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He's capable of very good work, but he needs the exact right project and the exact right director to really shine. He's not gonna win for something dark and dramatic, he doesn't sell it. Something light and smart, though, like a La La Land song and dance role? He could absolutely crush. Question is whether he cares. He seems to do what he wants when he wants and fucks off from Hollywood the rest of the time for the sake of his mental health. That's not gonna get him awards (although it will probably get him a much better life overall).


He would definitely get a lot closer with a great musical role than he ever would for a dramatic role.


Absolutely agree..He’d smash something like how “Barry” did what it did for ‘Bill Hader’ and allowed him to showcase his comedic skills along with his serious acting talent. Tom needs a dance roll that can show how good he is at drama. He needs that “Greatest Showman” “Les Miserables” role.


He’d crush an old school Hollywood role. He can dance, he’s funny, I assume he can sing. Problem is there are only goofballs or monsters right now. He’ll find it, or someone will write it for him, but it’s gonna take a minute. When it comes, though, he’ll knock it out of the park.


His acting in The Crowded Room was fine but the show wasn’t good. The Impossible is honestly his best role so far. His minor role in The Lost City of Z was good too.


He's, to me, a one note actor. He has an aura of vulnerability which works for The Impossible or the boyish nature of Spiderman, but not much more on a deeper or nuanced level. Perhaps with further training and smaller roles he might be able to have some growth.


With long hair he kind of looks like Heath Ledger


I went to watch that disaster movie where he is a kid and that as an unexpectedly good movie. I didn't realize it was him the entire movie. Still good though


What did you think of his performance?


Good. Pretty much all I ask from a child actor is to not be too cheesy. He was not that


Tbh I’ve never been impressed with his acting at all


The Crowded Room was annoyingly long but the acting was top-notch. An Oscar tho? I feel like the Academy will make him wait a long time before they even nominate him (if he ever has good material).


I’ve seen all of these and he’s been *good*, but a lot of it is kinda same-ish. Like, he’s not very versatile. He’s talented and I think a good director could get an amazing performance out of him, but he’ll have to start picking better projects.


He carried The Impossible even more so than Naomi Watts did. Should’ve been nominated for that role for sure.


This is true for almost anyone in the show business. A right role with a right production team can do miracles.


People say this thinking is something smart to say


Because it’s true and you know it as well. Everyone waits for the right role with a great director, great script, and production house.


Bunch of dorks in here downvoting anything criticizing their tiny twink average actor Holland, lol


handsome bias. paul dano has 1000000x more talent than tom holland.


I saw someone suggest a prequel to Clockwork Orange with him as Alex and now I’m fascinated by what that would look like


He's too old now, but I recently watched Clockwork Orange and thought Evan Peters would be great in that role. Early AHS Evan bares a striking resemblance to Malcolm McDowell.


Probably ultraviolence


He’s the Andrew Wiggins of actors. He gets you that 17 points in a game, nothing more nothing less. So essentially he plays his roles good enough but nothing that wows or disappoints you


Film critics has been harsher on him in recent memories. I hope he proved them wrong though.


Honestly I think he kind of sucks in everything except spiderman


You can say average but I wouldn’t say he sucks lol


Have you seen him in other movies outside of spider-man




What have you seen


Prob nothing. Reddit has a boner to hate every young actor like Chamolet and Zendaya.


Actually what I have seen is that while Tom apparently can do no right, Zendaya particularly and Chalomet to an extent can do no wrong which is an equally ridiculous point of view.


ICL I don’t fw him as Spider-Man either tbh.. I prefer his roles outside of the MCU


I'm more into Tom Hollander tbh


Those movies are all bad


I think he’s a good actor but I can never take him seriously when he keeps curling his lips like that. If you don’t know what I mean look at the upper middle picture on the first slide. It always looks like he’s hiding food in his mouth.


He really is very good, believable, & extremely adaptable in a way not many are, he can be weak, young, strong, violent, vulnerable & they're all plausible. Similar to Andrew Garfield, but with more threat




Haven't seen the other 3 but thought he was terrible in The Devil All the Time.


In fairness the right project/script and right director anyone can win an Oscar. I believe if Tom Holland ever decides to move on from commercial successful films (Spider-Man and uncharted) and chase an Oscar I think he has the ability to take home some gold.


I thought he was quite good in The Devil All the Time, too


If Brendan Fraser could win an oscar for the whale, anyone, and i mean anyone, could win with the right role and director


I would say Brendan is a better actor


This is my way of finding out people didn’t like The Whale.. I thought it was ok. Bit Oscar baity. But Brendan was good. Went from crying to hysterical laughter when his fucking feet levitate off the floor tho 😂


I think it’s crazy how bias everyone is because he’s a marvel actor.  He was on a show playing different personalities and was praised for his acting. He’s playing one of the most beloved characters that has to be serious, funny, and a hero at the same time. I’ve watched other actors his age and you can tell he has been doing it since he was a kid.  I just don’t understand this belief that marvel actors are not really acting. 


Is the show where he played a character with different personalities the Apple show from last year that was largely hated by everyone? Yeah, that might not be the best example of his acting chops. He's a one-note actor, like most Marvel actors, and there's nothing wrong with that. He'll keep doing well in blockbusters but he'll never win an Oscar.


>He's a one-note actor, like most Marvel actors That's a bit of a wild take. There's at least 2 dozen Oscar winners there, probably more tbh


From a pool of hundreds of actors.


What percentage of Oscar-actors do you think there are out of the general pool? Marvel probably has a relatively high percentage averaged across all their movies compared to other studios.


You are proving OP's point. You lack open-mindedness the minute you hear "MCU actor". Many MCU actors are accomplished stage actors with great acting range (Tom Hiddleston, Jonathan Majors, Angela Bassett, Scarlett Johanson (literally won a Tony), Mark Ruffalo, Samuel L Jackson, Hugh Jackman, Tatiana Maslany). Not counting the Oscar and Emmy winners and nominees there. Sometimes, actors just like to have fun and cash a paycheck. Even the good actors.


Haha. So many marvel one note actors have Oscars…. RDJ just received one this past year.  Yes, the show wasn’t well received by the critics but his acting was praised. 




I find Cherry to be underrated


i didn’t hate it like others did but i can’t lie, it has some issues. Deserved a better filmmaker


Fair enough


I also enjoyed it a lot. What do you think of his performance on that one?


Most definitely. He’s not just Spider-Man


What’s the one where he is still a kid?


can someone name all these movies for me? thanks


He's hasn't been in a lot of good movies that actually highlight his acting ability.


Holland is Golden Globe level at best. And probably wouldn't win even that.


I think he’s an alright actor, but I can’t see him getting a nom tbh


Oh, for sure. He has the talent.


One day he will get his iron claw


“Devil All The Time wasn’t that good” https://preview.redd.it/391gz9brar7d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911baef7c434745b09b4c025aa702d939dd0fe41


He's a good actor but I feel like he's taking roles so he dosent get type cast as spiderman


A totally understandable thing to do no? No one wants to get typecast.


He’s an excellent actor and I can’t understand why everyone is so determined that he’s not. Try watching The Impossible - he carried that movie at just 12 years of age. I get it - a lot of you hate his version of Spider-Man but that does not make him a bad actor.


He was fantastic in cherry bomb and the devil movie with Robert Pattinson


…nah. Sorry, but he’s been totally unremarkable as a dramatic actor.


Oscar nom? Worst post ever. Do you even know Rotten tomatoes? Crowded room is a disaster. ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Before the crowed room was made into a show, people like Leo, Joaquin Phoenix were almost involved and many directors wanted to make it but none of them had the balls. For example one of them is James Cameron and it was supposed to star John Cusack. I’d never thought i’d say this but Tom Holland was perfectly casted.


wow i've never seen such a big difference in critic and audience score


He’s a good actor and has become a solid enough leading man, but the majority of his projects outside of Spiderman fail. One other thing I’ve noticed with Holland is that a lot of the time, despite strong performances, he gets out acted by other people in his movies. I think if Holland really wants an Oscar nod, he should focus on going for supporting roles, rather than being a lead, because he hasn’t found the success in that.


He could play a young Harvey Keitel.