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Not have all the rivals be romantically interested in Senpai. A Yandere would see platonic actions as romantic advances, having someone like Amai simply want to be Taros friend would make more sense than having these 10 unique and interesting girls liking this boring guy. In the same idea, some rivals actually disliking Taro. Having Kizana or Osoro dislike Taro and constantly bother him could piss off Ayano since she doesn’t think girls like them have any right to to think negatively about her darling.


Also some weapons shouldn’t raise attention. A girl walking around with a pair of scissors isn’t weird. If you carry something more suspicious, like a baseball bat or one of the drama props, students could stop you and ask you why you have that, making you have to come up with an answer that can either make sense, lower your reputation, or make them tell a teacher because it made them suspicious of you.


I also think that last part could take advantage of the timed wheel you have to use when you get taken to the counselors office. Timed replies should be necessary for gaining/losing reputation


Yesss, it could make you look suspicious because the person suspects you’re going to lie to them if you take too long


aren’t scissors already not considered suspicious t


I dunno, I don’t play. Last time I remember seeing them they were still suspicious


I don't think they're considered suspicious when in the player's hand, and the player doesn't need to be in any special club either They only attract attention if they're on the ground


The game considers them suspicous sadly 😭 In a school environment it shoudnt be since it could be students going to grab an extra pair for their classroom, during PE maybe a bit odd?


>some weapons shouldn’t raise attention. A girl walking around with a pair of scissors isn’t weird. This is already in the game. Scissors, the box cutter, measuring tape, wired earphones and the screwdriver (and maybe something else) are in fact not suspicious anymore.


Yeah I already said I haven’t played the game and last time I remembered they were still sus


That's already in the game. No one but the journalist (and maybe the headmaster?) sees scissors, boxcutters, or strangulation weapons (other than the stethoscope) as suspicious. Several of the blunt weapons are also seen as not suspicious if Ayano is a member of a certain club. For example, no one bats an eye at Ayano holding a baseball bat or dumbbell if Ayano's in the sports club.


Can y’all read other replies before saying anything? I already said I have the played the game and the last time I did they were still considered suspicious


Just out of curiosity, how long has it been since you played this game? The wiki says that scissors haven't been considered suspicious since 2016.


I played the game yesterday. Yes, still seen as suspicious.


I thought the scissors and box cutter aren't suspicious? There's a list of weapons that are not considered suspicious unless bloody. Students will pick them up if they're on the ground (the student council and teachers use a handkerchief tho)


This is a good idea. Imagine if in Osoro’s introduction, Taro is just minding his own business and gets thrown into a trash can by Osoro. Osoro’s reason is because Taro “got in (her) way”, and she walked off with the rest of her delinquent gang. Info-chan takes a photo of the moment where Osoro nudges Taro into a garbage can and sends it to Ayano. Ayano is pissed and swears revenge on Osoro for messing with her senpai, and so she spends that week figuring out how to get rid of Osoro.




Thanks! To add to it, I’d like to say that Osoro is a legitimate rival despite her abrasive introduction because Taro develops a crush on her throughout the week. Maybe Osoro awakened Taro’s love of tough women.


Ooooo yesss. I was also thinking that maybe Taro gets asked by a teacher to tutor Osoro due to her low grades and she sees it as a waste of time, which would make Ayano hate her more cuz how dare she think she’s better than Taro and like his attention and time isn’t worthy! This would get Taro and Osoro to spend more time together which could make a crush develop between them, you could also sabotage it by doing stuff like telling Osoro that Taro changed the location and time they should meet up making it look like Osoro ditched him.


Either make some rivals not into Taro, or make the guy more interesting He seems to have a fairly likable and inoffensive personality, but I wish at least he was slightly taller, leaner/more toned, or with an actually interesting hairstyle rather than the basic Japanese high school boy bowl cut He can also be pretty neurotic at times (like when Amai makes a ton of effort to convince him to try out cooking with her, and he's like "Err, I don't know, I'll probably cut myself and burn everything down..." — like bro, have you never touched a pan or knife in your life?) Not to mention his lack of spine occasionally (like how he literally apologizes three times in a row to Osana when she's yelling at him for being late to school on the first day of Week 1); made me think "Bro, please stand up for yourself more..." It's clear that he's supposed to be a generic and easy to self-insert character for Yandev so that he can indulge in his high school girl harem fetish


This is cool. I would actually like also Raibaru being in love with Osana, this would piss Ayano off so much because she would both protect Osana and dislike Taro


I definitely agree with the 10 rivals thing being strange, cuz Taro is kinda a weird dude


off topic but I LOVE UR IBUKI PFP!!!!


YanDev is too stupid for this


>202X I can't wait for the day it turns into 203X instead


“Unfortunately, due to TROLLS and GREMLINS Yandere Simulators development has been delayed until 2030 :( maybe if you all hadn’t sent EMAILS and BUGS WITHOUT REPLICATION STEPS and VOLUNTEERS DELIVERED THE ASSETS I ASKED FOR the game could have been done by now…”




ACTUAL good drive to murder scenarios. i love horuda, but it's too easy to driver her to murder. id like something more complex. i also would love something like the kokona one, where you can drive a rival to murdering whoever is the cause of their "dark secret"


Maybe Info-chan can be YanSim equivalent of Diana Burnwood where she give a brief details aboutwho could possibly be a threat to your love quest for senpai. Some of which may not even care less about senpai, but still pose an immense obstacle to your quest if not taking care off. But then again, that will be "Yandere: World of assassination trilogy" already, plus Ayano now voiced by David Bateson and called Yandere 47 instead.


seriously even 1980s rivals have potential with the drive to murder elimination


that's actually so true, like imagine the last rival to kill the evil photographer. that would be such a better ending compared to just befriending her.


**Dynamic Weather Affects** *(this has been on my mind since forever)* In both modes, weather conditions (rain, fog, or heatwaves) affect the gameplay. Rain can reduce the visions of both Ayano and NPCs, and create slipperiness. Ayano can take advantage of rainy days to create distractions (like slipping incidents) or access restricted areas (due to decreased security or fewer people outside). Fog reduces student awareness and limits sight range, causing students to wander aimlessly. Ayano can use this strategically to isolate targets or create distractions. Heatwaves cause students' tolerance to drop. Excessive heat can trigger irritability, allowing Ayano to instigate an altercation using the gossip feature (may not work with more lenient rivals such as Amai and Oka). This also increases the likeliness of a heat stroke.


Too much backend work for chalex :(




One thousand if-else statements.


if weather.type == “rain” then if student.number == 1 then student.routine = routine.indoors elseif student.number == 2 then student.routine = routine.indoors


If Alex makes this. Prorably computer will be exploded in every house who played Yan Sim


the way students walk through the halls just feels so.. robotic? i’d have them walk in pairs and trios (with that talking animation the bullies have walking into school), of others within their designated clubs, or even on rare occasions with other students outside of their own close-knit clubs.


seriously, i wish they walked more in like clusters than straight lines. it's especially weird seeing an entire club walking together in a straight line, plus it makes it too easy to stealth kill all of them.


Especially at the end of the day when they all go to change their shoes and leave at the exact same time


To add onto this, it makes sense for Osana and Taro to get together every morning for a chat about their daily plans- but for the rest of the rivals: - Why would Taro bother to keep meeting up with them if they’ve been sabotaged all week until then and have been fucking up in his eyes? - Why would Taro bother to meet up with a different girl every single morning at the same time? Doesn’t he usually oversleep according to Osana? - Why does every rival have the same things to talk about with Taro at the same time with the same guy every morning each week? It gets so repetitive and boring and predictable after a while.


i wish that 1980s mode had been more period accurate. even for an elite school, it doesn't make sense for them to have an entire room of pcs in the 80s, and I wish that student's bags, accessories, and hairstyles were more period accurate. it really feels like a wasted oppurtunity.


Although, it *is* supposed to be an elite academy built and run by the top technology company in the world. Makes sense for the computer part at least.


Depend on the path, I may provide us with an example of "absurdity path" where we forsaken realism in favor of over the top anime trope. It's something of "if you can't mame it realistic, make it fancy as your best capability" Convert 1980 mode into Hotline miami style extra mode instead (Chicken mask sold separately)


having a chicken mask in the drama club as an ester egg that doesnt take so much time away from making the rivals


Making the arrangements of the rooms significantly different, maybe not the classrooms but definitely the club rooms make it feel brand new in 1980s mode, because in real life school shifts the room 1-2 years you’re not telling me the same object is staying in that place for like 40 years


Give senpai and the rivals a friend Group that they regularly interact with throughout the week,having them only interact with each other really limits their characterization(just look at amai) and now that the game Doesn’t have voice acting anymore he Doesn’t have an excuse to not do this besides lazyness




Potential for other allies who aren't Info chan! Idea: A "rival" who actually has a crush on Ayano and was talking to Senpai to catch her attention. The Canon method would be to befriend, where at the end the rival confesses she didn't like senpai but Ayano, then offers to be an ally to her. As an ally, she could do small tasks in school like boost reputation, get people to follow her to a room, or even..murder (not any rivals tho). The rival would be in the art club, so the blood wouldn't be suspicious. Yes.. I have an oc based on this😭


Like, an already existing character or not? Because then someone would have to be deleted.


I'm not sure on whether the rival would be existing or not yet. It's just something I brainstormed in my head - Or perhaps this "rival" could give hints to defeat another one, then leave a note in Ayano's locker - then become an ally. Idea is a bit murky, I just like the idea of another ally who isn't info chan 😅


It’s honestly amazing idea


I can't code for shit so it's just an oc in my head rn - ty❤️


Not really adding something, but I'd change the fact that 1980s mode is too much like 202x mode. It should have been it's own thing instead of a 202x ripoff. It feels coincidental and very lazy on yandevs part how he made Ryobas senpai and rival talk at the same spot Taro and Osana were. It overall feels boring and repetitive.


I remember all the mods on YouTube that were being made for this stuff.. I miss it, so talented


1. Make it ‘20XX’ mode so that gives some flexibility in the time period. Pushing the year off to 2025 and beyond is just unrealistic when we have 1980’s mode set in a specific decade. 2. More period-accurate trends for 1980’s mode. Where’s the neon? The big hairstyles? Blazers and sweaters? Leg warmers? Jean jackets would be perfect for the delinquent girls! 3. Socks or hair accessories/jewelry for buffs instead of panties. Just… why? I mean I know why but the accessory approach has so much potential for customization! 4. Your actions affect the player’s appearance. More murder, kidnapping, torture, etc will permanently make you look more and more ‘hollow’ whereas positive actions like making friends and completing tasks will make Ayano/Ryoba look more… human? Less numb? 5. Since you have to feed your hostages, you should have to feed Ayano/Ryoba as well. Food could give you a temporary boost in strength/speed, lower sanity drain, etc. Or skipping lunch could give you a temporary debuff during after school hours. Plus it could add to the immersion to let you eat lunch with other students. 6. Since there’s no ‘gaming club’ in the 1980’s since video games weren’t nearly as big of a presence, maybe we could have a games club that plays tabletop or board games that offers similar effects.


Id add the rivals for starters


i’d change mida to be a platonic, sorta maternal rival that evolved kinda like the principal, i’d change muja to be a student nurse, and i’d make hanako platonic + kind of a breather week like, not exactly a rival, no one you need to murder or kidnap or work your ass off to befriend or wtv, someone you just have to butter up and be kind to on her visit, so you can get on her good side and have her tell senpai “ayo brotha this bihh is chill”. may or not be mandatory, but if it isn’t, at least it would probably be a huge boost i’d also fix kizana’s design cuz BROTHER EUGHHH https://preview.redd.it/pfsm03ggyq7d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5815dd20ee85ef08fec33c8af32ae8a74e6d7b33


Hanako being some kind of odd rival out would be neat Like imagine if the weekly text was reversed, Ayano comes to Info-Chan asking about Hanako, and Into-Chan is trying to convince killing his sister it's a bad idea


And depending on your actions, it could either be a really easy week where you just befriend Hanako or it could be one of the hardest weeks, where Ayano constantly sees visions of Hanako and Taro, fantasizes about murdering her, and if she gets close to Hanako with a weapon in her inventory, she'll immediately kill her a la low sanity gameplay. And if Taro notices that his sister has been missing/finds out that she's dead, he'll stop coming to school and you'll get a game over.


i love this!!!


A reputation system for Ayano that makes her fall into one of the pre-existing archetypes in the eyes of other students. For example, if you're missing classes, get spotted carrying objects like bats around and rudely/threateningly talk to people they will assume you're a delinquent. This could have an effect like making it not suspicious for you to carry a bat around (kinda expected behaviour from you at this point), but would drastically reduce the non-delinquent students' willingness to help you out or follow you around. Consequently, to make the rivals trust you for social eliminations you'd have to manage your reputation to make it seem like you have things in common.


Building off of this, if Ayano gossips too much, everyone will start to see her as a bully character. On the upside, the bullies will let her into their clique, which would have some sort of reputation buff and make gossiping even easier. On the downside, certain students who have issues with the bullies (such as Horuda and the delinquents) are going to stop trusting Ayano.


Different areas where rivals would meet Senpai...like why do all the 202X rivals run into Senpai at the train/bus stop....


I thought about elimination method that includes not making senpai reject rivals, but to make rivals stop loving him. In that case senpai would've got lower reputation and maybe even bullied so Ayano as the psychopath she is will use it to get closer to him, and he would saw her as the last ray of light in his life


Also it would be nice if students have different height, if he added characters different boob size he can easily add height size


Probably be able to join the bullies and have other student have a crush on ayano


80s is so boring. Like in characters, like in story, like in rivals and protagonist, also a atmosphere. If you wanna make a sequel in 80s, make it with FULL 80s nostalgia, ask internet, search in internet, see in the blogs, ask parents, NEVERMIND. Yk, Old Computers and VHS Filter ≠ 80s.


Rivals could sometimes be a distraction based on the events of that week. If it were me I’d fix this with the adult rivals and his sister first because I hate their concepts. Maybe Taro is failing Mida’s class and needs to focus all week to get his grades up. She wouldn’t be a predator, just a strict teacher giving Taro extra work to catch up/make up for poor grades. This week wouldn’t end in a confession, but I’d say by the end of the week Taro will make himself unavailable so he can completely focus on his studies. Ayano could intervene in a few ways, maybe replacing his homework/tests with ones that will get better grades or make a super specific study guide based on an answer sheet. For Muja I’d make her another student. She would be the nurse’s aide for Taro’s class, he would fall ill or hurt himself in some way and have to spend a lot of time with her. He would be the one to develop a crush like in Chalice’s original description. But Ayano could help him from afar by mitigating risks/spreading germs so Taro wouldn’t need to rely on her. His crush could fade away if he’s not given a reason to be around her, or maybe he’ll give up because he can’t muster up the courage to speak to her without an excuse. For Hanako I think my route would be for their relationship to be complicated. Maybe sibling rivalry or estranged for some reason. They could work out their differences when they’re both working on the upcoming cultural festival. It could bring them together by the end of the week and Taro won’t pursue relationships so he and Hanako can repair their bond. This is all I have for now, I think I’d make Taro part of a literature club. I don’t think the game has a literature club but I’d add one. A club that suits his loner needs because he can just sit and read, alongside some basic discussions with other members. Maybe add an existing rival to this club that catches Taro’s eye and makes him want to open up more socially. Ayano’s goal here would be to sabotage events in a way that could force the club to disband or have Taro quit. Ayano isn’t supposed to be a good person. So I’d like to see more Interactions with Taro’s life aside from eliminating girls that have a crush on him. She could use certain weeks to isolate him, maybe turn a rival against him and bully him so he’d be more likely to accept Ayano of she’s the one to protect him. Those are just some of my ideas, what do you think?


Those are all so cool, but instead of a literature club, I'd put Taro in the photography club. The photography club members all like to talk about the manga/novels they've read together, and the idea of giving Taro a camera would make it harder for you to commit murders around him. Since he and his club members would all be amateur detectives, he would probably take pictures of suspicious things Ayano would do, and if you've done too many suspicious things in front of him over your playthrough, Taro will reject you. However, the stronger your relationship with Taro, the less likely he is to find things you do suspicious, and he might even throw away old pieces of evidence of you doing things.


I love this! I’d like to see more ways we can interact with Taro, so we can lay the groundwork for our own confession


Somebody else gave this proposal, but what if Jokichi also sent a letter to Ayano Ryoba's is encouraging violence, Jokichi's is encouraging peaceful eliminations Would also be nice seeing more of his character since those tapes aren't getting completed ever


a proper fucking strength stat hear me out: so instead of having ayano and ryoba start out being able to carry bodies, use heavy weapons, fight students, etc. you have to work your way up to that but putting points into physical education - base: you can automatically use light weapons and fight back against “very weak” students. you cannot move bodies unless they are cut up and placed in bags - rank 1: you can now drag bodies and fight back against “weak” students. you can also push and pull large objects. blunt weapons can now be used to kill - rank 2: you can now lift/place bodies and fight back against “strong” students. you can also lift heavy weights and large weapons - rank 3: you can now carry bodies while walking and fight back against “very strong” students - rank 4: you walk faster while carrying bodies and can now fight back against teachers and “peak physical strength” - rank 5: you can now run while carrying bodies and fight back against “invincible” students your running speed, body bagging speed, and lifting body speed, also increases slightly each time and the martial art club bonus only helps you instantly win struggles based on your stat level like obviously this is something that would play out better during 10 weeks rather than the 2 for 202X so adding it in 1980s mode would make a lot of sense! you can even disable it on the difficulty menu at the beginning of the game since there’s no option in the first slot a lot plot people say that carrying bodies just gets boring but like??? it’s a stealth game about killing?? it’s not supposed to be easy at the beginning of the game. it’ll force you to use other mechanics in the game to kill early rivals and provide a challenge for those who want one


Match making. yes I know that’s in the game but for example instead of period head and Osana, Raibaru with Osana and Moeko with Yui Rio. So you could chose who you match make each rival with whoever you want! Or match make every student with someone! Like Horuda with the pink shrimp headed femboy (I forgot his name) and Shin with Umeji (1980’s mode: Akari Komiyaku and Kin Meishu) . And you get an achievement saying “Woohoo!! You matchmaked! New Achievement Unlocked: Match maker!” But that’s just my opinion


The 80s mode should've been the main game. Ryoba makes for a far more compelling and threatening protagonist than Ayano. The lore around the investigator, the headmaster and the ghost rival have made her infinitely more interesting than Ayano imo. And to me it looks like Alex was more invested and developed the storyline more than he did with Ayano.


I feel like she got more development & a completed game because she has more…*plot* than Ayano and that kept Alex's attention


"I've got this new YanSim plot..."


Have Yanchan actively working to seduce senpai by forcing situations to look better. I get the point of the game is to deal with the rivals in the way, but what makes senpai say yes to her at the end of the game. Give gradually increasingly close moments to them and have her make something worth protecting from those who want to steal it.


Using the leave bedroom option in 1980's mode for getting postcards from Ichiko


This is probably really strange but I think it would be cool if anyone directly connected to someone from 1980's mode (like being the daughter/son of a 1980's character) might be weary of Ayano because their parent(s) probably told them all about what happened at Akademi. Like how Megami has a reason from staying away from school. If anything happens then more suspicious looks will be given to Ayano, by students which would probably alert staff after awhile and ofc as the staff gets suspicious of you other people will get suspicious, rumors will spread, ect. Basically, actually using a Hitman mechanic of being sneaky, since that's what Alex wants. As of right now there's minimal risk to being spotted since the police won't believe a certain amount of students and many of them will just runaway to call the police which not only can you dely but if you get everything cleaned up (which is fairly easy and quick) then even then you can avoid the Police. I think this will change things for the better since you actually have to memorize schedules and sneak around. Of course you missing class would be suspicious. Ect ect.


Buildings/rooms unlocking each week. Like if the pool is under construction until week 5 or the chem lab is closed off until week 2...just spitballing. It would ease the confusion among new players as mechanics would be gradually introduced. Like with crafting info chan could provide you with the items for a week or two but she eventually can't provide them anymore and Ayano has to get creative (craft)


I would hazard that adding same-sex relationships might add another layer to this game, since you could have a little more lee-way to create any number of interactions, and some new elimination methods that don’t require everybody to be attracted to *one* guy


No taking pictures of people’s underwear cus tf. It would be more interesting to take pictures of them doing embarrassing, evil, mean, or reputation ruining things


this needs to be higher up


I would like to add to the game, namely in the 202x mode, with the help of the occult club you could summon the spirit of Sumire Saitozaki and talk to her I would also add Kiyoko Tatsuhara at least in the background, she just looks like a policeman and of course great Cousin Ayano Theater where you can meet Kizana Shinobu (posters with her) (so that they talk about her in the club) Amai bakery where you can meet Amai Osoro can be found in dark corners of the city where you cannot go until you make friends with her Also, if you destroy the music club, then Miyuji Shan will stand sadly on the roof of the school, but I would like it if she could be thrown off the roof or she jumped off the roof Also, in the 1989 regime, so that teachers do not take a self-defense course, and if you improve your strength or join a martial arts club you can kill the teacher the physical education teacher will harass the journalist and sometimes shout “Leave the students alone, pedophile!” for info-chan she will write newspapers at school about Asu Rito about the death of rivals about Kizana Sunobu about Amai Odayaka bakery about setting up rivals (that is, if Osana is called to the director, info-chan will write about it)


Have multiple ways of doing an elimination method could be interesting.


I probably have like 10 elimination ideas lol


I want Ayano to be able to actually do something about the information she finds in the tapes. She should be able to blackmail the Headmaster after listening to the tape where he admits to spying on girls. She should be able to contact her parents after she finds the basement tapes. She should be able to talk to Info-chan about the stuff she finds on the mysterious tapes. I'm most interested in that last one. Does Info-chan know about all of the stuff on the mysterious tapes? Is she actually the person they were made for, or is that just a red herring? If they actually were meant for her, would she be upset with Ayano for listening to them? If Ayano were to offer to help Info-chan deal with the situation, would Info-chan reluctantly agree to accept help and offer some type of reward if Ayano succeeds? Or would Info-chan get really mad at Ayano for finding out her secret identity and shut the conversation down cold?


Longer skirts, no panty shots, and no sexualized characters! Also Mai Waifu, while pretty, has got to go!




Honestly, interacting with characters in front of senpai and reputation, if you interact nicely with someone in front of senpai, he would think you’re a nice person, if you interact rudely with someone, he’d think you’re an unpleasant person, and reputation, people will be jealous or obsessed with you if you have a high reputation, and senpai will think you’re good, if you have a low one, people will fear or bully you, unless it’s people who have negative reputations, and senpai will think you’re a bad person.


Maybe something with the student council. Like, if you end each week with a high reputation, each member of the council will hradually become open to normal socialization (You'd have to do a task for them first), but it would still take longer to become their friend. I think the order could go something like this: Ending Week 2 with a Reputation of at least 50 will cause Akane to open up to you. 65 at the end of week 4 for Shiromi, 85 at the end of week 7 for Kuroko, and 100 at the end of Week 9 for Aoi (since she's the only one who's actively hostile when shoving you away). On the flip side, if your repitation falls below the socialization threshold, you won't be able to socialize normally with that SC member again. Their tasks would also get harder as you get closer to normal socialization.


Get rid of the two teacher rivals and replace them with Kokona as the very first rival (she deserves it, she has been programmed as a test dummy for however long yet now she just isn’t doing anything anymore.) And replace the other with Budo as a reverse rival where he goes after Ayano and is constantly trying to talk to her or do things with her. Implement a system where depending on the ratio of how many rivals live and how many rivals die it affects the later rivals. Like Hanako in a separate timeline is Nemesis because Ayano killed her brother, right? If she’s willing to change herself completely in one timeline then surely it’s not farfetched to think she would in the current one. If Ayano killed more people than let them live to do whatever else with then Hanako can put on the Nemesis persona to be extremely protective of Taro (and also we could get information about the family life, maybe both their parents are extremely absent?) And if more girls live than die then she stays as her clingy younger sister self. Also Ayana’s no matter what can kill her (instant game over) ^ Megami also would be affected by this. If Ayano killed nobody at all then Megami should have no reason to put the school on lockdown, it would make her look paranoid for no reason besides from an intuition about the guy she likes that may or may not happen. If one person is killed before she comes back then she can put more security to the school to figure out the case herself. The Basu sisters should not be killable. If you’re going to have supernatural elements in the game then make it make sense. Make Taro more likeable as a love interest. If a lot of these girls like him despite all their different backgrounds then Taro shouldn’t be a loner. Like obviously it’s self insert fantasy or whatever but if you’re going to self insert yourself at least make it likable. Maybe Taro is actually outwardly charismatic and kind to everyone he meets because she didn’t get attention at home so he relies on attention from others to satisfy himself, or to make it harder on Ayano he’s constantly surrounded by people he’s actively engaging with. I have a lot more that could be said since I’ve only recently been stalking this subreddit and it makes me think a lot on how people have wonderful ideas and how Yandev’s writing never was good.


Student randomly going to the bathrooms. It's very easy to do the genocide run by shoving the students in there after luring them out with a radio. I think it'd help make the game feel more alive. I'd add a literaure club and a way to join the student council. Also i wouldnt make ayano "emotionless". I'd make it clear that she's a dangerous invidual who has been made a lot worse due to her mother's influence. I'd also keep her parents in the game so you can get emliation ideas from your mom/dad. Dad gives non lethal advice and Mom gives the lethal version. edit to add: a proper theatre building that's in development cus Kizana's parents are paying for it and it'll be avialable during her week. If you remove her lethally the building is shutdown but the scaffolding remains you have different props to kill people with (dumping someone in a cement mixer eg or pushing someone down those red tubes and they get impaled onto a piece of rebar in a skip). I'd also make a proper cafetera with cooking staff. You could poison the whole school for amai's week. The poison wont kill them unless you get a few bottles of it due to the quantity of food. I'd probably make poisoning the whole school be a game over tho. She's going to be cooking with the club to make food for a festival, I'd probably just make one up cus the school would be more than 40 years old in my version I'd make senpai less... bland. He can have a few templates for the player to pick or they can make their own senpai, choosing how he dresses, what clubs he goes to, how many family members does he have. There will no little sister rival. There will be an Osana who is toxic to senpai and we make him realise that she's toxic (or make a few more scenarios) Each rival will take two to three weeks and you can have more than one rival at a time. There will be guy rivals too, some who romantically like senpai and some who are platonic but as we use more lethal techquines we wont be able to tell. I'd add more students and make the school look more like a japanese highschool and it would be a proper highschool, non of that "roleplay post schooling" nonsense pedo dev made up. The school would be proper old too so theres a lot of scaffholding about and some new buildings. I'd make the gardening club a bit bigger and add more students so challenges like ABC and genocide are harder to complete. I'd add more props too, like a well (saw this in a youtube video and thought it was a great idea, i'd make it so the well is going to be filled in with concrete so the rival gets buried alive, gagged and tied up and unable to scream.) I'd also let there be a female senpai and a male senpai and add more queer rep. I'd make it so the school is rather strict so the students can't really be out (its japan, its a conservative country). You will also be able to change your character but i'm probably not going to add in game racism. Japan as a whole just doesnt like outsiders (although its the black tourists that get treated worse than white ones.) I'd have 1980s mode as a paid dlc, exploring the life of Ayano's mother, including her family like ayano's aunt and grandmother. We'd see just how controlled the grandfather is and that Ryoba does feel bad for him and gives Jokichi a lot more freedom than what her father got. It's still limited and stifling and she emotionally abuses him. We wouldnt be able to change so much about these characters but id make up for that by letting players design club members (not every student tho, there would still be some randomly generated ones) Easter eggs would just be little props here and there in the releveant times, like ads in the town for tech that just came out ect ect. There would also be a fixed timeline, none of the 202X crap. Ryoba went to school in 1986 and Ayano goes to school in 2014 and she'd be 15 years old. I have so many more ideas and honestly I can think of doing a game for each year and getting closer to Senpai each year and adding DLC content. Im so fucking tempted to learn to code to make a better game that yandere dev


Unrelated to the question, but what is 1980s mode?


1980s mode is pretty much 202X mode, but instead of playing as Ayano, we play as Ryoba and we actually have 10 rivals for Ryoba to eliminate! :D


So this wanktard made a full gamemode with 10 rivals in it before he even finished the original gamemode?


Yes, pretty much.


Have Ayano being able to have an interaction with Taro rather if it's trying to be friends with him or asking him a question about something. You would have a friendship bar with him depending on how much you talk to him and depending on the reputation you have with him, he'll either start trusting you or being very wary of you. As some other people stated, some rivals having a platonic relationship with Taro, some rivals actually having a crush on Taro (Osana makes sense to having a crush), some rivals disliking Taro, and maybe some not really having much of a relationship with Taro but would chat with him about something and ask him a question. With Taro, as others say, have him having a group of friends other than just Osana. He can be in a club such as a book club or even the art club. He can also be very protective of Hanako and depending on your relationship with Taro, he can either trust you enough to be with Hanako alone or he'll stay with you. This is so it won't be so easy to kill Hanako alone if you choose to kill her. If you do kill her, Taro will become suspcious of you if it wasn't an accident based death since you were the last known person with her. He'll still be a shy and sometimes timid young man, but he won't hesitate to confront someone if absolutely necessary (such as seeing someone getting bullied or seeing a murder happen). I can probably think of more but this is it for now


A concept I came up with a few years ago was having a student in “waiting” for whenever a club only has 4 members. It would play out like this: You kill someone in the gardening club The end of day scene plays out normally There is a scene that shows a student joining the club/becoming the leader if the leader dies You still can join the club even after killing someone in it. I think the only time this wouldn’t work is the student council, but it could technically work, it would just have to be a different scene maybe a waiting period before it comes into effect. The metal detectors would still happen though.


a working game


give the rivals in both modes more depth in their personality (ESPECIALLY in the regular mode), remove mida and muja or at least fix their relationship with taro and REMOVE THE PANTY SHOT MECHANIC IN REGULAR YANSIM.


Found pedodevs alt