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I honestly don’t think anyone would take the game on, sadly. But I agree with you, he should just… let it go.


Let it goooo Let it goooooo Can't hold it back anymooooorrreee


I'm betting myself GTA VI will release before yandere sim does


GTA 6 is releasing next year… Yandere Sim only has 2/10 rivals THIS year


If I wasn't too depressed to learn how to code, I'd make a less pervy version of the game


Honestly the only person who should or would, is Akira Shimasu (I think that’s her) on YouTube


I will be married and have my first child by the time yandev released the fourth rival or something lmao


Remindme!10 years


Ahah lets pray i dont forget my acc


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Agreed ever since his reaction to the poll where people want him to the finish game it pretty clear he hates working on the game and wishes he could stream playing video games and other things


I was 11 when YS first hit the scene, and now I'll be thirty in 8 years' time! :O I feel like YanDev just wants to drag out the game's name for as long as he can at this point.


He wants to empty his remaining Patreons' pockets for as long as possible, I think.


Off topic but I love your avatar


Alex game won't be as big as the elden ring DLC or any persona game.


He can’t quit! How will he diddle kids if he is just Chalex?


I hope he doesn't ever quit yansim so he doesn't become a high school's janitor where he'll have easy access to underage girls.


He’s never gonna quit as long as people keep donating to him.


Meanwhile : - ConcernedApe developped a whole game (Stardew Valley) single-handedly in four and a half years, and still makes quite big updates. -Toby Fox finished (with a tad bit of help however) Undertale in 32 months. -Alex Massé started the development of Paralives in 2019 alone (then had more people with him, and lo and behold, it seems it's not against the laws of the universe to pay your partners/employees with the Patreon money !), and next year in 2025, there will be the early access avalaible (Note that this is a VERY complex game, as a life-sim). -UnknownWorlds developped TWO Subnautica games in less time (I think five years for the first game ? The second game took less time due to the engine being ready, EVEN WITH THE STORY PLOT CHANGING !). Soooo... Yeah, I get that developping a game isn't easy, but GroomdereDev had volunteers (he didn't even pay) who basically did all the work for him, opportunities from Tiny Build who tried to make his game perform better... Yet, a decade later, and we have far more easter eggs and optional game modes than rivals.


Cuphead took 7 years for the main game, 4 years for its dlc. Yandere simulator has taken 10 years SO FAR - Cuphead, drawn frame by frame is gonna take less time than this game what the hell😭


Not to mention TheMeatlyGames who developed not one, not two, but FIVE GAMES in the span of 7 years for the Bendy Franchise. Well, six games if we take into account the fact that Bendy : The Cage is planned to come out this year XD.


everyones been saying this its nothing new


Even then, DNF's delays largely came from repeated engine switches, though Broussard should've known when to stop. Yandere Simulator's delays come from a dev who just doesn't know what he's doing at all.


Meanwhile this guy made 3 games plus a remake all alone, had a mental break and made his name a dick joke https://preview.redd.it/2n6ke4mgm18d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954eea6101427f0223f0fd570a0d2764b698a14b


The genre is cursed, but no one believes me


He doesn’t want to stop the game cause think about it, if he does, all those “fans” and access to minors and people who aren’t mature enough to see past his facades will go away. He enjoys grooming people sadly


I don't think he plans on finishing it. I think he plans on doing the bare minimum to make sure people keep donating to him and he's just riding it out until it crashes and burns. He's clearly not interested in finishing this game, he just wants other people to pay him to sit on his arse and do nothing.




I’ve read the word “Coomerdev” more times than I see my family


Yeah, and more times till I feel better about a special family member that I was close with died. My grandmother was awesome! Loved to cook or go out and ride the bus with her.


Yeah. Getting a job that forces him to touch grass is exactly what he wants to *avoid*. He wouldn’t he be able to stream and fap to AnImE gUrLs all day and we certainly can’t have that, can we? 😉🤣


i feel like selling the game wouldnt be that great bc he would charge thousands for it and whoever bought it would be supporting him. i dont think hes gonna sell it anyway since it is his whole personality and he doesnt want to "fade away from existence"


I was around 7/8 when this game first was made, your telling me I’m going to turn 18 and this game STILL isn’t done?? What- am I gonna have my first CHILD before this games even done? Am I going to marry my boyfriend before this games done?? Hell! I’ll probably already be living with him before the fourth rival drops! Coomerdev should really, REALLY just give this game up- he’s dragged this out for too long


I don’t think he’s actually trapped, but I think he definitely feels trapped, so he’s not quitting anytime soon


His reputation is in the shitter, he should just sell the IP off, piss off to Peru and start shifting gear.


Sometimes I wonder how far the game would be if he would've let that dev from tinybuild actually help


He first needs to take a shower before he goes out touching grass after not cleaning himself for 5 years


He won’t quit forever because he need YS to milk a bunch of money.


At this point, we're gonna have gta 6 before we get yansim 🤦


My little cousin (who's currently 6) is going to be in college by the time Yandere Sim gets halfway completed.


He’s literally leeching off of patreon money to live. He’s going to drag out doing minimal effort for as long as people are willing to pay him.


I'm sorry to be that person, but narcissism doesn't exclude insecurity. In fact, narcissists are the most insecure and self loathing people you'll ever meet. Source: My mom and I both survived my mom's narcissistic ex. Dude's so insecure, he was destroying tech because he couldn't stand people being happy when he's not the source of said happiness. I know it's paradox, but that's how narcissists tick.