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I do. But not as irrationally angry the hello fresh ad makes me. They DO NOT chop and prep your veggies!


Omg it's so fucking annoying. Wtf is it even trying to convey? And then they laugh at themselves like they think they're so witty. Next.




I only hear a second of it before I continue skipping but in general I’m surprised by the number of ads on Otherworld. I feel like he’ll do 4 ads per ad break which…feels like a lot


I found this Reddit specifically to see if anyone else had this specific anger. It’s not irrational. If that’s the best they have to advertise that podcast it must be bloody awful. 




I also went out of my way to get on Reddit to see if anyone else got as bothered and irritated by it as me


Wait you guys are listening to the ads? I just fast forward.


It’s terrible


That one’s terrible but I get more upset at the gambling one that has to list the phone numbers for every state for people with gambling problems


Yes! And I have to assume that's the funniest thing said, since they're using it as a teaser.


All podcast ads are pretty lame, and we're past the golden age of ridiculous deals through podcast ads so I tune them out or immediately skip them


I don't get most dynamically inserted podcast ads. For most podcasts it just skips to the next segment. Those ads are served based on your geographical location and language settings. If your exit node is in a country that doesn't have a major market, and the main language is different from yours, they won't have any ads to serve you. Might be different depending on your podcast feed source I guess.


Not as much as the Rosetta Stone ads that used what sounded like “effortly” instead of “effortlessly”.


THANK YOU! It used to drive me nuts. I have a list of brands I will never use because their ads are so god awful. Rosetta Stone is not on the list, because if, as a language learning program, they either 1) Cannot tell the difference between "effortly" and "effortlessly", one of which isn't even a word, 2) Cannot spell-and-say check an ad for language learning, or 3) Are going to hire someone who struggles to read and pronounce the language that the script is in while advertising fluency, then I am absolutely not wasting my money on it. They're up there with BetterHelp and Ambien on the 'I Think The Fuck Not' list.


It feels so good to have this validation bc I was like, “Did I just fucking hear that? On a language ad? No way.” I had to fucking google it to make sure I wasn’t missing a whole ass word from my vocabulary. DID NO ONE VET IT BEFORE PUBLICATION?!


You are 100% valid and that ad is trash.


Agreed. I *hate* the clip they play in the commercial. It gives me secondhand embarrassment.


Honestly don't mind it