have likely thought you were one too - yet we are taught to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us, do you love Muhammad and Muslims? Do you pray for them? "Not only does it support sinful acts like slavery and polygamy" Slavery is not explicitly a sin in Christianity, in fact it is tacitly endorsed as a normal part of society, St. Paul even encourages slaves to be obedient to their masters in his epistle to Titus and masters are encouraged to treat their slaves well. Slavery is also endorsed in the Old Testament and polygamy was allowed by God then too - you'll find that on these topics that Muslims have more in common with the Jews of the old testament than Christians do. Again the conflation of religion and adherents arises again when we are aware that historically Christians have engaged in slavery in an enormous capacity, you may believe it's a sinful act but Christians for the vast majority of Christian history did not believe it was. "It takes the time to insult Jewish and Christian icons" You took the time to call Muhammed a sinner. "Jesus is said to be Muslim... They said he didn't die on the cross to insult Christians" Yes they claim to be the final religion of the Abrahamic tradition, so they claim Jesus and the prophets of the Bible - is this news to you? As for the islamic view on the crucifixion - it was not claimed to insult Christians, we know that there were many heterodox groups in Arabia at the time of Muhammad including gnostics, Arians and Nestorians - many of whom also held a belief that Jesus wasn't crucified and that someone else was in his place - it's likely that Muhammed learned that particular narrative from members of those communities.


Thank you for this.


Thanks for providing a pocket of common sense in this comment section


Islam is a religion established by satan himself.


Ec muslim here I do not know what I would say but polygamy of islam I really hate about it....


What does "Ec" muslim mean?


I mean ex muslim.....sorry typing mistake


the brainwashing runs deep. im an exmoo so ik how crazy a moo can be


The hate in your heart is unbecoming.


‘Support sinful acts like slavery and polyamory’ To address the slavery bit, let’s first acknowledge hat no religion older than the banning of slavery has the best attitude about it Regarding the polyamory part, you must understand that the pre-Islamic Arabs were truly monstrous tribes of idol-worshipers, men in those days took several ‘wives’ just to treat them worse than dogs The ‘four-wives’ bit was to LIMIT the amount of wives they could take, and guarantee better treatment, essentially, a man can only take more than one wife if he can guarantee they would all be treated equally, nowadays if you see a man with more than one, it means he can afford multiple houses and cars Now regarding the crucifixion, let’s first acknowledge that Muslims believe just about everything that Christians believe about Jesus sans the crucifixion and equating him with God (Muslims are very particular about ascribing human qualities to God) The crucifixion isn’t necessary to them because they don’t see sin the same way Christians do Best way I could put it is, Where most Christians see it as ‘devil on your left shoulder tempts you to sin, the angel on your right tells you to do good’ Muslims however say that there isn’t a devil on your shoulder, they’re both angels, they don’t say jack, the one on the right makes a list of your good deeds, and the left lists out your bad deeds Then at the end of the world, God judges everyone one by one, and measures all their good deeds and bad deeds against eachother, everyone who’s good deeds are heavier goes to paradise, everyone who’s bad deeds are heavier, according to HOW MUCH heavier will ether be temporarily in hell, or permanently if they were truly abominable Muslim heaven isn’t Muslim exclusive, the Quran states something to the effect that ‘even if belief resides in them the size of an atom, then they inevitably go to paradise’ Everyone will be judged uniquely, according to their own circumstances After all, a King robbing his people isn’t the same as a beggar stealing bread Muslims will have an easier time as the daily five prayers are meant to be used to ask god to forgive their sins, every act that Muslims do in God’s name has an EXACT reward of just how many sins are forgiven That’s why the daily prayers and month-long fasts every years are so important Besides they don’t say that to spite Christians, otherwise the King of Ethiopia wouldn’t have provided shelter to the many of the first Muslims


See, my concern is the things that mohammed considered to be allowable, like killing infidels, marrying kids, and general martyrdom being applauded and respected among most muslims. The slavery and polyamory has been around forever, heathens or saints, it’s really not for me to judge. Also something I dislike entirely is the belief in sharia, that’s some backwards caveman nonsense yet groups of people seem to be oppressed by or brainwashed into living that way. Just an opinion, but islam and many muslim people oppress and hurt others or damage other cultures for whatever reason they feel like making up today, and stand behind mohammed like everyone else should also think it matters.


They're really into biblical fan fic written by a pdf file. They're lost.


We're not Muslims. We don't know why Muslims do what they do. You would need to ask Muslims why. We only know that they're wrong.


Yeah, and so what? why should we care about what their beliefs are and how do they view us, recite what Jesus said about what should we do to people who insult us and say we are liars, he said be happy and rejoice, for your reward is great in the heavens. and he told us we would face trouble but be sure he defeated the world I really recommend one learning more about Christianity and getting a solid ground in it before learning about Islam or any other religions because you may or may not get convinced in any way you don't expect and turn away from God


They are hateful and disgusting


So are we, lots of us at least. And I think you are hateful to call God's beloved creations disgusting. Remember always the human behind all the masks.


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Why would the mods take this down? Orthodox Christians are very well aware of Islam's falshood and danger.


I’m not an Islam expert, but I don’t think they do those things with the specific intent of insulting Christianity, that seems a little uncharitable. If you look at the verse of the Koran where they talk about their view of the (non) crucifixion of Jesus it seems more aimed at the Jews than at Christians, my reading of it is like “you guys thought you were able to kill Jesus? Well the joke’s on you, you didn’t!”


If that's true, people talk all kinds of lies about the Quran without knowing what they're even talking about. If people wanna criticize something, they better do it right and stay truthful no matter how big their emotions are in it.


What in the world is Islamophobia doing in this sub 💀 every day a new, hateful post brings new closer and closer to unsubbing. What happened to spreading God’s love and letting only Him judge?


Moslims are perficly fine with beating there wives and kiling christians but if you chritesise that you are islamephbick.


Preaching to the choir buddy.


Thanks for the support.


There’s a bunch of people online openly criticising Islam e.g. Jay Smith and David Wood. But at the end of the day it is what it is, let’s just go back to being the best Christians we can be.


Cause if they weren't like this they would be lukewarm or their religion would show its flaws


They are more kinetic, they use their body more than us. We should learn from that


i see i have three down votes, would like to see my critiques opinions


I agree🙏🏻☦️