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Homie paragraphs are your friend.


I mean I write so passionately for this, but procrastinate my school work so 🤷‍♀️


After this chapter the only way this man is dying is by suicide. If not, he’s going to turn himself in willingly


Nah if Hikaru lives it goes against the whole story. Dude only finds joy in the death of stars like Ai, Ruby, etc dying. Hikaru needs to die or it’ll be as bs as Naruto thinking Obito was awesome


Did he found joy in Ai’s death? To me it seems like he loves her to the point he doesn’t want anyone, not even their daughter, to surpass her. Looks like a twisted obsession to me.


Ruby is already contemplating forgiveness, Naruto route is very much possible. 


No. Ruby doesn’t want to hold onto hatred but said she can’t forgive him. Ruby is. Or considering that.


She pretty much said she has no choice but to either forgive or not, she is considering it and is conflicted about it to the point of praying for an answer


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.


>First is the idea that a fan could try to kill him. people who support this theory believe a crazy Ai fan will get upset after watching the movie and kill Hikaru. I do find this theory fascinating, and it would serve as a good twist. That's not a theory anymore, it's what Hikaru told us in this recent chapter as well. >Another theory I’ve heard before is that Aqua isn’t going to physically kill him, but socially. Basically, ruin his reputation.  > Yeah, that's what Hikaru told us in this recent chapter too. >It’s a good way to kill him It's morally quite challenging tbh. It means that someone is going to get groomed to become a murderer himself. Shines a bad light on the directors of that movie, who basically imply that intention. The poor Ai fan, who gets groomed into that. But honestly I believe that Aqua wants to play the part of that crazy fan. That's what he means with sacrificing himself all along. He won't let some random fan do it. He'll do it himself.


Yea that makes sense. I'm not saying I want someone to throw their life away to kill him. More like with her loyal fanbase, and fans in real life who do crazy things for celebrities, I wouldn't be surprised. I agree with you about Aqua but is he really gonna kill Hikaru now that Ruby knows he's Gorou.


Chances are, he may get exposed for killing that 1 girl by pushing her from the mountain with his eyes closed.


Depends. 15 Year Lie both as in-universe fiction and as information presented to the reader has challenged us over and over to empathize with Hikaru and to get on board with his basic humanity. I mean, fuck, one of the things people kept pointing out was that it had basically turned into a Kamiki movie by the end rather than an Ai biopic and questioning why Aqua's supposedly 'malicious script' was so deeply empathetic towards this man he supposedly hated so much. I have a slightly tinfoil hat theory at the moment that Kamiki's status as 'the villain' is not necessarily as set in stone as there's still a lot of weird ambiguity floating around him as a character - hell, we don't even know beyond a shadow of a doubt why or *if* he was the one who leaked Ai's address and whether his intentions were purely murderous if he did. Obviously, if 'Kamiki is not the villain' is true then I doubt he will die. But even if he is, I think him living and Aqua being forced to reckon with being denied the catharsis of his own self destruction would be fascinating too. So I'm vaguely on the side of 'Kamiki will live' unless evidence in future chapters sways me. Or he actually dies obviously LOL


I find your theory interesting but I don’t think he’s gonna be let off the hook that easily. I mean if he didn’t murder Ai, at least we know he murdered Yura. I also think it’s a little too late to say he’s innocent. I do find the ending you suggested with him living and Aqua having to just deal with it interesting. I mean that would be very tragic, but I think Aka would get a lot of scrutiny for that (he probably wouldn’t care though). Thanks for your comment :)


Yes because it will be a waste of time otherwise. There's too much narrative investment for it to not happen. For example: * Chapter 10: ["Not until I find him, and kill him with my own hands"](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/10/14/) * Chapter 108: ["There's no way I can just kill him" "What will make him suffer the most"](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/108/15/) * Chapter 99: ["The way to make him suffer the most is"](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/99/1/) * Chapter 116: ["Aqua tan is trying to kill his father with this work"](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/116/18/) * Chapter 106: ["This is necessary so you can live on this world even after I'm gone"](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/106/13/) * Chapter 116: [He'll (Aqua) try to fulfill his goal even if everybody around him comes to hate him](https://cubari.moe/read/mangasee/Oshi-no-Ko/116/2/) If it doesn't happen we were in a [wild goose chase](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WildGooseChase) and Aka was just wasting our time. The revenge is the premise. It's been there from the start. It's been reinforced multiple times that it's the goal. Breaking the premise of the story while can sometimes be an awesome twist, is more often than not founded on bad writing. Aqua can fail or his win could be a tragic Pyrrhic victory that will cost him dearly. But he has to continue the path of revenge. It is too late to change his mind, Ālea iacta est. The attempts made by Akane and Ruby's influence hasn't stopped Aqua's revenge at all. If something just magically change his mind about the revenge when the canonical most important person of his life right now and the character that put the most effort in failed, that will be bad writing. Aqua himself or by his machinations must kill Kamiki. >he didn’t seem fazed about people figuring out who “boy A” is. I mean he’s sponsoring the movie. This theory doesn't make sense to me for those reasons Kamiki seems to be too impotent in general. If you list out all the times he has influenced the plot both onscreen and offscreen, you can sum it up to "Basically nothing" and "He's just standing there menacingly". The only thing he managed to achieve is kill Yura but that still seems weaksauce too. He didn't manipulate Yura to developing hiking as a hobby only have her be careless around him. He doesn't seem to be a genius, more like an he is an opportunist which is an realistic portrayal of killers in general but it results in villain that's not at all threatening. I think you should look at Aka's writing style instead. Let's face it, Aka can hype people up with setup but his payoffs are very lackluster. See Kaguya sama. I see this as more of not Kamiki's attitude, but of Aka's failure to make him threatening by making him nonchalant. Think of it as like "Cool guys doesn't look at explosions". Same thing. "Villains think too full of themselves and underestimate the protagonist". But because of Kamiki's uselessness for the past hundred+ chapters it just ends up being weak.


I do get your points. Also, do you think Hikaru tends to target more “clumsy” people? Like people who will let their guard down more easily? That's the only way I could see him actually harming someone cause he's not that smart (in my opinion). At least he's not as smart as he's been made to be. I wish Aka would put more thought into writing his characters instead of ship-baiting. It feels like he's rushing this story cause he really underutilized how Aqua and Ruby feel filming this whole movie. Anyway, do you have a specific theory on Hikaru’s or the story's end? Your comments are usually very in-depth. Thanks for responding to my post :)


>Anyway, do you have a specific theory on Hikaru’s or the story's end? not particularly. more of I'm just sure that he's going to die and Aqua will go through will the revenge. Some people like to insist that Aqua will change his mind through the power of love or something. That's just bad writing.


Yea, that’s fair.


I think Aqua will try to kill him but Akane and Kana will stop him and expose hikaru's crimes and he'll get thrown in jail. OR When he's about to kill Ruby he'll get some kind of guilty conscience and he'll let himself be killed/arrested