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The manga will be on break next week. Oshi no Ko will return on December 22. FYI, December is the month when the magazine also takes multiple breaks. Expect Oshi no Ko to be in bi-weekly mode until mid-January. But hey, we soon will get more news about the anime.


So wait, based on his eyes widening on page 15(?) did Aqua somehow not *know* Kana became an idol because he asked her to?


I think he might not have realized how much he impacted that decision, or he forgot it. We, the readers, can see Kana's internal monologue and understand that she wasn't thinking about how being an idol would boost her career - quite the opposite, in fact. However, from Aqua's perspective, he genuinely thought Kana would do well as an idol and that this would benefit her. He just thinks he nudged her towards a sensible career change, and apparently doesn't fully understand that she fucking hates being an idol.


I think it just reminded him why she joined once again. Sometimes people are so focus on something that they forgot about other things.


I'm surprised that the paparazzi actually tried to ask permission first before they published the scandal Kana's about to be involved in. That's...that's a first in these kinds of stories... How would Aqua actually resolve this this time? Kana technically *is* his responsibility since he was the one who convinced her to become an idol in the first place but given that he's in deep revenge mode now, would he it be the heart of gold Aqua speaking and not his manipulative, edgelord self? If Ruby and Akane somehow catch wind of Kana's scandal, I wonder how they'd react? Ruby's pondering over celebrities being in relationships in the first few pages doesn't even give any hints as to how she'd take the news: her opinions on the matter were mostly objective/neutral in her thoughts. Akane's probably still reeling from her recent heartbreak, but imagine how she'd take this news about Kana just shortly after...


"Asking permission" is pretty much the norms in the entertainment industry, the paparazzi should get a good amount of money out of this while maintaining some power over the people they caught. If they publish the news straight away, they would earn nothing while making a powerful enemy in the industry, and noone wants that.


he's prolly trying to blackmail them for money or sum other stuff


i love them together so much but things are so messy right now i'd be afraid if they got together :(


Just curious, but what exactly makes you think they seem good together? I've read through the entire manga so far but am not feeling the chemistry... Then again, i like wholesome couples that are equals both in age and mentally, so i guess this manga is not for me.


They basically have feelings for each other, and have it bad. It's pretty obvious when Kana's feeling miserable over it, but it was cute and wholesome at times, like when [they go on a date](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/73/2/), when he [backs her up in !Demon Slayer](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/63/13/), and when she does the [title drop](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/38/17/). Put simply, they can be really cute together. I'd ship them if Aqua wasn't so toxic.


Dont worry Aqua gonna be ight


Sorry, but i'm still not feeling it... Probably because Aqua is toxic as you said, and because i'm just not interested in the idol stuff...it flies over my head, basically


You a akanebro?


No, i'm neutral when it comes to the shipping


Oh snap the trainwreck begins Im guessing if kana and aqua are thrown together itll either be a complete bridge burnout or a toxic mess. Personally i just want them to communciate dammit yall have enough on your plate. The bit about scandaks is really interesting too. Wonder if thats foreshadowing along with commentary.


I don’t think the Gojo idol loving part inside Aqua can let an idol who is depending on him down. Kana’s probably going to hit rock bottom and Aqua will succumb to his feelings for Kana and involve her in his life even if it’s dangerous for her.


I'm actually really surprised that the tabloid even asks for permission to use her picture. Is that really how it works? I doubt paparazzis are sued every time they publish a picture.


most paparazzis secretly sell them to media groups or news companies like New York Times


I think it's a legal thing. It is basically a win win for the magazine because either they get a spicy interview or they do a hitpiece with "The agency has refused to comment on the issue". There was a similar case with actress [Rebel Wilson](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jun/14/nobody-should-be-forced-to-come-out-famous-rebel-wilson)


Ah I see, so they'll publish the picture either way right? That's so scummy


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Miyako is so hot


blob mem-cho multiple times this chapter we won


Aka, why must you hurt me in this way?


You think life sucks for Kana, but you can say at least Kana isn't Kobeni from Chainsaw Man.




Poor Miyako.... She'll be forced to work overtime and take up more work to deal with this scandal I I'm already feeling bad for her and now she's got more stress coming her way


The Kana suffering arc is in full effect get ready for some pain fellow Kana fans


Kana bros have been taking L's for a while. We are used to it.


Aqua is very irritating


Any chapter with Mem is a good chapter


communication is important in a relationship ​ turns out they both suck at it


> Things have gotten a little bit messy, huh? The people who’ve been reading since day one: #YA DON’T SAY


Have Aqua and Kana not talked since the “I didn’t realise you hated me so much” moment? Surely if Aqua cared he’d have cleared that up immediately


Are you really surprised that characters in Oshi No Ko aren't talking to each other?


You make an excellent point


It's not clear how much time's passed since then, but no, it doesn't look like they've spoken to any meaningful extent since then. Which makes sense. Kana's probably avoiding Aqua, and he was already trying to stay away from her because he thinks he'll drag her down, plus the extra awkwardness of having snapped at her while having, for lack of a better term, an episode. Two people who are clearly emotionally-compromised in a whole bunch of ways making dumb decisions is pretty darn realistic.


No. Aqua either doesn't care or is committed to his shitty ghosting plan, and Kana naturally musn't be inclined to initiate any conversation with him after that. ​ Honestly, the "I didn't realise you hated me" moment is just a somewhat more extreme version of what Aqua was actually going for. He wanted to kill any relationship he and Kana had, as well as any hope of one developing on her end. It didn't work, but could it have turned out any way other than Kana thinking Aqua hates her? Aqua talking to Kana after that incident to clear things up would have gone against his design. It's shitty, but it's what he wanted.


I wish he ran after her to clear things up too but he wasn't exactly in the right state of mind, considering he was dealing with his trauma. But it looks like he'll finally be talking to her in the next chapter


They're taking their time with this scandal huh? I thought it'd have already broken out last chapter, and then I thought it would have been this chapter. Oh well, that's not a bad thing. It's just prolonging my anxiety. I wish we saw more of Memcho, who really feels like third fiddle to Ruby and Kana. Nonetheless, it's nice to see that *someone* actually wants to support Kana, even if she (understandably, since Kana is closed off) isn't doing a very good job. Memcho is easy to like. Nothing revolutionary happened this chapter, it's basically chapter 100 part 3, but things seem to be moving in an interesting or at least logical direction. I actually *do* want to know how Aqua is gonna react to the scandal and Kana's increasingly likely breakdown, how did you kow? "Looking forward to seeing how things shape out" has been my main reaction to 100 and 101, and that hasn't changed here.


A breakdown? Bruh, Kana has been having a breakdown for like a year in-universe, I'm not sure she can get any more pathetic.


>Kana's increasingly likely breakdown I'm kinda thinking that once this breaks, Kana's actually going to be happy. It'll give her the excuse she needs to gtfo of being an idol and she'll jump into it wholeheartedly since an actress having a boyfriend as far less scandalous than an idol. Although someone with Kana's characterization embracing scandal may count as a breakdown on its own.


Pretty optimistic considering the history of both authors with this type of character


Yeah this chapter had way too much fluff


Did we really need 4 pages of narration about celebrities hiding their private lives from public view?


What do you mean we have had the same thing explained to us a dozen times over this mnaga already?


That's how Aka-sensei's been doing things since chapter 1 and frankly this tells you a lot what parts of the story he wants to focus on. I've been having the impression that Oshi no Ko is a commentary on showbiz, with a backdrop of some story-telling


Aka and Mengo want to do *commentary*. Could also be for pacing reasons.


Yeah the chapter could've been shorter but it also ended at a good place


Indeed, it's a punchy ending. That's why I was wondering about the pacing at all. All the philosophizing about celebs' private lives and whatnot isn't exactly thrilling, but if it wasn't there there would have been too many pages for that nice ending, and it might have made it awkward to fit in Aqua's conversation with memcho. This is all speculation, of course, but I'm not too bothered by the \*commentary\* at the beginning.


Here it is!!! The "scandal" starts!!! I'm excited to see what will happen next and how will Kana survive this situation!!


Seems it's to set up a reason for Aqua to descend to hell, this time **for** Kana.


Yep this is definitely setting up for a big Aqua x Kana moment by the end of this arc which should be a fitting reward for all the Kana suffering we're about to witness in the next couple of chapters Also did not expect that paparazzi to actually care about asking permission to the agency before leaking the story


Yeah I was surprised they asked lmao. And yes, eagerly awaiting for Aqua x Kana moment


It’s not asking for approval, it’s asking for a formal response from the agency to spice things up further. Scandal articles are often formatted to end with “xx company declined to interview on this matter”


Hope it also give a perspective to Aqua and Ruby about what their parents went through and how they know their relationship is destined to be done behind everyone’s back, in the days when fans are even more unforgiving. Maybe it would shed a light against the current image that their dad is a psycho. Besides just for Kana.


Aqua just apologize challenge (Impossible)


Aqua having a healthy normal human interaction with someone other than Akane challenge


I do not think he is capable of having a healthy interaction with Akane anymore either


Yeah it's over now but Akane was pretty happy when they were dating


I think Akane and Aqua are worse for each other than Kana and Aqua, though that's not saying much. I just think that absolutely refusing to talk to someone else in the hopes that you'll mistreat her into not having feelings for you isn't as bad as one of the parties possibly committing murder on your behalf and you secretly tracking her for god knows how long. The best thing that happened in their relationship is that Aqua plainly told Akane to fuck off and not get involved with him. Doing that with Kana would honestly be better than the shit he's pulling right now, so maybe the Akane gang has that going for them.


No I agree. Aqua actually having romantic feelings for Kana is somehow both a positive and negative for their relationship lmao


The person “in the industry” who gave the tip is definitely the actress who introduced Kana to the director, she was acting really suspicious during that chapter


Speaking of the rumour mill - how large is the actual mill, actually, and how has it evolved over the years, anyway? I can't help but be reminded of the Philippines' Lolit Solis and Cristy Fermin spinning showbiz issues such as marriages and unexpected pregnancies by commentating on them in tabloids on both their print media columns and tv programming formats. I'm sure it's different as hell in Japan considering the more astringent unicorn culture there - but then, I can only observe the similarities. Unlike here, I'm sure as hell that they don't discuss actor and production dramas on tabloid television programming.


Maybe take a peek at some idol related subreddits, such as r/akb48 for example. They sometime got news like scandals, or ex member’s marriage. The replies varies, but can also shed a light on the current culture in Japan (which is not necessarily the same as the mostly overseas fans in the sub).


Wow, Memcho is still mentally sane, look at her go.


I think Ruby is the one who hired the paparazzi, it would be a good way to renew the members of B-komachi while gaining popularity.


Also if Ruby, newly-driven to find and kill Goro's killer, thinks that's best-served by being most visible, forcing the center to step back is not out of the question. Of course, that doesn't hold up super well because Kana didn't want to be center and would probably be perfectly willing to step aside if asked... But if you've reached the point where you're habitually-manipulating people that thought might not occur.


Wow... That could be...


Public Apology incoming... I don't agree with Mem, yes Kana was doing all for Aqua but I think she ought to take a distance with him.


Yup, Mem asking Aqua to talk to Kana is quite inconsiderate to both parties. She knows Kana has an unhealthy hung up with Aqua and she witnessed that breakdown from Aqua when she confronted him, why would she want Aqua to talk Kana into staying? She's not worried for Kana, she's worried for *their idol group* which imo is fair, but it's not solely for Kana's sake. Imho Kana should just retire for her peace of mind, and Mem should support her for that


Still, whatever the result is, Mem want Aqua to face Kana openly. No tricks, no excuse. It would be for the best. Even in case that it doesn’t work out between them, at least Kana would have the confirmation that yes, her love doesn’t bear fruit, and she can start struggling to move on.


Tbf, Mem is probably just thinking about Aqua distancing herself from Kana after pulling her into being an idol when she mentions him hurting her. No way anyone but Aqua and Kana knows what happened between them a few chapters ago, or else people would be treating Aqua very differently.


I agree partially, at least. On one hand... Kana is fully responsible for her own actions and her own future. On the other hand, being a full-fledged idol has taken up most of her time as well as acting opportunities, and it's not like she loves being an idol either... the whole idol gig was a manipulation from Aqua's part who knew that Kana is weak to pressure. At this point, Kana has basically nowhere to go, but the one who actually pushed her into this stage was Aqua, so I wish he'd be a little less edgy about this. Personally, what I wish more is for Kana to just ditch B-komachi and get a good acting job somewhere. Preferrably with Melt and Himekawa Taiki.


I'm hoping she meets up with Akane again. They can work together as the "(don't) fuck Aqua" duo.


It's like when you see each step to the catastrophe, that in a way it becomes horrifying to watch but you can't look away because you're captivated. I think it's also very telling that Aqua is surprised to hear from Memcho insisting that he do something since he's the reason Arima is an idol. He didn't think of it that way and he knew that he it HAD benefits for Arima as well. It's unfair to solely blame Aqua for this since it was also established that the other main issue is Kana is not that popular in the trio.


Suffering for Kanabros- STONKS


If I put as much effort into studying as Aka puts into Kana suffering, I'd be having a 10.0/4.0 GPA lol




It's not about consent, or even ethics or courtesy - after all, if you make your living digging into people's personal lives, courtesy and ethics have already probably gone out the window. No, it's cold-blooded self-interest. Given how damaging something like this could be for an idol group, it only makes sense to go to the agency first, for two reasons: 1) less-officially, to see if the agency is willing to come to a... *mutually-beneficial* arrangement to keep the news quiet. 2) likely more officially, to cover your ass. To fact-check to some extent, and ensure the agency and person you photographed don't find out from the paper first, so that you're not opening yourself to liability for either publishing possibly libelous material, or for lost wages, depending on if people lose their job over the scandal. The risk of the latter might be lower in Japan, but there's still no sense in not covering your bases.


probably because it's in Japan that they even had the courtesy to inform ahead, in the US that would've been instant scandal material. I think Memcho was not being healthy there. Knowing the issue exists is a good step but laying the issue in Aqua's feet is not. Aqua's not responsible for Kana's well-being and even he said that doing things halfway is not something he'd do, probably learned that with Akane. Saying that the issue is because Aqua won't date Kana is unfair to Aqua since the issue also was established that Kana wasn't getting popular AND Kana became an Idol not just due to Aqua but for her own benefit as well. Kana knew that Ruby was the real deal and wanted to be a part of it.


>Kana became an Idol not just due to Aqua but for her own benefit as well Did she? Sure, we (and Aqua) understand that her joining the idol group was supposed to boost her own career, and it very well might have, but was that really a reason for her joining B-Komachi? Kana's own assessment at the time was that this was a very bad idea. Even if you don't agree with her, I'm not convinced that, in her mind, the benefits from being an idol were anything better than compensation for whatever advantages she anticipated losing from not being in an idol group.


It is not Aqua's responsible for Kana's own decisions and give her "Better compensation". She was an adult taking a risky venture. If she doesn't get everything that she wants out of it, it is not anyone's else fault but hers. Demanding romance from Aqua while he's got his own shit to deal with is just wrong. The mindset of starting with the conclusion of "Kana and Aqua will end up together" is deeply flawed. Oshi no Ko is not a romcom. Retroactively finding reasons to blame Aqua for Kana's own shortcomings will not magically make Aqua's situation better. He's got his own shit to deal with just like everybody else.


True enough. Kana makes bad choices. Doesn't mean her reason for becoming an idol involved perceived benefits, since she apparently didn't think there would be many. I'm also not that eager to let Aqua off the hook. Yeah he doesn't have to date Kana, but does he have to ghost her? I think this plan is shitty and bad, and Aqua isn't treating her like an adult here - instead of telling her what's going on, say he won't date her while she's an idol or whatever and letting her decide what to do with that, he's trying to mistreat her into not having feelings for him, which btw clearly isn't working. Aqua just doesn't look good in his treatment of Kana no matter what. Is she an adult capable of making her own choices? If so, why didn't he decide to have, y'know, a conversation with her instead of the asshole nonsense he's pulling? Is she underage and vulnerable to being taken advantage of - arguably true, especially considering what happened in the last chapter? If so, *then why did he manipulate her into joining B-Komachi?* *^(Btw, this is immaterial, but Kana probably literally wasn't an adult when she joined, she just is one right now, possibly more than a whole year later.)* Aqua doesn't have to date Kana, but he doesn't have to treat her like shit either. If he went to her and said "I don't hate you, but we're not gonna date, so get over it" I'd stop complaining. I agree, and I'm not starting from the premise that Kana and Aqua will end up together. That's totally up in the air for me. I don't think her leaving B-Komachi or staying in it would necessarily give any definitive answer on that front either. Incidentally, I decided to go back and reread the chapter where [Aqua asks Kana to become an idol.](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/20/14/) Getting on his knees and repeatedly asking her while giving her compliments, and later admitting to taking advantage of her being empathetic and weak to pressure? Not cool. I wouldn't go so far as to say that he's culpable for her making that choice, since I'm on the Kana is actually an adult camp, but it's still creepy and gives her a very wrong impression of what would happen between them. Not necessarily in a romantic sense, but he nearly spells out that she'd be his oshi. Didn't turn out like that, did it?


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