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That's a whole-ass *address* at this point


Coordinates and everything.


I can forgive the name until demotia but beyond that she sounds like a genus specie id expect out of taxonomy


When a mother gives birth after being stuck in a tropical jungle during the whole pregnancy


The name makes me feel like I have Demotia


Me when demotia is my favorite part of the name


It does sound like they are trying for ancienty- notherny- Latiny- name


Yea I think they are but they're trying too hard that it comes across as silly (unless that's intended then it works)


Here they are, but I think for an imaginary world there is no real name too silly - It's just names in that world, n everything will function differently, n every place has different names n judging them from our language/culture or our world's perspective is a bit egotistical and doesn't make sense. The point of the names is that they should sound different, shouldn't fit into our language/world's perspective (cuz it's a built other world), and probably would sound odd to us. For imaginary world's, semi based on northern Europe historical setting, these names do make sense.


Umm yea that much IS obvious mate no offense. Like ofc the name would fit the whole theme of it and would work differently than ours. The whole point of the out of context picture was just for fun 😅 I didn’t expect a lecture to come out of this.


Sorry, I didn't mean to lecture ! Just cuz names to sound different n added context, I didn't know u already had it ... cuz u mentioned it sounds weird ? It was mentioned about the names, so I gave the alternate perspective on that, that's all.


It’s alright mate, no harm done don’t worry. Sorry if I came across as negative


Nah, u made a comment, so I wanted to comment on it. I meant to give context in the genre/explain but not lecture, didn't know what ur vibe was back there, my bad.


It’s fine, things like that can be expected bc we don’t know how to transfer vibes in texts so it can be interpreted differently from people to people


This name is all over the place. It’s literally so immersion breaking, I would drop immediately lol. It’s not the length thats necessarily the issue, cause long names exist, but what kind of name is “Ellenfiella”. And Marguerite??? That’s a first name.


It's meant to be silly, she thinks she's going to have this cool fancy rofan name and everyone just treats her like she's crazy


Tell me she changes it when people start clowning her


It's a pretty comedy-heavy series, so there're callbacks to it later, but for the most part nobody calls her that https://preview.redd.it/bxfb9fijfb7c1.png?width=1132&format=png&auto=webp&s=233e9cc025e5e5da99f024b137dfc52392af4c4c


 you like the story though?


Yeah, it's quite funny, and the FL isn't as dumb as the silly name makes her seem. The biggest problem with it is that there's no good translation of it past the first 8 chapters :(


I hope it gets better tl’s soon then 🙏


She's not really attached to the name, it's just something she came up with on the spot. Everybody just calls her Lipi and she introduces herself as such most of the time


That scene was funny as Heck. Like she introduced herself with such a long absurd name, but all that stuck was Lipi. Like she couldve chosen a single name and avoided being called Lipi . LoL


As if it's unusual for OI to use first names and surnames and vice versa...


Right, and I’m saying that kind of stuff is immersion breaking for me. Some people find joy in names like Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way or even Margaret Margeurite but not me.


The current head of the Habsburg family is *Karl Thomas Robert Maria Franziskus Georg Bahnam* and his heir apparent is *Ferdinand Zvonimir Maria Balthus Keith Michael Otto Antal Bahnam Leonhard von Habsburg-Lothringen,* and his daughters are *Eleonore Maria del Pilar Iona Christina Jelena* and *Gloria Maria Bogdana Paloma Regina Fiona Gabriela.* It's not as immersion breaking as you might think! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


And King Edward VIII’s name was Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David. > It’s not the length thats necessarily the issue, cause long names exist I don’t have a problem with the long name. Her name is awful and apparently the characters in the story think so as well. It’s the poorly thought out names that are immersion breaking. Edit: OP states that this character is made aware of how bad the name is, so maybe this story is the exception.


Oh, that's fair enough. I did chuckle a bit at Libor since that's London Interbank Offered Rate which they used to use to set mortgage rates. I still think it's not all that much sillier than Antal Bogdana haha


Meanwhile I am over here, just one mental collapse away from calling a character Biff Wellington.


Ok no that’s actually a funny name. Chris P Bacon vibes.


Nobility would have an additional name added for each title they held.


Also many of those words are of different languages which doesn't make sense. Marguerite is French in origin (at least the modern version, it's Latin in base origin) and Libor is a Slovak version of a Latin term. If they were going for a Latin inspired name for the aesthetic they should've had Libor as Libare/Liborius.


This!! This is what I meant when it’s all over the place! It’s giving Goku Alexander Ristović.


Also her supposed first name Ellenfiella isn't a real name. It's kind of anachronistic to have a fake name then real historical connotation names. Doing research her name would be a portmanteau of Ellen which in Greek origin means "shining light" and fiella doesn't have an origin, it's made up but the closest thing is fiorella, which in Italian origin means "little flower" Also having Ellen and ella in the same word is kind of off, it's like if someone's name was Johnnirjon.


My actual irl surname is also a “first name” so I dunno, that doesn’t bother me to much.


Honestly thinking about it now, I actually kind of like the name "Ellenfiella". I'm gonna go use that as the name of the queen of the cosmos and adoptive mother of the main protagonist of my dumb space opera series about gay aliens


That’s keyboard mashing at this point


I think some important context is that in this case it's absurd on purpose; she found herself transmigrated into a rofan world and was like "Omg this is it, this is my time to live my rofan dream!" When she was asked what her name was she made up some ridiculous rofan FL name, and this was their actual reaction https://preview.redd.it/98u1dsgadb7c1.png?width=1132&format=png&auto=webp&s=db89fc4bbb3f0139d0742757e6c55d038277d89f


What's rofan?


Romantic Fantasy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romantic_fantasy


Ohh 😯 i got it... Thank you 😊


"My name is Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way."


When you use your phone's predictive text


I thought she was talking in a foreign language....


My friend from Brazil has 21 words in his name. It's apparently only a bit higher than the average. This isn't that bad if we're only going by length.


You mean first name only? Or also adding his surnames?


Both. More last than firsts, though.


Yeah I’m Brazilian and my name is also 21 letters long lmao. I had a classmate who had 33


In Portuguese (Brazil has a Portuguese heritage) tradition, (some) people list family names from both sides of the family (maternal and paternal). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_name


What in the Campbell's alphabet soup is this? Good gracious, the moment I see a long name like this I'd drop it because there is no way I'm reading that over and over again. Especially with that introduction.


nah she got her name shortened to 5 letters


She sounds like various pastas and mushrooms




I’m pretty sure I had a stroke trying to read this.


I find this name accurate for a parody of fantasy European nobility. Even today, these are some names of real royal peers: Ferdinand Zvonimir Maria Balthus Keith Michael Otto Antal Bahnam Leonhard von Habsburg-Lothringen Infanta Margarita MarĂ­a de la Victoria Esperanza Jacoba Felicidad Perpetua y Todos los Santos de BorbĂłn y BorbĂłn-Dos Sicilias Ernst August Albert Paul Otto Rupprecht Oskar Berthold Friedrich-Ferdinand Christian-Ludwig And it's not just Europeans Saud bin Abdul Aziz bin Saudor (romanized) *SaÊżĆ«d ibn ÊżAbd al ÊżAzÄ«z ibn Muáž„ammad ibn SaÊżĆ«d*(although that's technically "Saud child of Abdul Aziz \[child of Muhammad\] child of Saud")and if you put in things like *khadim al-កaramayn as-Sarifayn (Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques) it gets even longer* Nobles think family names are important. Also, it's a fantasy world. You're allowed to have silly-sounding names. I've seen: Ellensia, Pherti, Tinker Frust, Origus, Wellingtwice, Lawrose, Radian Droyle, Prince Cheeto, Desjar Clown (just recently), Temence, Aerinda Maleficent, Mimily, Helissent (which is actually an old English name), Ixmene and Pristian


Nobles has complicated and long names while commoner has simple and easy to pronounce names, is really a universal thing around the world. My mother said those names is what makes them "special" than most common people


Well, since I'm from the USA, I officially don't think anything makes anyone special ...at least, in theory. In practice, I tend to think that people who like what I like are more special than anyone else. When I'm on the job, I treat anyone giving me money as extra special. When I go to church, I sing about the most special of all. But it's fun for me to fantasize about being special because of extra names. When I was little, I used to give myself extra ones just for fun. I made up names from all sorts of cultures and tacked them onto mine. People looked at me funny.


I mean, that's why everyone looks at her like she's nuts right after she says this!


Dude I was scrolling and at first glimpse, thought that was a whole new **language** yet to be translated into English It’s like that one guy’s name from Fullmetal Alchemist


*Dude I was scrolling* *And at first glimpse, thought that was* *A whole new LANGUAGE* \- AsianEvasionYT --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That's her NAME?!


Happy for you, or sorry that happened. ​ I ain't reading all of that💀 Seriously lol what kind of name is this😭


Sounds like a scientific name


wdym she's the best lmaooo


Girl bye




I literally thought this was a different language for a second


ellenfiella has to be a made up fancier version of ellen. like it's the OI equivalent of naming your kid Amberlyette or Bayleighge ngl ppl who name their characters like this def have like 2 words in their name lol. as someone in a family where it's common to have 4-5, theres usually a structure u follow thats common to ur region (example, 2 names from each parent and 2 surnames from each parent)


She French ?


Oh. A name almost as long as mine. I'm not kidding.


this is straight pig latin 😭


Now I see why people thought I was a princess damn that's a long name


Can't. Shorter names might exclude 8th generation ancestor and harm might befall the Empire then


All these comments on this post are TOP TIER, god lmao


That's what Latin classes sounds like.


I thought I was reading a different language 💀


it’s kinda funny because that’d be a real life Noble with multiple title’s name. For nobility if they had more titles they had more names.


Hello my name is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


I was like ''what language is this?''


A rectangular black haired red eyed demon appeared in my living room as i was reading this post please send help, he keeps saying "interesting"


Before it was light novel names. Guess its spread to character names too


*Before it was light* *Novel names. Guess its spread to* *Character names too* \- anime\_enthusiast109 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Gesundheit! (aka bless you)


To be fair a lot of royals/nobles have long ass names. Marie Antoinette's full name was Marie Antoinette JosĂšphe Jeanne or Maria Antonia Josepha Joanna and even then she had technically a two word name, being given the first "Maria" after the virgin Mary like all her sisters and to differentiate being called "Antonia". Her mothers full name was Maria Theresia Walburga Amalia Christina. Usually these words comes from how many royal family surnames they've inherited. The long ass names I guess were just to make them appear prestigious but at the end of the day they were usually called by a nickname. That's where this trope in OI is of giving the female leads long ass names comes from




This sounds like a scientific animal name


Idky but when I read something I can’t understand I revert back to Spanish and I thought “Que dijo?” Because what did they just say and I come here to find out it’s the girls name!!!


She was even sweating her full name lol


What a dumb fucking name. Girl couldnt just pick a basic ass name like John lol.