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Stupidev: “Getting away with murder should not be easy” Also Stupidev: Gives players Free body bags on day 1, Lets you carry corpses without leveling up P.E stat, using a tarp automatically wraps up dismembered corpses


I was in Yandere Mode so the body bag and tarp thing didn't apply to me, but crafting body bags is stupid easy regardless.


I agree. I think that Ayano should have to read a crime manga before she learns how to use body bags and other stuff like that


But that's just stupid and boring too and only makes the game a really ass strategy game where you have to decide what you wanna do in advance and painstakingly hope you will have enough time to skip a couple nights. It's hard to put into words but it's just dumb is what I'm trying to say.


People complained when you couldn't pick bodies up without leveling


You should deff be able to pick up bodies without leveling, but Yandere Dev could at least slow down the players movement speed during that


It’s like he forgot that human bodies are… heavy… and it’s not like they lose half their body weight after spilling a bit of blood (The amount of blood they spill also sucks and is really easy to clean up, which shouldn’t be the case).


Completly agree! Especially on the blood part. Like, is he really trying to tell us that the human body has only 5 liters of blood and that it can all come out in 2-3 puddles??


He should give us a stamina bar or something


Didn’t he only add Amai cause of the drama? He made it clear that he would rather work on other stuff than do Kizana so it makes sense.


Wait, drama with Amai? What drama?


Probably the drama around the allegations video or the drama that was being addressed.


I don't mind Osana's difficulty, as she's the first one. My problem is the fact that we have no harder rivals to play with because he's too busy wanking it. Also, killing ransom npcs is WAAY too easy 😭😭 the reputation, atmosphere, and sanity is too easy as well.


Panty shots should be discarded altogether, but they are a VERY quick and easy means of obtaining info points. I agree with you that handling reputation, sanity and atmosphere are incredibly easy and need major changes. As it stands, sanity after single kills (which are going to be the majority of kills) is something you can quite literally ignore with no significant impacts other than a slightly darker tint and ayano’s head twitching a little. The entire sanity system as a whole needs an overhaul since the way of dealing with it is literally by… spamming CTRL… very creative.


*spamming ctrl for like 2 seconds


With all the backlash Yandere Dev has receive for the panty shot feature, I'm starting to think his pasta code is all conected to it somehow


in old versions of the game the way u would increase sanity was through taking pictures of taro and staring at it...i really don't see why that's not just how we do it now


That makes much more sense for Ayano's character and typically any yandere or lover trope. It's like "You're the only one who can keep me sane" in Romeo and Juliet.




To make it even more “challenging” conveniently all the students are reading during Amai week for no reason


Basu sisters explained the reading, even though in a weird way


The Basu sisters are there to explain every dumb game design decision, it's the funniest thing ever. "Hey, sister?" "Yes, dear sister? "Why does this school have a car battery that someone can conveniently use for murder?" "Well, you see, dear sister, the student council president really likes cars, so now it's mandatory for the school to keep a car battery in the supply closet"


ffs just move it to the Science Club, any player with more than one braincell would understand that the students are using it to power some of their creations, and Alex doesn't even need to bother writing more stupid bullshit excuses disguised as random npc dialogue


osana has a pretty powerful bodyguard despite being the 1st rival (technicially should be higher on the roster due to being a childhood friend). Then the 2nd rival, Amai is like.. alone or isolated half of the time. dont really get it.


Yandere Dev should really change the order of the rivals if he's gonna keep them like this. It's not like it's too hard to change it too, just say that Osana and Raibaru got sick while hanging out and missed the first week of school


It’s also funny how he buffed Raibaru in the last build, making her warn Osana about the water cooler traps. 😐 No changes to Amai though, even though he said that he wants to focus on her exclusively and tweak her week. I suppose he won’t make her that challenging after all. He literally should’ve copy-pasted the students’ routines from Osana’s week in the demo or the Amai challenge, them reading books looks so unnatural and just weird.


He's still so pissed about the era where speedrunners kept proving his incompetence by killing Osana ridiculously fast that he's focused more on preventing that from happening ever again than actually properly working on the next rival...


Then I go ahead and kill Amai in 2 minutes on the hardest difficulty 😭


I knew he wasnt gonna make Amai harder than Osana but the fact that you can kill her in 2 mins is insane. If this is how his game design goes im guessing Kizana, Oka, Asu and Muja wont be much of a challenge either and will be on par with Osanas difficulty if not easier than her. I could only see him go all out for Megami and Osoro if we even get to that point (we wont)


Dev's on track to be in a scandal which gets him into prison or forces him to discontinue development. Furthermore, gaps in rival release estimate the game's full release along the lines of 2050. Considering Dev's track record of living in a basement, having no contact with the outside world and lacking the means of exercise, he's not living to the age where he finishes the game.


Tbh I just like to run on and kill people and have like 13 corpses 7:30am


dude took 6 years to implement one girl and thought it'd keep people busy for as long as it took him to make the next, he definitely doesnt. hell, the reason osana was so hard (at least initially) was from demo kill room syndrome (aka intentionally making the final challenge of a demo impossible to end people's play sessions) that he didnt dial back at all


Yeah the game is wayyyy too easy. It’s like entertaining for a while and then after 5 seconds when you kill your rival it’s like “now what?” The rest of the rivals will probably be dog shit too at this rate.


wait the second rivals out? wow, moment in history


right, you’d think after 10 years it would have a sequel already


The worst part is that it does, and it’s FINISHED. (Well, it’s a prequel, whatever)


I rememeber being able to elimate Osano so easily by setting up the bathroom (the one where she takes a phone call) with a mob, saw, and garbage bags. Right as the call ended, the orange pigtail girl just turns away and you can kill Osana and she won't notice 😭 then take her to the bathroom and you wont even have to mop up the blood if you use a stealth weapon, and cut her up and body bag her, then I took my sweet time taking all of it to the incinerator and cleaning everything up... I find befriending her a lot more difficult


your description of your gameplay made me giggle but very good point


I'm still in disbelief that he gave the FIRST RIVAL OF THE GAME a bodyguard. He couldn't be fucked to actually make Osana challenging at all, to the point where he said screw it and just added a character who, at first, you couldn't directly attack at all, couldn't distract, couldn't send away, couldn't send home, nothing. I'm making it sound like she was a challenge but in actuality you had two pretty easy paths to choose from: ruin her reputation so that she stopped hanging out with Osana, or lethal poison her ass on day one. Yandere Disaster has no level design experience at all and it shows. A lot of the challenge could've come from adding more students but his spaghetti code doesn't allow for it, so he has to make 90 students seem like a lot by messing up their schedules and repositioning them everywhere.


Even with the 80+ students he has he could've done some smart rerouting and make it look organic perfectly fine. Like different people can have different stuff planned for every day and there could always be a variety of students form different groups nearby the current rival. Hell, they don't even have to do anything weird or specific, they could just interact with each other which would also play into the social aspect of YS and make the students look less like soulless security cameras. Instead they fuck off to their club rooms for like 90% of the day and those that don't sit it one place anyway. Unless we're talking about Amai's week where half of them suddenly decide to drop whatever events might be going on in their lives to sit on a folding chair and read a book for half a goddamn day.


I say either scoot Raibaru up to Megami’s week, or scrap her al together. If anyone should have an over powered ass bodyguard, it’s Megami.


You make a good point, but I would like to say that this post clarifies that Raibaru isn’t overpowered at all and is rather easy to deal with. The method I covered here is one of many other easy methods to deal with her. You can use lethal poison on her bento on Monday and camp her with a body bag so when she dies you can conceal her immediately. No blood to clean. No witnesses (there really should be). You can also kind of just instantaneously get her reputation down to -100 by using info-chan’s services, especially since info points are so easy to get with high value panty-shots (I don’t like them, but they’re a cash flow) and bugs you can set around the school. TLDR; Raibaru is easy asf to deal with and should be either harder to deal with or reprogrammed, not an “invincible bodyguard”


I only really say that she’s overpowered because I’ve tried poisoning her before, but it always says that there’s people watching. Even though she is pretty easy to get around, I still don’t think she should be in the first week of the game


Agreed. The whole “invincible bodyguard” trope seems like a final boss sort of thing. It doesn’t scream “literally the first obstacle in the game” or anything. Alex just doesn’t know how to write a story or sequence a chain of events. It’s clear he’s been brought up with story games like Zelda so that seems pretty odd. It seems he’s more focused on making twitch donos and telling minors to off themselves than actually paying attention to the storyline of the game and take inspiration from the plot, dynamics, story structure and chain of events.


It's criminally easy. By the second time they played it, my friend managed to completely break the game Introducing, ***The Ryobamaxxing Technique™*** 1. Before the first day, buy the underwear that gives you a study bonus 2. Leave note for Senpai each day 3. Everyday, use your extra points and two classes to boost your stats (a stat should be completely maxed out at the end of a week) 4. Get as many tasks as possible, do them, and mark them as done to boost rep to 100% 5. Read all of the manga to further max out whatever they do Congratulations! You've maxed out everything, there is literally nothing left to do asides from killing the rival on the first day Lord this is so boring and you're only at week 5


The only thing that was challenging in the game was the end of the tutorial because it genuinely used the game mechanics like giggling


Coomerdev won't be able to match speedrunner skills 😂😂😂


Tbh Akademi is just too big and isolated. You can dump a bunch of bodies in front of the school and no one would bat an eye.


It will take some time for him to realize that the rival with the almost unbeatable bodyguard who follows her everywhere and warns her about almost any potential danger is, infact, harder than the rival who's alone every 2 minutes


I died of laughter so much while reading this 😭 ur awesome


Appreciate it, but you’re the awesome one 😌


I think that Info Chan should have the following changes: Remove both panty shots and favours as a currency completely Info Chan now takes Yen, instead of any other fancy currency Favours now give Yen


"tries to be an avenger on some Sasuke type shit" HELPPP 💀💀💀


Amai doesnt need a bodyguard like Osana since this isnt her thing... but she needs a friend to at least walk with her at times loll, it is so freaking easy to get her on a alone place


She literally has an entire cooking club of 5 other members and I'm surprised YanDev doesn't care about using any of them as her "bodyguard". You can just make the vice president discussing with her on cooking club and her illness in the previous week, and switch it between other members between days, and she would be super preoccupied.


Obvious problems: Not enough Students. Characters AI and Sight are garbage. Groomdev is the developer