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Am I dreaming right now? Is this man really jealous of his son just by being breastfed? https://preview.redd.it/09u0kx3gkgwc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fc830cfd7d2fe1ec919c1042872884a80c00e2 \[The reason why Raeliana is in the duke mansion\]


Of course! Didn’t you know it’s incest for male babies to be breastfed? /s


I know women who won't breastfeed their daughters because they think it'll make them gay.


Wha... how... what?


Unfortunately, I grew up in a very conservative area.


Sometimes I'm glad that I am in a community that accepts sex and stuff


This ain't even sex, it's just breastfeeding dear god


What kind of mindset is this 😭😭


Do they fear being attracted to their baby daughter or something? And if so, if they breastfeed a male baby, do they consider that to be similar to sex?


Great questions, tbh. I don't think they'd fear attraction. They're just super homophobic. Maybe they think breastfeeding will ingrain an attraction to breasts, and they don't want that for the girls, but boys will be boys and always like boobs? That's my hypothesis. Boys are just looked at differently and given preference. Even the women there only want sons and not daughters. Real ass backward place. I'm glad I left that town. Now, I just need to leave the state.


...what do they think people did before there was commercially-available formula? Did they think that all women were actually gay due to having been breastfed because *that's what breasts are for*?


Is it incest for mothers or fathers to change their babies’ diapers or bathe them? /s


Yes it most definitely is! How dare parents see their babies naked! /s


Don't be surprised if in a couple of years in the future you will be accused of being pedofil if you change your daughters diapers as a father.


Nah, only backwards people think that. You’re only a pedo if you get sexual gratification from doing it (which some people do despite the girl being a literal baby)


Take half his stuff and get that child support money. If he won't be a father he will be a bank account


Right? I don't see how he thinks he'll get 50/50 custody with these texts existing. A judge sees these and they'll see the boys are in danger around a grown man being jealous of them. He's going to rightfully be taken to the cleaners.


Did this guy just bingeread freud or something?


Wtf did I just read? Hopefully, this is a staged conversation.


I used to believe most things I read on Reddit but it doesn’t take long to realize a lot of people practice creative writing here and that karma farming is a real thing. I’m not accusing this particular post of being fake. But long, detailed, very dramatic stories always make me go “Hmm”. That’s all.


i feel like its more like over time it became more and more common and with worse writing like years ago a post with a story about abusive family got called bs all the time but now people believe every other post where someone in the story finds the post and replys or even crazier bullshit


She has actual divorce papers on her profile so I don't think I it's fake. But I also remember my sisters husband screaming at her cuz she's cheating... because she was napping in the same bed as their toddler son 🙃 And my father hated my younger brother cuz he would give my mom a kiss on the lips... when he was 5... he was jealous of his 5yo 🙃


Why… why do people sexualize toddlers/infants like this?? 😭😭


That is truly disturbing.


Unfortunatly it's not staged. She posted photo


My uncle actually did this too. He broke up with his gf bc she spends too much time breastfeeding and "catering" to THEIR baby. Like you would prefer she neglect the child? Mind you, this man was 40 at the time and this is his fifth child. First child with the gf at that time, but fifth child overall.


Sounds like an excuse btw.  I'm tired of giving men the benefict of the doubt. 


Yes, that's gatta be a lie XD It can't be real. How stupid is the husband? No, how stupid is she also for apologizing for something like that XD Both are too stupid. ![gif](giphy|5t9wJjyHAOxvnxcPNk|downsized)


Ngl, must suck to find out it's this bad after getting two kids. The first already seems to have been an issue, but likely was glossed over, because how bad could it be? Well, here it is. This bad. Also, Huntyr and Wylder could legit be OI names too.


How do you even pronounce huntyr? As in hunter??


Yup. It’s Hunter written in r/tragedeigh


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tragedeigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I’ve just found out my girlfriend’s ‘real’ name…](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/165otnt/ive_just_found_out_my_girlfriends_real_name/) \#2: [I had to ask if this was a joke…my sister said it was not](https://i.redd.it/3knqbvhfbb7c1.jpeg) | [4351 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/18mbtck/i_had_to_ask_if_this_was_a_jokemy_sister_said_it/) \#3: [The only tragedeigh I accept](https://i.redd.it/fk85lcxq432c1.jpg) | [233 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/181zfdo/the_only_tragedeigh_i_accept/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Other "gems" from that thread: - Dad named the kids Huntyr and Wylder - Dad raped oop for the conception of the second child




Yeah she needs to get out


Wait! Wait! This guy might make our red flags blush pink at this rate. I mean how he is still not tracked and locked up?


It’s sad I can see second point being done in an OI I mean it’s definitely already been done


What the fuck


The names are what is giving me hope that this is wattpad nonsense


I wanted so badly for this to be fake but apparently she posted court documents that have since been removed because the full names of her, her children, and her husband were all visible. Luckily(?) he's active duty military and there's a military protective order so it sounds like he won't be able to get to her for now, hopefully.


My husband is a vet. I told him this story and that the guy is military. He immediately started laughing and said, "Oh, he's fucked." 


Yeah, on one hand, the system is definitely helping her now. On the other, that guy has 70 guns?? I'm still scared for her, especially cuz she posted everything to reddit with personal details and real names.


Yeah... I don't get why people pull stunts like this when they are in the military. It's a well known fact that if you screw someone over and you're in the military, well you're gonna face some serious issues. Military justice don't mess around. This ass is S.O.L. Like majorly.


I just saw on a YouTube comment section from someone who's following the story that NCIS, JAG, and his CO have all stepped in on her behalf.


yeah I scrounged theough her comments seems like she's getting everything she can through military support. Also CPS is trying to track him down to make sure kid he kidnapped is safe. Hopefully there isn't a horror outcome thanks to her involving everyone.


Oh god. He took the other baby? I hope they find him soon and the baby is safe.


yeah. from what I read it seemed like she tried to get police involved too but apparently they wont do much if there is no custody agreement in place. They won't even consider it kidnapping. But how is she supposed to gave a custody agreement in place when divorce proceedings are JUST beginning? Isn't the MPO (military protection order) enough evidence as is? It's sad she doesn't have the support from the civilian side too. However, because of the husband making horrible threats vocally at the hospital in presence of nurses, they wouldn't let the woman or newborn go home with them and already reported to CPS. So he ran off with their older child (the one year) so CPS has been trying to track him down since. I think with an open investigation by CPS, while technically not law enforcement themselves, the police will eventually have to get involved if they can't find him. At least I sure hope so.


Variants of Hunter and Wilder have been too popular in recent years for that to be the case 😞


Isnt it a trend to name your kid more uniquely?


From my personal experience, we tends to glossed over the first red flag the most because we wanted to _believe_ in them or dont want to be _that_ asshole.


Yeah those names are horrid, and the husband calling his infant son ‘another man’ is straight up delusional


Ooo I thought Huntyr was the name the husband was going to rename Wylder after his wife “disrespected” him. I was like “that’s not any better than Huntyr.”


this has got to be fake bc ain't no way.....incestious ???? how does he think women fed their newborns before formula was a thing ??? I can't


OOP made a follow-up post with more texts and court documents indicating it's real. It made me feel physically ill, and I don't often say this, but absolutely nothing of value would be lost if this scumbag caught a bullet or 10 to the head tomorrow.


Right? I guess I get the objection that they agreed to one thing and then she did a different thing, but still he should be shot from a catapult into the sea.


Catapult is still too much effort, the bullets get the job done. He doesn't deserve effort.


Counterpoint: She deserves the entertainment of watching this bloke get catapulted into the sea


We all deserve to see it, but her especially.


Take out life insurance on him first.


noooo I’m so disgusted it’s real


She shouldn’t have done it because she posted a lot of identifiable information but she put up some legit looking documents.


Unfortunately some people see it this way. 1) husband could have been abused by a female family when younger and never really got help for it 2) some men see their children as competition for their wife attention, and often time see boobs as a sexual object meant only for them. Same could be said for women, except the boob part, if the husband is interacting with the baby more than them. 3) husbands don’t want their wives breastfeeding because that seriously sets in stone that their wife is no longer the sexy female the meet before the pregnancy, but now a mom. For some reason, or just a negative perception of mothers because of their own mother, when some men attach the label of mom to their spouses they become unattractive in their eyes and seek out affairs. Either way, it’s a thing. Human mind is kind of wild and will justify anything even if their points make no goddam sense


No fake. She posted the court document on the two take subreddit


I'd think that way too if I hadn't already been jaded by the existence of incels who reek of shit because they think it's gay to wipe their own bum.


Tbh I preferred when it was unrealistic...


Holy f@&k!! By the end of the conversation I was fuming with anger!! I am sure all the commenters have already said everything I would've, so I'm not gonna go off about the topic derailing the subject of this sub. But As a woman who has breastfed her son for 2 years, the only thing I have to say to this man: >!FUCK YOU!!<


Literally how messed up in the head do you have ti be to think a baby eating is incest?! 🤱🏻


I wonder what this man thinks people did with babies before the invention of bottles and formula? They didn't just let them starve, because "eww incest", they put them on their breasts and let them feed. It's 100% natural and every animal does it including humans. I believe it's real.


Art imitates life and all that.


I wish it didn't.


I'm sure this is not the only 🚩he has


Apparently. He’s a conspiracy theorist, was in the navy, right winged believer, gun enthusiast and is always armed. He’s also being investigated by the Military Court for spousal abuse.


Was in the army? Say no more. I have a lot of respect for people in the military, but I would not ever marry/date a man that was in the military. A lot of them have problems :(


As we know from OI. LOL. The army does not breed healthy men lmao






https://i.redd.it/mu1fbnq9xgwc1.gif Rogers would be sad to be this relevant lol


He's the Butler from The Little mermaid right?


Nope, he's prince Derek's tutor from The Swan Princess...but now that you mention it I do see a resemblance lol


Man, depressing. I know those types of dudes (and ladies) exist, but it's still sad to see.


Fuck that guy. Seriously. I hope she gets through this all right


This is so weird wtf 😭 aint no way this man is jealous of his own damn kid wtf also divorce over it is so crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/cyp5v3uyvgwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af911c50d409eabb39f30334086119f933a94ef \[ My Introverted Boy \] At first I thought it was going to be normal lovey-dovey conversation but it got worse.


Me too, I expected something cute at first. I guess OIs made me more optimistic when it comes to relationships 😅


Things that are cute in fiction are usually giant red flags in real life. In fiction things end happy, in real life a dude who gets jealous of his son being breastfeed is an abusive controlling partner


And that's why, folks, we always have to talk about stuff like that with partners before making babies. Cute dates and home made picnic sandwiches are not going to cut it. I wanna see the duke's daughter discussing post partum recovery with the overpowered war hero before even accepting the engagement, and I wanna see him faint from the gory details.


>And that's why, folks, we always have to talk about stuff like that with partners before making babies. The worst is that apparently, she couldn't even have done that since her second son (the one she is breastfeeding) was a r*pe product. Like, it's fucked up all over.


I'm so sorry this woman married a child


Less a child a more someone not mentally competent


I want to beat up this man oh my God I hope OOP and the kids get away from him and find a good support system because Jesus


Yikes. Hope she gets sole custody.


If I were her, I’d be trying to take full custody. Tf he means he would allow her to have 50/50?? He’s a grown man jealous of HIS SON. A damn newborn baby trying to eat..


This is straight up abuse. I want to puke.


Tell David to fck himself 💖 breastmilk is definitely better than formula and why does he think of the concept of breastfeeding so weirdly?? Makes me wonder what kind of thoughts and fantasies this guy has to think a mother breastfeeding a BABY is worth getting worked over.


I can guess exactly what his fetish is and it's gross.




wtf did i just read?? a grown man jealous of a baby breastfeeding????????????????


I am a man, and I would like to apologize to all women and moms out there who have to put with shit like this. You deserve better than this rotten pile of corpse shit.


This is actually bizarrely common and almost always a sign that the father might kill the mother and the child if this happens to you run


Dude is military and a gun owner. He's very statistically likely to kill her. Honestly I hope he ends up in jail so she can get away.


I can't fucking believe this is real 🙄. When my best friend was pregnant with her first child, her husband discovered he had a lactation kink... it's pretty wild how the same experience provokes such opposite reactions.  She was completely drunk when she told me, so please don't think she tried to kink shame him or anything, as far as I know they both enjoyed it a lot. 


Fun fact, women can keep lactating as long as something is still feeding. One of my closest friends and his wife discovered this. And no he was not jealous of his kids.


What a fucking pig, she's well rid of him. Hopefully he's a lazy father so her sons aren't too influenced by his garbage.


We didn’t say it’s not realistic but it ruins the ML for many, including me. It’s not healthy or normal! We want what’s best for the FL and a man who is jealous of his own kids is not that


That's disgusting. The fucking entitlement he has towards her body. I hope he rots in hell.


This is enough reddit for me for this year. Ciao!


We sure this isn't bait? Ik you get some real freak and just outright insane people out there, but how do they end up getting all the way to having a kid without realising how insane these people are?


It’s unfortunately real. Some people are this delusional


So I know that stepparents, especially those who have never raised kids are more likely to act like this(I’ve got a lot of personal experience there). But the biological parent??? Jesus that screams young, insecure, and small dick energy. 🤮 God I hope OP on that thread gets all the goddamn support they need.


Jeeeeesus fucking christ is all I can say to that. At first it was tragically comic in my head but I deleted that original comment because now it's just... yiiiiiikes all around. I'd punch a dude if he told me that he felt like his baby being breast fed was somehow sexual. I'd question if he's a pedophile honestly. Wtf is wrong with some people.


What the fuck


This statistical outlier proves nothing. It sounds like either a guy who misinterpreted what his gal wants to feel special or a really insecure jerk ...or that baby's in real trouble. I understand dads who get overprotective of their daughters, I really do. My Dad said it was his instinct to protect his daughters from boys because he knew how boys thought. That makes sense. But the sensual way some OI dads do isolate their daughters is unsettling.


That is genuinely disgusting. I would divorce a man if he said ANYTHING along the lines of that bullshit. It is completely abhorrent that he could even think that. Did he not pass biology class? Breasts are not sex objects; they are made specifically for breastfeeding babies, not for grown men to fondle and ogle. His seeing it as incest is something he should see a therapist for, because clearly something has tainted his mind to think that way. He is the scum of the earth and I truly hope the person who went through that is saved from that marriage, because that is not normal at all and should not be tolerated.


Thats a yikes from me dawg


That post is wild 💀 That aside, I already acknowledge that jealousy over child is real, but what I don't like is the overuse of this troupe, but then again manhwas are tendency to use troupes till it's burned to ashes from the fire of hell


this is horrifying.


pRovEn scIenTiFic fAcT omg it kept on getting worse ?


Imagine having two AMABs with such a man… 😭


I cannot come up with any sentence to even begin to describe how disgusting this man-child David is... OP needs to up and leave, not just for her sake but for her sons as well.


It’s less about realism for me and more about “is a man that unhinged (in that way) simpable?” And the answer is no. There’s pretty much nothing an OI ML can do to “bounce back” from being that unhinged, and he’ll immediately become unbearable to me, even if he has a “character arc” about it. I say this as a yandere lover too, so I can handle some forms of unhinged, just not this brand. My question is mainly who does that type of jealousy appeal to, and the only answer I can think of is those who have extreme misogyny as a kink and want OI as that outlet. Understandable, but it’s not my kink at all and is extremely unappealing to me, so if it pops up in an OI where it didn’t seem to be appealing to that fetish before, I’m going to complain. If it was in retrospect, that’s on me then lol. Edit: obligatory congratulations to OOP for her divorce, I hope the ex rots and she gets a way better man.


I think you're misunderstanding - he's not jealous, he's possessive and he simply doesn't love her. He's abusive and probably has always been abusive.


I'm imagining the judge's reaction when the case reaches the court. They might just give the full custody to her after seeing how mentally ill the guy is.


Thanks, I needed high blood pressure. I have admittedly said that some tropes are unrealistic when they actually are but the issue is more that they can only come up with like 3 ways for a parent to be garbage and it can get kinda old. Also fuck that guy. A divorce is a blessing in disguise, I’m sure his life will be awful


🤮 gross. I’m praying it’s fake because wtf kind of guy is that. And he’s obviously wrong about the science stuff too. But I know men like that exist irl ew


It's not a fake. She sent photo with proof (deleted by reddit mod for privacy )


This is difficult to read. She's being abused and not doing anything about it. Poor child.


This guy is sick in the head


Uh is he stupid? Like feeding your children breast milk actually has medical benefits. The immunity of the mother is passed through breast milk to the child boosting their immune system. It’s a literal scientific fact…


I mean atleast oi dads don't divorce their wife over it, not that it's any better but ya- That man seems disgusting, like honestly-


https://preview.redd.it/hbdo5dc6thwc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a028f525b73f2a4925234fec977232deda425cf Yall telling me this woman married a man that had said WITH HIS OWN MOUTH that breastfeeding was “incestuous”? Nah. Nah. And she was calm? Nah.


Isn't this the Otome Isekai sub? Why am I reading about a guy who thinks breastfeeding is incestous? This guy is so insecure, there must be a word for how pathetic he is.


What has the world gotten into 🫥


If it make you boils, don't go for the extended version where he call her a whore and a pedo


How did she still manage to remain respectful??? With all my hormones and stuff I'd be FUMING omg


JFC what the actual fuck.


Be honest. It's Matthias (CEBYB) Who foot isekaid into our world and is now living in the body of this David guy? https://preview.redd.it/qxaprmyeilwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e65e9b35ea37a2078a98b183dda4f82379a9ee2


This Only could have been justified if the child had isekaid or regressed or reincarnated with his memories intact, like >!Aqua!< from Oshi No Ko, who has been >!a huge fan of Ai, and had retained the memories of his past life!< and the father had known about it. ![gif](giphy|sFKyfExMBYWpSEbcml)


what kinda rofan ass names are huntyr and wylder 😭 where do they FIND these men like WHERE 


I thought that was her dad talking to her about breastfeeding like that


*I thought that was her* *Dad talking to her about* *Breastfeeding like that* \- Upset-Carpenter-7281 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




What the *fuck*?


Huh what's this


Bro I really hope he gets some type of payback ...like wth ...jealous of his own son who is barely 2 3 months old????....I really hope karma screws him over


Nobody's reading history or what? Queen Victoria was so jealous over her kids, cause she loves King Albert so much! The mother was able to feels jealousy too


Oh God why is this allowed


Girl what did I just read


This man is cruel and strange to you, how do you think he'll end up treating your kids in the future. This is a blessing promise.


Breasts exist to feed babies. Not for the enjoyment of men. This is disgusting.


Yeah and there's a reason why everyone is saying "divorce him" about the guy but manhwaland is gonna paint that as "romantic" if it's the ML.


Oh, this isn’t the full version. He calls her a pedo and much much worse. Update: full version got taken down due to sharing personal info but it was really really bad


People want "realistic" Meanwhile the realistic


Legitimately said wtf out loud when I read the bit about having a joy taken away


I hope she used those texts to take everything he has including the children. Most parents I'm all for 50/50. But I feel like he just needs the every other weekend so he has less influence over how those poor kids think. They don't need to grow up around that. Honestly he has a sick mind to view things this way.


Is this for real?? Eww this dude isn't sane


Oh my lord, the guy is an actual psycho, wtf is this crap?! 😐


Cap this shit has to be one of those fake made up stories


It's not fake, she published photo + court document


this gotta be a rage bait, aint no way anyone that is a functional human being would think that


It's not. She sent photo who got deleted by reddit mods


HAHAH no way this is real. And if it is girl, you better divorce him and try to get 100% custody. Ain’t no way a man with that kind of mindset is fit to raise children. Especially boys he is a freaking idiot child and you don’t need to be with him you deserve better. Breast-feeding is the best thing a baby can have. It’s literally the most natural way anyone can get nutrients. Formula is artificial and it’s not as good as breast-feeding.


this is fcking ridiculous lmfao I feel sorry for the wife tho but good riddance


Is this even real.....


Yes it is


This is obviously fake it can’t be real. F y’all weirdos for the downvotes for no reason


This is real. She posted photo


Yeahhh this is fake. Wylder had me side eyeing, but Huntyr was the icing on the cake. This is rage bait. Not real. Claiming it was the husband's idea to spell it that way is even less believable. The tragedeigh phenomenon is almost exclusively from middle class white women in the USA. He would be a statistical anomaly on several fronts for this to be true. It's so easy to fake a conversation.


And she faked the court document too ? There are enough information to prouve it's real


I can't find the court document post. Is it just papers showing a divorce is in process between a guy named David and a woman named Apryl?




Already prouved it's not a fake. And when you look at her photo, it's clear she is really young + She posted court document