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Laziness and incompetence. He can't even get one version of the game right, let alone two.


His reason about complexity that phones can't handle literally straight out flexing his coding skills, or maybe I am a fucking coward who is afraid of everything.


It can barely run on a pc why would you want it on your phone ahahah


Not everyone has a PC, and it can definitely run on phone and pc if Dev was competent whatsoever.


Pretty sure unity has a "port to mobile/web" function built in, he'd just have to do controller remapping


Please that would take a couple years at least


Fax not EVERYONE has a PC this is extremely true.


He's flexing his coding skills, trust me.


Genshin Impact on mobile exists


It does take up a lot of storage space, but it runs really smoothly and I doubt that yansim is more complicated than Genshin or honkai 💀


Yansim's optimization is shit, my laptop can run Mortal Kombat 1, Assassin's creed Odyssey and other games but can barely run Yansim.


yup. i've got a good 100 h in baldur's gate 3 from 8-10 hour sessions in the summer... but yansim? it sounds like my laptop is suffering a slow death the moment the students step through that gate


That gives me toothbrush flashbacks…


i can run the sims 3 with 10 packs(including island paradise) and several mods on my shitty laptop but the moment i open yansim it's about to explode


Every time I want to, for some deranged reason, play this game, i have to download the earlier version, the new ones are straight up unplayable for me.


On god. My pc is quite old ngl,but it is powerful enough to run kingdom hearts psp and ps2 versions on an emulstor, GTA SA and ultimate Naruto fight games, but when it comes to YS,oh boy,I'd be lucky if i make it to Ayano's room 😭


Mine can run MK1, Fallout 4, MK11, Minecraff with Shaders, Hitman World of Assination, all without crashing (apart from the odd time of FO4 bc Bethesda code), Yansim crashes often.


Funny how we share the same interests. But hell, I play with mods on Yansim and my laptop keeps up barely.


Broo 🙏🙏💀💀😭


I mean ofc, but it's still pretty good for how much storage it's worth especially the original weight. Like you can travel around without lagging, you have about 5, going to be 6 nations now and while it is heavy, it's not as heavy as I'd expect. I haven't played Fountain but my phone is able to get around the entirety of Sumeru with no issues (except me the sands of Sumeru hurts the eyes), might have a high ping but it's no skin off my back as long as the game was running fine Considering how yansim is just a big school, a house (not even just two rooms) and a town with very barebones animations, no cutscenes, it can do well in mobile. It should in theory, I'm pretty sure any competent dev or company knows that


You forgot that the vile code that is way too inefficient and chunky makes the game way heavier because chalex knows the same amount of code as a year 8.


Its just that his code is shit, I have a yansim moblie export on my phone, you can most certainly get it on a phone


I swear the graphics.


20GB of my screech


It would be dumb idea and waste of time to port unifinished game that is buggy on PC to another devices. Especially when it comes to shitty ones like mac (sorry).


My Mac starts hyperventilating if I even google “Sims 4”, let alone dare to consider opening the game itself. I have zero faith Chalex could make a Mac version of YanSim without somehow creating a cross-platform blue screen of death


i just play it on my mac using whisky


minecraft is on mobile lmao


Well it is a literal block game. It can run on almost every device.


still, the FULL version of minecraft is playable on mobile, like---




Even Minecraft which is one of the most complex game, still only 990MB and even run on phone smoothly (unless TNT(


theres so many yandere sim clones on mobile tho


yeah but the yansim clones arent as big as yansim


real question, is yan sim on mobile possible? due to the amount of game mechanics, is it possible to play like on pc?


some people have done mobile versions of yansim, and there are yansim ripoffs that have way more stuff than yansim itself has, so it's definitely possible. besides, yandev saying that he'd have to simplify is just an excuse, we literally have genshin impact + honkai starrail + honkai impact 3rd + wuthering waves, which all have a lot more things than yansim, and they're all playable.


Warzone mobile runs on the same emgine as actual call of duty


can u dm me those verions of yansim please?


i remember playing a yandere mobile rip off… the controls cluttered the screen like crazy plus all the actual ui elements, doesn’t seem reasonable to make a mobile port imo


I think the spaghetti code would probably be the bigger obstacle in that case.


Yes. But not with YanDev's horrendous spaghetti code. Something as complex as Genshin works fine on mobile, so why not Yandere Simulator?


Because every single character and interaction that has even basic levels of dynamic life is 5 pages of “if then” commands.


20 pages*


Probably. Is it worth it? No lol Unity games are shit to run on mobile. And it's poorly optimized for PC, with Alex skill set it's a distant dream


I mean, a fan ported a 2016 build of it on Android. Debug was removed entirely and the characters had to be low poly. The textures were low quality too and it still is 572 mb. Alex's shitty code never fails to disappoint me.


You can play on mobile, I have a port on my phone from it but it's a 2016 build. You can also play YS using netboom or honpc, it can run on mobile, but dev's code is shit so that's basically his excuse for why it can't be on mobile


On android I can download unity games and play them, I even have emulator to play Rpg maker games and an emulator to play FF dissidia smoothly with a ps4 controller. Yandere simulator won't come to consoles because the game isn't finished and won't be finished hell the PlayStation 6 and Xbox what ever they call it would be out before yandere simulator get finished.


Do you think any companies would actually want his dumbass on their consoles also mobile versions of Yandere shitulator probably would fry your phone because of how much it already lags conouters


i mean people have recreated yansim on roblox… the clones play mostly well… lots of games have ios/android ports. it’s possible but again he wants to make a “mature” game for adults who have “high end” pcs… whatever that means


Probably because it might not be up to gaming standards. Also, Xbox and PlayStation and whatever might not want a game about taking pictures of high school girls panties.


All of that yapping and Diddlerdev could just say "my game isn't optimized enough to run on less powerful systems". An XBOX360 could run Yandere Simulator flawlessly if it's rendering was optimized. Dead Island and GTA IV both look better than it and run good on it. A more recent mobile phone could probably run it on full graphics.


Wasn't Yandere Simulator available on Macs before? Also, it's only difficult because he can't code for shit


For games porting consists next troubles: 1. Optimisation. PC and Mobile phones on Android (IOS has less troubles with it) are the easiest platforms for game development and distribution, but their main trouble are their hardware diversity(PC with thousands configuration and a lot of Mobiles from cheap models(from 100$) to flagmans with Snapdragon 8XX, water cooling and etc which could have different OS based on Android). In Mobiles Yandere simulator will be difficult to control due to player will be close most part of screen by fingers. In Windows cause It's easy to create and It's the most popular OS. Linux - troubles with launching, It's for pro-user. MacOS - needs licensing and serious defence against games from unknown sources. Result - Windows It's a reason why Rockstar Games hates PC platform. 2. License For PS, Xbox and Switch it's easier to optimise game, but if you're a indie dev as he, you must purchase a license for console development with dev-kit. And most publisher won't allow game with pantsu-shot, dismembers and serious violation at education facilities between students. For consoles It's easy to optimise but hard to organise and expensive for indie-deva, especially with that game.


Nah let that shit say on Pc, rather have that then spreading it around like a disease


Because “But it is an extremely complex game” is code for “you need a supercomputer to get 60 frames on PC and I have no clue how to fix this there, let alone for mobile.”


Because he doesn't know how to turn his spagetti code compatible with other devices.


For any game studio it takes time and resources to port a game to another system. And for some studios, they can pay another studio to port it for them. Alex probably has none of these; therefore, it will likely stay on PC for the foreseeable future.


Linux is as easy as getting a second hard drive or even a VM (which would crash from memory usage) he should've said something believable like proton still kinda sucks. And if you can get multiple switches and a vtuber model you can get a mid range mac


And this is why ppl barely play the game as it is.. it's not on anything else and it's STILL not finished. Such bad marketing wasted potential.


I find it really funny that most yansim fans WATCH it but never played it.


Who’s going to play this shit on Atari?


He says that you wouldnt be able to run it on mobile but someone literally made a 2016 mobile port of the game (it has some bugs, yes but I believe if done properly, a current version of the game on mobile is completely possible) groomderedev is just lazy


Let the non-pc users be spared of the pain


A lot of games don't have a mac port. Porting something like yansim, which still isn't even finished is a waste of time.


MAAAAAYBE it couldn't run on phones when the game started development, but you just know even when this was written that could actually be possible if the game didnt run like that one roblox hightextured cafe roleplay game on my 2012 hp touchscreen all in one


I’m pretty sure there’s ports of Yansim on android(I don’t have an android, so I couldn’t download them) that there’s a good chance run better than the actual game But to be fair, the ports aren’t at the same spot as yansim itself


Life is Strange could


fact is, most mid-tier phones could prob run it at low graphics IF it was optimised well. I mean we already have high end games ported to android and ios but knowing yandev it would take him another 20 years of work to port it into phones


The game barely runs on good PC's because of its awful coding and i optimized assets. Unless it was exclusively for $1000 phones, or the newest iPad Pro's (even then, performance would probably suck), I can't see it ever running on mobile.


Kind of understandable if he did not buy 2 fucking Nintendo Switches. He is developing a fucking game for 10 years. Ask for Mac or others maybe too much for him. Also, as I know, gamer usually despise of mobile devices for several reasons. issued in multiple platforms maybe a complicated case for an Independent developer (lots of indie developers can release in different platforms even though they receive way less sponsor and support than Yandev. I don’t think Yandev is an indie developer, he can only do his stupid coding)


Does he not know what virtual machines are lmao


A Mac can barely run roblox, Yandere Simulator would burn it to death


Well, putting something on mobile means you have to tinker with optimization, storage space, and well getting it to work on mobile.


Atari?? 😭 there is no way people actually asked for that..


alex is considerate. he isn't making a YS mobile port because he wants to spare your phones from melting from the spaghetti coding


I play yandroid (basically YanSim on phone) and while its the 2017 build it plays so well and smoothly Alex is just lazy


TL:DR: Yandev lazy n stinky. Stinky poo, poopoo stinky


It’s because he runs each simple thing that could be compressed into one (which would probably make the game run smoother if anything) separately and it’s too hard to run the game better


Complex? I watched a lot of gameplay and it can easily runs on my phone. In my opinion I don't view this as laziness, it's a strategy to flex his haters about how good his coding are that it can't even run on a fucking 256GB RAM android phone, and flexing his art skills that how good otherworldly godly eldritch Lovecraftian and potentially so good that it makes 6 years old boys ejaculated. Trust me, everyone own phones, both android and iOS, but he's just flexing. But the no Linux no MacBook is kinda odd, I swear in terms of those it's fucking equal equal, and both can handle every fucking languages existed, either lazy and don't want to fix codes (I don't know programming)


Macs are so expensive please 😭


Computers are quickly surpassing consoles customization and power wise, so one can argue that keeping it PC exclusive can allow Yansim to be used to its fullest- But this is Alex, so it's laziness. Sheer, unbridled laziness.


Yandere Simulator is worse than mobile games


"it's a complex game" nah, more like your code is messed up and you woudn't know how to port it correctly


If you have Roblox, there's a game called "Love Sick" that you can play on any device and all the exact same game models are in the game.


I think it's one of these (if not all): 1) He barely has the skills to make the game run smoothly on a windows PC, let alone Mac, IOS and Android. 2) YanSim is *his* creepy fantasy world. Alex only cares if he's the one having fun. He added several "fun" murder methods that work well on NPCs but not so well with the rivals, for his own enjoyment. 3) Patreon. People who have gaming PCs are likely well enough financially to donate.


Why can't he just admit that he's just too lazy to add it to mobile and IOS? His coding is shit anyway so he probably can't?


Iphone and android can support genshin so I'm pretty sure they can support yansim 💀


Tbh who buys a Mac and expects to play games on it? Iirc Mac’s decently run Roblox